The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

baby wipes block our toilet - ive flushed a few along with some baby poo in them and then up came the water level which had me panicking expecting shite to come flooding over the rim and over the floor.
People who do 60 in the middle lane of the motorway with apparently no idea how to move into the left hand lane

The Dartford Crossing
Setanta Sports. They have to be the scummiest company I've ever had to deal with. I cancelled my subscription in 2006 - didnt hear a peep in 2007 - but they still took £180 off my credit card this August. Since I didn't know about it because I dont use that credit card, I'm being charged late fees every month because Setanta ignore my phone calls, emails and letters. So £210~ and counting...

Cunts. Absolute cunts.
You know this 50% off sale in woolworths... well we went to one today and written in the tiniest writing possible above the 50% text is the text 'up to'

Now they don't have to give us 50% off, and they don't have to do this sale but the whole 'we're having a 50% sale... come inside!' bullshit is no doubt what caused people to turn away from their shitty overpriced shops in the first place. I hope the cocks go out of business ... oh wait...
I've not seen anything on tv from Woolworths themselves saying 50% off.... but the HUGE posters that are plastered all over the stores saying 50% in HUGE letters and then tiny lettering saying 'up to' doesn't exactly scream out 'honesty' to me.

If they weren't trying to get people in they'd have just put signs saying 'sale on' 'up to 50% off'
... the Halfords advert with the guy with the whingy voice. He says things like 'this sat nav is on sale' but with s real. 'pooohhh pleeeeaasssee buy it... pretty pleaaaseee... i'll be your best friend oh pleeaasseee!'

sod off
... the Halfords advert with the guy with the whingy voice. He says things like 'this sat nav is on sale' but with s real. 'pooohhh pleeeeaasssee buy it... pretty pleaaaseee... i'll be your best friend oh pleeaasseee!'

sod off
There is something really weird about his voice, when the advert comes on you immediately look at the TV in "what the hell is that noise" amazement.
The postman turning up as and when he wants to.

Then leaving a card saying he tried to deliver a Recorded Delivery item at 12pm, which is interesting because I didn't leave the house until 12:30pm.
There's an advert for high school music and camp rock dvd's and a girl says something like 'well done wildcats.. you rule' but it sounds like the girl has a mouth full of gob stoppers. Really weird.

This threads become more of a 'moan thread' than 'I'M PISSED OFF ROYALLY AND SOMEONE WILL PAY!
The postman turning up as and when he wants to.

Then leaving a card saying he tried to deliver a Recorded Delivery item at 12pm, which is interesting because I didn't leave the house until 12:30pm.
That will be your Rock Band then... Your postmen are arseholes, have you ever offended a postman that you can remember?!
14 year old little shits with microphones telling everybody "I'm gonna jump down from a building and blast ya with mah shotgun" on Call Of Duty.

Why do parents buy their kids these things?!
The postman turning up as and when he wants to.

Then leaving a card saying he tried to deliver a Recorded Delivery item at 12pm, which is interesting because I didn't leave the house until 12:30pm.

Ours is just the same. He came one day at 9am but I missed him, so I booked a redelivery.... only for him to come at bloody 8am when I was fast asleep!!!! He usually comes at around 11am, but decided to be a prick for us.
people who think they own the streets and don't give a damn about you or your propety

lastnight a party up the road spilled out onto my street and they were all rowdy as fuck, probably 20-30 of them and they all decided to smash bottles outside my house and down my cul-de-sac where my son plays, i thought a bottle was thrown at my house because i heard aloud smash/pop

Emma wouldn't let me go out incase they had knifes and didn't want me to goto prison cos i would of gone to town on the lot of them

i found a bottle neck in my front garden and glass at my front door, futher investigation shows that the bottle may of been smashed on my garden wall, the bottle neck flying over my car and glass shattering at my front door and in my drive, can't see if car is marked cos of the rain

i called the police, and 1.5 hrs later they drove past and didn't even stop or question these underage drinkers.

they were all shitfaced, some could hardly walk

society nowadays piss me off
You should have dressed up as Batman and kicked their asses. Batman is above the law, as I found out from my copy of the Dark Knight.
The postman turning up as and when he wants to.

Then leaving a card saying he tried to deliver a Recorded Delivery item at 12pm, which is interesting because I didn't leave the house until 12:30pm.

I caught my postman putting a slip through my door once and questioned him about my item. He didn't even bring the item with him, he just decided to give me a slip and force me to go and pick it up. What part of 'deliver' does he not understand!?

I must have pissed on his chips or something in a previous lifetime.
Yeah ours do it too, we get quite a lot of stuff delivered and I've caught them putting the card through without even knocking a couple of times. Bunch of wankers. And the worst thing is the sorting office near me shuts at 1pm and is really hard to get to if you dont drive.
The only time that's ever happened to me is when I rang Microsoft to arrange for the Xbox 360 to be picked up. They arranged to come on Monday, so I was in all day and no sign of them. I rang up on Tuesday to ask what was going on, they said to ring DHL, and when I rang DHL they said to me "it says here they came at 11am but nobody was there". I said to the guy, "I was literally sat in a chair by the window at 11am looking right down the road, and I didn't see a DHL van all day, so you're lying to me there" - he just went "erm, well, that's what it [mumble mumble mumble], erm, tomorrow?"
My fucking 360 got 1 RROD last night :( I cant be bothered to send my 360 of to Microsoft to get it fixed because
1. three of my mates have had to send there 360's off twice because they got RROD, and the first time they got it back it got RROD again.. so not sure if I should send mine off to Microsoft aswell.
2. Being arsed to wait 3 weeks to get my 360 back.
I fucking hate microsoft why release some thing when your not 100% sure its not gonna break.Rant!
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My fucking 360 got 1 RROD last night :( I cant be bothered to send my 360 of to Microsoft to get it fixed because
1. three of my mates have had to send there 360's off twice because they got RROD, and the first time they got it back it got RROD again.. so not sure if I should send mine off to Microsoft aswell.
2. Being arsed to wait 3 weeks to get my 360 back.
I fucking hate microsoft why release some thing when your not 100% sure its not gonna break.Rant!

I got my 360 back within a week...
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