PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

Guys I'm getting the same thing. I have two options for you. If you turn HDR option in PS4 video settings, glitch is gone but graphics is all washed up. Or you can also lower "sharpness" setting of your TV and glitch is almost invisible.

I think it has something to do with a combination for PS4 slim and 4K Samsung TV that supports some basic HDR (2016 series). If you find a better solution please send me a message.
So somehow i guess i fixed the glitch thing, (btw im having ps4 standard ,not the slim one), i went for video output settings in ps4 and if you set the settings on 720p its good, on 1080i graphics are awful. I will test out that thing with sharpness in tv settings. Try this one in ps4 settings, its worth it, theres no big difference between automatic settings and 720p.

Thx btw
Giving feedback to the developers is tot acceptable however that statement, don't quite agree because nobody pointing gun at you to buy PES. You do not have to be a customer to PES. You have choice right? FIFA or PES. The reason you opted for PES because you like it more than FIFA for any particular reasons. It's okay if you want the game to be better by means of feedback however if the developers don't listen nor take action, time to move away.

I see it similar to mobile network providers, if you're not happy with Vodafone, you complaint but don't get listened to, move to AT&T, Telefonica, Optus, Deutsche Telekom etc.
I agree, but then we don't buy and we get, and I quote RAMAXWY, "some want to boycot the sales etc. you must really want the production of PES to stop"
So if we point out the flaws, that's bad. If we don't buy, we want the franchise to stop. We just want to give an opinion to improve the game and buy it happily.
I don't mind Thailand.

First, you're comparing :r2: to mayonnaise and chili sauce. Now your posting pictures of food.
You really like to make people hungry.:SNACK:
Yes, I did watch your videos. I watched them before you posted here as I'm subscribed to your YouTube. It's not about being right or wrong, at this point, it's about honing in on a specific item - and working on that for the next couple of weeks till it is fixed.

I am not sure you are familiar, but I have been pushing for the DMF positioning since the PES 2017 Demo. It didn't make it to be fixed that year, and neither did PES 18. So, I've had to wait for a while now to get what I wanted out of the game. I had to hone in on that concept of positioning, and hound whoever I could, through making videos and posting them to PES channels. Now that it's much better than it was, although not perfect in some instances, I am content with that aspect.

Another area I had a big focus on was the FB not trying to tuck in too early and play CB role. That has been somewhat fixed in 19. Another one was the defenders, center backs primarily, following the attacker past the halfway line. That has made it in, but it also is not 100% perfect, but it's better than it was.

That is the resounding theme here. "Better than it was". I think we have to realize that we are in a position in which we are not going to get to eat our cake, and eat it too, until true gameplay customization is delivered.

So, while I may be detail oriented, it is not of every single detail that gets pointed out when I'm developing a feedback pitch. That is because my focus is on the Big 3, this year, because that is what I believe, for lack of a better phrasing, is all KONAMI can actually handle to change. See above at what I pushed for, it took 1 1/2 years - and it's still not 100% perfect. So, if we start to send them 10+ requests of gameplay concerns, it will nullify the priority of the most important ones. We'll get grouped into this mindset of "Oh, it's only YOUR opinion, and in YOUR community of hardcore PES gameplay fans." - like it's been for multiple years. I do not want there to be a chance in which our opinions are led to being spiteful and our credibility lessened. Anyone who has ever worked in any kind of support role would understand this. You have a product, send it to a client, and they come back with 10+ different requests. If we go to KONAMI and say I want 10+ different items to be addressed, the chances of the main ones fall by the wayside.

I'm a big fan of your insight, and we follow the same thread to untangle most of the time. I think it's even more important as a result to hone in on a specific priority so they can address it. I think it's also important to understand that these requests won't be addressed in public, possibly EVER, but they will most likely make their way down the road to next versions by power of suggestion.

My area where I'm holding out hope though is that the issues are specifically related to on-the-ball gameplay, which makes them stick out that much more and have incredible visibility already. As a result, I feel those areas will have a greater chance at being addressed sooner rather than later. In the meantime, yes, I'm going to enjoy the game for what it is - but that definitely does not mean I'm content with it. I'm still here and reading everything. I'm definitely spending hours in kick off matches testing gameplan adjustments, stats, etc. I just don't stream it because noone wants to watch me replay the same match as AB vs AGF in the Superliga :)

I think maybe we have different expectations for what would constitute a high quality footballing experience then. If Konami is going to live or die by it's gameplay alone, "better than before" simply isn't going to cut it for me.

And I guess I'm just surprised at your take - you're saying that with the exception of your "big 3" the game is playing well, whereas I'm seeing egregious fundamental flaws, especially with the AI and especially in defense. If I'm scoring goals or conceding goals because of poor programming, that's not quality gameplay in my opinion.

And even if Konami fixes your three problems, we're still left with a game in which there are essentially no headers or long shots, or 1-on-1 dribbles by the CPU. Tackles are hardly in the game either when you play against the CPU. Those are some serious absences by themselves that no quality football game should have. And it's not as if there aren't other issues as well, especially when playing on the higher difficulties.

Ultimately, it shouldn't be on you or me to have to try to "fix" the game. Especially not when PES has essentially zero to offer beyond its core gameplay. Not when PES wants to be the purist's choice. Not when it costs the same as FIFA but delivers so much less. I guess I'm just super disappointed because for a game that is so superb in certain areas, it's quite shambolic in other ways.
This is Superstar difficulty and you know my configuration. It's tough but seems realistic enough looking at AI passing conversion rate ?


The one thing I've been noticing more and more is how few tackles I'm finishing matches with. I've seen it brought up on twitter and I think on reddit, but not here. But pay attention to the number of tackles and interceptions you end with against the CPU.

In your example, you finished with 30 interceptions and 3 tackles. That's just about what I finish with every match, on Top Player or Superstar. Something's wrong - we should be finishing matches with about double the amount of tackles to interceptions.

A lot of this is probably because the CPU essentially refuses to take on defenders. But even so, it can be near impossible to close down CPU attackers and get close enough to put in a tackle. I've been paying attention to the CPU numbers and their numbers are much more realistic, but something isn't right.
I'm finding the opposite works best. Very minimal sprinting or pressing, just select and reposition a player I think the ball will go toward and hold R2 ready for the interception.

Most of the goals I've conceded have come from desperately trying to win the ball back thereby opening up massive holes in defence. Less is more really, I think the AI defensive positioning is suprisingly good at covering dangerous areas. The only time you really need to be pro-active is when the cross is about to come in to ensure you get there first.

Also - for anyone struggling with the cunts who are just pumping balls to the wing, use the 'Defensive' option in advanced attacking settings on both your fullbacks. It stops them from bombing forward so there's no space to exploit.

Anyone having success retaining possession with R2 dribbling? I'm really struggling to keep hold of the ball in the attacking third. Even with good technical midfielders like Koke, I always have a defender come through the back of me and get the ball. Only way around it is timed bursts of R1, but that doesn't help in tight spots.

Anyway, I've just had my best run online. Currently sitting top of my PESLeague group with 127 points. Playing quite negative football though, lots of deep crosses and scrappy goals then sitting on it.

In terms of the game itself, the areas I'd most like to see improved with future patches are:

> Reduced shot accuracy.
> Easier close control / shielding.
> Reduced crossing accuracy / more adv. to the defending team.

And that's it really. I'm still thoroughly enjoying this more than any football game over the last 3 years, and first PES since 2011. I love the variety in playing styles, and think the passing accuracy even on assisted is fine. Conceded so many goals early on from attempting blind FIFA passes, and I'm enjoying being forced to hammer the ball away if needs be.

Most authentic football sim so far IMO despite it's flaws. Can't comment on the AI as I only play online.

Regarding the bolded part....This is why it's so important for Konami to give us a shielding command like FIFA does. When the contextual shielding animation does happen it works well and you don't get stuck in it but online people just go through the back of my attacker and there's nothing I can do about if the animation doesn't trigger. What it forces people to do is first touch pass all the way down the pitch.
To all you online Pes Players.. has anyone Else the feeling that the game online is a lot faster and more Arcadey than before (yesterday was a patch)
I really can‘t believe that my mind made this up as i had an absolute blast with the game on FM the last days. But today it didn‘t felt the same.. a lot faster and just not so good anymore. I just hope they didn’t fuck this up again.. i hate patches
Anyone else think that the game (offline) has changed a bit since the patch, or is it just me? Players feel a lot more sluggish and slow to respond, AI is still an absolute joke but it feels like they press a bit more and make it harder for you to play. Scripting seems more obvious now, particularly in the latter stages of matches. Konami are fucking horrendous tossers, aren't they?
What I dont understand is....
Where did they suddenly get the space for it? I thought they removed D2's due to space limitation. Now suddenly they have space for Thai League. So what changed? Or was this always the plan? Swap Italian and Spanish D2 for Thai? Coz if thats the case, then... WOW!

There's been some noise on Twitter from people saying its going to overwrite one of the fake Asian leagues. Maybe the Chinese League deal fell through for whatever reason and they are sticking the Thai league in over the PEA League. Time will tell.
Yeah he doesn't look great. I done the legends ted file but bit disappointed no new additions thus far, I know Adriano and co are due at some point though.
Anyway I have been a past member or WENB from since 2008 and after my annual PES launch day purchase I am again wondering why I do this time after time. It's like an addiction for me despite not enjoying the game since PES6 all those years ago, I guess I'm part of the problem though by buying the game annually despite it's glaring flaws.

I get the 1v1 and online aspects have made this game a huge draw and it does play exceptionally well in the 1v1 scenario but who these days still has their mates come round to play a session of PES like the early days? Just isn't realistic for me anymore. I am purely offline as Myclub I find absurd so ML is my holy trail but my god the A.I is bordering on criminal. Obviously the flaws are well known on here now but I can't believe they made it past testing to release, that's a sackable offence surely?

I can't even get to grips with the new chip shot mechanics because every keeper I face is glued to the goal line and every team I face are obsessed with wing play and low crosses. It's such a shame because those stop the game of all its potential imo, it's unplayable in it's current state offline.

I just watched a video review by the mighty brits which summed it up well, give it a look on YouTube if you have time.
I heard that Thailand has second largest PES community after Brazil. It's one of the rare countries where PES sells more than FIFA
Also the licence costed nothing, it was free.

I think it's a nice way to reward a faithful community.

And the league brings a new challenge in Asia, that could be fun.

There's been some noise on Twitter from people saying its going to overwrite one of the fake Asian leagues. Maybe the Chinese League deal fell through for whatever reason and they are sticking the Thai league in over the PEA League. Time will tell.

Thai and Chinese leagues are already present in PES database. They are just disabled.

And PEA League has 16 teams, not 18 :).
Anyway I have been a past member or WENB from since 2008 and after my annual PES launch day purchase I am again wondering why I do this time after time. It's like an addiction for me despite not enjoying the game since PES6 all those years ago, I guess I'm part of the problem though by buying the game annually despite it's glaring flaws.

I get the 1v1 and online aspects have made this game a huge draw and it does play exceptionally well in the 1v1 scenario but who these days still has their mates come round to play a session of PES like the early days? Just isn't realistic for me anymore. I am purely offline as Myclub I find absurd so ML is my holy trail but my god the A.I is bordering on criminal. Obviously the flaws are well known on here now but I can't believe they made it past testing to release, that's a sackable offence surely?

I can't even get to grips with the new chip shot mechanics because every keeper I face is glued to the goal line and every team I face are obsessed with wing play and low crosses. It's such a shame because those stop the game of all its potential imo, it's unplayable in it's current state offline.

I just watched a video review by the mighty brits which summed it up well, give it a look on YouTube if you have time.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

The way Konami have tossed offline to one side to cater for the MyClub/online crowd is horrendous. It'll be the death knell of the series.
I have no problem with them adding Thai league,why shouldn't they if it's a loyal market.
But removing D2 leagues was a horrible move.
It feels like building a house ,but without an architect.
Just adding thing as they go along

1 Gameplay is unfinished (needs patching) I'm sure that they rushed this one,and will (hopefully) fix it in a update.

2 new leagues,but no stadiums, Scotland/Belgium/Denmark
"We'll fix em later"

Think if they'd hold out a month or two,released this game with a fixed Ai,with all stadiums, wouldn't that have been the right move?
Instead they just wing it.
For me the worst move of all times were the D2 mess
Disrespectful as fuck
Shame on you konami.
This could have been the best current gen game from them.
I heard that Thailand has second largest PES community after Brazil. It's one of the rare countries where PES sells more than FIFA
Also the licence costed nothing, it was free.

I think it's a nice way to reward a faithful community.
Yeah? And what reward did we get for sticking with PES since the 90s? Getting blacklisted?

Don't fool yourself. If Thailand really is the 2nd largest after Brasil, then it's clearly money. These dudes don't know fan service.
never ever have i been so impressed with a PES game after the PS2 days.
i am getting the feeling i must be a dying breed when reading some of the posts here but i am truly impressed and enjoying the game a lot
Your not alone mate really havin some cool games just one thing annoying me is that all the fields sorta look the same to me dunno
I heard that Thailand has second largest PES community after Brazil. It's one of the rare countries where PES sells more than FIFA
Also the licence costed nothing, it was free.

I think it's a nice way to reward a faithful community.

And the league brings a new challenge in Asia, that could be fun.

Thai and Chinese leagues are already present in PES database. They are just disabled.

And PEA League has 16 teams, not 18 :).

Yeap, I lived in Thailand 2000 - 2005 and that's where I got into winning eleven (PES) massive following there.
But even so, it can be near impossible to close down CPU attackers and get close enough to put in a tackle.

I think there's opportunity there to increase the tackles as double tapping X pretty sure is considered as a tackle, however this will increase the foul committed because AI is so good in shielding the ball. Even so if user being double or triple the aggression, I don't believe anyone can achieve 2 x # of Interceptions = # of Tackles.

How did you come to the conclusion that stats is "double the amount of tackles to interceptions" ? I'm sure you're right but just curious is that number from Premier League, La Liga or Bundesliga or average.

Is it me or does this look more like.... Sylvester Stallone?

LOL I have to concur ... Rocky Balboa that is!

It's the eye of the tiger, it's the dream of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger

There's been some noise on Twitter from people saying its going to overwrite one of the fake Asian leagues. Maybe the Chinese League deal fell through for whatever reason and they are sticking the Thai league in over the PEA League. Time will tell.

Awesome .. I think PESWorld already allocated that PEA slots to can't remember .. either J-League or CSL.
Yeah? And what reward did we get for sticking with PES since the 90s? Getting blacklisted?

Don't fool yourself. If Thailand really is the 2nd largest after Brasil, then it's clearly money. These dudes don't know fan service.

If they already dominate Thai market, do you think they will sell more even more games by including Thai League in PES 2019?

Nah, money move would be to include one of weakest European Leagues, where there is money and new clients to grab, like the Scottish one :).
I think there's opportunity there to increase the tackles as double tapping X pretty sure is considered as a tackle, however this will increase the foul committed because AI is so good in shielding the ball. Even so if user being double or triple the aggression, I don't believe anyone can achieve 2 x # of Interceptions = # of Tackles.

How did you come to the conclusion that stats is "double the amount of tackles to interceptions" ? I'm sure you're right but just curious is that number from Premier League, La Liga or Bundesliga or average.

A 2:1 ratio is kind of an old school rule of thumb but you can go to or whatever statistics site you like. I just now did a quick glance at whoscored just to make sure I wasn't talking out my ass and yes, you'll see the average tackle per match in the top leagues (including Champions League) is about 15 whereas interceptions is about 10 per match.

It's extremely rare for you to find a team that averages more interceptions per match than tackles, and when that's the case, it's usually still about even.

I don't believe that match statistics are the be-all end-all to judge things by but in this case it's really clear that something is off. I'm winning most matches on Superstar, playing 15 minutes, but I rarely break 5 tackles in a match whereas I'll usually have 25+ interceptions. That's just wrong. It's indicative of a number of things being off but ultimately it really just supports my feelings of frustration when defending against the CPU.

Here's the page with the Champions League stats if you'd like to look:
I think maybe we have different expectations for what would constitute a high quality footballing experience then. If Konami is going to live or die by it's gameplay alone, "better than before" simply isn't going to cut it for me.

And I guess I'm just surprised at your take - you're saying that with the exception of your "big 3" the game is playing well, whereas I'm seeing egregious fundamental flaws, especially with the AI and especially in defense. If I'm scoring goals or conceding goals because of poor programming, that's not quality gameplay in my opinion.

And even if Konami fixes your three problems, we're still left with a game in which there are essentially no headers or long shots, or 1-on-1 dribbles by the CPU. Tackles are hardly in the game either when you play against the CPU. Those are some serious absences by themselves that no quality football game should have. And it's not as if there aren't other issues as well, especially when playing on the higher difficulties.

Ultimately, it shouldn't be on you or me to have to try to "fix" the game. Especially not when PES has essentially zero to offer beyond its core gameplay. Not when PES wants to be the purist's choice. Not when it costs the same as FIFA but delivers so much less. I guess I'm just super disappointed because for a game that is so superb in certain areas, it's quite shambolic in other ways.

Honestly, I'm not sure here. Do you want me to say what you want to hear? Or do you want me to complain about the game and not do anything about it? Complaining without action is still complaining.

I've already stated that I'm not content with the game, and the big 3 for me are the focus that I have because, again as I said, I believe that's all KONAMI can handle at a given time. As I said, again, it took that 1 1/2 years to fix the DMF positioning, and even then it's not 100% - so what makes you think bombarding them with multiple requests is going to make a lick of difference for this version? One would say their track record has never matched up with that demand.

I expect any game that I purchase to come with flaws. Sorry, that's reality. I just spent a good month on Madden and modifying the sliders to what I felt is acceptable. I went through 14 versions of sliders to get there. PES, is also with many flaws, but in some areas it is acceptable for me, and there is huge potential. However, I'm not selfish, and multiple areas that have been brought up in this thread alone I have sided with - and 100% agree with. But, for the first time in years, I'm actually allowing myself to enjoy it. That doesn't mean I'm not going to push for fixes, it just means that there is always another way to approach things and make the best out of it. If this were the absolute final product, and I had to suffer with the CPU not shooting from range...yikes, that would ultimately be really unfortunate and I'd end up tearing my hair out thinking what is left to try. Already am.

It's not our responsibility, you're right. However, to think you are going to get a game that is 100% solid from the get go, is plain old naive. Then to complain about it afterwards, and not try to come up with a solution, it's like walking outside in the rain and wondering why you're soaking wet. Grab an umbrella, and try to do something about it. Regardless, we're all trying to get somewhere.

tldr: I agree with everything you say, but it's not going to stop me from playing the game I paid for and trying to figure out what can be done to fix parts of it. If KONAMI get to it first, happy days!
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