The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

This new thing they've started on Sky Sports where Sam Allardyce and some other moron cut into the commentary with their little analysis. It is awful.

Half the time they're too busy watching the game to talk anyway, it's like when you're watching the football and the missus asks you where the keys are. "Yeah. [Pause as you realise she's asked you a question that doesn't have a yes/no answer] Oh they're... Erm... [Silence] If you look... In the... Erm... Thing... You just... Sorry, what did you just ask me? I'm trying to watch the football here love!" And then they don't speak to you for a week.
Flirting with your flatmate's best friend all night only to find out that her and the flatmate are together and they're both bi! Hmm that's a first being knocked back for a girl!
Loads of PS3 owners having FIFA before us 360 lot :brick:.

Whoever's fault it is that the 360 copies got sent out a lot later than the PS3 copies will meet a terrible death.
Threesome maybe?!?! Haha, just kidding, but you never know. Bet it was a shock though.

not too much of a shock when my flatmate told me she loves football and is studying sports therapy you gotta figure out she might be batting for the other side ;)
I've said it before and I'll post it again... CRAP coffee in coffee shops, you go to places like Italy, Spain and the States and you get decent coffee at worst, over here even if you go to places that specialize in the black stuff, most of it tastes like washing up water... :MAD:
Those JML toastee bags they keep advertising, that are supposed to be amazing.

Basically, you make a sandwich, put it in this little bag, put that into the toaster (how it doesn't melt or burn I don't know) and then five minutes later you've got a toasted sandwich, with melted cheese or whatever else you've put in.

Bollocks. You get burnt toast and completely unmelted cheese in the middle. You have to put it in the microwave for another few minutes to get anything to melt.

I've said it before and I'll post it again... CRAP coffee in coffee shops, you go to places like Italy, Spain and the States and you get decent coffee at worst, over here even if you go to places that specialize in the black stuff, most of it tastes like washing up water... :MAD:

Unfortunately that occurs here in several places here in Asia as well. There are a few decent ones, but the majority of Coffee you get here will be horrible.
...waking up early

Don't ever have kids then, I'm up everyday around 8-9 unless Will lets me have a kip in, but then he's knackered!!

Those Morrisons ads are really pecking head now, I hate Take That and Alan Hansen as it is, but the ad makes me hate them 232098348329 times more. I wish he'd fuck off with his trolley to somewhere like Iraq and hopefully he'd get bombed.
Don't ever have kids then, I'm up everyday around 8-9 unless Will lets me have a kip in, but then he's knackered!!

Those Morrisons ads are really pecking head now, I hate Take That and Alan Hansen as it is, but the ad makes me hate them 232098348329 times more. I wish he'd fuck off with his trolley to somewhere like Iraq and hopefully he'd get bombed.

Apparently Trolleys are sacred in Iraq, so its one of the safest things to have with you when you go there. They say its even safer than wearing a bullet proof vest.......Apparently.

I saw it on Ross Kemps Gangs programs - when he spent time with Al Qaeda.

So Supermarkets like Morrisons etc are safer than bomb shelters.
02 again, they charged me £7.50 for a web bolt-on I cancelled two months ago. However.... they did cancel it within 30 secs of me getting connected to an advisor on the phone.
O2 isn't as bad as 3 though, their customer service center is based in Pakistan, not one of them could ever tell a word I was saying, why I went to O2. Fuckwits.
Wanna hug Tim?

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