The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

God I hate Rugby and parents.

Despite having four Sky boxes in the house, only one of them has Setanta on it, and also happens to be the HD box.

So because my dad HAS to have to front room to watch telly on, I'm forced to record United so that he and my mum can watch the Grand Final tonight.

AND it'll ruin the pitch, and its a sport for homosexuals with the wrong shaped ball and stupid rules.

AND I got stuck in traffic going through town because every scumbag from every little hole in the ground in St. Helens is going to Old Trafford at the same time. Dickheads.

AND FIFA still hasn't been delivered.
God I hate Rugby and parents.

Despite having four Sky boxes in the house, only one of them has Setanta on it, and also happens to be the HD box.

So because my dad HAS to have to front room to watch telly on, I'm forced to record United so that he and my mum can watch the Grand Final tonight.

AND it'll ruin the pitch, and its a sport for homosexuals with the wrong shaped ball and stupid rules.

AND I got stuck in traffic going through town because every scumbag from every little hole in the ground in St. Helens is going to Old Trafford at the same time. Dickheads.

AND FIFA still hasn't been delivered.
Easy answer move out, be your own boss...
Yeah, move out, living with parents at the age of 18 can drive you mad I imagine. Luckily I left home at 17, me and my mum don't get on at all so I had to, good god.

Anyway, thing that has pissed me off recently is idiots on PSN, sending me massages stating that I cannot possibly be a girl, because girls don't play on PS3's and don't like football. Stereotypical fucknuts. I find it sexist too, because are we women not allowed to like football?! Ugh.
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I should've moved out for Uni, and gone to Manchester, cause Uni's boring as feck anyways.

Moving out next year either way and getting a house with a few mates. No idea how we'll afford it but it should be a laugh.
Bet that'll be a giggle matherto! Another thing that pisses me off, I CANT MAKE A FEMALE AVATAR ON EAFOOTBALLWORLD! Bah humbug. I'll have to be a guy but wear a mask or something. :|
Idiots making a million different threads for the new PES 2009.

btw, I've played it quite a bit and now decided I won't be buying it. It's still no better than PES5 and I just got an updated OF for that.
People going on and on and on and on about the lack of option to change kit numbers on Manager Mode in FIFA 09. I see people on here and the official EA forums saying they're about to trade in FIFA for PES when the latter's out. Jesus, go on do it but so many people having to post about the same thing in countless new topics per day is starting to grate. Let EA hear all about it 100 times a day, not us. Yeah it's a crap bug in the game but it doesn't spoil my fun.
I agree there it's annoying but I'm not gonna whinge on about it because its only a little option and it doesn't ruin the gameplay.
EA getting the fucking font colours wrong and radar colours wrong and worrying lack of goalie kits for the 2nd year running :MAD:.

Oh, and my back is hurting too, think it's because I have my van back, the driving position is so different from a car.
people who moan about fonts, nets, boots, stadiums, flags, tape, shorts, grass, corner flags, hair, faces, balls ect ect ect
people who moan about fonts, nets, boots, stadiums, flags, tape, shorts, grass, corner flags, hair, faces, balls ect ect ect
Surely it pisses you off being at the Estadio de les Fucking Artes for Derby matches? :(( I've got that, plus the fact they have got the Charlton font colour wrong for the fucking home kit :BRICK:.
It is annoying when the font colour is different to the number colour cos it just looks shit basically.

When they can go to the lengths of recording that dick with the tattoo's who shakes that bell at Portsmouth matches but cant even get some premiership keeper kits it's slightly strange.
People that stick to their own speed limit

What's that? I can drive at 50mph? That's nice n'all but I think I'll stick to 30, thanks very much. Oh, and on top of that, I'm going to break heavily on minor curves.

Kind Regards,
Shit Driver

Dear Shit Driver,

I hope you crash your car and die.

All the best,
Course Correction
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