The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Haha yeah good read, bit of a pain for you though! I have to admit though, I got my Wii from there and they did that deal on it and it wasn't much hassle so I guess it depends where you go and how bad the assistant needs the sale.
I need Photoshop for Mac, and of course, Uni won't just give it to you.

It's £400+, so me and my mates thought, alright, we'll split it so many ways, because you should be able to register it for a couple of seperate computers, but OH NO! 1 measly Mac for each Photoshop.

The student version is £150, which is still shitloads for a student...
I need Photoshop for Mac, and of course, Uni won't just give it to you.

It's £400+, so me and my mates thought, alright, we'll split it so many ways, because you should be able to register it for a couple of seperate computers, but OH NO! 1 measly Mac for each Photoshop.

The student version is £150, which is still shitloads for a student...
CB, you should've asked for the store manager. Failing that, tell them you want to speak to Head Office and ask for their number.

I'd go back tomorrow and speak to the store manager, say you're not happy with "Carl" and his customer service, you were explicitly told on the phone 30 miles and weren't told any conditions and you found Carl to be obstructive and rude. You want the drive price-matching and you also want to make an official complaint about their policy and customer service measures.

Pretty sure you'll get the HDD off them then ;))
There is one final chapter to my above story, thankfully for you lot I'll make it short and sweet.

I went to Blockbuster this afternoon to get Mirror's Edge and Football Manager 2009, and I asked if I could pre-order a 120gb Xbox 360 drive, because I'd been told over the phone there were none in-stock and I'd have to fill out a form in person (i.e. the whole reason I tried to go to Currys/PC World, where it was in-stock).

The guy at the back of the store shouted "what's he pre-ordering it for, there's eight in the back".

*Smashes head against brick wall and dies*
LOL! Great story Chris. I completely agree with you.


Same thing happened to me about a LG HD LCD TV pricematch. They refused to price match with Dixons (even though they are owned by the same fucking parent company!!!) so I went up to the little scrawny manager, looked him in the eye and said your all a fucking bunch of twats and screamed at the top of my voice 'Everyone this place is crap and has appaling customer service, please for the love of God dont buy from this company.' This profound statement caused one young couple to also share their emotions by saying 'Yeah where are the fucking staff' this then caused an elderly Asian gentleman to also get angry. It was like a ripple of emotions around Currys! I like to think I made a difference to the world that day. :)
LMAO, Briljant stories lads, keep em coming!

So Chris, have you got the HDD?! Or did you trip whilst walking across a bridge dropping it into the Mersey?
I have got it, yes. I clutched it like a baby on the way home in fear of someone running off with it. I was hugely tempted to drive to Currys and tell Carl to bend over while I shove it (complete with that pain-in-the-arse plastic packaging that cuts your fingers to shreds, pre-cut and sharp as a knife) up his arse, so that I at least get a warm fuzzy happy memory of Carl's blood spurting and running out of his arsehole like water, screaming in agony and terror, crying like a baby, in return for the £5 in phone calls and God knows how much in petrol I wasted going to that shithole (the shop that is, not his actual shithole, weeping blood all over the shiny shop floor as it would). But I didn't.

I went home and spent three hours trying to authenticate Football Manager 2009 instead.

Look out SI. I think you've just pushed me.
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Right just for the record - when you go to a shopping centre - a huge one... and it's called a MALL

Do you all pronounce it MALL and in Wall or MAL and in M Al ( like 'AL' gore)

I saw an advert for the Salford MAL a minute ago and I was thinking since when has it been a MAL?
Mall (wall). But my mum says mal.

The correct pronunciation is mall (wall), but people who don't know how to pronounce it usually pronounce it mal.
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