The Retro-PES Corner

Found something out which is pretty interesting.
I forgot years ago I converted every player in the game to a blank player so everyone was exactly the same ie height, weight, position, stats, nationality. The original blank player was based on the default player when creating a new player in edit mode.
I loaded up the ML and every player has a different salary. I came out of it and tried it again, and every salary was still set the same as before.
Either the ML salary is already set for each player ID at a minimum amount, OR there are hidden attributes that determine these values. It could even be hidden moves that only certain players can perform. The lowest was 1 and the highest was 5000.
Maybe it's worth thinking about which player you overwrite when making a new player in game.
Also, years left on the contract seems to be random as each time I loaded it back up, a different number was shown.
@miguelfcp What a GK you get, his stats is as good as Donnarumma at 18 what a future of him will be for next 20 years.

I think you must try to renew contract at whatever price, even 2000 for Gutierrez now (you have so much in the bank). Otherwise, you will have a player less to finish this Generations Mode

@mattmid After 5 season and 6 week, finally you get your first chance to rebuild your team. Will you get miguel's monster GK or other position?

I hope I don't need to wait so long to get my new blood.
@wildwind I hope that keeper is around in the newcomers list. Ivarov is good but as he's 34 now he could retire at any time. His contract runs out next season so if the keeper is there now I think I'd be mad not to grab him while I can. If he retires and I only have Lothar and there's no good keeper to sign then I'm stuffed for a season!

I've played another game in my season and it looks like there's going to be a huge fight for only second place unless Lokeren fall away as they are 6pts clear at the top. They won the league with 29pts in the very first season and it looks like they might get there again.
Hey guys. Reading your posts really motivated me to start my own ML campaign. Good stuff :D
Just curious, are you all trying to keep your original team members as long as you can or till they retire?
@Titch regarding salaries, in my option file for PES2008 i noticed some players have a 5000 salary. So i thought i would be clever and write over one with Messi so that he too would have a big salary. But when i checked in ML his salary went really low, like into double figures 70 or something. I then noticed that his ‘skills’ made the salary go DOWN! So i had to put Messi back in his original ID place.

To get over it, i check ML after every team i edit. If any show 5000 salary, i change them to a GK and give them 5 skills that do not affect their performance as a GK. For example Post Player, Side, etc... Then their salary goes right down. It’s unrealistic but it is what it is. I read somewhere that the players from the spare slots “Team A, B, C, etc” have these strange salaries. If i had known i would have done my option file without using those slots. But i have done too much of it now.

Like i said, that is for PES2008. Not sure if the same applies to other versions.

I have just started a new ML as Canvey Eagles with ML default players. I hope its not cheating but I gave myself 10000 points as i think this game is so hard. Minanda is 38 in my game and being honest he is a bit off the pace in the 2 games i have played so far.

I will stick to similar rules as you guys but i am thinking that if a team, that is higher than me in the ML ranking, puts in an offer for my player i should just sell him. But if they are lower than my team then i can refuse. I have Transfer Frequency at its highest so hopefully there is more activity than normal

Also, i used 4-5-1 formation with Stein and Dodo as DMF’s and Guiterrez as a LMF and Castelo as a RMF with Minanda as the AMF.

Up front is Licerio.

Licerio! Who’s he?...

Licerio Ordaz! :)

I am on first name terms with some of my players :P

Anyway, the first game was v Swansea. Bony scored on 34 mins and they were pretty much all over me until in the 64th minute i hoofed a ball into the penalty area. Ordaz chased the loose ball. The defender failed to clear it and Ordaz controlled it and steered it into the far corner. Fist in the air moment. It finished 1-1. I was very pleased with that result.

Next was Fulham away. They won their first game against Cardiff 3-0 so i knew it would be tough. It was, but Dodo and Stein were blocking runs in the center of the park and Ivarov was exceptional in goal. The game finished 0-0 but my thumbs were throbbing from all the button mashing and ball clearing.

So not bad, 2 played and 2 draws.
The first 5000 I came across was default Ashley Young. Yet back on the original OF his salary is only 391! It's strange that if you decrease certain players stats then their value will go up.
Konami must have some weird ass formula there somewhere.
@lazoli On the first page there's lots of different versions that Miguel has posted. The one that some of us are doing now you have to keep all your ML originals until they retire (or die as Titch has rightly said, as it seems that way at the moment!) and when they do you can replace them with a newgen/regen only.

@geeeeee Licerio :LOL: Unfortunately there are no first names in pes6 for some reason. It really gets to you doesn't it, you get so involved. Ordaz is driving me nuts now, the keepers I've played this season must be black and blue the amount of times he's hit the ball at them. Also trying to do a through ball to Hamsun with Ordaz is a nightmare as well, three times in one match he had a ball on to him and even a wide man as well and three times he hit the defender in between them. Frustrating but brilliant.
I've just been playing PES 6 for a couple of days now (trying to get used again to the kit templates at the moment), and suddenly the CPU scores this against me.

Their first damn free kick (yeah, fouls aren't that many in PES 6 either... PES 5 had plenty of them in comparison), and it's already instantly better than any free kick I ever managed to score in PES 6. Yes, the player names are fake. It's an old OF which I left half-completed years ago which, in my dreams back then, would only contain fake players when completed.

By the way, a little moment of nostalgia: I found an opmov for PES 6 I made back in the day with clips from many PS2-era PES intro movies.
If any of you is interested in the opmov itself, I'm of course willing to share. I think it could be used for PES 3-6 without any issue, I might be wrong though.

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Maybe it's worth thinking about which player you overwrite when making a new player in game.
Yeah I believe you're right, choosing the right player to overwrite matters. I remember I read a conversation about that, I don't remember if it was here or elsewhere but I'm sure I read it. It looks like they're hard-coded somewhere and they depend on the player ID.
Domzale End of Season 5 Update.

A very, very frustrating season. A year too far for many who still have non intention of retiring yet and as such are pretty much bench warming without getting off it.

Ried and Lokeren were unstoppable in the end, running away with things and I won't be sad to see either of them go. If this is the calibre of team getting relegated from Div 1 then oh boy am I in for a time if I ever get there. All in all a step backward this season although at the same time I lost count of the number of times Ordaz and Hamsun hit the keeper this season when in good positions, it must have been 20+. That's without missed shots and good saves. So a few of those go in and who knows how much different it could have been. Ivarov cost four goals over the season with mistakes and was a shadow of the player he was last season. I couldn't stop leaking goals and despite having more chances in virtually every game wins were hard to come by.

Final Table.jpg

Lech Poznan are swiftly back into Div 2 and they bring AZ Alkmaar with them.

All in all it was a very strange season as you can see below...

Div 2 Awards

Player Of The Season

Div 2 Golden Boot Hamsun 7

Div 2 Top Assists Jaric 4


Top Scorer Hamsun 7, Ordaz 6, Fouque 3, Dodo, Minanda 2, Jaric, Iouga(!) 1

Top Assists Jaric 4, Fouque, Ordaz 2

Player Of The Season Dodo 6.5 (Fouque 6.4)

So, some good performances but the CB positions a real problem other than Jaric who had a really good season. For the final two games I reverted to 4-3-3 and tried him out at LW where he grabbed a goal and another assists to add to his 3 assists he already had. Food for thought there. He's strong, like Hamsun, and can hold players off plus his passing/shooting is decent enough, just his ATT stat is not great.

Fouque finally had a breakthrough season with 3 goals, 2 assists and some good performances as well as the second best rating. Dodo did what Dodo does (will he retire or go extinct?) if he was a bit bigger he'd be an immovable object in the middle. Jaric, as mentioned, had another good year. Hamsun and Ordaz both got a good return in goals but both missed so many chances I feel they both should have been close to 10.

Liberrman still got in the way of everything and Stein covered every blade of grass in one position or another as the utility man.

Disappointing season's on the whole for Ivarov with too many mistakes, Macco who averaged just 5.6. Whilst Giersen was ok but he seems to be something and nothing. Does a job but wouldn't really notice if he wasn't there.

Please retire list: Stremer, Huylens, Burchet (who's gone completely), Ximelez and Castolo who got to play a game after when Hamsun(inj), Dodo, Ordaz and Fouque (banned) all missed the same game! I subbed him at half time he was that bad and put Jaric up front!

Ceciu, Valeny and Iouga can still just about do a job in fact Iouga only played a couple of games from the start out of necessity and a couple of sub appearance and averaged 6.7! Even scoring a winner after appearing at the edge of the box.

Espimas got his standing ovation in the last game and mentioned by the commentators (nice touch, the sort of thing that really makes these retro PES's)

Minanda will play at 40! :D I think his starting days are over although I thought that at the start of last season then he scored that goal. But hopefully he can play an important subs role if required. The legs may have gone but the mind is still quick.

Zamenhof, meanwhile, is delighted to commit himself to the club for another year. He told the management if they should by chance need him he'll be in Hawaii.

Lothar is hoping Ivarov gets so bad he may get to start. The management though are about to go and look for a newgen keeper!

It's going to be another tough season next time I think. I would think AZ are going to be useful and the number of usable players is dwindling. I would prefer not to get a keeper yet I think, but I really have to as Ivarov is declining and I might as well write my season off if Lothar becomes number 1. Of course that's if there's a good keeper available.
@geeeeee Well, the plot thickens...
Edited Young in game manually and managed to get it to 5000 again. After a lot of tweaking, it came down to age. 19=9, 18=5000. Anything below 19 was 5000 actually. Tried it up to 46 and that was also 5000.
Just tried him back to his default settings, then set the age to 18. His salary was only 350. I'm am so confused now :LOL:
CPU Co-op Challenge added to the "Other challenges" part of the Scenario Vault in our thread's first page! Thank you fmicablues7, and also for explaining it for now I understand it.

@Titch: That's why I always play the ML with the default database...last time I played with an option file it was like 10 years ago and I was able to get very good players for 1 PES, 20 PES...

@lazoli: Hey man, that's great, if you do start your ML keep us posted on how it goes for you. Like Matt said, be sure to check out our Scenario Vault if you want to spice up your journey. Currently the "challenge du jour" is definitely the Generations Mode, but it's not an easy one that's for sure.

@geeeeee: No, not cheating at all! In my opinion we should be able to adjust and adapt our challenge to our preferences, the Vault is just a collection of ideas for us to use at our own risk.
Never thought of it but Gutierrez as a SMF makes a lot of sense, with his decent teamwork and his balanced statsheet (decent passing, speed, shooting...). How's he doing there?
Licerio Ordaz sounds strangely convincing...I bet the name will stick!

@*aLe: I'd love to play an OF like that. What was your criteria for player names, height, stats...?

@mattmid: That wasn't a positive season but the bright side is, you get to acquire a newcomer. This is why this challenge is so addictive: just the accquisition of a player might determine the whole future of your save. After getting Jackson the CB a while back we turned from a bottom of the D2 table team into a side capable of fighthing for promotion.
I can't say I'm not a bit jealous of the fact that Minanda will still be playing for you as a 40-year old man.
Excited to find out who will you bring in as your first acquired player!
@Titch I wonder if it is somehow set to a certain value per player ID but then the stats/age etc increase or decrease it from there.

I can't completely remember what I did for my free agents in this Central European Leagues file but I think I went through them before making the new free agents and changed their names to the ML wage they were showing in game. Then I made the free agents in a rough order by ability on the highest wage to lowest on the low. It didn't come out in the same order but it must have some kind of effect as it was pretty similar.

Here's the top end of current free agents in the "others" category that I made with their salary... bear in mind these players are 5 years older now than they were in the 2016/17 when I made it as I'm in season 5

Hazard 2368
De Bruyne 2076
Modric 2060
Pedro 1875
Nolito 1853
Gundogan 1780
Silva 1773
Bonnucci 1771
Sanchez 1743
Ronaldo 1664
Kroos 1651

So they are all high salary so it must be tied in somewhere with ID and ability or something. Why they couldn't just tell us how it's worked out I don't know!
My PES 3 Lombardia (Inter Milan) team in their first seaaon in ML Divsion 1 is already in second place with six wins in nine games and a draw. Mainly down to two players, Arellano and Heinrich, stats below. What a player, he is like the Kaiser or Matthaus, can play at sweeper, (CBW), or CBT, DMF or even stand in playmaker.

He is top scorer in Division 1 above Van Nistelboom and Adriano, with six goals, from sweeper position mostly. :WORSHIP:

Name: Jörg Heinrich
Shirt Name: HEINRICH
Number: 17
Positions: ★ WB, SB, DM, CM, SM

Nationality: German

Age: 29

Height: 186 cm
Weight: 75 kg

Injury Tolerance: A
Foot: R
Side: B

Attack: 76
Defence: 68
Balance: 76
Stamina: 87
Top Speed: 85
Acceleration: 83
Response: 75
Agility: 80
Dribble Accuracy: 82
Dribble Speed: 78
Short Pass Accuracy: 73
Short Pass Speed: 72
Long Pass Accuracy: 85
Long Pass Speed: 78
Shot Accuracy: 70
Shot Power: 78
Shot Technique: 72
Free Kick Accuracy: 70
Curling: 77
Header: 77
Jump: 79
Technique: 83
Aggression: 75
Mentality: 74
Keeper Skills: 50
Teamwork: 82
@Titch I wonder if it is somehow set to a certain value per player ID but then the stats/age etc increase or decrease it from there.

I can't completely remember what I did for my free agents in this Central European Leagues file but I think I went through them before making the new free agents and changed their names to the ML wage they were showing in game. Then I made the free agents in a rough order by ability on the highest wage to lowest on the low. It didn't come out in the same order but it must have some kind of effect as it was pretty similar.

Here's the top end of current free agents in the "others" category that I made with their salary... bear in mind these players are 5 years older now than they were in the 2016/17 when I made it as I'm in season 5

Hazard 2368
De Bruyne 2076
Modric 2060
Pedro 1875
Nolito 1853
Gundogan 1780
Silva 1773
Bonnucci 1771
Sanchez 1743
Ronaldo 1664
Kroos 1651

So they are all high salary so it must be tied in somewhere with ID and ability or something. Why they couldn't just tell us how it's worked out I don't know!

Flipping hell, Hazard costs 2368 salary points, that is five Arellanos or three Dario Silvas, and I know who I would choose. :SHOCK:
@miguelfcp The bid is in for a newcomer keeper. Kremer is his name, a German keeper

His stats (Ivarov's current in brackets)

Defence 74 (78)
Balance 81 (68)
Response 86 (79)
Agility 71 (71)
Jump 82 (84)
Mentality 77 (67)
Keeper 79 (76)
Teamwork 72 (62)
Height 192 (188)

and Kremer has 1-on-1 stopper which should be handy with my current defence!

Now I just have to convince him to sign.

There are other players that I could go for but I think I have to grab the keeper now. Ivarov is still ok but at 34 and out of contract if he retires and there's no quality keeper next window then I'm in big trouble. This guy can do the next 15 seasons and with a 49yr old Zamenhof at back up at that stage probably as well :LOL:


Kremer signs a 5yr deal at 445 :D
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@lazoli On the first page there's lots of different versions that Miguel has posted. The one that some of us are doing now you have to keep all your ML originals until they retire (or die as Titch has rightly said, as it seems that way at the moment!) and when they do you can replace them with a newgen/regen only.

Thanks man. I must have missed that. I like the idea so I’ll start one today or tomorrow. :TU:
@lazoli: Hey man, that's great, if you do start your ML keep us posted on how it goes for you. Like Matt said, be sure to check out our Scenario Vault if you want to spice up your journey. Currently the "challenge du jour" is definitely the Generations Mode, but it's not an easy one that's for sure.

Will do man. I’ll also stream my games :)
@WhoAteMeDinner Yes I'm pleased I can't buy him! Hamsun is my top earner on 564 on a 5yr (now 4) contract.

Heinrich looks some player! What a start to Div 1 as well. We're all going on a European Tour...

@mattmid , Yep, it has been a great start, but I have conceded a chaotic 18 goals in just nine games, luckily the entire team is on fire going forward with 21 scored.

Mind you, I do have eight decent signings that you and @miguelfcp , have restricted yourselves from and most of them are defenders and they are playing awful at the back. :SHOCK:
The messed up salaries always annoyed me, the formula used has no sense. Thankfully, we can edit that value in PES 3!
Oh yeah can you change that in the editor?
Forgot you could change so many things in the ML in PES3. For some reason my game goes really slow now :(
FC United - Season 2 - End of season update

2nd game at home vs Sheffield Wed. Just 1 mins Burchet make a pass to the box, Ordaz score. Quickness goal in our history. In 2nd half, Huylens make some good runs behind the defense and being brought down twice for 2 penalties scored by Ordaz & Hamsun. Later, they score a beautiful 35 yard freedick. 3-1 win. Biggest win of season.

Then, play them again in Cup semi. 1st leg away. They seem to save all energy and focus on cup and play very well at home. We try to keep tight but loss 1-0. 2nd leg loss 0-1. Cup dream is over.

Still worst in attack, 2nd best in defense

Top Scorer: 3 (Hamsun, Ordaz, Huylens) 2 Castolo
Top Assists: 2 Ruskin, 1 (Minanda, Fouque, Dodo, Burchet, Iouga)
Top Rating: 6.6 Minanda, 6.5 Dodo, 6.4 Giersen
Promotion: Bristol City & Blackpool
Relegation: Leeds, Birmingham

Surprisely, Huylens earn us 1000 point by being joint Top scorer (2) in cup. Not too bad at 37.

Transfer: No retire, No transfer
Fredriksson's agent notify us his client is available in newcomer group now. He is quite impressive with our defensive record and consider any chance to join us. We are very pleased with his approach but we can only politely declined "Our club have some difficulties to sign any player at this moment." It is so hard to play in this Generations Mode!!!!

2 Objectives achieved: avoid bottom of D2 (5th) and score goals in double figure (10)
Season 3 Objectives: Top 4 finish and avoid bottom in WEFA ranking
Oh yeah can you change that in the editor?
Forgot you could change so many things in the ML in PES3. For some reason my game goes really slow now :(

Not ingame, but in the option file editor though. Do you mean slow during gameplay ? I had lot of troubles running it on Windows 10, now i'm on Windows 7, and it works fine.
Open the editor, go to the players tab and there you will find all attributes, salary attribute included.
Oh yeah silly me. My gameplay is fine then for a few seconds it will go mega slow. Not laggy, just slow. I'm on Windows 10 so I'm not sure if it's that. PES6 works fine though and PES5 won't even install. Very strange.
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