The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

That McDonalds keep bringing back the Big Tasty unannounced and then remove it from their menu unannounced. Just keep the fucker on the menus!
This Pride of Britian show tonight - now fair enough people have done good and continue to do good but why throw in loads of desperate celebs who are trying to get seen with these people so we forget about their 6 a week prostitute addiction?

And why does it need celebs to give them their dues and clap them? Would the stuff they've done be seen as shit if it didn't have the approval of some random weather girl and a presenter from
I fuckin' hate shit like that Rad, especially with it being ITV, they make everything so over dramatic and cheesy its awful.
My 09 being delivered this morning then getting an emergency call from a job site requiring me to drive 4 hours to indeed confirm a £1300 RSJ had been made too short :((, but no one had thought to measure it before it had been unloaded and taken through a kitchen window, which had to be specially removed, TWICE :DOH:. I then drive back thinking all the while,all will be okay as I have 09 to play on.
Only to find upon my return my other half has lent my PS3 and my Virgin unopened copy of 09 to my mate who called in on his way home from work after I sent him a text saying I had got it, I now have to wait till he gets back from picking his misses up from work... Arrrghhhhh
My 09 being delivered this morning then getting an emergency call from a job site requiring me to drive 4 hours to indeed confirm a £1300 RSJ had been made too short :((, but no one had thought to measure it before it had been unloaded and taken through a kitchen window, which had to be specially removed, TWICE :DOH:. I then drive back thinking all the while,all will be okay as I have 09 to play on.
Only to find upon my return my other half has lent my PS3 and my Virgin unopened copy of 09 to my mate who called in on his way home from work after I sent him a text saying I had got it, I now have to wait till he gets back from picking his misses up from work... Arrrghhhhh

Why the fuck would she give away your new game and ps3? and what kind of Mate would accept it knowing full well he's taking it from you?
Stupid Americans.

Where are you from Buddy?
Is that near London?

Where are you from?
Really? Do you know John in Leicester?
Getting FIFA09 today and being called up by family on my pre-arranged day of laze, to go out now to a house clearance lasting several fucking hours. Only a 2 hour round trip for me though, so that's no problem I'll dance my bloody way round the world shall I whilst I'm out, I mean why not. This is like a Verne Troyer version of Nick's disaster yesterday.

I can only think of one suitable descriptive word for the next 6 hours or so, and that's cockbroth.
Getting FIFA09 today and being called up by family on my pre-arranged day of laze, to go out now to a house clearance lasting several fucking hours. Only a 2 hour round trip for me though, so that's no problem I'll dance my bloody way round the world shall I whilst I'm out, I mean why not. This is like a Verne Troyer version of Nick's disaster yesterday.

I can only think of one suitable descriptive word for the next 6 hours or so, and that's cockbroth.

:LOL: I know your pain Proxi...
Wow, that is harsh. I haven't ordered from for a while but they always delivered on time for me, guess they've gone downhill.
This is from the other day. I've been pretty ill all week and on Thursday I was expecting Fifa and the girlfriend was expecting her new phone so she said she'd wait in for the post and I go to work. She was sat in the front room from 8am and by 11 nothing had come so she decides to go check the porch and finds that the postie has just stuck one of those red cards saying nobody was in thru the door and not even knocked on!

So she rings me to say that 2 parcels are waiting at the sorting office and I decide to come out of work early and go to get them because I was desperate for FIFA. Now this means getting off the bus halfway home and walking 40mins through an industrial estate and then all the way back up to get the bus the rest of the way home but despite being really ill and God deciding today is a good day to have some rain I decide to do it anyway.

After the long walk I get there to find that there is only a phone package and instead of FIFA, an envelope (which I later find out is for the girlfriends sister that they decided to get sent to our house!). So fuming I have to go all the way home empty handed knowing I've just wasted nearly 2 hours and made myself feel even worse for nothing and not sure who to blame, Royal Mail or Shopto..

Anyway to cut a long story short, there I am at home, sulking while the girlfriend plays on her new phone and theres a knock at the door. Oh great, it's the postman with a second delivery of post and my game. I wasn't even sure if I was happy or not to be honest. When I told the guy at the sorting office I was expecting another package he just said 'Oh sorry mate, it'll probably come tomorrow or Monday.'
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