The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Phantom cuts and bruises.

You're sitting there playing a game or doing whatever you're doing, you look at your hand momentarily as it enters your field of vision, and only then do you notice a two-inch cut along your thumb. How long's that been there for? What did I do that on?
Fucking PS3 decided not to read any kind of discs whatsoever after freezing up and we're having to wait until CHRISTMAS EVE for them to come and pick it up, meaning we won't get it back probably until this time next month. WHY CAN'T THEY JUST SEND A REPLACEMENT I HAVEN'T EVEN HAD IT FOR 12 MONTHS?! I even offered to pay for P&P for replacement, they'd have none of it yet I know a couple of people who's had the same problem as me and they've just replaced it, not fucking come to pick it up. Typical for this to happen, this time of year and all. Should've threatened to buy an Xbox 360, not that I'd have actually bought one, maybe they'd have sent me an 80G replacement.

If you've had it less than 12months why didn't you just take it back to the shop you got it from for an instant return?
The amount of pure crap you need to fill in when you make a film at Uni.

safety guidelines, actors agreement, batch capture list, call sheet, cast list, casting info, composers agreement, crew list, distribution list, edit decision list, group release, location checklist, location release 1+2, model release, performers consent, personal release, production tracking, remote shoot checklist, shot log, storyboard

The amount of pure crap you need to fill in when you make a film at Uni.

safety guidelines, actors agreement, batch capture list, call sheet, cast list, casting info, composers agreement, crew list, distribution list, edit decision list, group release, location checklist, location release 1+2, model release, performers consent, personal release, production tracking, remote shoot checklist, shot log, storyboard


All that for a Soft Core... :BLINK:;)
The amount of pure crap you need to fill in when you make a film at Uni.

safety guidelines, actors agreement, batch capture list, call sheet, cast list, casting info, composers agreement, crew list, distribution list, edit decision list, group release, location checklist, location release 1+2, model release, performers consent, personal release, production tracking, remote shoot checklist, shot log, storyboard


I hate Uni guidelines as well coming with coursework

Once you've completed a coursework you need to fill in a coursework cover sheet stating your full name, course title, name of the Module, the assignment title, word count, name of the tutor that takes your module and finally your signature to say this is your work and you haven't been cheating...

What a PC world we live in next thing you know they'll be taking your DNA with every piece of coursework you hand in to prove its your coursework.. And I've got to drive from Leeds to Huddersfield to hand it in as Electronic Submission is not allowed for this one assignment :CURSE:
I hate Uni guidelines as well coming with coursework

Once you've completed a coursework you need to fill in a coursework cover sheet stating your full name, course title, name of the Module, the assignment title, word count, name of the tutor that takes your module and finally your signature to say this is your work and you haven't been cheating...

What a PC world we live in next thing you know they'll be taking your DNA with every piece of coursework you hand in to prove its your coursework.. And I've got to drive from Leeds to Huddersfield to hand it in as Electronic Submission is not allowed for this one assignment :CURSE:

Hmm... I can see the point I know at least five people who got very good qualifications without doing very much at all at Uni, if you know what I mean... :ROLL:
I'm in Huddersfield today I could hand it in for ya... ;)
Hmm... I can see the point I know at least five people who got very good qualifications without doing very much at all at Uni, if you know what I mean... :ROLL:
I'm in Huddersfield today I could hand it in for ya... ;)

Heh I'm driving over in an hour no worries cheers tho lol
The amount of pure crap you need to fill in when you make a film at Uni.

safety guidelines, actors agreement, batch capture list, call sheet, cast list, casting info, composers agreement, crew list, distribution list, edit decision list, group release, location checklist, location release 1+2, model release, performers consent, personal release, production tracking, remote shoot checklist, shot log, storyboard


You forgot fluffer.
The fact that I can't find a copy of Zelda Twilight Princess in stock ANYWHERE when I need it most!! *nhjdfndnvijdfnvsgjirngnbo*
"They" fell asleep at half ten, I've sat there reading trying not to wake him up, then the parents walk in pissed out of their brains and wake him up.

And on top of that the cat bit me, little fucker. I decided that was a bad omen so rather than sleep over I walked home.
I wouldn't, I'm vegetarian and I love cats. This cat is great usually, I was stroking him fine for about five minutes, didn't have a problem with me, then suddenly he goes "MRAWRGHL" and bites my thumb.

On top of that, I dropped my phone on the way in, and my once pristine K800i now has a dirty big chip on the screen, which draws your eye to it every time the screen goes white.

That's what you get for helping someone out...
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Sounds like my cat at times, they can be nervous randomly for what appears to be no reason, especially if you don't see it daily. Depends on whether it's a house cat, if it goes out often etc... Anyway I'm getting wayyyy too deep into it now!

RE: Topic title.

Headaches. Well, migraines, at least I think it's what I keep getting. Damn central heating does it to me.
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On top of that, I dropped my phone on the way in, and my once pristine K800i now has a dirty big chip on the screen, which draws your eye to it every time the screen goes white.
Ah mate! I feel your pain. I've kept my iPhone in pristine condition since getting it, if I ever dropped it and it got scratched or marked in any way I think I would go mental! :SHOCK:
Ah mate! I feel your pain. I've kept my iPhone in pristine condition since getting it, if I ever dropped it and it got scratched or marked in any way I think I would go mental! :SHOCK:

There are a lot of products especially phones nowadays that are to easy to get scratched especially the LG Renior I'm planning to get in January and oh my old iPhone had a dirty great big mark right by the sleep/power button annoyed me greatly.

But things that piss me off? The fact Orange when you are upgrading want to add the remaining months of your contract onto your new contract, since I am planning to upgrade in January in my 15th Month that means I will be in a 21 month contract from Janaury with a new phone, let's see how long that phone lasts then...
I think it's pissed it down with rain for every single AFC Liverpool home game so far, today is no different :CURSE:
The Post Office again. After going up to the sorting office to collect my parcel which was supposed to be delivered last Saturday, I'm told today it's not there again.

I kicked off and said it HAS to be there, there's nowhere else it can be. So the guy goes off again and finds my parcel in a completely different district's area!

Useless fuckers.
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