PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

Is it just me or do the AI ease up when playing on Advanced Shooting? When I switched to that and manual passing I seemed to be able to beat players more easily and fashion more opportunities as if my players where pulled out of a rigorous system.

When I went back to basic shooting it felt like my players where slightly more sluggish and the AI where sharper and tighter on marking.

I'm going to sound like the dearly departed @makepesgreatagain but the game sure does know when it doesn't want you to score.

Two yards out I tap shoot and aim to the left. Instead I apparently decided to cannon it off the right post. Third time I'd hit the post in that match.

Low and behold down the other end they score a late winner when my defender decides not to head clear from a corner but to chest it down.

Fuck right off.
Oh dammit, there goes my hope. I think i might get FIFA this year, i know it is scripted too but it has all licenses.

What is point of poor licenses AND scripting? Konami are a joke.
Shooting could be more diverse, beside manual. I personally dislike advanced shooting with that target on the screen
You can switch the target off in settings. I dont like any targets on the pitch. Thats why I dont use Advance Through balls. But Advance shooting target can be switched of.

I dont think AI wing obsession depends on our playing style, pal.
But agree with you - it can limit it.
When I play on manual and careful at the back, they try to search for other options. But they feel like starving vegetarians trying to eat meat. They will have few bites, but the minute carrot is available, they will jump on it.
Best proof of AI having issues is when they slow down the attack, or dont shoot in one-on-one situations, just to tick the box that they passed to the wing. The second wing option is there, they grab it with both hands (or legs in that case). And sometimes they have another few options for good pass, yet they still pick the wing.
It just doesnt feel natural.
I've learn a bit how to secure it at the back. Like you said - i dont rush, cover the back, manually switching players at the back to cut off passing lanes..
But it has to be addressed coz its definetely an issue. We shouldnt be spending whole match worrying about wings. We should be worrying about attacks from every direction and distance.
I hear what you're saying but for me personally those are the times I get the chance to play the game at all (work, family etc) so it doesn't make a difference. Also; isn't evenings/nighttime quite normal to be playing?

That's good for you. Sounds like you have ample other things to keep you busy.

My problem was that I wanted the perfect football game and I thought I was at fault for not having the latest console, the best internet. I read the exact thing about better connection in evenings back playing PES 2015. So I did that and then found myself playing later and later.

There were 2 things though that was there then that isn't now :
1. it was the weekend and Wednesday competitions that used to go on til 4 in the morning or over the whole weekend. That truly messed me up. MyClub was like being at work and instead of earning cash I was earning GP.

2. it was a belief that MyClub was going to deliver a serious competitive platform for PvP football gaming. like if I skilled up in 2015, surely I'd be rewarded in 2016. my reward was actually to finally realise what a con this online game is.

My comment may not be useful to you guys but I just thought I post this because if Id have read this type of post back then, I would not have messed up.
Gotta say that every time I fire up this game, I really enjoy it.
Will that be the same after a couple of months?
I don´t know. I had a short phase of not really liking PES 2018, but in the end after the latest patches it felt quite different.

But this game...
At the moment just passing the ball around, building up an attack is a lot of fun.
The ball physics are amazing.

Still playing with Troyes in the 2nd french league (league mode) and lost a few games.
I´m on the 6th place or something.
Decided to go calm and easy, building up my game and not going too hectic.

With a lofted through ball from the midfield to my striker who received with his chest and scored (full manual), I finally won again and it felt and looked awesome.
I have to setup that nvidia shadowplay or whatever it is with what you can record your stuff.

Had another nice attack which didn´t lead to a goal, but looked very nice.

Another lofted throughball to my striker who starts running.
Ball is bouncing to him and till he receives it he looks at the ball and then at the keeper and at the ball again...moves his head a view times to check on ball and keeper a few times which looked quite cool in the replay.
Keeper makes a few steps towards the attacker and looks quite nervous as in he can´t decide what to do...but finally makes an approach to the striker and manages to parry the ball with his body.

Should have recorded that one.

- If you have the ball and want this player to start running after a pass - hold R2 and pass. After the pass they should start running.
- If you want some other player to start running - hold L1 and point right stick at the player (thats on basic run)
Having said that - this is only in theory. For some reasons sometimes my players are not very supportive when I want them to run
Some people claim its due to fatigue and after 2/3 runs they won't do it anymore..

For some reason the 2nd option doesn´t work properly since PES 2017.
Back then people already claimed that it is due to fatigue, but I remember having that in the middle of the match.
People often refuse to make a run....strange.
If it´s due to fatigue, then fine...but I wouldn´t confirm that this is really the reason.
I´d have to test that.

See this goal I scored online tonight for a clear example of what I hate about the shooting mechanics in this game;


Aimed low, right down the middle of the goal with full power... Ends up being absolutely belted 100mph into the corner, despite being pressured (well, kicked) by the defender and it being a weak foot volley.

I was never in any doubt that this shot would end up being blasted on target with extreme power... They never get scuffed/sliced/skied, you simply get the exact same perfectly struck rocket of a shot that just ends up going in a different (random) part of the goal.

What shooting mode has been used there?

Does anybody noticed that after the last (2 days ago update)
For Offline
1)Fouls have been reduced a lot (Pre patch were so many of them it was good)
2) Weather effect (rain) was better before.
3)The amazing player movement , freedom of play is now gone. Players are heavier, turn slower and the ball physics got worst.It literally plays like 18 now.(huge disappointment)
4)Only good is that cpu does not try to low cross at first post (they do but not so often) but the low cross to the first post & then to penalty area and they score from there :)

Game feels absolutely the same for me after the patch.
With the AI how it is, unless you play online, I don't get how you can say this Pepper.

It seems to be bizarro-world with the AI too - the worse the team is, the more tiki-taka they play (on higher difficulty settings), whereas the better teams play in a more realistic way.

There are enough people seeing the "AI only wants to low-cross and tap-in" crap that we know it's a major issue. All that's left is to hope they patch it - but they didn't do that for any other issues (i.e. last year's no fouls).

My signature says it all (actually, not even all).

Chris for the first time in all of this series NextGen i've enjoyed most of my online matches. And to be honest on the ball is so much better imo than ever, i'm blinded to the rest of the complaints because for me since 2013 it's been total shit i haven't played PES more than a month or until fifa came out. So at the moment i'm enjoying the gravy. I'm dipping my mother fucking bread in it and lapping that shit up..For now!
A word of warning guys - you guys are bending over backwards for this game where it should be fixed now this is PES's 4th year with the new engine. Past PES' and adequate research of the consumer base (not just - here's a 10 page questionnaire and here's 10K GP for filling it in) would have fixed this by now.

Isn't actually the 6th year? Pes 2014,15,16,17,18 & now 19?
If so, that makes the fact that things still aren't fixed even worse.

Lack of fouls being called, stadium creator, PA1 and above being on rails etc have been in every iteration of the Fox engine PES I think. Maybe when/if they switch to a new engine it will mean a lot of these issues will go? But I am not sure if or when that might happen?
The Advance Through balls target can also be switched off.
Thats true. But Advance Shooting without target is still reasonably easy once you get use to it. Advance Throughballs without that circle are very difficult, at least for me. L2+O works much better for me.
Had to post this clip that uploaded on youtube (just incase you don't go to the pc thread), to show a few things:
1. How awesome the Argentine commentary is :) makes a difference big time particularly after a goal
2. The cool camera angles achieved by sider, although I still prefer my default 5,8,10 for full manual
3. Playing full manual pass and shoot vs superstar - just looked back at the clip, and although I did have a bad game, overall it actually looks like quite a realistic game, errors by both me and the ai. Yeah the AI could have been a little more direct at times, but they did do some nice passing through the middle (now always down wing), and there was the odd cross and header (offside) and/or bicycle..not just low ones. Most of the low ones I got in the way of and extinguished.
.. Gotta love some of my long range efforts though... very.. um. realistic as they missed by quite a bit.

btw, the video I made of this via bandicam runs a very smooth 60fps, just wished it came out the same when I uploaded on youtube. For some reason it resulted in this consistent stutter.. youtube fault :)

Oh. I had a question with all this.. which ps4 version has the Argentine commentary??? Does the US version on psn store have the Argentine commentary.. ive heard it has the Japanese commentary.. but not sure re Argentine.
See this goal I scored online tonight for a clear example of what I hate about the shooting mechanics in this game;


Aimed low, right down the middle of the goal with full power... Ends up being absolutely belted 100mph into the corner, despite being pressured (well, kicked) by the defender and it being a weak foot volley.

I was never in any doubt that this shot would end up being blasted on target with extreme power... They never get scuffed/sliced/skied, you simply get the exact same perfectly struck rocket of a shot that just ends up going in a different (random) part of the goal.

Sadly most people just don't care about that any more. You've got someone up there saying WE9:LE was a "totally arcade" game yet back then if you tried difficult or pressured shots on a player's weaker foot it could very well go for a throw in. People don't want to have to think any more, instant gratification is all that matters.
Pardon my ignorance but who is that Daniel Henry guy. Is he affiliated with PES at all because he seems adamant that updates and fixes are being done
Isn't actually the 6th year? Pes 2014,15,16,17,18 & now 19?
If so, that makes the fact that things still aren't fixed even worse.

Lack of fouls being called, stadium creator, PA1 and above being on rails etc have been in every iteration of the Fox engine PES I think. Maybe when/if they switch to a new engine it will mean a lot of these issues will go? But I am not sure if or when that might happen?

Yep you are right - 6th year Fox engine; 4th year of MyClub.

My focus is on MyClub because thats what dominated my play til this year. I was in a bubble that made me think there would be this glorious offline game for me to fall back on when online servers would shut.

With 2019, if current issues gets fixed there possibly will be that glorious game. But then without full leagues it loses some of that authenticity. But I just wonder why after all these years the game is not perfected from the get-go. is it deliberate or just plain lazy or a bit of both?

anyways, at the moment my challenge is to resist til 2020. we'll see if i make it.

Edit : i'm still playing the older pes' so i'm still addicted. just less.
With the AI how it is, unless you play online, I don't get how you can say this Pepper.

It seems to be bizarro-world with the AI too - the worse the team is, the more tiki-taka they play (on higher difficulty settings), whereas the better teams play in a more realistic way.

There are enough people seeing the "AI only wants to low-cross and tap-in" crap that we know it's a major issue. All that's left is to hope they patch it - but they didn't do that for any other issues (i.e. last year's no fouls).

My signature says it all (actually, not even all).

I must say, my experience has been different having played 1 season and now 5 games into my second season on ML in English Div 2 on Professional. Championship teams seem to play pretty realistically, making mistakes and using various passes. I've seen a lot of variety in the approach play, with a lot of high balls into the box from different areas on the pitch, along with low passes into the box that haven't gone down the wing.

On the downside though, i'd still like the ai to take a bit more time on the ball, although they aren't playing tiki-taka. Shots on the edge of the box happen very rarely and shots further out than that never happen at all. That needs fixing I've also not seen the ai dribble with the ball, apart from when going back on themselves to avoid tackles from my players. So players with good dribbling skills need to be programmed to do this. I always remember fearing Robben ever getting the ball when i'd play aginst him on older games.

I must admit though, I almost went back to PES 2018 the other night when the ai annoyed me 3 games in a row and scored with all their shots on target in those games and they were low crosses a couple of times. I only had 3 more games left to complete my first ML season, so decided i'd then play the last 3 games to finish it. But I won the next game completely against the run of play and my goalkeeper made some great saves and my defence was clearing everything courageously. I then went on to win the last two games as well, including a win against Leeds in the last game of the season to stop them getting automatic promotion. They went 2 bar attach from KO and i scored both my goals on the break. I kept a clean sheet again despite them peppering my penalty area with all manner of balls in.

I'm now into my 2nd season. Won my first 3 league games without conceding, but then lost to Rotherham 3-0! I also went out of the cup thanks to one goal where my player nearest the ball did not select (one problem i've found is playing switching) and so did not head a cross away. The second goal was a cruel deflection off my defender (i can accept that one though).

I keep having mixed feelings, but what i have noticed is that there seems to be a lot more variety in the way the matches play out. A mixture of frustration and joy along the way that's turned this into a Marmite version of PES. A few fixes that stop the annoying habits this game has, then everyone will be happy. They've nailed the core gameplay, now to focus on ironing out the ai issues.
PES 2019 is a bad game. Period.

Whichever way you want to look at it, you'll find bugs, issues, annoyances.
Online, Offline, Game Modes, Gameplay, Graphics.

I'm sick and tired of people saying things like "beneath the issues, there's a great football game!", "when they patch this issue, it will be a great football game!", "if they focus on games modes and atmosphere next year, it'll be a great football game!". Tired.

Online, PES doesn't even have half the traffic other games have yet it collapses the minute it's officially released, up and running. The game has been out for just a week and they already have to be 'investigating issues'. WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU INVESTIGATE PROBABLE ISSUES BEFORE?

Offline, the AI is at its worst ever. Game Modes looking like an abandoned house, full of dust and spider webs.

But yeah, underneath all of it... it's a great football game!
Just been looking at my Shopto history

I noticed the release dates of recent PES –

Here they are:

PES9 – 14/10
PES10 – 19/09
PES11 – 05/10
PES12 – Didn’t buy this one until well after release date
PES13 – 19/09
PES14 – 17/09
PES15 – 10/11
PES16 – Didn’t buy it from here so don’t know release date
PES17 – 12/09
PES18 – Didn’t buy at all
PES19 – 30/08

So most games are released around Mid Sept. One exception was PES15 and the November release date and PES09 was Oct.
If they had released this game in the normal time frame the transfers would be done and AI could’ve been worked on a bit more.
Just been looking at my Shopto history

I noticed the release dates of recent PES –

Here they are:

PES9 – 14/10
PES10 – 19/09
PES11 – 05/10
PES12 – Didn’t buy this one until well after release date
PES13 – 19/09
PES14 – 17/09
PES15 – 10/11
PES16 – Didn’t buy it from here so don’t know release date
PES17 – 12/09
PES18 – Didn’t buy at all
PES19 – 30/08

So most games are released around Mid Sept. One exception was PES15 and the November release date and PES09 was Oct.
If they had released this game in the normal time frame the transfers would be done and AI could’ve been worked on a bit more.

Maybe releasing this game early is a blessing in disguise though? I think these ai issues would have still been in there, even if they released the game in November. They clearly only have a small number of testers, whereas on release they have thousands. If they do the sensible thing and actually listen to this feedback, then they could actually sort the ai out within a month or two.
Maybe releasing this game early is a blessing in disguise though? I think these ai issues would have still been in there, even if they released the game in November. They clearly only have a small number of testers, whereas on release they have thousands. If they do the sensible thing and actually listen to this feedback, then they could actually sort the ai out within a month or two.

That's what betas are for. Which this game had.
Maybe releasing this game early is a blessing in disguise though? I think these ai issues would have still been in there, even if they released the game in November. They clearly only have a small number of testers, whereas on release they have thousands. If they do the sensible thing and actually listen to this feedback, then they could actually sort the ai out within a month or two.
How much testers are they needed to see that EPL teams in ML outsell everything in their roster?
@Chuny agree with the tone of your post. From what I understood, this game is unsurprisingly a 360 degrees mess, I'm sure a lot of people is cutting some slack to it in good faith tho.. if you don't like Fifa and you can't play older titles you have no football alternatives, plus there is some good here and there. I can see why somebody might force himself to only see the positive.

Still, I think objectively we should demand way more from them. I'm not sure how many other productions with a name as big as PES is wouldn't face a way bigger backlash for such a not cured title..

Offline, the AI is at its worst ever.

Yes. Even because, all I'm hearing is the low crosses, the GK stucked and the striker turning away from the goal problem, but what about stars not dribbling? Or long shooters, well, not shooting? Or teams still not having defined personalities? Forget for a second that in 2019 we should have and expect an IA way, WAAY more complex and refined than this, but how can't it break immersion to play against Neymar or Mbappè to never see them try to dribble their markers with consistency?

Every time I have the vague temptation of buy it, I randomly pick one of the things this game lacks and it's so easy to desist..
That's what betas are for. Which this game had.

They would have needed to release a beta a month or two earlier than they did for them to be able to implement any changes before release. It wasn't a beta anyway. Just a demo of the final game. They would also need to make the games at least 10 mins long so people can actually pick out any faults properly. This is something they should do going forward. It's free testing and would avoid people complaining about the final product on release. As i've said, the gameplay is fine. They should shift the focus onto fixing the ai now.
Just been looking at my Shopto history

I noticed the release dates of recent PES –

Here they are:

PES9 – 14/10
PES10 – 19/09
PES11 – 05/10
PES12 – Didn’t buy this one until well after release date
PES13 – 19/09
PES14 – 17/09
PES15 – 10/11
PES16 – Didn’t buy it from here so don’t know release date
PES17 – 12/09
PES18 – Didn’t buy at all
PES19 – 30/08

So most games are released around Mid Sept. One exception was PES15 and the November release date and PES09 was Oct.
If they had released this game in the normal time frame the transfers would be done and AI could’ve been worked on a bit more.
The conclusion is that PES 15 released on 10.11 was the best Pes without stupid issues. Pes 5/6 released around 15.11 and these games were good too. Its mean they should released game later. Konami thougt that earlier released game make better sales to compete with EA but in this moment this strategy is wrong.
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