PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

Well, I guess I just found out why the goalkeepers are glued to the line. probably because they are horribly coded when coming out of the goal.

I'm so so frustrated by trying to play this game online, as 90% of the games are so laggy that they are pretty much unplayable. PES 17, 18 and now 19 have had EXACTLY the same online issues and not been improved at all, even the 19 demo and 18 beta had way way better online stability.

The majority of games I play online on level 5 connection are EXTREMELY unresponsive laggy and often have the bad connection bar thing comes up.

I have now paid like £120 for 3 games where the online just isn't good enough, PES 4-6 had better online with way more people, so wtf? FIFA and every other online game doesn't have lag problems like PES does. It's inexcusable and means online is mostly unplayable and offline too, as the AI are wing and low cross robots.
Message sent and Asim is already doing damage control saying that it's just in UK, only physical sales and telling that Eurogamer put a negative spin with a clickbait title (but it isn't). After the review and this article Eurogamer is definitely blacklisted by Konami. :PP

But being only physical sales doesn't explain such huge drop though, considering that we are talking about a 42% here and not a 10-15% that is in line with other games sales decline.

No doubt Asim blocked them on Twitter :LMAO:
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Does anybody noticed that after the last (2 days ago update)
For Offline
1)Fouls have been reduced a lot (Pre patch were so many of them it was good)
2) Weather effect (rain) was better before.
3)The amazing player movement , freedom of play is now gone. Players are heavier, turn slower and the ball physics got worst.It literally plays like 18 now.(huge disappointment)
4)Only good is that cpu does not try to low cross at first post (they do but not so often) but the low cross to the first post & then to penalty area and they score from there :)
im playing divisions but yes it feels like certain opponents are boosted. i think its just they play on PA3

In Divisions when playing manual and similar settinggs you get paired with other manual passers all the time but when u do the same with PA1 I Think you can face PA2 and upwards UNTIL you get a AAA- rating, then it get narrowed down to only PA1. But I'm not sure this really is the case, like everything else with PES...
Right now I’m using manual passing and advanced shooting. I couldn’t find a single soul with similar settings though:( Granted I only tried a few times before I gave up.
Right now I’m using manual passing and advanced shooting. I couldn’t find a single soul with similar settings though:( Granted I only tried a few times before I gave up.

From my experience the best times to get matches with those settings (I'm in Sweden btw) is in the evenings. Mornings and daytime is almost impossible.
Right now I’m using manual passing and advanced shooting. I couldn’t find a single soul with similar settings though:( Granted I only tried a few times before I gave up.
I play with those settings! Let me know if you fancy some online friendlies if you're having trouble finding games - I find a few with them most nights but typically I'll play against friends who also use manual.
From my experience the best times to get matches with those settings (I'm in Sweden btw) is in the evenings. Mornings and daytime is almost impossible.

A word of warning guys - you guys are bending over backwards for this game where it should be fixed now this is PES's 4th year with the new engine. Past PES' and adequate research of the consumer base (not just - here's a 10 page questionnaire and here's 10K GP for filling it in) would have fixed this by now.

I was given similar advice and, when I was at the height of my addiction, I was playing late evenings to bvegin and then pushing it to stupid hours.

Its good that you experiment but be ready. While you guys are getting addicted sleep-deprived and frustrated, the player base in Japan in probably just sitting down to a lag-free game of PES with you after tea.

Edit : I just got to beat this pes forum addiction now.
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See this goal I scored online tonight for a clear example of what I hate about the shooting mechanics in this game;


Aimed low, right down the middle of the goal with full power... Ends up being absolutely belted 100mph into the corner, despite being pressured (well, kicked) by the defender and it being a weak foot volley.

I was never in any doubt that this shot would end up being blasted on target with extreme power... They never get scuffed/sliced/skied, you simply get the exact same perfectly struck rocket of a shot that just ends up going in a different (random) part of the goal.

From what i have noticed when using L2 manual shot is that it always goes to the spot that the cursor is on the moment I press 0 even if I move it to the other side whilst holding 0. The initial press is where it goes.
A word of warning guys - you guys are bending over backwards for this game where it should be fixed now this is PES's 4th year with the new engine. Past PES' and adequate research of the consumer base (not just - here's a 10 page questionnaire and here's 10K GP for filling it in) would have fixed this by now.

I was given similar advice and, when I was at the height of my addiction, I was playing late evenings to bvegin and then pushing it to stupid hours.

Its good that you experiment but be ready. While you guys are getting addicted sleep-deprived and frustrated, the player base in Japan in probably just sitting down to a lag-free game of PES with you after tea.

I hear what you're saying but for me personally those are the times I get the chance to play the game at all (work, family etc) so it doesn't make a difference. Also; isn't evenings/nighttime quite normal to be playing?
I don't think it has anything to do with the patch, but certain teams do more normal crosses. It's probably something in their set up, I haven't been arsed to look for what it could be. Then the next team uses the same low cross approach.
Edit: The next time I see this happen I am going to reload the save an play the same match again, see if the behaviour sticks or if it is jus a coincidence.
Just back from the post office. It's gone. Hopefully by the time they fix the issues the game'll be cheaper and I'll maybe get it then.
Oh come on Lami bro where's your staying power? I actually for the first time in years enjoying this game. Maybe because i want it to be great again, but i am enjoying it. It probably has some of the things i want 3 years ago but i'm going to stick with it and try and find the good spots.
Oh come on Lami bro where's your staying power? I actually for the first time in years enjoying this game. Maybe because i want it to be great again, but i am enjoying it. It probably has some of the things i want 3 years ago but i'm going to stick with it and try and find the good spots.
I'm just not really enjoying it in it's current state :( Plus I'm short on money tbh so I don't want to feel remorse over a game I know I'm not happy about and won't play much.
Oh come on Lami bro where's your staying power? I actually for the first time in years enjoying this game. Maybe because i want it to be great again, but i am enjoying it. It probably has some of the things i want 3 years ago but i'm going to stick with it and try and find the good spots.
With the AI how it is, unless you play online, I don't get how you can say this Pepper.

It seems to be bizarro-world with the AI too - the worse the team is, the more tiki-taka they play (on higher difficulty settings), whereas the better teams play in a more realistic way.

There are enough people seeing the "AI only wants to low-cross and tap-in" crap that we know it's a major issue. All that's left is to hope they patch it - but they didn't do that for any other issues (i.e. last year's no fouls).

My signature says it all (actually, not even all).
The first tweet that '' they are working it'' i saw yesterday, not sure if true


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This game have some strange coding, even that I know nothing about coding but I can definately see it. The thing is, if AI play down the wings, you should set your defensive tactic so they will struggle to force the wing attacks, also you should play very patiently in defence, no rushing to push X od square button, only when you are near the opposition player. I play this way and AI open attacks a lot, even they shoot outside the box and made high crosses. Some teams tend to attack through the wings more which is ok, but low crosses and not clinical attackers should be adressed. I find that maybe I play the game in my own way like many of us and we don`t do our defensive job like game want to and they spam with wing attacks and low crosses. With football in mind, every winger will put low cross in the box becouse it was easiest thing for attacker to score but that should not happen all the time. The more I play the game the more varied AI I see but this should be adressed. These were my impressions playing on top player and exibithion games, don`t know how will be on Master League and regular League...
- Life span of this game is 6 months.
First two months is broken, then it is a little less broken, you play it for a few days and here is a new edition, servers are empty, and you are fooled again.

- Also, if you edit something or use community patch and start ML, and then they release some stupid update with 2 faces and 7 boots and mess your edit. And you start again.

- Shooting could be more diverse, beside manual. I personally dislike advanced shooting with that target on the screen.

- It might be that we could do something via twitter...Should use it more, and spam every of their spamming bs pr posts. (with reasonable requests and suggestions).
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