PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

Like 2 months is gonna make the difference. Work on a PES game is not 1 year, they start way before. While they were doing 19 they were already working on what to do for 20. They just try to build on top of the same thing every year always taking one step forward another back, or 2 back lol.

PES15 still be on PS4, sad to say....
Of course 2 months make difference in particular in content. If they will release game on 15.11.2018 it will be new stadia like Celtic Park,Ibrox, Stand Louis II and more like some new Russian like Spartak or Zenit. New leagues like Thai league :p, new player faces becuse now its a lot generetic one like in Scotish League. All these stuff will be in game. Its very important for customers who want better package in the beginning and they dont want wait.
Of course 2 months make difference in particular in content. If they will release game on 15.11.2018 it will be new stadia like Celtic Park,Ibrox, Stand Louis II and more like some new Russian like Spartak or Zenit. New leagues like Thai league :p, new player faces becuse now its a lot generetic one like in Scotish League. All these stuff will be in game. Its very important for customers who want better package in the beginning and they dont want wait.

If the only benefit is to add more content, then i'd rather just have the game earlier. Plenty still to keep us busy! We find it tough knowing there is a month to to release date, let alone 3!
As someone who is usually detailed-oriented when it comes to the AI behavior, I'm quite shocked that you think so highly of this. Just look at some of the videos I posted (including my last reply to you) and tell me how with such poor AI behavior - in attacking play but equally if not more so in defending - how could this be considered one of the better ones out there.

And as Chris said, all this gets way worse when you start upping the difficulty levels, to the point it's just an exasperating experience.

And that's just AI. You then also have the total lack of an aerial game because headers are so underpowered if not next to impossible, and that removes a massive strategic approach to football. And there's equally the near total absence of long shots. And it's not like there aren't other issues too.

This game is way too much an unfinished product on the field to be considered one of the better football games, even if it captures ball physics and player movement better than anything that's come before.

Gotta agree with all this, it's not like there's just one serious AI problem, there's a whole list of them. I guarantee that if the low cross spam is reduced more people will start to notice the CPU massively favoring high shots into the corner as the next repetitive AI behaviour! That is flying under the radar currently due to the crossing and keepers not coming out 1v1.

And that's before you even get to players like Neymar, Messi, Salah, Hazard who never dribble at you... tell me about this Player ID you're so proud of again Konami...
If the only benefit is to add more content, then i'd rather just have the game earlier. Plenty still to keep us busy! We find it tough knowing there is a month to to release date, let alone 3!
Its not only benefit because of content but PACKAGE of the GAME which is very important for sales and many customers. They should look how competitor make it. One date for release and one date for demo for years with full package in date release.
Whats really sad is that this could be the best PES game of all time if there werent so many game breaking issues like CPU AI, Goalkeepers stuck on the line, Weak headers and superhuman goalkeepers on shots.

I really dont understand how people on playtests / the dev team / the PR team etc. couldnt see these issues.

Everything else is soo damn good.

its amazing , how it is possible that they didnt see that AI never use sprint or trying to use dribbling against us , allways pass , pass , pass. Where is player ID ? do not make me laugh :D I bought game 5 days ago and i sold it today . I hope they will fix AI then i will buy game again.
Completely agree, and I'm not saying that isn't the case here. However, I'm also not one to say for certain this or that won't be fixed. They wouldn't say it would be fixed anyways. Look at how the positioning has improved, the teammate AI has improved, they never said this was going to be something they were improving on year over year - yet it has.

The problem with KONAMI is they never admit defeat. They want to show transparency, but that can't be shown without reducing one's pride first. It starts at the top and needs to work its way down. A sense of proud of accomplishments is one thing, but admitting of issues based on feedback has never been their strong-suit.

Yet, that won't stop me from enjoying what is laid in front of me, at this current time. I'm making the best of it, and the gameplay shows on video that it is beneficial to the experience. It's 100% not perfect, but I haven't fallen asleep to a match yet like I did in PES 2018 multiple times.

There are a lot of unexpected things like AI passing mistakes, physicality and collisions, that really make that part of the game enjoyable. Logically, the issues have already been stated - and you know that's where I live most of the time. The fact that I can still enjoy an ML (first time in years) but also remain focused on testing everything under the sun to fix the "Big 3" (GK Rush, CPU shooting, Low Cross), is some form of a testament to the base of the game.
You forgot "Big 4" AI players not dribbling with the ball and taking players on.
its amazing , how it is possible that they didnt see that AI never use sprint or trying to use dribbling against us , allways pass , pass , pass. I bought game 5 days ago and i sold it today . I hope they will fix AI then i will buy game again.

Oh, I dare say they did see it. Hence the 'generous' 5 minute demo game length. against the ai, they gave us prior to release. Just long enough to suck single players in without giving too much away.
Its not only benefit because of content but PACKAGE of the GAME which is very important for sales and many customers. They should look how competitor make it. One date for release and one date for demo for years with full package in date release.

I get where you're coming from, buyt the problem is this year they picked up these new leagues very late on. I don't know when we'll get all the stadiums, updated faces etc. that they've promised to provide in updates, but I think it hurts the game more if they held back and released after FIFA. It would only work if the next FIFA is terrible and PES 2019 then got outstanding reviews to pick off some of the FIFA fanbase
What gets me is they could of just done nothing with the AI and it would of been better. Just released it with updated squads the improved visuals and a few animations and bingo. Instead they've wasted a year making something worse and spent hours upon hours where it could of been invested elsewhere like ML
For my experiance new update via DLC with all stuff will come from 2 or maximum 3 months. Without BIG European leagues they should forget about good sales. Its my opinion.

To be fair, they're only missing Bundesliga when it comes to the big European Leagues. What's done a lot of damage is binning off Italian and Spanish Div 2s. If that had been English Div 2 that they'd scrapped, i'm not sure i'd have bought the game. A lot of supporters out there are fans of teams outside the big leagues, so the new leagues do add a great deal of value. It's just that bringing them in shouldn't be at the expense of other leagues, regardless of whether they have the real team names, kits etc. All the players are still there and option files are easier to install than ever before.
What gets me is they could of just done nothing with the AI and it would of been better. Just released it with updated squads the improved visuals and a few animations and bingo. Instead they've wasted a year making something worse and spent hours upon hours where it could of been invested elsewhere like ML

You're pretty much spot on with this. I always felt 2018 just needed a bit of tweaking as it was a solid game in my opinion. In 2019 they fixed fouls, injuries and pens, improved graphics, slowed the pace down and put an end to the overuse of chip through ball down the wings. They've also implemented fatigue now and greatly reduced how overpowered holding down R1, X and square for tackling opponents. But then, as i've said before, they've brought in issues that weren't there before. So close, yet so far!
What gets me is they could of just done nothing with the AI and it would of been better.
I don't agree with that - the lofted through-ball crap ruined last year's game for me*. I pointed it out in our review before the game released. It was never looked at in a patch. (I was hopeful this year's AI wouldn't have another massive single flaw. Hello, AI-low-cross-and-tap-in.)

*The one response I got about it was that it was because of "the way I played the game". Sound familiar? (See pages of "if you play like this, the AI won't pass to the wings all the time".)

The year before, though (PES 2017) - I thought the game was pretty good. In our review of that, I said "give me this again next year, but with less cheaty AI and a decent Master League, and I'm happy".

Instead, they freed up the ball and made the game flow wonderfully - which (IMO) is why the AI is suddenly 90% less varied, why attributes suddenly mean less (because the AI needs less variables to have to "think" about), and why the game is a lot worse against the AI in general.

Also, the Master League is the same.
Talking about fatigue, I find myself using R1 a lot more on defense to keep up with the opponent online. I really don’t want to but it seems like it’s my only option. Any of you use R1 not as much on defense?
To be fair, they're only missing Bundesliga when it comes to the big European Leagues. What's done a lot of damage is binning off Italian and Spanish Div 2s
And there I was, two months back, asking Konami "will all the new leagues also have D2's, as IMO, D2's are crucial to have realistic ML experience."
I would never, in a milion years thought, that they will not add any D2's AND also remove Spanish and Italian!
And now they are adding Thai League?
I mean, I really dont mean to be disrespectful, Im happy for all the Thai fans... i never complained out about Argentinian, Colombian and all others. I dont play them, but Im happy that they are there. Plus they have SOME quality... but thai league? Is that new direction for PES? Will we soon have Egyptian, Indian and other like that? And at what cost? English D2? French league?
Its actually scary what they are doing.
Ps.I was born in Poland. When there were still few leagues to announce I thought - "maybe one of them is polish league?"
But then I thought - "Nah! Its waaay to shite to put it in the game"
After tons of experimentation in training mode:
1. When playing with manual shooting or L2+shooting, headers are extremely rare. Players tend to position themselves for shooting, not for headers.
2. Setting shooting to basic, headers are perfect in frequency, variation etc. So manual lovers like me, set only the shooting to basic, for the shake of headers.
3. I have the impression that when playing with PA0, even with L2 passing, first time passes are assisted and not manual.

Check it.
I'm thinking that Konami will pull the plug on PES either this coming year or the next. Konami is all in on mobile games so I don't see why they would keep funding the PES team. Hopefully, if we're lucky, some other Japanese developer will pick up the PES team, otherwise we'll be left with FIFA, and just look at the Madden games to see what no competition does.
I don't agree with that - the lofted through-ball crap ruined last year's game for me*. I pointed it out in our review before the game released. It was never looked at in a patch. (I was hopeful this year's AI wouldn't have another massive single flaw. Hello, AI-low-cross-and-tap-in.)

I know you said you don't play on professional as you find it too easy, but when you did play on it, did you notice a lot of low crosses into the box compared to other types of play into the box? Only asking as the low cross is far less frequent in 2019 than the PES 2018 chip through-ball issue. I played both 2018 and 2019 on professional. I do use a weak team for my ML and manual passing so it's a challenge for me.

I understand where you're coming from when you don't accept that you should have to play a different way to stop one type of passage of play happening so often. However, looking at it from a different perspective, the ai will make a pass to the player who is at lowest risk of being intercepted. If i use a player off the ball to mark an opposition teammate, the ai is highly unlikely to pass to them. It's the same with the low cross issue. I have to make sure i'm defending properly and marking a potential receiver properly. that means getting ahead of them so i can intercept any low passes.

In 2019s defence, i've found it's made me better at defending. I'm concentrating alot more regarding which player i control and whether best to close down the man with the ball myself or send an ai temamate over while i close off his passing options. From this alone i've seen a much more varied style of approach play from different ai teams.

I know this doesn't excuse other issues like lack of long range shots and ai players dribbling. I actually think those are bigger issues than this low cross issue as I think it just requires more input defensively from the player himself. This is not a knock on you by the way. Just keeping an open mind and trying to understand how the game is working the more i play!
Hello people,,
We're looking for full manual players to play for a team we're trying to build to play in a 10v10 league,we're looking for players that don't take it too seriously but seriously enough to compete in a league,if we get enough people for the team hopefully 8 to ten players a night,then we should be able to organise and train against other teams from the same league..if u would like to give it a go and have a practice with us please let me know on here or on PS4 my psn I'd is Dillinjadale.
This game comes alive playing full manual against other full manual players. come and try it,thanks...

We would be looking to play most nights at around 21:00...
Sorry if this is in the wrong thread ‍♂️
I'm thinking that Konami will pull the plug on PES either this coming year or the next. Konami is all in on mobile games so I don't see why they would keep funding the PES team. Hopefully, if we're lucky, some other Japanese developer will pick up the PES team, otherwise we'll be left with FIFA, and just look at the Madden games to see what no competition does.

I think they won't. I do believe they still have profit from the serie. Otherwise they would have pulled the plug long time ago.
I understand where you're coming from when you don't accept that you should have to play a different way to stop one type of passage of play happening so often. However, looking at it from a different perspective, the ai will make a pass to the player who is at lowest risk of being intercepted. If i use a player off the ball to mark an opposition teammate, the ai is highly unlikely to pass to them. It's the same with the low cross issue. I have to make sure i'm defending properly and marking a potential receiver properly. that means getting ahead of them so i can intercept any low passes.

There's two problems with this. First, the CPU will attempt low crosses even when it doesn't make sense to do so. Watch the following video. The CPU winger is behind my backline. In real life, he'd head aggressively toward goal. Instead, not only does he stop, but when Van Dijk marks him, he still chooses to fire off a low cross... right into the feet of Van Dijk. That's on Superstar difficulty. Pretty pathetic.

The other problem is that even though most people have been focusing on the CPU attacking AI, the defensive AI is as much a problem and leads to the easy wing play for the CPU. I've posted the following video before but it explains so much about what's going on. You'll see Mane stop tracking back and Chamberlain abandon his position and head to the backline leaving an easy overload on the wing. Then when I bring Chamberlain back to help out, my fullback abandons his mark, leaving the CPU winger with an easy cross attempt.

So it'd be one thing if proper defending made a difference. But the CPU will still go for the low cross move even when it makes zero sense to do so, while proper defending on the wing is not always possible because of the problems with the defensive AI.
Talking about fatigue, I find myself using R1 a lot more on defense to keep up with the opponent online. I really don’t want to but it seems like it’s my only option. Any of you use R1 not as much on defense?

I'm finding the opposite works best. Very minimal sprinting or pressing, just select and reposition a player I think the ball will go toward and hold R2 ready for the interception.

Most of the goals I've conceded have come from desperately trying to win the ball back thereby opening up massive holes in defence. Less is more really, I think the AI defensive positioning is suprisingly good at covering dangerous areas. The only time you really need to be pro-active is when the cross is about to come in to ensure you get there first.

Also - for anyone struggling with the cunts who are just pumping balls to the wing, use the 'Defensive' option in advanced attacking settings on both your fullbacks. It stops them from bombing forward so there's no space to exploit.

Anyone having success retaining possession with R2 dribbling? I'm really struggling to keep hold of the ball in the attacking third. Even with good technical midfielders like Koke, I always have a defender come through the back of me and get the ball. Only way around it is timed bursts of R1, but that doesn't help in tight spots.

Anyway, I've just had my best run online. Currently sitting top of my PESLeague group with 127 points. Playing quite negative football though, lots of deep crosses and scrappy goals then sitting on it.

In terms of the game itself, the areas I'd most like to see improved with future patches are:

> Reduced shot accuracy.
> Easier close control / shielding.
> Reduced crossing accuracy / more adv. to the defending team.

And that's it really. I'm still thoroughly enjoying this more than any football game over the last 3 years, and first PES since 2011. I love the variety in playing styles, and think the passing accuracy even on assisted is fine. Conceded so many goals early on from attempting blind FIFA passes, and I'm enjoying being forced to hammer the ball away if needs be.

Most authentic football sim so far IMO despite it's flaws. Can't comment on the AI as I only play online.
Sadly most people just don't care about that any more. You've got someone up there saying WE9:LE was a "totally arcade" game yet back then if you tried difficult or pressured shots on a player's weaker foot it could very well go for a throw in. People don't want to have to think any more, instant gratification is all that matters.
After reading your post I just booted up WE9LE, went into free training mode hitting all sorts of shots with different qualities of teams and players, on stronger and weaker foot and it's insane just how much deeper the shooting mechanics are than PES 2019. The game is almost 15 years old...

With low stat players just aiming shots down the middle you see them getting hit wide of either post, well over the bar, harmlessly to the keeper to gather etc. Lots of variation in the power and even the spin/trajectory of the shots... Old PES games had these dipping and rising shots already implemented in the shooting mechanics, yet they call it a "new feature" when they bring them back, and only on certain players as a special skill/trait rather than as a natural part of the shooting mechanics for every player.

What shooting mode has been used there?
Well, its impossible for them to get them leagues so they may as well get what they can.
What I dont understand is....
Where did they suddenly get the space for it? I thought they removed D2's due to space limitation. Now suddenly they have space for Thai League. So what changed? Or was this always the plan? Swap Italian and Spanish D2 for Thai? Coz if thats the case, then... WOW!
Yes in Thailand lots of people also play Pes, , so imagine what adding the Thai league can do for Konami in a country with 68 million people.
Yes in Thailand lots of people also play Pes, , so imagine what adding the Thai league can do for Konami in a country with 68 million people.
Why not add Indian (1.3B), Pakistan(200Milion) and Bangkadeshi (166Milion) and remove English (its not licensed, who cares?), Spanish (only Barca is licensed, we can keep Barca in Other Europeans) and French (who cares, right?)
Plus those 3 have reasonably small population.
Are we talking about quality or quantity here?
I dont care what leagues they add and how many, as long as that doesnt mean removal of others! Especially good quality ones like Spanish and Italian!
As someone who is usually detailed-oriented when it comes to the AI behavior, I'm quite shocked that you think so highly of this. Just look at some of the videos I posted (including my last reply to you) and tell me how with such poor AI behavior - in attacking play but equally if not more so in defending - how could this be considered one of the better ones out there.

And as Chris said, all this gets way worse when you start upping the difficulty levels, to the point it's just an exasperating experience.

And that's just AI. You then also have the total lack of an aerial game because headers are so underpowered if not next to impossible, and that removes a massive strategic approach to football. And there's equally the near total absence of long shots. And it's not like there aren't other issues too.

This game is way too much an unfinished product on the field to be considered one of the better football games, even if it captures ball physics and player movement better than anything that's come before.

Yes, I did watch your videos. I watched them before you posted here as I'm subscribed to your YouTube. It's not about being right or wrong, at this point, it's about honing in on a specific item - and working on that for the next couple of weeks till it is fixed.

I am not sure you are familiar, but I have been pushing for the DMF positioning since the PES 2017 Demo. It didn't make it to be fixed that year, and neither did PES 18. So, I've had to wait for a while now to get what I wanted out of the game. I had to hone in on that concept of positioning, and hound whoever I could, through making videos and posting them to PES channels. Now that it's much better than it was, although not perfect in some instances, I am content with that aspect.

Another area I had a big focus on was the FB not trying to tuck in too early and play CB role. That has been somewhat fixed in 19. Another one was the defenders, center backs primarily, following the attacker past the halfway line. That has made it in, but it also is not 100% perfect, but it's better than it was.

That is the resounding theme here. "Better than it was". I think we have to realize that we are in a position in which we are not going to get to eat our cake, and eat it too, until true gameplay customization is delivered.

So, while I may be detail oriented, it is not of every single detail that gets pointed out when I'm developing a feedback pitch. That is because my focus is on the Big 3, this year, because that is what I believe, for lack of a better phrasing, is all KONAMI can actually handle to change. See above at what I pushed for, it took 1 1/2 years - and it's still not 100% perfect. So, if we start to send them 10+ requests of gameplay concerns, it will nullify the priority of the most important ones. We'll get grouped into this mindset of "Oh, it's only YOUR opinion, and in YOUR community of hardcore PES gameplay fans." - like it's been for multiple years. I do not want there to be a chance in which our opinions are led to being spiteful and our credibility lessened. Anyone who has ever worked in any kind of support role would understand this. You have a product, send it to a client, and they come back with 10+ different requests. If we go to KONAMI and say I want 10+ different items to be addressed, the chances of the main ones fall by the wayside.

I'm a big fan of your insight, and we follow the same thread to untangle most of the time. I think it's even more important as a result to hone in on a specific priority so they can address it. I think it's also important to understand that these requests won't be addressed in public, possibly EVER, but they will most likely make their way down the road to next versions by power of suggestion.

My area where I'm holding out hope though is that the issues are specifically related to on-the-ball gameplay, which makes them stick out that much more and have incredible visibility already. As a result, I feel those areas will have a greater chance at being addressed sooner rather than later. In the meantime, yes, I'm going to enjoy the game for what it is - but that definitely does not mean I'm content with it. I'm still here and reading everything. I'm definitely spending hours in kick off matches testing gameplan adjustments, stats, etc. I just don't stream it because noone wants to watch me replay the same match as AB vs AGF in the Superliga :)
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