PES 6/PES 5/WE9 LE All Stuttering

Hello, I have an amazing solution which solves problems with tearing and stuttering that happens with PES 4/5/6. Some microstutters will occur rarely if you are not using Freesync/Gsync, but i will explain why later. I currently tested it with PES 6 & WE9LE.

1. *I found out that the latest version of Windows 10 (21H1) improved the DX8 performance (and other performance aspects tbh) so I don't get the stuttering that was present before without using DX9 wrapper! This means that you can skip this step If you're on Windows 10 21H1. It's advised to use the DX9 Wrapper in older versions of Windows 10, 8.1 & 7.*

You need a DX9 Wrapper which works flawlessly and it improves gameplay experience. Also it makes some settings in GPU driver more compatible. This DX9 Wrapper is made by Boris Vorontsov, it was first originally optimized for Half Life 2 but some Argentinian PES 6 fans made some adjustments. It was posted on this forum i think, I only removed watermark that comes with it. If you are wondering why are you getting the green "Temps" text in top left corner in the game, that's because you pressed Shift + Enter button. To disable it, just press that button combination again. To install it, just extract files to main game directory where PES6.exe is located.

2. Set compatibility mode to Windows XP SP3 on PES6.exe file and tick disable fullscreen optimizations in properties for PES6.exe (If you are using Windows 10. No need to do that on Windows 10 21H1 release).

3a. Non Freesync/Gsync monitor method for matching refresh rate/FPS:

If you have a monitor which has more than 60Hz refresh rate (fe. i have 144hz monitor), set refresh rate to 60Hz.
To not do this manually all the time, you can download the program called HotKey Resolution Changer where you can assign shortcuts for up to 9 refresh rate modes. I have Ctrl-1 shortcut for 144Hz and i have Ctrl-2 shortut for 60Hz. Change is applied immediately. So when you want to play game, press Ctrl + 2 and when you finished with the game, press Ctrl + 1. You need to launch the game first time, then close it (Alt + F4). Launch it again for the 2nd time. You need to do this everytime for Enhanced Sync/FastSync to take effect. This is a bug with DX9 Wrapper, I will explain it later. 60Hz monitor users are not affected with this bug because bug is related to refresh rate change. You can just enter the game normally If you're on Windows 10 21H1 as wrapper is not used there. To have this program run at startup, you need to import this Task Scheduler task:

Just click Change User or Group and type your Windows username. Also in Actions tab change file location to the real one as i choose custom file location.

After that, in AMD Radeon Settings enable Enhanced Sync for PES6.exe and for Nvidia enable FastSync.

For non-Freesync 60Hz monitors, you just need to enable Enhanced Sync/FastSync as said above.

3b. Freesync/Gsync monitor method for matching refresh rate/FPS:

Just enable Freesync/Gsync in driver settings for PES6.exe (or any other PES you want) and you're good to go. Freesync is for AMD, Gsync is for Nvidia.

4. Disable any gameplay speed changer since it's altering the max FPS in-game. Original game physics speed is designed to be ran on 60fps. Thanks to 9/12/18 for reporting and solving the issue.

The conclusion:

- The best method is to use Freesync/Gsync as there will be no tearing and stuttering. With Enhanced Sync/FastSync you will have absolutely no tearing but you will rarely have microstutters because the mentioned technology is designed to allow ocassional stuttering in order to remove tearing. Micro-stuttering happens when you are running below 60fps, but PES 6 rarely goes below that. However, in some cases, i noticed no stuttering whatsoever when playing for a long periods of time. In higher refresh rates/FPS, it's not noticeable, at least in my experience. BTW, you can use non-Freesync/Gsync method if you have a monitor with 60Hz backlight strobing (MBR/ULMB) which offers amazing movement clarity like good old CRT monitors which is not compatible with Freesync/Gsync.

- Disabling fullscreen optimizations makes sure that DWM.exe (compositor) is overrided which means that game is running in true fullscreen, which decreases overall game input lag. Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode is set just to be be sure that the game is running as intended because PES 6 was originally released for Windows 2000/XP (Not relevant to 21H1 release of Windows 10 as they did some serious improvements to fullscreen optimizations. With disabling fullscreen optimizations on 21H1 release, you could actually get the worse input lag than with fullscreen optimizations).

- I forgot to mention D3DOverrider which i used before and it's inferior to these methods i provided. It's a really old program and it is a struggle to make it work in Windows 10. In some Windows 10 versions it launched instantly while in other versions it couldn't launch at all. Even with it set up and working, I had a lot of tearing and it wasn't a big improvement compared to Vsync Off. Not to mention the noticeable increase in input lag. Enhanced Sync/FastSync works better + it has much less input lag. Freesync basicaly adds no input lag (1ms in worst case for some monitors) and works best.

- You can notice micro-stutters occasionally (every minute per say, even with Freesync) without using DX9 Wrapper because Windows 10 has a DX8 bug. If you are using DX9 Wrapper, this issue is solved, however there is some tiny annoyance. When you switch to 60Hz, you will see a lot of stuttering when you launch the game for the first try in 60hz (you can notice it in moving text at the bottom of the main screen), just launch the game for the 2nd time, it will disappear. This is probably the bug with the DX9 Wrapper, it only takes effect on 2nd try when refresh rate is changed. I don't get this issue without DX9 Wrapper (only occassional stuttering which i mentioned before).
Again, not relevant to 21H1 release of Windows 10 as they improved the DX8 performance so much that stutters are gone.

- Modders can also implement this in patches as it will improve gameplay experience significantly with this old game (with giving credits to original authors of course).
Man you are so badass !!! I couldn't find anything on the internet to help me until somebody mentioned your post... Now I can enjoy PES 3-6 without any stuttering or problems in Windows 10. Thank you !!! You're the boss....
I still have some lag I play 20 min matches and after 10 minutes of the first half there is always some lag in some patches for a split of second there used to be more but what I did was basically MAX the SH!T out of the game in AMD Panel with AF 16x and HIGH Texture Filtering and now it has less lag . So basically if you have something around gt 1030 power you should try maxing game out too and double resolution in kload
For a matter of "good memories" (well nostalgia), i play PES 6 on 1440x1080p (4/3 "HD") i want to keep the feeling of how it was designed for a 4/3 screen, and checking the radar etc.

If i remember well, those tricks worked for PC PES, but not too much patched (just an option file) and not designed for 16/9 : PES 5 if i remember well, but not PES 6. Don't remember. Not for some others like PES 3 etc.
Needs to check again. I like patchS, but original season, and original 4/3.

Well, i'm not at all a pro to found solutions about it, but i'm pretty sure what's causing stutters and others Syncs issues like the screen shaking is 16/9 principaly. And adds like new faces not too much, i tryed with and without and got a similar stutters results : just with the vanilla game with a simple O.F. and 16/9 kitserserves, normal stuffs for details regarding the 5 differents LODs for players.

Just my 0.25 cents.
I still have some lag I play 20 min matches and after 10 minutes of the first half there is always some lag in some patches for a split of second there used to be more but what I did was basically MAX the SH!T out of the game in AMD Panel with AF 16x and HIGH Texture Filtering and now it has less lag . So basically if you have something around gt 1030 power you should try maxing game out too and double resolution in kload
That is interesting as I have no stuttering with low or high graphics, with or without patches using my method either with 1920x1080p internal resolution and dx resolution in kload.cfg with high graphics, very high (max) textures in loadcfg.exe. Lower graphics should provide more stable frametimes so it's weird that you are getting the opposite result.

For better graphics quality, use SuperSampling AntiAliasing for PES/WE game profile. I use 4x times when I have no stuttering with AMD Radeon HD 7970. With 8x times there is noticeable increase input lag and huge drop in fps (around 20-30fps) when you pause the game, at least for my configuration. You will not get this with better configuration.

I know that this is the thread about stuttering and not the graphics quality, but let me show the difference in graphics. You can clearly see in goal net that edges are not oversharpened anymore and goal net looks normal.

You can use Virtual Super Resolution (AMD) or Dynamic Super Resolution (Nvidia) to improve antialiasing and details even more. The result is simillar to watching 1440p video on 1080p screen vs 1080p video on 1080p screen. For that, just enable that option in Graphics driver settings & check display settings in graphics driver and Windows settings to see which Super Resolution option you have. F.e the only option I have is 1440p 100hz. I have 1080p 144hz monitor. After that edit kload.cfg with your Virtual Super Resolution choice for internal and dx resolution.

Personaly, I use 4x SSAA with 1080p resolution because that is the max graphic setting that my configuration supports without tearing and stuttering. I don't use VSR (Virtual Super Resolution) because of performance reasons mentioned above + I don't have 60hz option for the most fluid frame displaying without using Freesync/Gsync.

Bit off topic too: Does someone have original font for WE9LE because I despise custom ones for readibility and looks. Thanks. I deleted fonts which I didn't like, no need for help.


  • PES-WE Max Graphics settings.png
    PES-WE Max Graphics settings.png
    349.3 KB · Views: 261
  • WE9LE 1080p 8x SuperSampling.png
    WE9LE 1080p 8x SuperSampling.png
    3.7 MB · Views: 244
  • WE9LE 1080p.png
    WE9LE 1080p.png
    3.9 MB · Views: 236
  • WE9LE VSR 1440p 8x SuperSampling.png
    WE9LE VSR 1440p 8x SuperSampling.png
    6.6 MB · Views: 241
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That is interesting as I have no stuttering with low or high graphics, with or without patches using my method either with 1920x1080p internal resolution and dx resolution in kload.cfg with high graphics, very high (max) textures in loadcfg.exe. Lower graphics should provide more stable frametimes so it's weird that you are getting the opposite result.

For better graphics quality, use SuperSampling AntiAliasing for PES/WE game profile. I use 4x times when I have no stuttering with AMD Radeon HD 7970. With 8x times there is noticeable increase input lag and huge drop in fps (around 20-30fps) when you pause the game, at least for my configuration. You will not get this with better configuration.

I know that this is the thread about stuttering and not the graphics quality, but let me show the difference in graphics. You can clearly see in goal net that edges are not oversharpened anymore and goal net looks normal.

You can use Virtual Super Resolution (AMD) or Dynamic Super Resolution (Nvidia) to improve antialiasing and details even more. The result is simillar to watching 1440p video on 1080p screen vs 1080p video on 1080p screen. For that, just enable that option in Graphics driver settings & check display settings in graphics driver and Windows settings to see which Super Resolution option you have. F.e the only option I have is 1440p 100hz. I have 1080p 144hz monitor. After that edit kload.cfg with your Virtual Super Resolution choice for internal and dx resolution.

Personaly, I use 4x SSAA with 1080p resolution because that is the max graphic setting that my configuration supports without tearing and stuttering. I don't use VSR (Virtual Super Resolution) because of performance reasons mentioned above + I don't have 60hz option for the most fluid frame displaying without using Freesync/Gsync.

Bit off topic too: Does someone have original font for WE9LE because I despise custom ones for readibility and looks. Thanks.

Man you are the Messi of classic PES files... Thanks again... :WORSHIP:
That is interesting as I have no stuttering with low or high graphics, with or without patches using my method either with 1920x1080p internal resolution and dx resolution in kload.cfg with high graphics, very high (max) textures in loadcfg.exe. Lower graphics should provide more stable frametimes so it's weird that you are getting the opposite result.

For better graphics quality, use SuperSampling AntiAliasing for PES/WE game profile. I use 4x times when I have no stuttering with AMD Radeon HD 7970. With 8x times there is noticeable increase input lag and huge drop in fps (around 20-30fps) when you pause the game, at least for my configuration. You will not get this with better configuration.

I know that this is the thread about stuttering and not the graphics quality, but let me show the difference in graphics. You can clearly see in goal net that edges are not oversharpened anymore and goal net looks normal.

You can use Virtual Super Resolution (AMD) or Dynamic Super Resolution (Nvidia) to improve antialiasing and details even more. The result is simillar to watching 1440p video on 1080p screen vs 1080p video on 1080p screen. For that, just enable that option in Graphics driver settings & check display settings in graphics driver and Windows settings to see which Super Resolution option you have. F.e the only option I have is 1440p 100hz. I have 1080p 144hz monitor. After that edit kload.cfg with your Virtual Super Resolution choice for internal and dx resolution.

Personaly, I use 4x SSAA with 1080p resolution because that is the max graphic setting that my configuration supports without tearing and stuttering. I don't use VSR (Virtual Super Resolution) because of performance reasons mentioned above + I don't have 60hz option for the most fluid frame displaying without using Freesync/Gsync.

Bit off topic too: Does someone have original font for WE9LE because I despise custom ones for readibility and looks. Thanks.
could it be because my monitor refresh rate is over 60 hz still even after applying that CRU monitor fix it's 60,3 Hz and I have no option for SUper Res in my GPU Driver Settings I have integrated APU it has the same power as a gt 1030
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could it be because my monitor refresh rate is over 60 hz still even after applying that CRU monitor fix it's 60,3 Hz and I have no option for SUper Res in my GPU Driver Settings I have integrated APU it has the same power as a gt 1030
Yeah, not all Nvidia and AMD GPUs have that option. It's a pity that you couldn't achieve pure 60hz. Try manually editing the values in CRU instead of using LCD Standard or something like that, It is possible to achieve 60.0Hz. If you don't want to do that, the only option that you can try is to use 120hz if you can because than the frame is scanned twice as fast on the monitor instead which means reduced input lag while retaining the smoothness of frame distribution 99% of the time. The only thing is that there are slightly more micro stutters from time to time when using 120hz with 60fps game because of inconsistent game frame pacing, which is not pronounced when using 60hz 60fps.
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Yeah, not all Nvidia and AMD GPUs have that option. It's a pity that you couldn't achieve pure 60hz. Try manually editing the values in CRU instead of using LCD Standard or something like that, It is possible to achieve 60.0Hz. If you don't want to do that, the only option that you can try is to use 120hz if you can because than the frame is scanned twice on the monitor instead of once which means reduced input lag while retaining the smoothness of frame distribution 99% of the time. The only thing is that there are slightly more micro stutters from time to time when using 120hz with 60fps game because of inconsistent game frame pacing, which is not pronounced when using 60hz 60fps.
I did put manual 60 Hz ... faulty monitor
how exactly do you put your resolution in kload ? you put your Super Resolution in both dx resolution and internal resolution ? It seems for me stutters went down even more when I put gameplay speed close to default 1.0 , I used to play with 0.93 speed
how exactly do you put your resolution in kload ? you put your Super Resolution in both dx resolution and internal resolution ? It seems for me stutters went down even more when I put gameplay speed close to default 1.0 , I used to play with 0.93 speed
Yes. Gameplay speed alters max fps in game, so that is expected.
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You're welcome :)

I usually only change these 2 lines:
  • ForceVerticalSync = true
  • dgVoodooWatermark = false
Which should already be that way in that archive, don't remember -- anyway, putting the first one to true also forces Vsync, and putting the second to false removes the dgVoodoo watermark on your screen

this, i tried this tool before it did not work maybe it was due older version but now it does i tried on newest version, see the other thread i upped right now and how it fixed pes4 for me, i tried everything else over the last few years this so far is the best solution

overriding the windows compositor vsync that stutters is one thing and can be done easily with modified d3d8 (wrapper) but that is only one step of course, because then trying to enable proper vsync that is smooth and stable is another thing altogether, with this mentioned solution you basically get 2in1 :))
you can't change the in game screen resolution or the quality setting while using the moded WE9LEKexe or you will bug your game.
so delete it, put the original WE9LEKexe back in run the game and the stuttering will be gone. Then just put a new moded WE9LEKexe back not your old one "because it's screwed now" and run the game again, and it will be fine. Make sure not to change any screen settings again.

well i just got stuttering again so i exited the game ran it again and the stuttering was gone so who knows why but these steps should help.

Now I'm off to do some agent work.
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Gentlemen, forgive me for intruding

I believe I found the solution -- I'm on Win10 with a Geforce, and I have no stuttering or screen tearing

This is dgVoodoo 2, a 3dfx wrapper but with also files for DirectX

Extract everything in the PES5/6/WE9/LE folder

Please try it and tell me if it works

Cheers, and sorry again for intruding

In my case with the information of @fiftydinar in his posts was reduced some of the stuttering but not at 100%. Then I saw the file you've posted and after I extracted it into the main folder of PES 3/4/5/6 (also in the kitserver of those games) everything feels so smooth... Also I've added the compatibility of all those four games on Win XP SP3. Can't believe it because having a very new PC I was very concerned that I can't make those classics to work at their best but this file just made some miracles.. This post/thread should be pinned as important because I think it's the definitive solution to make PES 3 to 6 work on a modern PC...
In my case with the information of @fiftydinar in his posts was reduced some of the stuttering but not at 100%. Then I saw the file you've posted and after I extracted it into the main folder of PES 3/4/5/6 (also in the kitserver of those games) everything feels so smooth... Also I've added the compatibility of all those four games on Win XP SP3. Can't believe it because having a very new PC I was very concerned that I can't make those classics to work at their best but this file just made some miracles.. This post/thread should be pinned as important because I think it's the definitive solution to make PES 3 to 6 work on a modern PC...
In my case DGVoodoo does nothing in Windows 10 21h2. It's really hard to make this game work the same way for everyone. I wish that Konami developers implemented some Vsync toggle and/or FPS limiter so we can have the better control in that aspect. But that is a game from 2005 so yeah.

I tested Windows 11 (v22454.1000) with WE9LE and game runs with no stutters for me without tinkering (except running my monitor in 60hz) with my or Ciais guide. I will test it more to be 100% sure. Let's see in the future will the official release of Windows 11 give the same results. Reminder, official Windows 11 launches in October 5th.
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In my case DGVoodoo does nothing in Windows 10 21h2. It's really hard to make this game work the same way for everyone. I wish that Konami developers implemented some Vsync toggle and/or FPS limiter so we can have the better control in that aspect. But that is a game from 2005 so yeah.

I tested Windows 11 (v22454.1000) with WE9LE and game runs with no stutters for me without tinkering (except running my monitor in 60hz) with my or Ciais guide. I will test it more to be 100% sure. Let's see in the future will the official release of Windows 11 give the same results. Reminder, official Windows 11 launches in October 5th.
I really don't know what the real problem was that made those four games stutter for me, but in the end as you mentioned could be something different depending on the type of hardware configuration in every PC, so in my case worked at 100% the DGVoodoo thing (I have the last update of Win10). Also I've noticed that mostly if one of those four games stutter the other three games have also that problem, and if you manage to solve it, can be applied the same method in all those four games.

I saw another problem that's not related to stuttering, and this is related just with PES4. If I install the vanilla game, everything works fine, but if I install the Wendetta Patch 2.1 for it (because it's the only one more popular that I know) and activate the kitserver for the pes4.exe has some problems after I restart it. For example If I activate the kitserver it works, but if I restart my PC if I'll try to enter nothing happens. I need to enter every time into kitserver to deactivate and activate it again after a PC restart to make it work, but this happens just with the Wendetta 2.1. You remembered if this happened also to you? I can't find a solution actually... Also if you know a better patch than Wendetta 2.1 let me know I can change... Thanks
I really don't know what the real problem was that made those four games stutter for me, but in the end as you mentioned could be something different depending on the type of hardware configuration in every PC, so in my case worked at 100% the DGVoodoo thing (I have the last update of Win10). Also I've noticed that mostly if one of those four games stutter the other three games have also that problem, and if you manage to solve it, can be applied the same method in all those four games.

I saw another problem that's not related to stuttering, and this is related just with PES4. If I install the vanilla game, everything works fine, but if I install the Wendetta Patch 2.1 for it (because it's the only one more popular that I know) and activate the kitserver for the pes4.exe has some problems after I restart it. For example If I activate the kitserver it works, but if I restart my PC if I'll try to enter nothing happens. I need to enter every time into kitserver to deactivate and activate it again after a PC restart to make it work, but this happens just with the Wendetta 2.1. You remembered if this happened also to you? I can't find a solution actually... Also if you know a better patch than Wendetta 2.1 let me know I can change... Thanks

I tested my guide only for AMD GPUs, so that's why success rate is not 100%. DX wrapper with RTSS FPS limit in those configurations fixes all stuttering & tearing issues (even for 21h1, that's my mistake). For Nvidia, I just wrote things that should work, but they were not tested so people with Nvidia GPUs do not get the satisfactory results. The problem lies in Vsync method which all those PES/WE games use. They are all DirectX 8 games & their engine behaves the same way. It's Vsync method makes frametimes more jumpy, hence the stuttering. Instead of 16.6ms frametimes (as it's the 60fps game), game often jumps to 16.7ms frametimes which causes visible stutter. My assumption is that PES/WE uses double buffered Vsync by default, but I'm not sure. With DX Wrapper built in Vsync doesn't work but with overriding, Enhanced Sync does. Enhanced Sync is same as triple buffered Vsync when fps=Hz. With it, games displays perfect 16.6ms frametimes all the time (except in cutscenes for PES 6 as they are rendered in 24fps. And of course, in loading screens). FreeSync/GSync method is also an assumption that it should work. I need to test that too.

I will need to rewrite my guide with more testing for Nvidia GPUs & FreeSync/GSync. I am determined to it as I am sensitive to stuttering & tearing. And of course, it's interesting thing to learn.

For PES 4, I'm not sure how to help you as I only play it vanilla sometimes with vanilla kitserver for screen resolution. It never caused resets for me.
I tested my guide only for AMD GPUs, so that's why success rate is not 100%. DX wrapper with RTSS FPS limit in those configurations fixes all stuttering & tearing issues (even for 21h1, that's my mistake). For Nvidia, I just wrote things that should work, but they were not tested so people with Nvidia GPUs do not get the satisfactory results. The problem lies in Vsync method which all those PES/WE games use. They are all DirectX 8 games & their engine behaves the same way. It's Vsync method makes frametimes more jumpy, hence the stuttering. Instead of 16.6ms frametimes (as it's the 60fps game), game often jumps to 16.7ms frametimes which causes visible stutter. My assumption is that PES/WE uses double buffered Vsync by default, but I'm not sure. With DX Wrapper built in Vsync doesn't work but with overriding, Enhanced Sync does. Enhanced Sync is same as triple buffered Vsync when fps=Hz. With it, games displays perfect 16.6ms frametimes all the time (except in cutscenes for PES 6 as they are rendered in 24fps. And of course, in loading screens). FreeSync/GSync method is also an assumption that it should work. I need to test that too.

I will need to rewrite my guide with more testing for Nvidia GPUs & FreeSync/GSync. I am determined to it as I am sensitive to stuttering & tearing. And of course, it's interesting thing to learn.

For PES 4, I'm not sure how to help you as I only play it vanilla sometimes with vanilla kitserver for screen resolution. It never caused resets for me.
Thank you for all the information. If it helps for your guide in my case I have a new gen GeForce graphic card, I use 60HZ as refresh rate and 1440p. Nothing worked in settings or configurations, and the only thing that made real miracles are those files that I've pointed out. I can't go deep into it because I'm not that experienced when I investigate this stuff but those files improve something on all classic games from PES 3 to 6 and I can play them clean now at 1440p on win 10 without stuttering... Thanks again for all your effort and precious guide, it's pretty nice to have somebody that could solve problems like this because most of us don't have a clue on how to make those classics function as intended...
Thank you for all the information. If it helps for your guide in my case I have a new gen GeForce graphic card, I use 60HZ as refresh rate and 1440p. Nothing worked in settings or configurations, and the only thing that made real miracles are those files that I've pointed out. I can't go deep into it because I'm not that experienced when I investigate this stuff but those files improve something on all classic games from PES 3 to 6 and I can play them clean now at 1440p on win 10 without stuttering... Thanks again for all your effort and precious guide, it's pretty nice to have somebody that could solve problems like this because most of us don't have a clue on how to make those classics function as intended...
DGVoodoo 2, when it works, forces it's own implementation of Vsync which should provide gameplay with no stutters. It's also a DX wrapper itself, the difference is that their DX Wrapper is DX11 while DX Wrapper from Boris Vorontsov is DX9 (which is used in my guide). There is also a difference in implemention and developers. The problem is it's compatibility. It's config files are not optimized for this game & it doesn't work for all configurations while DX9 wrapper does. Also a conversion from DX8 to DX 11 is much harder & can cause issues if not implemented perfectly. Conversion from DX8 to DX9 is much less trouble worthy as they are 2 very similar APIs. FastSync method probably didn't worked for Nvidia, hence you still got stutters. There is a override Vsync toggle for Nvidia, which I would like to be tested if it works with DX9 Wrapper because if it works, than it's a jackpot.
DGVoodoo 2, when it works, forces it's own implementation of Vsync which should provide gameplay with no stutters. It's also a DX wrapper itself, the difference is that their DX Wrapper is DX11 while DX Wrapper from Boris Vorontsov is DX9 (which is used in my guide). There is also a difference in implemention and developers. The problem is it's compatibility. It's config files are not optimized for this game & it doesn't work for all configurations while DX9 wrapper does. Also a conversion from DX8 to DX 11 is much harder & can cause issues if not implemented perfectly. Conversion from DX8 to DX9 is much less trouble worthy as they are 2 very similar APIs. FastSync method probably didn't worked for Nvidia, hence you still got stutters. There is a override Vsync toggle for Nvidia, which I would like to be tested if it works with DX9 Wrapper because if it works, than it's a jackpot.
Interesting , so this file that emulates it's actually a wrapper from DX11 to DX8. In my case the DX9 one didn't worked fully, just slightly changed the performance, and I also experienced some graphical problems in the menu where the graphic sound bar appears with full lines and other minor glitches like that. Normally if it works perfectly with this DX11 wrapper that I use, I can have problems with my graphic card or pc later? Or just with the game? Sorry that I ask but what do you mean by issues? If there is an option to work better by another more direct method just let me know..plzzz:PRAY::WORSHIP: Thank you...
Interesting , so this file that emulates it's actually a wrapper from DX11 to DX8. In my case the DX9 one didn't worked fully, just slightly changed the performance, and I also experienced some graphical problems in the menu where the graphic sound bar appears with full lines and other minor glitches like that. Normally if it works perfectly with this DX11 wrapper that I use, I can have problems with my graphic card or pc later? Or just with the game? Sorry that I ask but what do you mean by issues? If there is an option to work better by another more direct method just let me know..plzzz:PRAY::WORSHIP: Thank you...
DX8 to DX11*. Interesting, I had no glitches like that in multiple AMD configurations. I will have to test it more. It's honestly weird that it does that. Maybe it could be patch related. Who khows. No, you shouldn't have PC problems with it, it's safe. It doesn't affect hardware components at all. It affects game only. Issues like no Vsync applied, fps drop duo to bad conversion etc. It's highly technical stuff so please just read this below.

Only thing that you need to know is that there is no fully working solution which works for all configurations & that I will work on fixing those issues.
DX8 to DX11*. Interesting, I had no glitches like that in multiple AMD configurations. I will have to test it more. It's honestly weird that it does that. Maybe it could be patch related. Who khows. No, you shouldn't have PC problems with it, it's safe. It doesn't affect hardware components at all. It affects game only. Issues like no Vsync applied, fps drop duo to bad conversion etc. It's highly technical stuff so please just read this below.

Only thing that you need to know is that there is no fully working solution which works for all configurations & that I will work on fixing those issues.

Yes it's very weird that I got those graphical problems with the DX9 wrapper, and could be because of the patches. Didn't tried it on the vanilla versions, and that could work as you mentioned because the resolution will be way lower than 1440p, because in that way I'll not have kitserver to change the resolution. Thank god that the DX11 to DX8 wrapper don't cause hardware issues because I enjoy it like it is now without any glitch or problem, it's smoother than ever at 1440p. I'm pretty sure that you'll find out what it cause to work well on a PC configuration like mine because you have already some experience into it... Man you are like Ronaldinho of configurations, you trick every new PC to make those classics work on those systems like a boss... :!:APPLAUD:
Yes it's very weird that I got those graphical problems with the DX9 wrapper, and could be because of the patches. Didn't tried it on the vanilla versions, and that could work as you mentioned because the resolution will be way lower than 1440p, because in that way I'll not have kitserver to change the resolution. Thank god that the DX11 to DX8 wrapper don't cause hardware issues because I enjoy it like it is now without any glitch or problem, it's smoother than ever at 1440p. I'm pretty sure that you'll find out what it cause to work well on a PC configuration like mine because you have already some experience into it... Man you are like Ronaldinho of configurations, you trick every new PC to make those classics work on those systems like a boss... :!:APPLAUD:
Btw, that's not hardware issue, that's game texture issue probably which happened during conversion. So don't be scared. I'm glad that it works. This is a lot of information overload, even for me, so please, just take your seats & enjoy PES :D

I just do my research for the most ideal fluidity of motion in monitors without tearing, stuttering, juddering & other effects. Blurbusters forum is amazing source of information regarding that. I just try to have that experience for every game I play.
A WORKING FIX FOR EVERYONE BELOW (updated on the 5th of Nov, 22)

Okay guys, I'll be very brief. For people who can't force vsync via their drivers, or get stutters, etc, here's a very easy and quick to apply solution, in a couple of steps:

1. Grab a dx8 to dx9 wrapper such as this (any would work) -
2. Download the v1.10.1 release or older, and a config file of DXVK, from here - (currently, newer versions break d3d9 shaders in PES6 and cause severe flickering and artifacts)
3. Inside the PES directory where the executable is found, place the 32-bit versions of dxgi.dll and d3d9.dll from DXVK, and the d3d8.dll from the DirectX8 to 9 wrapper. Add the dxvk.conf file. It should look like this:

As seen, kitserver can be used with it and doesn't get affected at all.
4. Set/uncomment these options in dxvk.conf and save the changed configuration file:
dxgi.syncInterval = 1
d3d9.presentInterval = 1

5. When running pes6.exe, you have to use Compatibility mode with Windows XP (SP3) and "disable full screen optimizations" as otherwise Windows 10 will force double Vsync.

Optionally, you can set Administrative permissions on the .EXE, set priority to high, and isolate two cores like this, in the Shortcut's Target:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "" /high /Affinity 5 "C:\Program Files (x86)\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 6\pes6.exe"
where the path is your game's installation directory. Make sure you tick "Run this program as an administrator" in the Compatibility tab, when saving the updated shortcut.

Note that initially, while the shader cache is getting built for the various animations in-game, you will get micro-stutters. That will stop after a couple of minutes. This is the way DXVK works.

Enjoy your tear-free, stutter-free Pro Evo, just as if you were playing it in 2006. :) This will work the same with PES 5.

All kudos go to DXVK's dev team. :BEER:
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Okay guys, I'll be very brief. For people who can't force vsync via their drivers, or get stutters, etc, here's a very easy and quick to apply solution, in a couple of steps:

1. Grab a dx8 to dx9 wrapper such as this (any would work) -
2. Download the latest release and config files of DXVK from here -
3. Inside the PES directory where the executable is found, place the 32-bit versions of dxgi.dll and d3d9.dll from DXVK, and the d3d8.dll from the DirectX8 to 9 wrapper. Add the dxvk.conf file. It should look like this:

As seen, kitserver can be used with it and doesn't get affected at all.
4. Set/uncomment these options in dxvk.conf and save the changed configuration file:
dxgi.tearFree = True
d3d9.tearFree = True

Optionally, you can set Administrative permissions on the .EXE, set priority to high, and isolate two cores like this, in the Shortcut's Target:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "" /high /Affinity 5 "C:\Program Files (x86)\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 6\pes6.exe"
where the path is your game's installation directory. Make sure you tick "Run this program as an administrator" in the Compatibility tab, when saving the updated shortcut.

Note that initially, while the shader cache is getting built for the various animations in-game, you will get micro-stutters. That will stop after a couple of minutes. This is the way DXVK works.

Enjoy your tear-free, stutter-free Pro Evo, just as if you were playing it in 2006. :) This will work the same with PES 5.

All kudos go to DXVK's dev team. :BEER:
I just tried this method to test it and here are the results:

It forces 144hz in game even if I have 60hz set in Windows, which causes tearing effects & slight stutters for me (because 144hz is uneven refresh rate for 60fps game and vsync only works proprely when fps=refresh rate). This is caused by vsync method used in these files. People who own 60hz monitors will get better results.

Windows automatically sets affinity so I don't understand why is that necessary. And there is no need to set core limiter as PES has no problems with it.

I would like someone to try this too on 60hz monitors to report if there is any tearing or stuttering using this method.

Thanks for providing another method.
I just tried this method to test it and here are the results:

It forces 144hz in game even if I have 60hz set in Windows, which causes tearing effects & slight stutters for me (because 144hz is uneven refresh rate for 60fps game and vsync only works proprely when fps=refresh rate). This is caused by vsync method used in these files. People who own 60hz monitors will get better results.

Windows automatically sets affinity so I don't understand why is that necessary. And there is no need to set core limiter as PES has no problems with it.

I would like someone to try this too on 60hz monitors to report if there is any tearing or stuttering using this method.

Thanks for providing another method.
Try to add this into dxvk.conf:
# Enables a frame rate limiter, unless the game is already
# limited to the same refresh rate by vertical synchronization.
# Supported values : Any non-negative integer

dxgi.maxFrameRate = 60
d3d9.maxFrameRate = 60

If it still does it, then you can disable the tear-free option and force Vsync via your video driver, which you are already doing. Please combine common sense with this, to achieve greatness.

Windows does not set affinity, nor priority. Unless specified, all cores are working which adds latency over time, since the game's following a HPET based on single/dual cores. This is an optional step, as I already said.
Try to add this into dxvk.conf:
# Enables a frame rate limiter, unless the game is already
# limited to the same refresh rate by vertical synchronization.
# Supported values : Any non-negative integer

dxgi.maxFrameRate = 60
d3d9.maxFrameRate = 60

If it still does it, then you can disable the tear-free option and force Vsync via your video driver, which you are already doing. Please combine common sense with this, to achieve greatness.

Windows does not set affinity, nor priority. Unless specified, all cores are working which adds latency over time, since the game's following a HPET based on single/dual cores. This is an optional step, as I already said.

It still switches to 144hz even with max framerate option. And I disable Enhanced Sync when using vsync in dxvk & vice versa.

It does not set affinity (except that it disables HyperThreading/SMT), but it sets a priority to high. That is my mistake in phrasing. There can be a slight latency reduction when using less cores for the game, but people should experiment if less cores alters performance of the game if they have a bit slow CPU. Hence why that step is optional.

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How does the code look if my games are in D ? like this : C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "" /high /Affinity 5 "D:\Games\Pro Evolution Soccer 6\pes6.exe" ?
How does the code look if my games are in D ? like this : C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "" /high /Affinity 5 "D:\Games\Pro Evolution Soccer 6\pes6.exe" ?
Yes, just edit an existing shortcut. Also, since Windows' recent updates, those settings won't be applied if executed as admin (weirdly enough), so just edit your shortcut target and do NOT run as an administrator.
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