The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

I agree but my point was more about when I'm actually playing. Same kid did it against my own team at end of last year and also last week. Next time I play against him I'm going to snap the fucker in half to give him something real to cry about.
It will be worth the sending off to be honest cos I'm fed up with people doing it on the local parks. I'm not as fit and as good as I used to be so I'm not that bothered if I end up missing a few games.
I tell the pussies that dive and scream that I'm embarrased to be on the same pitch as them and they won't have to act next time I go in for a challenge with them. Next time I won't have to be on the same pitch as this one particular guy very long so happy days! Ave it!!
:LOL: Shame your down in Cardiff I'd like to come and watch that... I packed in playing due to a dodgy ankle but it's true, you get idiots rolling about because they see it in top flight football. Holding their face and faining broken legs, it's pathetic...
It's a shame cos on this occasion (that has wound me right up) the guy is a decent player. Not a fancy dan just a decent ball player so I just don't understand it. I guess I was brought up to be fair.
He's a few inches taller than me and I'm not a dirty player at all (normally) but he won't be taller than me when I've finished with the cheating fucker!
I had a feeling you were talking about your own matches, but the fact that you brought it up just angered up the blood and gave me something to post about in here. ;) It's something I've hated for years, and I completely agree with you Radiation about the whole "caught on camera" thing, it's ridiculous that they won't do anything about it.

It's as if they are actually embracing it as part of the game. If a player gets away with a dive he's "cheeky", everyone laughs it off. No, he's not cheeky, he's a cheat. It is cheating. He's faking something, in order to gain an advantage, and possibly get an opponent carded or sent off. If that's to be embraced then fuck football, some games I've watched recently have been 0-0 with diving for 90 minutes. How is that a sport?
I had a feeling you were talking about your own matches, but the fact that you brought it up just angered up the blood and gave me something to post about in here. ;) It's something I've hated for years, and I completely agree with you Radiation about the whole "caught on camera" thing, it's ridiculous that they won't do anything about it.

It's as if they are actually embracing it as part of the game. If a player gets away with a dive he's "cheeky", everyone laughs it off. No, he's not cheeky, he's a cheat. It is cheating. He's faking something, in order to gain an advantage, and possibly get an opponent carded or sent off. If that's to be embraced then fuck football, some games I've watched recently have been 0-0 with diving for 90 minutes. How is that a sport?

Talking about caught on camera, if I was a professional footballer, I wouldn't be able to look my friends and family in the eye if I was diving around like a bloody pansy. I would be too embarassed.
Their team mates, friends, parents etc. should give them a smack across their heads to sort them out. Wankers! The lot of them.

PS. I haven't read further up about the camera thing that was mentioned so if I have just said the same thing then ignore.
Talking about caught on camera, if I was a professional footballer, I wouldn't be able to look my friends and family in the eye if I was diving around like a bloody pansy. I would be too embarassed.
Their team mates, friends, parents etc. should give them a smack across their heads to sort them out. Wankers! The lot of them.

PS. I haven't read further up about the camera thing that was mentioned so if I have just said the same thing then ignore.

In a match I was playing in one of my teammates tackled this guy normally like on his feet and the player dived and got a free kick and then later in the match he went flying into a tackle and completely took out our player, told the ref our player dived and got away with it. :RANT:

He continued cheating and shit for the rest of the match and eventually I got so pissed off with him that I gave him a whack round the shins, that told him. :BOP:
Something else that really pisses me off about football now; Roy Keane confronts the referee about an offside goal and he's sent to the stands, despite the fact that Keane was right. The FA have then charged him with "improper conduct" on top of that today, despite the fact that (according to Keane, and the referee isn't arguing with him) no threatening behaviour or bad language being used. More to the point, as I've said, he was right. Is it just me that thinks this is totally ludicrous?

I find that so wrong. If you criticise a referee and you're wrong, fair enough, and if you do it every week then you deserve whatever you get. But if the referee's just made a poor decision, costing you points and possibly your job, why can't you say anything about it? Why do they have to say in the interviews "I can't say anything in-case they fine me"? It's ridiculous. It's like a policeman arresting you for asking why he's just let a burglar run past him without sticking his leg out.
I think the diving issue can go both ways, How many of you have been on the recieving end of endless fouls which have gone unpunished? The main reason people dive is because the ref isnt going to give a foul unless you roll 5-6 times over or your leg is on the other side of the field.

Its easy saying "Diving is killing the game" when you watch a player go down where he could have stayed on his feet but there are other occasions when players are getting lumps kicked out of them, I actually stopped playing for a while cause of this, Players wouldnt dive if Refs got the right decisions in the first place.
Yes there are some bad tackles and some games are full of them but it would make it far easier for the referee to determine between a good tackle and a bad, bad foul if there was no diving and screaming for a poke on the shoulder. So cut out diving and the people dishing out awful tackles would be dealt with more easily and more regularly as well.
Youtube. Every video i look at loads for a few seconds and then cuts off. It also has no cound. I just deleted all my internet files and cookies and it worked... but 2 minutes later it's happening again.

Joe i told you how to fix and you forgot already?

It a flash bug that does something to FF. You have to uninstall Flash with the program below (which gets rid of everything to do with it), restart your PC and then it will work

I had to install the new flash a few days ago and so far i haven't had such problems but don't install the new flash without doing the above first and trying without flash to see if it works
I fucking hate how some companies pack their products, for example Xbox 360! I know they want their products to be protected, but ffs when it says "cut here" and you cut it you expect it to open.

I spent 30 minutes opening a new wireless controller, and I got cut in the process.
Currys/PC World will never get a penny of my money ever again.

Right, I'm after a 120gb hard drive for the Xbox 360. I've seen them for £100 at Argos but on eBay one went the other day for £65. There was me thinking that was a bargain when I find out by accidentally typing in the search terms on GOOGLE instead of eBay, that Comet were selling it for £60 and Blockbuster for £70.

I rang my local Blockbuster, they tell me that they haven't got any in-stock, but if I go down to the shop and fill in a form, they can order me one - but it might take a while to arrive. Well, I'm going down on Friday to get Mirror's Edge anyway, so I said I'll fill it in then.

As I was going to bed that night I had an idea; Currys and PC World (owned by the same company) do a price-promise offer. For more details, I've quoted someone from another thread who has coincidentally mentioned the same thing today.

pc world have a price difference offer.

110% of price difference

So say PCW are charging £50 for CoD5, minus asda's price difference of £23 (making it = £27), plus the extra 10% difference (£2.30) = £24.70 INSTORE

I rang the PC World number (again, no local numbers, just a national number) in-case I was getting myself mixed up, but the guy confirmed to me that they did the above price promise offer, and he went as far as putting one aside for me. The local PC World didn't have one in-stock but he checked the local Currys and they did. He gave me a reference number and said to me "as long as Blockbuster is within 30 miles of the Currys store then that will be fine". I double-checked all the details with him, the address of the Blockbuster, the phone number etc., and he said it all checked out. So I went to bed safe in the knowledge that I would be getting a 120gb Xbox 360 hard drive for less than £70 this afternoon (and not their usual price of £90/£100 at PC World/Currys respectively).

Ho ho ho...

I arrive at Currys with my reference number, product code and the number of my local Blockbuster. So this elderly chap with a "Carl" nametag on comes over, says "yes yes yes", and runs off with my piece of paper. 15 minutes of looking at the wall later, he returns with a 120gb hard drive, and picks up a phone to call my local Blockbuster. "Do you sell 120gb Xbox 360 drives for £70? Right, do you have any in-stock? No, okay, thanks."

"I'm sorry sir but we can only offer the price promise if the store that sells the product cheaper has the product in-stock."

I resisted the urge to scream well if they had it in stock I wouldn't have come all the way to this fucking shithole would I you fucking knobhead, and instead calmly asked "so what you're saying is; either I order it from Blockbuster and wait, or I go home, look up all of the telephone numbers of Blockbuster stores within 30 miles, ring them all and find one that has it in stock, and then come back?" "Yes sir."

"Right!" I said, stormed out of the shop, got back to the car, got out my mobile, and asked the missus to text me the telephone number of every Blockbuster in my local area. After ten minutes, and ten minutes ringing around, I found one in Liverpool that had one in-stock. Same price, obviously. I pumped my fists with joy, imagining I was smashing old farty-arse Carl in the face, and stormed back into the shop.

I asked the woman behind the counter, "can you get Carl for me please?" She sends out a message over the tannoy and five minutes later he arrives. I explain to him that I've just spent two quid on my mobile ringing around Blockbuster stores within a 30 mile radius and that I've found one in Liverpool, with the drive in-stock, for £70. "I'll just make sure that's alright with the manager", he says.

Five minutes later he comes back and says "I'm sorry, it has to be in the county that we're in now. It can't be in Liverpool, it has to be here, or in Chester."

My reply, through gritted teeth; "but the store in Liverpool is closer than any in Chester."

"I'm sorry sir."

At this point I was literally clenching my fists so hard my fingers were nearly bursting through my palms, and I quoted to him exactly what the man on the PC World helpline had told me; "within a 30 mile radius", "yes that applies to both Currys and PC World". But he just repeated himself, like a slightly retarded parrot. To top it off, he said to me, "the most we can offer you is the tunnel fare over to Liverpool" (which is a couple of quid). I've never been so fucking incensed in all my life. I literally laughed in his face, turned round, and shouted "what a fucking joke, I'm never coming here again" loud enough to disturb anyone who is stupid enough to buy anything from what I already knew was the biggest rip-off shop in creation full of wankers who know fuck all about the shit that they're selling and will happily lie through their teeth to get you to hand over your money.

So there we go, a few quid on the phone bill, a few quid on the mobile bill, a fair few quid in petrol and at the end of the day I'm sat here with a growing blood pressure issue and the urge to kill people.

EDIT: Looking at THIS FORUM the whole "price promise" thing is bollocks and they can come up with any argument they like to wriggle out of it.
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