The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

I have no patience at all for people that stick to doing the absolute limit on roads.

The Rainford bypass on the way to Uni is currently down to 60mph, so it pisses me off when you get a stream of pensioners and people who have just passed doing 60 all the way up there.
I'm not saying speed excessively, but it applies to people that then do 61mph in the outside line to overtake people. I can't stand that either.

And if it's not busy at all, ie, one or two cars around every few miles, why stick to 60?

Especially when it SHOULD be 70mph.
The thing that pisses me off is when you have korma for take away then it it rests on your chest for the whole night. your room is too hot and you can hear a bloody mosquito in your room in bloody north London grrrr.
it's Friday, and I'm on jollies next week... Buttt, I have two projects to write up and one to get to final invoice stage before I go and I am still awaiting quotes and invoices, my work phone will be coming away with me again... :CURSE:
I'm not saying speed excessively, but it applies to people that then do 61mph in the outside line to overtake people. I can't stand that either.

And if it's not busy at all, ie, one or two cars around every few miles, why stick to 60?

Especially when it SHOULD be 70mph.

Well it's not 'Xmph but only if you want to' or 'Xmph.. but if its not busy floor it' - They'll say 60 because the road surface might be shite or the road has had a lot of accidents at 70 so they dropped it to 60 and accidents dropped or it will be 60 because over the year in different conditions that speed is accepted as the safest top speed you can do.

But If they're on the motorway doing 60 blocking the outside lane than that's bloody stupid. Pull the feck over to the inside lane!

Nick got it right.

I'm so wasted right now that I'm laughing my ass off. :LOL:


EDIT: OMG, I've been drinking that for ages and never noticed those "positions"!!!
Psychic beer logo, wicked! It's good they know what happens next. I expect takeaway pizza boxes to feature pictures of toilets and a stopwatch saying 15 minutes next, or perhaps all Ugly Betty DVDs to feature photos of suicide victims
Going to drink from a cup and nearly smashing your front teeth out, anyone else do that or do I just have massive teeth?

You feel so fucking stupid when everyone hears the "clink" noise.
I do that all the time - I'm sure it's something to do with age because I've noticed I'm a real clumsy shit these days.
If i'm not walking into door frames or catching my elbow on a door handle i'll be standing up and cracking my head on a cupboard door i just opened and warned the misses not to hit her head on. I also somehow forget about the desk the pc is on having a slide out part on it for the keyboard to rest on - and I'll stand up to get something and crack my thighs into it making the keyboard bounce around and the drawer to slide shut with a bang.

The other day I kicked my trainers off and one flew past where i wanted it to land - as i walked over to it I accidentally stood on the other one and went flying forwards into the maiden with wet clothes on - i grabbed it to stop my fall and ended up sending it flying as i fell down onto my arse.

And yesterday I was eating a Whooper - I've not had one for years and while chewing the second bite i bit into my bloody cheek and just couldn't enjoy the burger after that. I really chomped down and bit into it as well so i had one side of my mouth tasting of blood throughout.
The latest one for me is whenever I'm watching a really good TV show and drinking at the same time I have a habit of spilling my drink on me. Whether it be resting the cup on my knee and spilling it or missing my mouth completely and spilling it down me. This mornings effort was 20% drinking 80% absorption through my shirt.
I bite my cheek all the time and you're right Rad, it ruins whatever you're eating. You can taste the blood and you sit there thinking "I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and bite the lump I've just bit out of my cheek again because I'll have totally forgotten about it and by then it'll be sticking out like a huge erect nipple".

Last clumsy thing I remember doing was sitting on the toilet and nearly ripping a crucial bit off - we've got one of those stupid toilet seats that goes down really really slowly (I'm talking snail moving across the ground slowly), so that if you accidentally drop it, it won't make a loud noise or shatter or anything.

Well it takes that long to go down, I got impatient and just parked my arse on it mid-air, obviously forcing it down with my gargantuan weight. My "crucial bits" were through the hole, and as I forced it down, a bit of what can only be described as ballsack skin became trapped between the underside of the seat and the toilet bowl. A bit like shutting your finger in a drawer (which I also do more often nowadays), except... A lot more painful.

The neighbours thought we'd bought some kind of exotic animal that went "AWOOAWAAWOOAAAAAARGHFFFAFAFA". I think I actually shouted "HELP" at some point as well.

Also, although this isn't clumsy, this is just stupid... You know when you're arguing with your missus and you say "babe, listen" or whatever your pet name for that person is... You only say it when you're pissed off don't you? You never say it any other time.

ANYWAY, I've been arguing with my dad over something he bought for his PC before, and said "babe, listen - I MEAN..." Now that's bad.

I'm just glad that it's "babe" and not "mega-knockers" or something.
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The weather! One hour it's sunny and warm, then the next it starts pissing it down so I have to rush outside like a lunatic to bring in the washing in that I've just put out, then a few minutes the rain will stop! I bet if I went to put it back out it would start raining again.
Watching the latest episode of True Blood, then dreaming you're fighting vampires and waking up in the middle of the night not being able to get back to sleep again ;)


The second story reminds me of something dumb I did. Me and the misses had nipped into town and we bumped into my mum and dad. I was stood in a newsagents with the misses and she said she wanted a magazine but didn't know which one. I jokingly started reading out the names of the porn mags and then my dad came in and said they were going to the pie shop and did i want a pie. I have no idea but i turned around and said over my shoulder to him 'yeah could I have a Black Jugs'

He stood there looking at me confused then asked me again - and somehow i said 'Black Jugs' again. The misses kicked me and when i looked at her she was staring at me with that 'shut the fuck up' look. And then i realised what i had been saying and felt like the world was looking and pointing at me.

I just turned and tried to play it off and said 'well what do they have?' and he continued yapping on as if nothing had happened.
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