The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Virgin Media is widely expected to unveil a 50 Megabits per second (Mbps) domestic broadband service today.

Yet the :CURSE: can't get me the 20 Megabits that I'm PAYING for, they'll go around to other parts of the country and upgrade every :CURSE: else.

BT are trialling fibre-optic in 2009, I'm keeping an eye on that because Virgin are TERRIBLE!
Well then you've answered your own question.

"why release some thing when your not 100% sure its not gonna break"

Because people will buy it anyway, and when it breaks, they'll buy another.
People who send me stupid forwarded E-Mails, though I have stated again and again and even in capitals "PLEASE NO MORE FORWARDED EMAILS THANKS I DON'T OPEN THEM AND THEY JUST GET DELETED," still fucking send them to me. Thing is I can't really block them cause their in my family. Morons.
People who send me stupid forwarded E-Mails, though I have stated again and again and even in capitals "PLEASE NO MORE FORWARDED EMAILS THANKS I DON'T OPEN THEM AND THEY JUST GET DELETED," still fucking send them to me. Thing is I can't really block them cause their in my family. Morons.
Yana just block them, if they don't respect you enough to keep sending after you ask them not to...

If they moan just tell them your new software auto blocks spammers who forward emails... :D
Right, where to start with this one...

Those of you who knew what I was doing for work will know that I rarely did a full week and as of late it has dwindled to no days a week. So I figured that I would go on the dole for a month until the new job that I have got starts.

2 weeks ago I had a 45 minute interview over the phone with this woman who sounded bored out of her fucking mind which lead to me then having an actual interview at the Job Centre to finalise my claim.

Last week I then went and made my 1st claim to be told that as I was still employed and hadn't got a P45 that I was entitled to just £10 a week. Yeah cheers for that, thats really enough for me to live on ain't it.

The woman in the Job Centre during that then told me to go ring the Claim Centre while I was still there as the phones they have connect direct to them. Following a brief chat with a woman I was told that they would look into it and call me back within a couple of hours.

I did get that call back and was told that the full JS amount of £60 a week would be paid into my account on the 16th. On checking my account today there is still no sign of any money at all in my account from them so I rang again. This time I was told that as I was still down as working I would be getting the tidy sum of £14 to be paid into my account on Monday.

I again said that that was nowhere near enough money as the job I did have had ended at the end of November. I was then told that someone else would be in contact with me during the next few hours to discuss what was happening. I now await that call, expect an update later

Good luck, the Jobcentre are useless... I remember going for JSA a couple years ago before I was pregnant. When I lost a job, by the time they sorted the allowance out [after endless calls and going down there all the time] I'd already found another job. They're slow when they're giving you money, but when they overpay you and want money back, they'll never leave you alone.
Just had a call back from them for them to tell me they are currently looking for my paperwork and they will ring me back tomorrow. What a load of fucking shit
Make sure you keep a record of everything and get names and departments, if you have paid tax and NI you're entitled to every penny they owe you mate...

A male moron and a female idiot. Seriously, if they ring me tomorrow with bad news I am going to go fucking apeshit.

There are those people who live on benefits for years. I have a month out of work between jobs and I can get fuck all off them
A male moron and a female idiot. Seriously, if they ring me tomorrow with bad news I am going to go fucking apeshit.

There are those people who live on benefits for years. I have a month out of work between jobs and I can get fuck all off them
Yep, I can't believe people are complaining because they want to change the system to get these scroungers to earn their dole, this country is out of whack... :CONF:
Maybe if I threaten to petrol bomb my local Job Centre that'll make them pay some attention
Fucking PS3 decided not to read any kind of discs whatsoever after freezing up and we're having to wait until CHRISTMAS EVE for them to come and pick it up, meaning we won't get it back probably until this time next month. WHY CAN'T THEY JUST SEND A REPLACEMENT I HAVEN'T EVEN HAD IT FOR 12 MONTHS?! I even offered to pay for P&P for replacement, they'd have none of it yet I know a couple of people who's had the same problem as me and they've just replaced it, not fucking come to pick it up. Typical for this to happen, this time of year and all. Should've threatened to buy an Xbox 360, not that I'd have actually bought one, maybe they'd have sent me an 80G replacement.
Fucking PS3 decided not to read any kind of discs whatsoever after freezing up and we're having to wait until CHRISTMAS EVE for them to come and pick it up, meaning we won't get it back probably until this time next month. WHY CAN'T THEY JUST SEND A REPLACEMENT I HAVEN'T EVEN HAD IT FOR 12 MONTHS?! I even offered to pay for P&P for replacement, they'd have none of it yet I know a couple of people who's had the same problem as me and they've just replaced it, not fucking come to pick it up. Typical for this to happen, this time of year and all. Should've threatened to buy an Xbox 360, not that I'd have actually bought one, maybe they'd have sent me an 80G replacement.

Oucho, feel your pain.
That I've just found a lump under the skin in my crotch area....that's just pissed me off right now.

EDIT - More where my thigh joins the crotch.

I've got another one on my chin.

Reading about it, seems like something to do with my lymph nodes...
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My employer always paying staff on the 19th ... except we've just found out we're not being paid tomorrow as the chairman hasn't made a decision yet on when to pay us :CURSE:

So now I can't get any presents until we get paid, which our boss seems to think will probably be Christmas Eve now. Will also have to borrow money for fuel as well until then.

Fucks sake.
Thats Scandalous - I'm sur you have to get paid the same time every month. Especially if you are full time employed.

I get paid on the 15th every month - so it works out great :))
Waiting for a call from the Job Centre regarding the money they fucking owe me...
We normally get paid at the end of the month but with me going to Edinburgh at the start of the month, and expecting to be paid on the 19th as they normally pay for Christmas, it's left me completely skint.

I'm fuming.

The old bint on there was working at a 'posh' restaurant and was worried about how to remember the orders. So she went around the town asking for help and eventually Archie the inventor helped her out by suggesting she DREW pictures of the orders!

Screw writing down 'chips, steak and peas'. No.. you should draw the fuckers!

So she's in the 'posh' restaurant and asks a family what they want and when they say 'sausage, mash and beans' (I thought it was a posh place?) she starts to draw a sausage, a blog of mash and a pea with a smiley face.


The old bint on there was working at a 'posh' restaurant and was worried about how to remember the orders. So she went around the town asking for help and eventually Archie the inventor helped her out by suggesting she DREW pictures of the orders!

Screw writing down 'chips, steak and peas'. No.. you should draw the fuckers!

So she's in the 'posh' restaurant and asks a family what they want and when they say 'sausage, mash and beans' (I thought it was a posh place?) she starts to draw a sausage, a blog of mash and a pea with a smiley face.


Someone has far, FAR too much free time... ;)

The old bint on there was working at a 'posh' restaurant and was worried about how to remember the orders. So she went around the town asking for help and eventually Archie the inventor helped her out by suggesting she DREW pictures of the orders!

Screw writing down 'chips, steak and peas'. No.. you should draw the fuckers!

So she's in the 'posh' restaurant and asks a family what they want and when they say 'sausage, mash and beans' (I thought it was a posh place?) she starts to draw a sausage, a blog of mash and a pea with a smiley face.


Oh God, I feel sorry for you, that show is horrendapants. Luckily our little lad has gone off that, it's fucking awful. Wanna smack that bloody babysitter or whatever she is in the face with a brick.
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