The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Sky +

Is great and everything but there is one major downfall. Picture the scene:

You are watching something that you have pre-recorded and then at the end or during a break there is a trailer for another programme which looks good. "I'll record that" you think to yourself but then the horror dawns on you that in fact the programme being trailered actually started about 8 weeks ago....:LOL:

This happens to me virtually every time I watch something on my Sky +. Maybe its my fault for it being so full all the time I am constantly playing catch up.
Also, although this isn't clumsy, this is just stupid... You know when you're arguing with your missus and you say "babe, listen" or whatever your pet name for that person is... You only say it when you're pissed off don't you? You never say it any other tim...............

Hahaha, also along them lines, once my mate was dumping his girlfriend over the phone and me and another mate were there for moral support cos he always bottled it when he was on his own cos they'd been together for about 2 years and she was pretty dominant in the relationship. Anyway, so he says his stuff then as he's about to put the phone down, purely out of habit said "Okay babe love you loads." and put the phone down. Obviously we were pissing ourselves at him and she rang back screaming down the phone at him (quite rightly) and then as she was about to go, he went and said it again but realised before he hung up and she went mental again.

Anyway the moral of the off topic story is that it just happens sometimes so I wouldn't worry. Your dad might even have liked it!
New shoes! God, you pay good money for apparently good shoes, and then they hurt the back of your foot that much you start to think the person who made them hates feet and wants them all to die. Christ I only went to the local shops then took a different route home, all the skin has gone.

Also to add to this, the fact that Silent Hill Homecoming has been delayed AGAIN to Feb next year, cuntflaps, so I'm gonna end up having to order it from the US now. Bah. I just don't understand how it can be out in country, working perfectly fine, but yet be delayed to another country by so long... I mean really. Grr.
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Yana I share your pain wore some new shoes yesterday in Barca and did about 7 miles of walking, the backs of my heels were cut to shreds and the backs of my boots were stained red... On another point the speed of this free wifi in the hotel is realy bugging the hell out of me too...
Being in Barca and not being able to see a game at either great stadium, and to top it off there is a hot girl with her mate in the room next to us and my other half caught me chatting to her over the balcony when she came back from shopping...:SHOCK:
Yana I share your pain wore some new shoes yesterday in Barca and did about 7 miles of walking, the backs of my heels were cut to shreds and the backs of my boots were stained red.

"After taking account of VAT, excise duty, Council tax, various other taxes and then income tax and NI, the government ends up with 74p of every pound you earn!"

"After taking account of VAT, excise duty, Council tax, various other taxes and then income tax and NI, the government ends up with 74p of every pound you earn!"


YEah - I hate all that shit!!

around £800 a month I get taken out of my wages!! ridiculous!!
My speakers keep fading in and out, thats what pisses me off at the moment

No idea on how to fix these!!!!
Is that £800 in tax Bobby? If so you get paid way too much!! ;)

about 3 qtrs on Tax and national insurance - then the rest Student loan and my pension. So its not all the government :))

I just put the £800 in there just as shock value :DD but they are bastards and take too much money!!!

My speakers keep fading in and out, thats what pisses me off at the moment

No idea on how to fix these!!!!

Stop twiddling with the volume knob ;))
No internet access, horrible experience, after having the net since 1997 it's pretty much like a limb now, if I lose it I feel there's part of me missing or something.....

Long story short, I upgraded from 25mb to 50mb with Comhem, to do that I needed a new modem, so they send out the modem, to my landlord in Stockholm (internet is in his name but I pay for it), he posts it to me Saturday 25th and it still hasn't arrived, Comhem changed the internet over on the same day so my old modem doesn't work with it, was offline from Saturday 25th - this Saturday when I found some unsecured wifi in the neighbourhood (currently getting 1.8mbit from it), one last wait for the post to see if my modem will show up, if not I'll have to get Comhem to send me another one (which I'll have to pay £80 a second time for) or get them to change me back to 25mb and wait longer for the modem to show up.........
When playing footy and one of the opposition gets tackled (or fouled but not that bad) and screams like a fucking baby while rolling around. You would have thought they had broken their leg. 2 seconds later and they are off running around like headless chickens again.
It's happening too often now it's getting on my pissing nerves. They are fucking cheats!

Next time they don't have to pretend to scream though so that makes up for it!!
When playing footy and one of the opposition gets tackled (or fouled but not that bad) and screams like a fucking baby while rolling around. You would have thought they had broken their leg. 2 seconds later and they are off running around like headless chickens again.
It's happening too often now it's getting on my pissing nerves. They are fucking cheats!
Said it for years now, diving will kill the game.

If I was the referee at a Man Utd game I would tell Ronaldo beforehand (within earshot of the other team), "sorry son but if you get tackled and you go down screaming I'm going to completely ignore you, cos I'll have no idea whether you're acting or not - have a nice game!" He'd soon zip it when he got tackled. It's so completely false, I know grannies who've fallen over and broken their hip without making one half of the noise footballers make now.

It makes the referee's job even more impossible than it already is (and it is), if someone dives and the referee gives a free kick the referee gets a large part of the blame from the fans and the media. The bollocks that FIFA and the FA discuss, "the 39th game", penalty shootouts at the end of league matches etc., but not once have I read anyone say "diving is ruining our game".
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I still can't believe that they'll go back and look at a video of something in a match like someone getting spat at by a player and then banning that guy. But they'll use the excuse of 'we cant look at bad tackles that deserve a red or a dive or deliberate hand ball decision after the final whistle as it's undermining the referee's final decision'

They have cameras at the games - pay someone a few quid to go back and check everything out and anything dodgy like diving where the camera angles prove no contact was made OR when someone goes down and then gets up with a smile and walks off... they can issue yellow cards or red cards.
I still can't believe that they'll go back and look at a video of something in a match like someone getting spat at by a player and then banning that guy. But they'll use the excuse of 'we cant look at bad tackles that deserve a red or a dive or deliberate hand ball decision after the final whistle as it's undermining the referee's final decision'

They have cameras at the games - pay someone a few quid to go back and check everything out and anything dodgy like diving where the camera angles prove no contact was made OR when someone goes down and then gets up with a smile and walks off... they can issue yellow cards or red cards.

It all comes down to not wanting to take authority away from the referee and this "same game from park to football ground" crap. The 'game' is now a multi billion pound industry, it's not Football as we knew it. The technology is there and as games and millions of pounds are coming down to one or two incidents in a match, the technology will come in no matter who does or does not want it...
Annoying then that someone in a suit is saying that Ref won't be able to handle not being in full control so we cant take some of their power away. He'd just do what he's doing right now but then after a game is over someone else and the ref can go back and look at stuff he can't have seen like things behind him or things that were blocked from view.
Said it for years now, diving will kill the game.

If I was the referee at a Man Utd game I would tell Ronaldo beforehand (within earshot of the other team), "sorry son but if you get tackled and you go down screaming I'm going to completely ignore you, cos I'll have no idea whether you're acting or not - have a nice game!" He'd soon zip it when he got tackled. It's so completely false, I know grannies who've fallen over and broken their hip without making one half of the noise footballers make now.

It makes the referee's job even more impossible than it already is (and it is), if someone dives and the referee gives a free kick the referee gets a large part of the blame from the fans and the media. The bollocks that FIFA and the FA discuss, "the 39th game", penalty shootouts at the end of league matches etc., but not once have I read anyone say "diving is ruining our game".

I agree but my point was more about when I'm actually playing. Same kid did it against my own team at end of last year and also last week. Next time I play against him I'm going to snap the fucker in half to give him something real to cry about.
It will be worth the sending off to be honest cos I'm fed up with people doing it on the local parks. I'm not as fit and as good as I used to be so I'm not that bothered if I end up missing a few games.
I tell the pussies that dive and scream that I'm embarrased to be on the same pitch as them and they won't have to act next time I go in for a challenge with them. Next time I won't have to be on the same pitch as this one particular guy very long so happy days! Ave it!!
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