The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

People on Autotrader who advertise a car for £999 and then say in the description that the price is actually 2k. Well just put that there in the first place you cheeky little cunts.

Dont even get me started on the pics of cars taken at NIGHT! and the picture being completley different to the car in the description.
Friday, 26 December 2008

Aston Villa v Arsenal, 17:15
Chelsea v West Brom, 13:00
Liverpool v Bolton, 15:00
Man City v Hull, 15:00
Middlesbrough v Everton, 15:00
Portsmouth v West Ham, 13:00
Stoke v Man Utd, 12:45
Sunderland v Blackburn, 15:00
Tottenham v Fulham, 13:00
Wigan v Newcastle, 15:00

Sunday, 28 December 2008

Arsenal v Portsmouth, 14:00
Blackburn v Man City, 16:15
Bolton v Wigan, 14:00
Everton v Sunderland, 14:00
Fulham v Chelsea, 14:00
Newcastle v Liverpool, 12:00
West Brom v Tottenham, 14:00
West Ham v Stoke, 14:00

The idiots at the FA who have games scheduled so close together.
MOTD, I just watched the whole highlights so now your going to talk about it after. Why!! I just fucking watched it
That's the best bit, you can either listen to it and learn something to try in Football Manager or go and get a drink of Irn Bru and some biscuits. Everybody wins.
CeX, the tards. I've been trying to get Tomb Raider from there since release date, because I'm skint and have £60 credit there. So, I keep checking their site EVERYDAY, and the other day it said it was in stock at the store, so Will nipped in to get it as he was in town anyway and they say its not in stock. He explains it was on the site that there were up to 3 copies in but he stays adamant that it isn't in stock. So, okay, fair enough site might be wrong. So today, after refreshing the site several times it appears in stock again!! Will was again in town anyway so I get him to nip in for me, ITS NOT IN STOCK. He explains, again, that the site says there's some in but noooo apparently not. So either, they're super slow at updating the site or they're lying. FUCK. I need this game so bad.
You can't phone the stores anymore, that's the thing. They've stopped it for some stupid reason, you can only email them now.
CEX said:
"Stock": means the total amount of available product held in the shops or available to buy online. This is live data.

Occasionally customers reserve items within shops; these items are not removed from stock levels so it is advisable to contact WeCare prior to visiting the store

It can be annoying as hell, but remember it can say 1-3, and usually I would suspect there is a single copy when they use that 1-3 bracket. Also remember the staff will take first pick, or set the item aside for themselves, so while there is stock on the system, it certainly doesnt mean they will have stock to sell. Can you not use the credit online? I aint traded anything at CEX for a very long time, and when I do, I normally take the cash! Even think about selling the vouchers on ebay maybe.

Other things that piss me off, Updating my PS3, the other night I had a half hour to play games, I thought, I'll try LBP, took 20 mins to DL system update 2.52, then once that was done, I had to DL the latest LBP update, it's not just the time it takes to DL, but then installing it. Just wish I had known, could of left it doing that and done something else during that 20mins.
Yeah, you can use the credit online, BUT you have to post the credit to them [you know the receipt thingy you get printed out from the shop with it on] and on the forums people say that it takes ages [weeks] for it to able to use online plus I've also read CeX have told people that they never retrieved the credit they posted to them to use online etc.... it's too dodgy. They don't seem very reliable to be honest with certain stuff... Shame.

I also find it daft that when you could phone them, I asked them if they could put items aside for me to go pick up that same day and they said they didn't do that, but on the bit you quoted it says people CAN reserve stuff, pffftttt they lie.
Over cheery I'm your best bud, door to door people who start off by saying "don't panic I'm not trying to sell you something" Then try and sell you something.
Don't panic I'm not shutting the door in your face...

Tossers... :ROLL:
Indeed, we get some happy chap once a month turn up at our door. I haven't told him to fuck off as yet as you can tell he's borderline senile and it'd be cruel for even me (although I might do it next time).

"Hey up me old! I'm just doing t'shopping coupons!"

After letting him explain, I tell him no thanks and he seems even happier following this. I would normally give them the look of scorn (a la David Platt & Graeme off Corrie) but his continuing journey into a land of make believe needs to be prolonged before any possible major downer-inspired incidents occur, for example burning the coupons and shoving them up his arse before razzing round the streets shouting, "HELLO AGAIN! THE SHOPPING COUPONS ARE DOING ME NOW. ME!!" or something similar. He reminds me a bit of Dale Winton on Bring On The Wall, fucking oblivious and powered like a robot. Not that I've watched it...
Cars do sometimes. I managed to leave somethings plugged into my cigarette lighter socket by accident for literally 2 hours. Came back out of my house tried to start the car? Nothing.. wouldnt start.

My stupidity I know but it still pisses me off :P
Argos trying to blag the gullible people in the world into thinking they're doing a good deal with the 'spend £50 and get a £5 voucher. OR... even better spend £100 and get a £10 voucher.

Who the fuck thought that up and thought it was a great idea? Someone who failed maths at GCSE?

Surely it should be spend £50 get £5 or spend £100 and get £15 so you actually get something for spending more in one big chunk.

Morons - no wonder all these companies are going under - although I'm glad woolworths are going - i hated that stupid sheep and dog as wool/worth.
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Argos trying to blag the gullible people in the world into thinking they're doing a good deal with the 'spend £50 and get a £5 voucher. OR... even better spend £100 and get a £10 voucher.

Who the fuck thought that up and thought it was a great idea? Someone who failed maths at GCSE?

Surely it should be spend £30 get £5 or spend £100 and get £15 so you actually get something for spending more in one big chunk.

Morons - no wonder all these companies are going under - although I'm glad woolworths are going - i hated that stupid sheep and dog as wool/worth.

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