The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

The girlfriends mother and the girlfriend's evil niece*.

Firstly the mother (who one day will be my mother in law) - she's a useless cow. She looks after the niece during the week, which is a complete joke. While we used to live with her parents last year they looked after her when she was a bit younger than 1 and the amount of times we'd be walking from the bedroom upstairs to the toilet and catch this 1 year old crawling up the stairs was shocking - especially as the MIL (mother in law) was sat on her lazy arse in the living room watching tv and always used the excuse 'well i thought i heard you in the kitchen and thought you had her'. A few times she fell down the stairs but as it was only the bottom few steps they always said 'ahh she's alright'

Add to that they've left the front door open and the little one has crawled outside on her own and it was only the neighbour walking past who spotted her and brought her back inside - she's had her fingers in the electrical plug holes and when we spotted her and dragged her away and mentioned it (and told them to get plug covers) they just laughed and said 'ahhh she's alright'. They didn't have a safety gate in the house at all because they're too expensive until i flipped at them and told them they're a fiver so they're talking shit.
It was right after they had come back from a weekend in Amsterdam and then they started saying that when we had our little one they could look after her while we went somewhere for a weekend away - after telling them no politely over and over and them getting more and more annoyed with us calling us selfish (selfish for wanting to stay with our own daughter?) i told them i wouldn't trust them and listed all of the crap they've done and then told them they have no excuse over the safety gates - to me it looked like they'd prefer a weekend away for themselves than the safety of their granddaughter (they bought 2 gates the next morning)

And now the niece

Since she's been able to walk (which was when she was about 10 month) she's been very strange - it's partly due to her upbringing where everything she does is excused for and if you have hold of something and she grabs at it you should let her explore and have it. So she's never heard the word no in 2 years of being alive. Other weird behaviour includes trying to poke your eyes out with her fingers and then crying and biting and scratching you when you don't let her - throwing things at people and then laughing and then of course not being told off - hitting other kids and then either being laughed at in a 'ha ha.. aren't you funny' way or told 'ohh that's not nice... lets go somewhere else' she's not stupid, she knows names and places and things, she sings songs off the radio dances around and so on... so i think she should at least have some sense or right and wrong seeing as she's quite good at everything else.

So they decide to come round today which annoyed me because what that means is the MIL will ignore the niece and focus on our little one which means me and the misses have to watch the evil child and leave our baby with that useless cow.

Right from the get go the MIL grabs our little one despite me sitting on the floor with her - she just walked over to us both and picked her up and left me sat there with the book i had in front of her - then the evil child started kicking her toys around and running around climbing on the table and stomping on the toys. I'm looking at the GF to say something but she wouldn't say anything to her mum so that leaves me - but she pisses me off as it is so if i opened my mouth i think she's be leaving our home in tears.

An hour goes by - 2 toys are broken and the house is a complete mess and not once have i seen the MIL tell the evil one to stop being naughty, to stop snatching toys out of our baby's hands or to stop kicking toys around. Twice she ran at our little one who was stood up against the table trying to walk around the edge and push her backwards while shouting 'PUSH' and it was only because i was sat behind the baby holding her that she didn't go flying backwards. So I say to her 'Hey... stop it!' But the MIL talks over me and says 'don't do that darling, that's not nice'

Eventually the evil one starts to climb on the table for the 10 or so time and as nothing is being said to her and i don't want the table breaking or the evil one falling off and getting hurt (she may be evil but I'm not) so I decide enough is enough and tell her with a firm voice to 'get off the table and stop climbing on it' - instead of the pathetic breathy 'oh please don't do that' the MIL uses. Wouldn't you know it she gets right down - looks at me and walks off.

She then picks up a toy piggy bank... it's about a big as a small loaf of bread. She then takes one look at our little one (11 months old) who is sat in front of her playing and then smashes her right in the face with it - laughs and then picks it up again and leans back to smack her again!

The MIL is now sat on her arse tutting and saying 'oh that's not nice is it!' So i snapped. I grabbed the piggy bank out of her hands and said 'NICE? What kind of evil little shit does that? - then i turn to the evil one and end up shouting (not full belt but a telling off level of loudness) 'what did you do that for you evil bitch!' (i know i know!) she turned to the MIL laughing and clapping which pissed me off even more because our little one is now screaming the house down and she thinks its a funny game. The MIL then says to her 'that wasn't nice' and gives her a cuddle and then sighs and gets up and says 'come on lets go'

Not once did she ask if our one was alright or tell the niece off - she just gave her a fruit shoot and started talking to her with a normal voice saying 'ohh lets go home and ill do you something to eat darling'

So im seeing red now, not at the niece but the MIL so storm in to the kitchen and grab a tea towel and run it under the tap and put in our ones head where a big lump has appearaed - wholes shes screaming the GF walks in and i start saying "thats what happened when idiots have kids, idiots who don't tell them off when they do wrong' - what kind of evil shit smashes a baby in the face! I can't believe she's just ok with it as well... tell her to get the fuck out of our house... tell her!'


Now... i know i shouldn't have sworn while a 2 year old and baby were around us but i was furious - if our kid has done that to another child i wouldn't have done the same to her which is double standards i guess... i would have shouted and told her off but i wouldnt have sworn. It was the MIL i was angry with the most because i just cant stand the stupid fucker and when she started acting like it was nothing bad i could have hit her.

But now I'm the big evil bastard - the GF is giving me that 'hmmm' look and her mum's no doubt telling everyone how horrible i am. The GF's friends (who she knows through a due in October website for babies from last year) have told her she should leave me for getting angry over something as stupid as that and that i should get counselling. -- Though the general reply back to her rant about her MIL with the story of what happened was met with more comments from woman saying 'id be pissed if someone shouted at my child! how dare he discipline someone elses child!' rather than any comments about the MIL of Niece

So go on - hold back no punches - am i an evil bastard who should be left asap (quick word - ive never shouted, hit or swore at our baby or the GF - hell i don't even call the GF names when she's in one of 'those' moods during the month and listing the crap ive been doing that's pissed her off and throwing in words chubby brown would blush at.

The MIL just really pissed me off royally with her' oh well' attitude and her instant reaction to molly coddle the nice and ignore our baby who was in arms reach of her. not that i would have wanted her to reach of our baby but it's like the scene in friends where they hear a car backfire and Joey dives across Chandler .. or maybe Ross... either way he's after his sandwich which shows where his loyalties are.

So that's what pissed me off today - MIL, Evil children and women telling my misses to leave me.
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The girlfriends mother and the girlfriend's evil niece*.

Firstly the mother (who one day will be my mother in law) - she's a useless cow. She looks after the niece during the week, which is a complete joke. While we used to live with her parents last year they looked after her when she was a bit younger than 1 and the amount of times we'd be walking from the bedroom upstairs to the toilet and catch this 1 year old crawling up the stairs was shocking - especially as the MIL (mother in law) was sat on her lazy arse in the living room watching tv and always used the excuse 'well i thought i heard you in the kitchen and thought you had her'. A few times she fell down the stairs but as it was only the bottom few steps they always said 'ahh she's alright'

Add to that they've left the front door open and the little one has crawled outside on her own and it was only the neighbour walking past who spotted her and brought her back inside - she's had her fingers in the electrical plug holes and when we spotted her and dragged her away and mentioned it (and told them to get plug covers) they just laughed and said 'ahhh she's alright'. They didn't have a safety gate in the house at all because they're too expensive until i flipped at them and told them they're a fiver so they're talking shit.
It was right after they had come back from a weekend in Amsterdam and then they started saying that when we had our little one they could look after her while we went somewhere for a weekend away - after telling them no politely over and over and them getting more and more annoyed with us calling us selfish (selfish for wanting to stay with our own daughter?) i told them i wouldn't trust them and listed all of the crap they've done and then told them they have no excuse over the safety gates - to me it looked like they'd prefer a weekend away for themselves than the safety of their granddaughter (they bought 2 gates the next morning)

And now the niece

Since she's been able to walk (which was when she was about 10 month) she's been very strange - it's partly due to her upbringing where everything she does is excused for and if you have hold of something and she grabs at it you should let her explore and have it. So she's never heard the word no in 2 years of being alive. Other weird behaviour includes trying to poke your eyes out with her fingers and then crying and biting and scratching you when you don't let her - throwing things at people and then laughing and then of course not being told off - hitting other kids and then either being laughed at in a 'ha ha.. aren't you funny' way or told 'ohh that's not nice... lets go somewhere else' she's not stupid, she knows names and places and things, she sings songs off the radio dances around and so on... so i think she should at least have some sense or right and wrong seeing as she's quite good at everything else.

So they decide to come round today which annoyed me because what that means is the MIL will ignore the niece and focus on our little one which means me and the misses have to watch the evil child and leave our baby with that useless cow.

Right from the get go the MIL grabs our little one despite me sitting on the floor with her - she just walked over to us both and picked her up and left me sat there with the book i had in front of her - then the evil child started kicking her toys around and running around climbing on the table and stomping on the toys. I'm looking at the GF to say something but she wouldn't say anything to her mum so that leaves me - but she pisses me off as it is so if i opened my mouth i think she's be leaving our home in tears.

An hour goes by - 2 toys are broken and the house is a complete mess and not once have i seen the MIL tell the evil one to stop being naughty, to stop snatching toys out of our baby's hands or to stop kicking toys around. Twice she ran at our little one who was stood up against the table trying to walk around the edge and push her backwards while shouting 'PUSH' and it was only because i was sat behind the baby holding her that she didn't go flying backwards. So I say to her 'Hey... stop it!' But the MIL talks over me and says 'don't do that darling, that's not nice'

Eventually the evil one starts to climb on the table for the 10 or so time and as nothing is being said to her and i don't want the table breaking or the evil one falling off and getting hurt (she may be evil but I'm not) so I decide enough is enough and tell her with a firm voice to 'get off the table and stop climbing on it' - instead of the pathetic breathy 'oh please don't do that' the MIL uses. Wouldn't you know it she gets right down - looks at me and walks off.

She then picks up a toy piggy bank... it's about a big as a small loaf of bread. She then takes one look at our little one who is sat in front of her playing and then smashes her right in the face with it - laughs and then picks it up again and leans back to smack her again!

The MIL is now sat on her arse tutting and saying 'oh that's not nice is it!' So i snapped. I grabbed the piggy bank out of her hands and said 'NICE? What kind of evil little shit does that? - then i turn to the evil one and end up shouting (not full belt but a telling off level of loudness) 'what did you do that for you evil bitch!' (i know i know!) she turned to the MIL laughing and clapping which pissed me off even more because our little one is now screaming the house down and she thinks its a funny game. The MIL then says to her 'that wasn't nice' and gives her a cuddle and then sighs and gets up and says 'come on lets go'

Not once did she ask if our one was alright or tell the niece off - she just gave her a fruit shoot and started talking to her with a normal voice saying 'ohh lets go home and ill do you something to eat darling'

So im seeing red now, not at the niece but the MIL so storm in to the kitchen and grab a tea towel and run it under the tap and put in our ones head where a big lump has appearaed - wholes shes screaming the GF walks in and i start saying "thats what happened when idiots have kids, idiots who don't tell them off when they do wrong' - what kind of evil shit smashes a baby in the face! I can't believe she's just ok with it as well... tell her to get the fuck out of our house... tell her!'


Now... i know i shouldn't have sworn while a 2 year old and baby were around us but now I'm the big evil bastard - the GF is giving me that 'hmmm' look and her mum's no doubt telling everyone how horrible i am. The GF's friends (who she knows through a due in October website for babies from last year) have told her she should leave me for getting angry over something as stupid as that and that i should get counselling. -- Though the general reply back to her rant about her MIL with the story of what happened was met with more comments from woman saying 'id be pissed if someone shouted at my child! how dare he discipline someone elses child!' rather than any comments about the MIL of Niece

So go on - hold back no punches - am i an evil bastard who should be left asap (quick word - ive never shouted, hit or swore at our baby or the GF - hell i don't even call the GF names when she's in one of 'those' moods during the month and listing the crap ive been doing that's pissed her off and throwing in words chubby brown would blush at.

The MIL just really pissed me off royally with her' oh well' attitude and her instant reaction to molly coddle the nice and ignore our baby who was in arms reach of her. not that i would have wanted her to reach of our baby but it's like the scene in friends where they hear a car backfire and Joey dives across Chandler .. or maybe Ross... either way he's after his sandwich which shows where his loyalties are.

So that's what pissed me off today - MIL, Evil children and women telling my misses to leave me.
damn Radiation I take it your Girlfriend is hot, other wise I'd be looking for the door... :LOL:
Shouting at inlaws and other peoples children is not good in my opinion. Not that you shouldn't have done it (because I think you have the right in this instance) - but because of all the shit it stirs up.

Obviously your partner should have had a proper conversation with her Mum about everything. Then the mother should tae these things on board and remedy them.

Then you wouldn't have lost it and shouted.

At the end of your day - you are just trying to protect your child and make it into a good , happy human being. So just accepting all the shit and not doing anything, would be bad for your child and everyone involved.

So something should have definately been said - but maybe not in a rage :DD

Also on your partners friends - You should definately go around to their houses and fucking shout at them and tell them to fuck right off!!! - fucking nosey bastards!! I hate people like that.
What I think is funny is one of the women who said that she should leave me posted on the forums a few weeks ago that her toddler was asking for food between meal times and as she was poor and she claims she suffered from post natal depression she panicked and kicked her baby in the head and his head then bounced off the radiator and knocked him out cold! Then she was bitching on the forums because the neighbour came round to see if she was alright because she hard noise and spotted the toddler out cold and phoned the police and social services - and this woman was kicking off saying it was none of her business.

Two other woman who said I was wrong for telling off the 2 year old as it's not my place have been complaining for weeks that their 4 year olds have been terrible - one threw the dads xbox 360 at the living room wall and then tried to tip their tv over because she told him he couldn't play on GTA4 - and the other was moaning that her 4 year old threatens to run away all of the time and always uses the threat that he'll go and live with daddy if she doesn't give him what he wants - so she gives him everything he asks for to avoid an argument.
Rage is a horrible thing, I used to be a lot worse than I am now. It's easy to use the excuse "my dad was the same" but if that's the guy that brought you up then you're going to have that "in you", somewhere.

I don't blame you for anything you did there Rad, it's not like you hurt anybody. I don't have kids myself so perhaps what I have to say on it isn't valid, but I've helped bring up my nephew since he was born, and there are times when they really push your buttons. What makes it worse is when it's another person's kid and they have had no boundaries set for them, so nothing is "wrong".

My nephew was brought up being told, you can watch South Park, you can listen to songs with swear words in, just don't repeat them too often and don't be a bastard like the people in them. People will disagree with that but I've never once seen him swear outside of his house or my house, and I've never seen him pick on anyone or hurt anyone, because he knows what respect means (he's a young teenager now). Of course this means he's a target for the kids who do like to hurt the other kids, but that's another story... But my point is, I've seen other peoples' kids brought up with South Park etc. without having anything explained to them. So they then think it's fine to go to someone's house and kick a cat around the living room, and punch other kids in the face, calling them dildos.

I won't go on because I feel almost "guilty" for talking about this stuff, not being a parent myself. But I will say that if I was in that situation I might well have snapped as well. And if my girlfriend considered leaving me for swearing in-front of a child that seemed intent on hurting my own kid, and for asking questions on how the other child was brought up (which sounds horrible I know but if it was that obvious that they were being a little shit and nobody "in charge" of raising the child was doing fuck all about it, then I would)... Then I would wonder what planet the girlfriend was on, thinking that it's fine to watch our kid being hurt while the other kid is being given no sign by it's guardian that it's wrong. If she couldn't understand me losing it over that then I'd have to wonder if she was living in a romantic comedy in her head. Life isn't like that, and I know people will say "you shouldn't lose it" but come on. We're not robots. It's natural instinct.
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Ah well I didn't flip out and start screaming in her 2 year old face at full volume. I just said 'why did you do that you little bitch' in a telling off tone. Like if you saw someone doing something wring and you said 'hey!' at them - that level. Not a 'WHAT THE FUUUUUCCCKKK DID YOU FECKING DO FECKING THAT FECKING FOOOORRR ARRRGGGH!'

It's the way she's allowed and always has excuses made for her when so does crap like that which really miffed me off. It's not the first times she gone out of her way to hurt our baby and the other babies we have in the family younger than her. The missus's mum has used the excuse that 'she's only 2, she doesn't know what she's doing' - but then we've seen her go out of her way to push a baby over because they were using her toys and then walk away giggling.

She does this weird thing as well where she'll start to stroke the head of a baby or the back on a dog or animal really softly and then bit by bit had harder and harder until she's hitting them on the head with this intense trance like stare at them. Every time she strokes our little ones head the MIL tells my misses 'ohh keep an eye on her and grab her when she gets rough' - but when she gets rough they don't tell her she did wrong - they'll give her choclate or a toy to distract her and move her away. So she ends up thinking 'oh rewards for doing that - that must be good!'

She also grabs her the missus's handicapped brothers stuff. He has Autism and ADHD and a million other things - but basically he HAS to have his routine every day and HAS to have his magazines and jigsaws with him at all times. If he doesn't or if you breathed near his stuff he'll snap your head off and start screaming the house down.

But this 2 year old nightmare has gone over to him - poked his stuff then giggled and then done it again and again while the brother sits there holding back his anger moaning at someone to grab her. Well he can't talk that well he sort of says 'awww... moooo!' (move) - Even though he's not all there he does know not to hit her - though if I was doing the same to him he's throw the magazines at me and then start hitting me.

But she doesn't move away - she keeps doing it and eventually the brother will be shouted at the give her a jigsaw or magazine and stop being selfish.

I just wish they'd discipline her better than saying 'well that's not nice is it' when she's pushed a baby over and kicked them or throw a ball in the face of a baby and then laughed and clapped. The evil shit that she does and she's only 2 is weird - no doubt she'll be in the papers in 20 years after going on a killing spree.
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One of the kids in my (distant) family is constantly in trouble for beating up other kids. He's had all kinds of authorities on him, even the police have been involved at some point, and he's not in his teens yet. He's injured other kids at school, and threatens them constantly. Nothing gets done about it. He has a relative who's gay, and every time he sees him he will scream "fucking queer, fucking fag, whose cock are you playing with tonight, you're scum, you need shooting"; and his dad says nothing. He screams at old women, "you're so old, you're so sad, you're going to die soon you old bitch". He will tell people he hopes they have cancer, that they have AIDS, that he will kill them. And his dad does nothing. He steals money from people's houses, when he gets caught he says "someone must have put it in my pocket". So his dad says "which one of you bastards is trying to set my kid up?" What can you do? Absolutely nothing because his dad isn't going to listen to you, and the kid certainly isn't. Neither of them (the dad or the kid) have anyone left in their lives now, nobody wants anything to do with them.

He's been to countless psychologists and doctors, all forced by the schools, and they've all said to him that they can't find anything specifically wrong medically; he's just a little bastard. Now I know it's not his fault; "it's not the child, it's the parents". Which is true. He wasn't born "bad". But the parents aren't going to do anything about it, so he's going to grow up to be one of those shits who stabs people for a fiver and kicks old ladies to death. And nobody is going to stop it - so I can completely understand you Rad. His life is ruined because his parents don't have a brain between them.

We have nothing to do with him now because of something that happened a few years ago with one of my relatives. And I'm so glad, because I know it's not his fault, but who would want that pair paying you a visit?
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I'd have done the same thing Rad. In fact I'd have probably said something to the little shit (and the bigger shit) way before you did. Complete lack of respect.

And if your missus is going to listen to these crazy "mates" and not see the bigger picture, then she needs to look at herself because you did nothing wrong mate.
Nah she told me what they had said with a 'what are they on about' look on her face and said 'why would i throw you out for wanting to protect our baby? And that's the crazy bitch who kicked her toddler in the head and he fell into the radiator and was unconscious... as if anyone should listen to her advice'

She said to me this morning that she felt sick at the time and was just in complete shock at it all - she said she'd have said the exact same and asked why the hell she would do something like that but she just couldn't do anything yesterday other than grab our little one and hold her while she screamed the house down.

I don't think I should have called her a bitch - but then again she is an evil little bitch and she knows what's she's doing because she doesn't go anywhere near bigger kids. So I'm not completely regretting that I told her off and said she was an evil bitch to the MIL.

Hopefully the MIL will wake up now and do something about her behaviour rather than come round here again and risk me telling her off the next time.


Anyway... let's hope the PSN isn't going to be added into this thread tonight after our update.
Hopefully the MIL will wake up now and do something about her behaviour rather than come round here again and risk me telling her off the next time.
She sounds like the parent in my little story above; I don't think people like that ever change. It's pure ignorance and like my sister says, how do you argue against ignorance?

But anyway, things that piss me off: the phrase "football won". Apparently when Brighton beat Man City the other day, football won. There was me thinking it was Brighton, on penalties, and that penalties were a lottery. No, football won.
It's nothing drastic; a couple of relatives (I'll call them Jack and Paul) agreed to go on holiday with him and his dad for a week, to go and see some racing event abroad. Cost an absolute fortune and Jack, being the bloke he is, insisted on paying for everything. So they get there and within the first two days, the kid's dad went out to look all over the town, with the idea of getting pissed, leaving his kid on his own with Jack and Paul - who weren't supposed to be babysitters. Anyway, they sit there waiting for him to get back. When he does, the kid starts bawling his eyes out. The dad asks what's wrong and the kid says that Jack called him allsorts; little shitbag, little prick etc., and that he should never have been born. He said they'd smacked him as well (but there was no evidence of this, of course). Jack (and Paul) are elderly people, no way in a million years would they have said half the things he came out with, and they wouldn't hit somebody else's kid either.

But as always, his dad didn't question it, and he hit the roof. He told them to get out and find their own way home. He called them things I won't repeat and said he never wanted to speak to them again. They were both utterly shocked - they'd never been spoken to like that before and so they didn't argue, they just left. They even left some of their luggage, which they've never got back. Jack looked at this guy like a son he never had and it truly broke his heart; I know that sounds horribly corny but it's true, it really hurt him.

He's tried to get back in touch with them since and they've completely ignored him - so they fucking should as well. It would only happen again. Like I said, they've got no friends left because of this kind of shit, but nothing has changed in 10+ years so it's not going to now is it?
The price the local school ask to allow for swimming on their pool.
1.75€?! WTF? for an hour?

Dammit, I love swimming and now the damn wheater decided to pull a prank and it's been raining for the last month. bah! :\
The Hokey Cokey and turning around!!

What if I don't want to Turn around after I have done the Hokey Cokey?!!!

And I beg to differ on the 'That's what its all about' qoute.

Don't get me started on the bending of the knees and the arm stretching!!! and if someone says RA RA RA - I will kick them in the nuts!!!

I just want to be able to do the Hokey Cokey on my own terms - is that too much to ask?!!
The Hokey Cokey and turning around!!

What if I don't want to Turn around after I have done the Hokey Cokey?!!!

And I beg to differ on the 'That's what its all about' qoute.

Don't get me started on the bending of the knees and the arm stretching!!! and if someone says RA RA RA - I will kick them in the nuts!!!

I just want to be able to do the Hokey Cokey on my own terms - is that too much to ask?!!

wouldn't you be doing the Cokey Hokey?... :DD
yeah I'll give you emo, but I can't let you diss 'Goth' ... :LOL:

Oh c'mon, Just cause I've got longish hair (ie, not a skinhead) I used to get called one.

An especially bad instance was when me and two friends had been to the driving range last summer. Wearing white and light colours cause it was boiling, golf clubs in hand and some little scratend shouts 'eeeeh goth' at us. I was sure he said 'golf' instead of goth.
Oh c'mon, Just cause I've got longish hair (ie, not a skinhead) I used to get called one.

An especially bad instance was when me and two friends had been to the driving range last summer. Wearing white and light colours cause it was boiling, golf clubs in hand and some little scratend shouts 'eeeeh goth' at us. I was sure he said 'golf' instead of goth.
Golf... :LOL:
you bastard! Now I'm even less inclined to go swimming.


If the water didn't have piss in it - then you wouldn't be able to swim. Its a fact.

You can only swim in water that has some kind of urine in it.

So in the sea you have Fish wee.

When you first fill up a swimming pool - you are given a Jar of Whale Piss to mix with the water to start off with. Then the Human Pee takes over.

So you should be glad that people piss in the water :DD
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