Champions League
- 14 December 2018
- FC Barcelona
If you select normal, you'll get a pretty accurate sum, all others are usually fixed amounts. Like if you select large for a big team, you'll get £2bn.I was messing around looking at settings and set the Master League starting transfer budget to small – £2.2m.
Then I restarted and set it to large – £94.5m! With the default players! Ludicrous.
Has anyone started a ML with a big team, say a Juventus - What sort of transfer budget do you get?
Maybe I'd have to play it with my Xbox turned upside down?
(Sorry to the fine people of the southern hemisphere)
Thanks Chris

That's actually a huge opportunity lost there. When they're introducing the tactical foul into the game, making the AI perform it in last man situations would make games a lot more exciting. I'm afraid the main problem of PES is that not a lot of things are actually contextual.This 100% doesn't happen in my experience. I don't think the AI has been programmed to get a tackle wrong.