PES 6/PES 5/WE9 LE All Stuttering

I tried various solutions from this thread but non were working to get PES6 running without stutter on my PC. Finally I got a working solution which runs very smooth for me.
I like to share my settings to run PES6 on 4K resolution:

For reference, my PC specs are CPU: i7-9700K, GPU: GeForce GTX 1070, 16GB RAM. 60Hz monitor. (Running Windows 11 Pro).
These instructions are for Nvidia GPUs but I think can also apply to the corresponding AMD settings (or for lower screen resulutions!).

  1. Set in pes “settings.exe” the Screen Mode to Full Screen. Ignore the resolution setting as we can’t choose 4k here.
  2. To set 4k resolution, this can be done by kitserver. Edit the kload.cfg file located in the kitserver folder with the following lines:
    • dx.fullscreen.width = 3840
    • dx.fullscreen.height = 2160
    • internal.resolution.width = 3840
    • internal.resolution.height = 2160
  3. Set "pes6.exe" to compatibility mode XP SP3 + Run as Administrator
    View attachment 150768
  4. Go to NVIDIA Control Panel -> Manage 3D setting -> Program Settings: Add pes6.exe if is not already added there. Set “Triple buffering” and “Vertical sync” to ON, Leave everything else default.
    View attachment 150769

  5. Download this archive from here and extract all files in your PES6 install directory.
That’s it!
Enjoy the butter-smooth gameplay :)

EDIT: Removed RTSS instruction, found a better way with those dll files.
Hi everybody, just wanted to share how I made my pes 6 working fluidly.

After trying everything I found this way proposed by @ragman90 to be the best one.
The only changes I made are the resolution (because I have a laptop) and the program to enable v-sync (I have an AMD gpu).

So instead of 4k I use 1920x1080 resolution and set it up in the settings.exe, as for v-sync I use the D3D overrider included in the pes 6 original season patch and i set it on LOW an activate ONLY the v-sync NOT the 3d buffering, also I play at 1.00 speed instead of the original 0.97.

In this way I don't have any tearing and have almost no stutters apart form the beginning of games and halves.
Do you have Direct X installed?
I have the direct x package installed from Microsoft web page . I have intalled chipset drivers also , APU Vega 8 drivers , disable some of the antivirus protection . Normally all pes games worked in the past before reinstalling Windows , and it's the same windows , the only difference is back then I didn't have chipset drivers , I was on the Windows chipset drivers that come via Windows updates . I have also installed Shut Up 10 and disabled some stuff in windows .
Last edited:
Did you checked if your kserv. configue has some different innet resolution settings, amd collides with your new GPU?

Did you try to start the game in window mode, not full screen.
I did now try in window mode and it works , but still has some blockages in the menu sometimes , might be the patch fault ...
PES 5 doesn't stutter with the pack even with big mods, but the 6 since some Windows 10 updates yes.
I don't really care as i don't play but just try some patchs, but i believe that some Win10 updates are responsible of it.

Also D3D Override never worked for me. But i'm pretty sure that if you got an Nvidia and select "PES 6.exe", then changes some small stuffs by "replacing the processus" it may work :
Your Nvidia card will take care of some technical 3D stuffs instead of the game itself and Win10. I tried with Dark Souls 1 and got some really good result for texture filtering as an example without loosing FPS.
I have the absolute solution for stuttering involving the usage of SpecialK software with LatentSync & dgVoodo, stay tuned.

Little spoiler:
- Inbuilt Double-buffered Vsync in PES engine causes those stutters.
- PES is ALWAYS in fullscreen borderless mode on Windows 8.1+. So fullscreen exclusive is not possible. But it's not needed. We should take the advantage of DWM instead by using FSO (Independent Flip) & it's lagless borderless fullscreen. IndependentFlip Is avaliable from DirectX 10+ so we need to use dgVoodo DX11 wrapper to accomplish that. Borderless fullscreen with DirectX 8 (which this game uses) have performance & latency penalties as DirectX 8 is engaged in Composed Flip, which is bad.
FSO (Independent Flip) is better than FSE (Legacy Flip), and some users, which I saw, should stop going backwards blindlessly promoting FSE just because of some beliefs from forums & input lag "feel" where there's actual 0 difference in data between them.
- SpecialK is used because of it's absolute best frame limiter & because of "lagless Vsync" feature called LatentSync which uses additional monitor's Vblank to remove tearing. We will also set some swapchain settings like backbuffers & pre-rendered frames so we can be sure that games runs smooth without latency penalties. With DX11 & SpecialK, we also gain drop late frames feature which reduces latency nicely in this game by throwing every pre-rendered frame that game doesn't need.

Hey man, did you solve the stuttering problem? Could you share the solution please?
hello, pes6 is a little bad for me and instead fifa 11 works perfect for me, i have windows 10 64 bits, i have plenty of pc to run pes6 perfectly, any solution? a greeting
hello, pes6 is a little bad for me and instead fifa 11 works perfect for me, i have windows 10 64 bits, i have plenty of pc to run pes6 perfectly, any solution? a greeting
change exe to open in SP3 and run as admin , use enbconvertor ( look in the first pages of this thread ) with v-sync or alternative v-sync (test both but not the same time ) , if still have lag go kload and change internal resolution to your native screen res , if still have lag use window mode
i already tried everything and it keeps happening, i tried changing the 0 to 1 in the direct force and direct emulate kload lines and the game was very slow but that did not happen, could the solution be there? by the way, the directx options of dgvoodoo 2 as they have to be configured, maybe that will fix the problem
Hello, I have an amazing solution which solves problems with tearing and stuttering that happens with PES 4/5/6. Some microstutters will occur rarely if you are not using Freesync/Gsync, but i will explain why later. I currently tested it with PES 6 & WE9LE.

1. *I found out that the latest version of Windows 10 (21H1) improved the DX8 performance (and other performance aspects tbh) so I don't get the stuttering that was present before without using DX9 wrapper! This means that you can skip this step If you're on Windows 10 21H1. It's advised to use the DX9 Wrapper in older versions of Windows 10, 8.1 & 7.*

You need a DX9 Wrapper which works flawlessly and it improves gameplay experience. Also it makes some settings in GPU driver more compatible. This DX9 Wrapper is made by Boris Vorontsov, it was first originally optimized for Half Life 2 but some Argentinian PES 6 fans made some adjustments. It was posted on this forum i think, I only removed watermark that comes with it. If you are wondering why are you getting the green "Temps" text in top left corner in the game, that's because you pressed Shift + Enter button. To disable it, just press that button combination again. To install it, just extract files to main game directory where PES6.exe is located.

2. Set compatibility mode to Windows XP SP3 on PES6.exe file and tick disable fullscreen optimizations in properties for PES6.exe (If you are using Windows 10. No need to do that on Windows 10 21H1 release).

3a. Non Freesync/Gsync monitor method for matching refresh rate/FPS:

If you have a monitor which has more than 60Hz refresh rate (fe. i have 144hz monitor), set refresh rate to 60Hz.
To not do this manually all the time, you can download the program called HotKey Resolution Changer where you can assign shortcuts for up to 9 refresh rate modes. I have Ctrl-1 shortcut for 144Hz and i have Ctrl-2 shortut for 60Hz. Change is applied immediately. So when you want to play game, press Ctrl + 2 and when you finished with the game, press Ctrl + 1. You need to launch the game first time, then close it (Alt + F4). Launch it again for the 2nd time. You need to do this everytime for Enhanced Sync/FastSync to take effect. This is a bug with DX9 Wrapper, I will explain it later. 60Hz monitor users are not affected with this bug because bug is related to refresh rate change. You can just enter the game normally If you're on Windows 10 21H1 as wrapper is not used there. To have this program run at startup, you need to import this Task Scheduler task:

Simplemente haga clic en Cambiar usuario o grupo y escriba su nombre de usuario de Windows. También en la pestaña Acciones, cambie la ubicación del archivo a la real a medida que elijo la ubicación del archivo personalizado.

Después de eso, en la configuración de AMD Radeon habilite la sincronización mejorada para PES6.exe y para Nvidia habilite FastSync.

Para los monitores de 60Hz que no son Freesync, solo necesita habilitar Enhanced Sync / FastSync como se dijo anteriormente.

3b. Método de monitor Freesync/Gsync para igualar la frecuencia de actualización/FPS:

Simplemente habilite Freesync / Gsync en la configuración del controlador para PES6.exe (o cualquier otro PES que desee) y listo. Freesync es para AMD, Gsync es para Nvidia.

4. Desactiva cualquier cambiador de velocidad de juego, ya que está alterando el FPS máximo en el juego. La velocidad física original del juego está diseñada para ejecutarse a 60 fps. Gracias al 9/12/18 por informar y resolver el problema.

La conclusión:

- El mejor método es usar Freesync / Gsync ya que no habrá desgarro ni tartamudeo. Con Enhanced Sync / FastSync no tendrá absolutamente ningún desgarro, pero rara vez tendrá microtutters porque la tecnología mencionada está diseñada para permitir la tartamudez ocasional para eliminar el desgarro. El micro-tartamudeo ocurre cuando corres por debajo de 60 fps, pero PES 6 rara vez va por debajo de eso. Sin embargo, en algunos casos, no noté tartamudeo alguno al jugar durante largos períodos de tiempo. En frecuencias de actualización / FPS más altas, no se nota, al menos en mi experiencia. Por cierto, puede usar el método no Freesync / Gsync si tiene un monitor con luces estroboscópicas de retroiluminación de 60Hz (MBR / ULMB) que ofrece una claridad de movimiento increíble como los buenos monitores CRT antiguos que no son compatibles con Freesync / Gsync.

- Deshabilitar las optimizaciones de pantalla completa asegura que DWM.exe (compositor) esté anulado, lo que significa que el juego se está ejecutando en pantalla completa real, lo que disminuye el retraso general de entrada del juego. El modo de compatibilidad de Windows XP SP3 está configurado solo para asegurarse de que el juego se está ejecutando según lo previsto porque PES 6 se lanzó originalmente para Windows 2000 / XP (no es relevante para la versión 21H1 de Windows 10, ya que hicieron algunas mejoras serias en las optimizaciones de pantalla completa. Con la desactivación de las optimizaciones de pantalla completa en la versión 21H1, en realidad podría obtener el peor retraso de entrada que con las optimizaciones de pantalla completa).

- Olvidé mencionar D3DOverrider que usé antes y es inferior a estos métodos que proporcioné. Es un programa muy antiguo y es una lucha para que funcione en Windows 10. En algunas versiones de Windows 10 se lanzó instantáneamente, mientras que en otras versiones no pudo iniciarse en absoluto. Incluso con él configurado y funcionando, tuve mucho desgarro y no fue una gran mejora en comparación con Vsync Off. Sin mencionar el notable aumento en el retraso de entrada. Enhanced Sync / FastSync funciona mejor + tiene mucho menos retraso de entrada. Freesync básicamente no agrega retraso de entrada (1 ms en el peor de los casos para algunos monitores) y funciona mejor.

- Puede notar micro-tartamudeo ocasionalmente (cada minuto por ejemplo, incluso con Freesync) sin usar DX9 Wrapper porque Windows 10 tiene un error DX8. Si está utilizando DX9 Wrapper, este problema está resuelto, sin embargo, hay una pequeña molestia. Cuando cambies a 60Hz, verás mucho tartamudeo cuando inicies el juego por primera vez en 60hz (puedes notarlo en el texto en movimiento en la parte inferior de la pantalla principal), solo inicia el juego por 2ª vez, desaparecerá. Este es probablemente el error con el DX9 Wrapper, solo surte efecto en el 2º intento cuando se cambia la frecuencia de actualización. No tengo este problema sin DX9 Wrapper (solo tartamudeo ocasional que mencioné antes).
Una vez más, no es relevante para la versión 21H1 de Windows 10, ya que mejoraron tanto el rendimiento de DX8 que los tartamudeos se han ido.

- Los modders también pueden implementar esto en parches, ya que mejorará significativamente la experiencia de juego con este antiguo juego (con créditos a los autores originales, por supuesto).él

Hello, I have an amazing solution which solves problems with tearing and stuttering that happens with PES 4/5/6. Some microstutters will occur rarely if you are not using Freesync/Gsync, but i will explain why later. I currently tested it with PES 6 & WE9LE.

1. *I found out that the latest version of Windows 10 (21H1) improved the DX8 performance (and other performance aspects tbh) so I don't get the stuttering that was present before without using DX9 wrapper! This means that you can skip this step If you're on Windows 10 21H1. It's advised to use the DX9 Wrapper in older versions of Windows 10, 8.1 & 7.*

You need a DX9 Wrapper which works flawlessly and it improves gameplay experience. Also it makes some settings in GPU driver more compatible. This DX9 Wrapper is made by Boris Vorontsov, it was first originally optimized for Half Life 2 but some Argentinian PES 6 fans made some adjustments. It was posted on this forum i think, I only removed watermark that comes with it. If you are wondering why are you getting the green "Temps" text in top left corner in the game, that's because you pressed Shift + Enter button. To disable it, just press that button combination again. To install it, just extract files to main game directory where PES6.exe is located.

2. Set compatibility mode to Windows XP SP3 on PES6.exe file and tick disable fullscreen optimizations in properties for PES6.exe (If you are using Windows 10. No need to do that on Windows 10 21H1 release).

3a. Non Freesync/Gsync monitor method for matching refresh rate/FPS:

If you have a monitor which has more than 60Hz refresh rate (fe. i have 144hz monitor), set refresh rate to 60Hz.
To not do this manually all the time, you can download the program called HotKey Resolution Changer where you can assign shortcuts for up to 9 refresh rate modes. I have Ctrl-1 shortcut for 144Hz and i have Ctrl-2 shortut for 60Hz. Change is applied immediately. So when you want to play game, press Ctrl + 2 and when you finished with the game, press Ctrl + 1. You need to launch the game first time, then close it (Alt + F4). Launch it again for the 2nd time. You need to do this everytime for Enhanced Sync/FastSync to take effect. This is a bug with DX9 Wrapper, I will explain it later. 60Hz monitor users are not affected with this bug because bug is related to refresh rate change. You can just enter the game normally If you're on Windows 10 21H1 as wrapper is not used there. To have this program run at startup, you need to import this Task Scheduler task:

Just click Change User or Group and type your Windows username. Also in Actions tab change file location to the real one as i choose custom file location.

After that, in AMD Radeon Settings enable Enhanced Sync for PES6.exe and for Nvidia enable FastSync.

For non-Freesync 60Hz monitors, you just need to enable Enhanced Sync/FastSync as said above.

3b. Freesync/Gsync monitor method for matching refresh rate/FPS:

Just enable Freesync/Gsync in driver settings for PES6.exe (or any other PES you want) and you're good to go. Freesync is for AMD, Gsync is for Nvidia.

4. Disable any gameplay speed changer since it's altering the max FPS in-game. Original game physics speed is designed to be ran on 60fps. Thanks to 9/12/18 for reporting and solving the issue.

The conclusion:

- The best method is to use Freesync/Gsync as there will be no tearing and stuttering. With Enhanced Sync/FastSync you will have absolutely no tearing but you will rarely have microstutters because the mentioned technology is designed to allow ocassional stuttering in order to remove tearing. Micro-stuttering happens when you are running below 60fps, but PES 6 rarely goes below that. However, in some cases, i noticed no stuttering whatsoever when playing for a long periods of time. In higher refresh rates/FPS, it's not noticeable, at least in my experience. BTW, you can use non-Freesync/Gsync method if you have a monitor with 60Hz backlight strobing (MBR/ULMB) which offers amazing movement clarity like good old CRT monitors which is not compatible with Freesync/Gsync.

- Disabling fullscreen optimizations makes sure that DWM.exe (compositor) is overrided which means that game is running in true fullscreen, which decreases overall game input lag. Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode is set just to be be sure that the game is running as intended because PES 6 was originally released for Windows 2000/XP (Not relevant to 21H1 release of Windows 10 as they did some serious improvements to fullscreen optimizations. With disabling fullscreen optimizations on 21H1 release, you could actually get the worse input lag than with fullscreen optimizations).

- I forgot to mention D3DOverrider which i used before and it's inferior to these methods i provided. It's a really old program and it is a struggle to make it work in Windows 10. In some Windows 10 versions it launched instantly while in other versions it couldn't launch at all. Even with it set up and working, I had a lot of tearing and it wasn't a big improvement compared to Vsync Off. Not to mention the noticeable increase in input lag. Enhanced Sync/FastSync works better + it has much less input lag. Freesync basicaly adds no input lag (1ms in worst case for some monitors) and works best.

- You can notice micro-stutters occasionally (every minute per say, even with Freesync) without using DX9 Wrapper because Windows 10 has a DX8 bug. If you are using DX9 Wrapper, this issue is solved, however there is some tiny annoyance. When you switch to 60Hz, you will see a lot of stuttering when you launch the game for the first try in 60hz (you can notice it in moving text at the bottom of the main screen), just launch the game for the 2nd time, it will disappear. This is probably the bug with the DX9 Wrapper, it only takes effect on 2nd try when refresh rate is changed. I don't get this issue without DX9 Wrapper (only occassional stuttering which i mentioned before).
Again, not relevant to 21H1 release of Windows 10 as they improved the DX8 performance so much that stutters are gone.

- Modders can also implement this in patches as it will improve gameplay experience significantly with this old game (with giving credits to original authors of course).
hello, i tried this and it worked but i couldn't do all the steps, i couldn't do the change of user and the acces thing, that option doesn't appear, how is it done? thanks and regards
it was solved by setting the sync to fast in the game settings in the 3d options in the nvidia control panel, i also put the original speed back and that comes by default in pes6 but I still suffer jerks sometimes while playing, before If I did this, the game was unplayable without the d3doverrider, now I can play it without this program but the jerky thing still happens, any other solution to make it go perfectly?
i tried everything and the thing is still the same, can someone who understands guide me with dgvoodoo 2? i leave here by the way, the specifications of my laptop:

-processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz 1.80GHz 64 bits
-ram: 8 GB (7,88 GB usable)
-gpu: NVIDIA GeForce MX150, integrated graphics: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620
-os: Windows 10 Home 21H2

i need help please
Anyone using windows 11 pro can play smoothly? I've tried every tutorial in this page but still can't play, this game turn off & return home screen after press "match start" , I'm using gaming laptop with both graphic card: NVDIA RTX 3050 & Intel® HM570 Express Chipset.
I tried various solutions from this thread but non were working to get PES6 running without stutter on my PC. Finally I got a working solution which runs very smooth for me.
I like to share my settings to run PES6 on 4K resolution:

For reference, my PC specs are CPU: i7-9700K, GPU: GeForce GTX 1070, 16GB RAM. 60Hz monitor. (Running Windows 11 Pro).
These instructions are for Nvidia GPUs but I think can also apply to the corresponding AMD settings (or for lower screen resulutions!).

  1. Set in pes “settings.exe” the Screen Mode to Full Screen. Ignore the resolution setting as we can’t choose 4k here.
  2. To set 4k resolution, this can be done by kitserver. Edit the kload.cfg file located in the kitserver folder with the following lines:
    • dx.fullscreen.width = 3840
    • dx.fullscreen.height = 2160
    • internal.resolution.width = 3840
    • internal.resolution.height = 2160
  3. Set "pes6.exe" to compatibility mode XP SP3 + Run as Administrator
    View attachment 150768
  4. Go to NVIDIA Control Panel -> Manage 3D setting -> Program Settings: Add pes6.exe if is not already added there. Set “Triple buffering” and “Vertical sync” to ON, Leave everything else default.
    View attachment 150769

  5. Download this archive from here and extract all files in your PES6 install directory.
That’s it!
Enjoy the butter-smooth gameplay :)

EDIT: Removed RTSS instruction, found a better way with those dll files.
It definitely look amazing... sharp as hecc!!!

One small issue...

I am inside your home I'm experiencing a bit of screen tearing... just a bit tho. It's somewhat minimal and I can actually ignore it of the time. Do you have any potential solutions?
hi, I tried the lag tools and they work but I don't understand why when I lower the speeder in the kitserver the game loses frames ... also one more thing when I play in the window the game has a speed right while when I put the game in full screen the game speeds up: in the pass etc ..i play It in monitor 23 .... can you help me please? bye thank you
Also sometimes it helps to remove the hd kits option in kitserver, this helped massively in removing frame skipping and stuttering from my game.
Also sometimes it helps to remove the hd kits option in kitserver, this helped massively in removing frame skipping and stuttering from my game.
Where is this located?

I tried the latest PES 6 firebird patch and added the lag fix files, plus enbconverter which helped, but I'm still experiencing stuttering on a good gaming laptop. I also experienced framerate drop when I lowered speeder to 0.90, will try at 0.96 to see if it is fixed. Thanks for your help.
Where is this located?

I tried the latest PES 6 firebird patch and added the lag fix files, plus enbconverter which helped, but I'm still experiencing stuttering on a good gaming laptop. I also experienced framerate drop when I lowered speeder to 0.90, will try at 0.96 to see if it is fixed. Thanks for your help.

In the kitserver folder, open the kserv.cfg file with notepad and you should see enable hd kits=1, just change the 1 to 0 and you will disable them.
Hello, do you know where can be changed the screen resolution to a different setting instead of 4:3 (like a TV)? I have the resolution set up to 4K, but still the game screen is squared instead of full screen.
I tried various solutions from this thread but non were working to get PES6 running without stutter on my PC. Finally I got a working solution which runs very smooth for me.
I like to share my settings to run PES6 on 4K resolution:

For reference, my PC specs are CPU: i7-9700K, GPU: GeForce GTX 1070, 16GB RAM. 60Hz monitor. (Running Windows 11 Pro).
These instructions are for Nvidia GPUs but I think can also apply to the corresponding AMD settings (or for lower screen resulutions!).

  1. Set in pes “settings.exe” the Screen Mode to Full Screen. Ignore the resolution setting as we can’t choose 4k here.
  2. To set 4k resolution, this can be done by kitserver. Edit the kload.cfg file located in the kitserver folder with the following lines:
    • dx.fullscreen.width = 3840
    • dx.fullscreen.height = 2160
    • internal.resolution.width = 3840
    • internal.resolution.height = 2160
  3. Set "pes6.exe" to compatibility mode XP SP3 + Run as Administrator
    View attachment 150768
  4. Go to NVIDIA Control Panel -> Manage 3D setting -> Program Settings: Add pes6.exe if is not already added there. Set “Triple buffering” and “Vertical sync” to ON, Leave everything else default.
    View attachment 150769

  5. Download this archive from here and extract all files in your PES6 install directory.
That’s it!
Enjoy the butter-smooth gameplay :)

EDIT: Removed RTSS instruction, found a better way with those dll files.
Hi Ragman, I have done all your instruction, and it work nearly perfect for my Firebird 2023 patch.
But the problem is, it work perfect when i play in the middle of the pitch, everytime the ball run toward the goal (from the box to the goal) it started to lag and drop FPS. Is there somebody here have the same problem ?
And what should I do ?
p/s: I have tried this instruction on my PES5 original season V6 and its perfect.
Hi Ragman, I have done all your instruction, and it work nearly perfect for my Firebird 2023 patch.
But the problem is, it work perfect when i play in the middle of the pitch, everytime the ball run toward the goal (from the box to the goal) it started to lag and drop FPS. Is there somebody here have the same problem ?
And what should I do ?
p/s: I have tried this instruction on my PES5 original season V6 and its perfect.
I updated my guide, please try to check step 3 and 6 again. Step 6 has a new enbconvertor file and the previous dll files should you remove from install directory. Hopefully this will resolve your issues.
Many tks Mate, I have try every possible sollution but not the result i want. When the fps is perfect, the screen is tearing, anh when screen is good, the fps drop :)) haha
So i will wait the Firebird team for the November update, may be it will be fix
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