The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Yeah, I'd have took that chance! Canada would be good too, and I know America has problems too but if you get a decent area it'd be alright, I mean for gods sake the price of living over there is about half of what it is here surely. With council tax going up another 2% as well...
Having a 1500 word report to do for tomorrow morning.

Being able to write thousands and thousands of words on the subject myself, but having to reference it with articles on the same thing and having to research those articles, which then presents the problem of fitting it into 1500 words.

Oh and its worth 25% of the final mark for the module.

I can't be arsed!
You should be partying and getting wasted. Thats how my freshers went. Missed about 40% of my classes.

Yeah you see, thats the whole problem.

I chose to go to Edge Hill, which is in Ormskirk, which shouldn't even be on the map because there's nothing there and nothing ever happens.

Therefore I live at home, therefore I can't go out and get wasted every night with Uni mates.

Hence me wanting to go somewhere else.

I'm missing most of my classes because I can't be arsed going/waking up/driving there/etc.
Yeah you see, thats the whole problem.

I chose to go to Edge Hill, which is in Ormskirk, which shouldn't even be on the map because there's nothing there and nothing ever happens.

Therefore I live at home, therefore I can't go out and get wasted every night with Uni mates.

Hence me wanting to go somewhere else.

I'm missing most of my classes because I can't be arsed going/waking up/driving there/etc.

:CONF: Man don't waste your student days, if your not happy do something, it's your best days...
:CONF: Man don't waste your student days, if your not happy do something, it's your best days...

I'm trying to bargain with the 'eld parents.

Gotta look for a full time position either where I am now, or somewhere else so that I'm actually doing something should I take the year off.

Plus I've gotta go through the whole application process again, and I'm not sure how to start at the moment. I'll presumerably have to go through UCAS again, or maybe I'll have to ring up somewhere for an interview. Couldn't hurt to find out about some open days as well I suppose.

It sounds silly that I'm only quitting because I'm not living in and my Uni is in Ormskirk, but that to me is the bigger picture versus the education side of things.

Most of my mates are out in the major cities, being independant (that reminds me, I need to learn how to f**king cook), getting pissed with their hall mates, and I'm stuck here with the parents and the annoying sibling doing fuck all at Uni anyway because I've got no enthusiasm at all for the place.

The course is alright, and the people on it are great, made a bunch of good mates already, but still...

We're supposedly getting a house next year in town, so that'd be effectively living in, but it won't be the same as being away for a freshers year. Oh and it'll never, ever happen, because none of us have money, and I don't wanna live in with the few mates that go the same Uni as me.
Cbeebies show, like a workout type thing for kids. It's horrendous. I can't find a video of it at the mo, but it's usually on around 5 if you really wanna look...
Tim fucking Westwood, when will he realize that HES NOT BLACK?! His voice and everything, good god, he makes me want to bash my head against a brick wall.
Tim fucking Westwood, when will he realize that HES NOT BLACK?! His voice and everything, good god, he makes me want to bash my head against a brick wall.

He makes me laugh, it's ridiculous how put on that voice is. His dad is a vicar from Oxford I think so I very much doubt he inherited that accent.

Or maybe not can you imagine one of his wedding services, some old man with a massive chain round his neck and a doo-rag on...

"We is gavvered ere today innit, to celebrate the union of my bro Kanye and his bitch Charmayne! Brrrrrraaaaaaaaaaap!"
Reading the paper and seeing the caption "Broken Britain" everyday

Britney Spears, how the fuck can you get away with mining on a fucking singing competition?!?! how you ask? so she can "concentrate on dancing"

fuck off, who gives a shit about dancing your paid to sing and you don't even do that well

some (talentless) people are just so lucky to be where they are
He makes me laugh, it's ridiculous how put on that voice is. His dad is a vicar from Oxford I think so I very much doubt he inherited that accent.

Or maybe not can you imagine one of his wedding services, some old man with a massive chain round his neck and a doo-rag on...

"We is gavvered ere today innit, to celebrate the union of my bro Kanye and his bitch Charmayne! Brrrrrraaaaaaaaaaap!"

Oh god that's hilarious. :LMAO: I can actually picture that, haha!

And I agree Coopz with what you said about that daft cow. Britney is just your common druggie with 2 kids that will turn out trailer trash chavs, she's not really got any talent and to be honest I've never really found her that good looking either.
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