PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

very funny how all the guys that were on here hyping the demo have gone all quiet, also don't think konami give a shit about fixing the AI issues, cos all there doing is blocking people from all the negative feedback and not giving an update to rectify these issues, great customer service looking after those that bought the game but again not surprised.
they re gonna drawn in their boat trust me, this whole ignoring the stuff from the community is gonna backlash the most on them and then they will learn how to make a decent AI for a game in 2019 for christ sake, AI in 2013 is better than the ai in 2019.....i just can t believe it man
So I gave manual shooting some time in both training mode and online last night.

I still cant get the hang of R2- shooting, especially outside the box. Those shots should of course be very hard to pull off but I find them near impossible, the closest I got after trying for about 50 times with Ronaldo was one shot going about 1 m outside of the post (a saw a funny animation a couple of times where Ronaldo fell on his ass after making a especially bad effort. Always nice to see him fall on his ass though I guess...). The rest went to the cornerflag or straight to the keeper easily grabbing it. Inside the box they were alright but mostly underpowered. So please, pointers! :D

Heading though, I couldn't even make the players react in training mode for the most part. Wtf? How am I supposed to get them to react online then with button lag etc? Online they just don't bother most of the time, even if I push :square: as soon as the winger has crossed the ball, or just before the ball is supposed to meet the head, or during the cross, or whatever... And people playing manual, espically good players have of course noticed this and never even try to cross to ball in to the box. BORING.

So for the moment, fuck you fuma- guys giving me shit in messages, I'm sticking with Advanced! ;)
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Some stats for you:
I really hope fifa is half decent this year. Can't do more than 1 game currently without being completely bored.
And what was the point in Adam moving to Tokyo I thought it was to be next to the dev team. I don't think there's any mode that actually works properly.
I don’t want to say this but... for the first time in years (maybe ever), the competition has a better CPU AI than PES. And I’m talking about last year’s version.

On PES 2019, did any of you see a CPU player take on 1-on-1 situations and dribbling/make skill moves?

Did you see the CPU shooting from outside the box without being a volley?

The competition AI does both of these situations better, and it’s basic stuff in a football game.

How in the world did that happen? That was the one thing PES always did better, and it’s gone.

I really hope Konami fix the issues ASAP.
Looking forward to next year's : "Yeah man.. We have the best community in the world"

Like they even care. For me its not about when the fix is out. It's about respecting their old gamers and communicate that they know there are problems.

This translates to - we know our fans will buy the game regardless and will spend weeks upgrading content until it can rival FIFA. We know they will reluctantly accept our far-fetched claims how much the game has evolved, yet will be blinkered to see how far the fundamentals have regressed.

The only way to communicate our disappointment will be to boycott next year's release, however, that'd probably be the death of the series.
awesome, we are already at the point where everyone realized that Konami did it again and for shure the first people beginn to pray that for PES 2020 all will be better and 2020 will be the game we deserve after years of delivering a half decent game:)
Been asked for my views on Master League/Offline gaming with PES, due to be posed on various PES fansites - long post but read below if you wish.

Master League.

Having been a die-hard PES fan for over 15 years now, I have seen the franchise, and more specifically, the Master League mode, change drastically over those years, and culminate at a point, where, here in 2018, the mode is merely a shadow of its former colossal self.
For anyone over the age of 25-30, mention ‘PES’ to any male into video games, and he would immediately respond with ‘Master League !!!’ with a glint in his eye and a smile broader than Castolo’s forehead.
ML mode gave Pro Evolution Soccer its cult status, it gave you the freedom and creativity to imagine up your own fantasy football world, forge make-believe relationships with each of your players, take a team of no-hopers such as Dodo, Castolo, Hamsun, Ivarov, Ximelez and company to the dizzy heights of world football, it was Championship manager meets match of the day, and it took over countless hours, days, weeks and months of every year until you had achieved that elusive back to back treble, hoisted that shiny WEFA cup above your captains head, and watched your players ceremoniously awarded their winners medals on pitch to the backdrop of a high tempo, joyous Japanese trance soundtrack.
It was beautiful, it was the beautiful game at it’s finest.

Sadly, those memories are a thing of the past. Times change, life moves on, nothing lasts forever, and the business model which Konami seems to be aligning themselves with, doesn’t cater well for the offline players who prefer simulation and realism over instant gratification gaming.
The recent boom in online gaming, streaming, and e-sports has brought big money into the industry, you have gamers who stream for hours and hours on end each day, produce content that is saturated throughout social media, all the while, serving as a PR machine for the developers and brands, in this case Konami, so of course it makes sense to align themselves with this growing trend, they are a business after all, they will focus more on the game modes that they can monetize and that provides additional revenue over and above the initial sale, they are maximising their profit potential, safe and sound business acumen.

What this means for the offline gamer in today’s age though is that we get the second pickings, our beloved Master League is now an afterthought, limited resources are put into developing the mode, as in Konami’s eyes, it serves them no revenue purpose.

That’s the background, so why is there widespread disappointment and frustration within the offline PES community? Purely & Simply it’s because we are served up a mode year after year, that is pretty much an unfinished product, the basic elements do not function correctly, or are missing, the features that are there, are bare bones and a token gesture, and much of the old Master League mode that made the game such a cult figure with fans, has been removed for no justifiable reason.
PES 2010 arguably had the best, most feature rich ML mode of any PES game, ever, it had in-depth individual player training, team training, full control over finances, hiring and development of club facilities and staff, such as doctors, physio’s, assistant manages, all of whom had an impact on how your club was run.
Do you decide to invest heavily in a 3 star physio so that you can prevent as many injuries and help injured players recover quicker? Or use that money to boost youth team facilities in order to generate better player potential, with the ability to nurture into a future talent, or sell on for a decent fee?
Under perform and you may lose your contract with various sponsors who have set criteria, again affecting the bank balance and your ability to invest in facilities or sign new players.

You had player interactions, Shimizu moaning because at the ripe old age of sixteen, after being promoted from the youth team but yet to make his debut, he demanded the no. 10 shirt, do you give him it or say no and risk his affection level going down and thus risk him choosing to let his contract run down.
There was stuff to do off the pitch, it made you feel like you was existing in a fantasy football world, and everything you did then mattered on the pitch.
Lose games, reduced attendances, lower gate receipts, less transfer money, or even the dreaded game over if you failed to adequately balance the books every September, you was the manager, you ran the club, you played the games, your decisions mattered, you earned every second of the success you achieved.

Couple all that with in-depth player stats, such as when the player joined, his rating when he joined, how he has developed over his tenure with your club, how many goals, assists, Yellow & Red cards, how much profit he generated when selling him on, it all added up to a wonderfully engaging mode, that captivated your imagination and made you want to be playing, every second of the day.
Queue PES 2019, and more than 10 years later and the mode has been left to stagnate and rot beyond recognition.
Transfers are broken, teams sell half their squads and end up only having two subs, with goalkeepers playing up front, release fees are ridiculously low, making the entire reason for release fees null and void and pointless.
Transfers between teams see the likes of Aguero at West Brom, and Messi at Stoke, extremely unrealistic, despite the fact we was assured by certain Konami figures on Twitter that this had all been fixed. Fixed? It’s more broken than ever.
Couple the above with the fact that the offline AI is the worst we have ever seen in a PES game, repetitive over use of low cross into the box, from the wing, throw in a first time back heel, and first time shot, every single attack, it becomes monotonous, yes you can track runners and prevent the goal 70% of the time, but the monotony is in knowing what the CPU is going to do every single time, every single match, where is the variation or intelligence?
PES 19 feels beautiful when we have the ball at our feet, but absolutely horrid when we don’t.

Player celebrations are generic and scoring a 90th minute winner in an FA Cup match against a team from the division above is as rinse & repeat as scoring the 5th in a 5-0 win over the bottom side.
I could go on, but ultimately what ML fans want, is realism.

The newly licensed ICC pre-season cup is again unrealistic and pointless. Only the ‘Champions’ or top teams from each league compete in this tournament, hence the name, you don’t get invited if you are Stoke, or Brentford, or MK Dons, so as most people start a ML campaign with the default players at a lowly club in the English Championship or equivalent lower league division, you are then immediately pitted against the likes of PSG, Boca Jnrs, Lyon, etc.
Competing in this tournament should be something you have to earn, work towards, instead you should have a month’s period whereby you can arrange pre-season friendlies against clubs of your choice, and the bigger the club, the more gate receipts, TV rights money and merchandise sales you pull in, boosting the coffers for your pre-season transfer dealings, it used to be this way, why did it get removed? For what logical reason?

This is a recurring theme throughout the last 5 years or more with PES, why have you suddenly removed features the fans loved?
Hiring Staff.
Finance Control.
Pre-season friendlies.
Varying attendances based on results.
Stadium Editor.
In-Depth Stats
A decent AI ……..

Konami stated they have a 3 year plan for Master League, PES 19 should have been year one of that 3 year plan, so we couldn’t expect the world, but at least start on a solid footing, instead the mode is hollow, stale and totally lacks immersion.

If Konami want to stand by their word and reinvigorate Master League then they need to go down the simulation and realism route, as this is what fans want.
Reinstate the features that we once loved so much, give us back stadium editor so we don’t have to play as Burton Albion in a 70,000 euro bowl stadium, add in a match day experience broadcast package, actually CARE about the mode that kept the series alive and gave it the reputation it has.
We was here playing ML, supporting the series and building the brand way before any of this MyClub streaming stuff came about, but to us, it feels as if Konami have ditched the long-term loyal fans in favour of the ones they can use to market their game and make money from.

There are two key, fundamental values in life that should be adhered to, Loyalty and integrity.
Neither of these are evident when it comes to Konami these days.

Photo shopping screenshots posted on Twitter to ‘correct’ the fact that their own official screenshot showed Liverpool having sold Mané, Firminho and Salah all in the same season, then senior figures tweeting assuring us that transfers in PES 19 were not like this and were realistic, and that Master League was a breath of fresh air?

We, as Offline players, are constantly being sold a complete bag of lies, given an unfinished product, then ignored when we constructively feedback.
Things have to change, seriously change, and soon, otherwise Konami will lose a large portion of their user base, and any reputation that they once had will also be gone.
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This is, fucking, unbelievable (pardon my french)
I remember the screenshot, I remember edited version but I havent seen this reply from Bhatti..
I have no words. Well, I have plenty of words, but I better stop here..
the thing is ... we all know Adam doesnt actually spend time playing the game and looking for any flaws.

He's paid and told to put his tacky PES baseball cap on, silly PES t-shirt ... and say "It's best football game ever come and buy it guys."

He's sold his soul ... he sold out. I used to talk to him waaaaay back in the day on WENB. He's always been up his own arse but so what, lots of people are ... I'm quite arrogant myself.

BUT he has turned into Used Car Salesman....he'll lie and lie and lie to sell the game.

And people fall for it ... it's immoral and WRONG.
that Daniel Henry guy on twitter makes me feel sick...I dont follow him but he keeps getting retweeted

its like he's a robot ... he MUST be getting a paycheck from Konami. NO ONE loves a game that much
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