The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

All modern games lasting five minutes before you complete them, to cater for Generation X and their primitive fucking attention spans.

Being awake at 4:39am 6:19am and not being tired at all, not even a little bit.

EDIT: And the shits who get paid to work for the BBC and think that "row" (as in "five in a row") is spelled "rough". Just because you pronounce though "tho" doesn't mean you pronounce rough "ro", you knobhead. Give me your job and your salary, right now.

Source: CLICK
Quote: "We've had tough games and picked up very good wins. Five wins in a rough speaks for itself."

(I wonder if he read that back to himself and pronounced "tough" as "toe"... Wanker...)
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Here's the full quote:

However, Barry cautioned that the England manager's work was not yet done, and pointed to home performances as the next key indicator.

"Performances at Wembley were mentioned [by Capello] but it comes with picking up results, that fear factor's certainly gone.

"We've had tough games and picked up very good wins. Five wins in a rough speaks for itself.

Tbh I think they are just trying to convey the brummie accent in the quote :D
Ever since Gallas went mental after Eduardo broke his leg (which was a terrible thing I know) I've always hated him, there's no way he should be captain after totally crumbling. Arsenal were top and hammering everybody, they were going to win the league, then having a captain like that totally destroyed their season, it was like a car crash in slow-motion every week.

I thought, at least they'll have a new captain next season, but no, they stuck with him. I know as a manager you have to support your players but come on, surely this is the last straw now?
Ever since Gallas went mental after Eduardo broke his leg (which was a terrible thing I know) I've always hated him, there's no way he should be captain after totally crumbling. Arsenal were top and hammering everybody, they were going to win the league, then having a captain like that totally destroyed their season, it was like a car crash in slow-motion every week.

I thought, at least they'll have a new captain next season, but no, they stuck with him. I know as a manager you have to support your players but come on, surely this is the last straw now?

Exactly - The man is no where near captain material.

I am praying he gets dropped and loses his captaincy. If he doesn't then it basically shows he can do or say anything he wants and nothing will happen to him.

He is a prick!!
ITV. Fucking stupid, every advert has everyone partying and happy and smiling and all they do is promote themselves when really they are shit apart from Harry Hill's stuff and the soaps, they have ITV medley after ITV medley on their channels, bloody hell I only wanna do is watch Corrie and I get bombarded with their adverts promoting themselves a bit more with the X Factor and I'm a Celebrity. Which I'm gonna add I fucking hate I'm a Celebrity and X Factor too apart from the auditions because Simon Cowell tears the idiots to pieces.

Microsoft. They are the ITV of the computer world. With their shit Windows, shit consoles, shit adverts. I mean what the hell is that I'm a bastard PC advert about?! Fed up of seeing it, it was on [surprise surprise] ITV earlier and I switched it over to C4 and it was just starting on there, go get shagged Bill Gates I hate your stuff and you're making millions out of it, greedy fuck.
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That scottish commentator on Setanta.

"do you still feel it was a penalty then?'

"oh definitely, the infringement was made outside the box, but you know....."

Just fuck off, you don't know anything. Cunt.
That scottish commentator on Setanta.

"do you still feel it was a penalty then?'

"oh definitely, the infringement was made outside the box, but you know....."

Just fuck off, you don't know anything. Cunt.

Well said, I have never been a fan of this bloke, but with poor United performance plus Burley continually bleating about Villa not getting a pen, was really pissing me off.

Cant stand the Setanta team - Craig Burley, Steve McManaman, Tim Sherwood bunch of illiterate cunts with a combined IQ of a chimp.

If only Alan Green joined the team it would be complete.

Cant believe I actually pay money to listen to this fucking irritating, bullshit talking Scottish twat - who the fuck is this bloke anyway, he talks like he played like Beckenbauer or Cruyff from what I remember he was pretty average


Rant over
Baking a Camembert in the oven for 25 Min's then picking it up by the box which is hot but not that hot, putting it down and then picking it up again to put on a serving plate but putting your hands on the metal staples that are hotter than Satan's nads, then going into 'crap don't drop now whatever you do' mode, standing there like the guys off Kung Fu who brand their arms with the bowl of fire.
I put it down very carefully with just a tear in my eye and then swore the house down and kicked the kitchen bin across the room splitting my big toe nail nearly down to my cuticle, which hurts more than my staple brands, so it's not all bad... :CRY:
Since starting a network game in Football Manager 09, playing around 7 hours in total, my housemate has done nothing but complain about his game "freezing" and being slow.

I've told him hundreds of times that he's only got 512MB and needs to upgrade his memory or he will have problems but he's too lazy to do anything.

Doing my head in now with his constant moaning about it.
Since starting a network game in Football Manager 09, playing around 7 hours in total, my housemate has done nothing but complain about his game "freezing" and being slow.

I've told him hundreds of times that he's only got 512MB and needs to upgrade his memory or he will have problems but he's too lazy to do anything.

Doing my head in now with his constant moaning about it.


That Boots were stupid enough to sign the Sugarbabes version of 'here comes th girls' for their adverts. And that the coverbabes did a cover of that track with the obvious intent of getting on the adverts.

Why can't those bints write their own fecking music instead of cashing in adverts every month
Chavy parents that teach their little kids swear words. The other day this chav was telling her daughter (between 4-9 years old) to call this older boy, I assume brother, a stupid bitch. This is why kids these days swear a lot younger and are getting dumber!!!
What the fuck? How disgusting is that, the chav cunt shouldn't be allowed kids. I can't even imagine ever swearing in front of our little one. In fact come to think of it I worry a little about the kind of people our son will be going to school with, hopefully I'll be out of this shit country by then though... And I know what you're saying Radiation, that cover version is fucking awful and talentless.
What the fuck? How disgusting is that, the chav cunt shouldn't be allowed kids. I can't even imagine ever swearing in front of our little one. In fact come to think of it I worry a little about the kind of people our son will be going to school with, hopefully I'll be out of this shit country by then though... And I know what you're saying Radiation, that cover version is fucking awful and talentless.

Well, the country itself would be nice to look at and be in, if it weren't for the people in it and the governments fucked up way of thinking and inviting anybody to come and live here whether they are complete knobs or not. I want to go to America or Greece.
Well, the country itself would be nice to look at and be in, if it weren't for the people in it and the governments fucked up way of thinking and inviting anybody to come and live here whether they are complete knobs or not. I want to go to America or Greece.

im sure America has more problems
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