PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

Nah, if you use a little bit of power, you will get a low shot (not ultra-low, the ball will get a little bit of height), but it will be good enough. I scored one but couldn't save it.

Anyhow, someone explained how to do them using low cross button.

But there is still a difference between advanced shooting and all the other possibilities on FuMa and basic shooting.
On advanced they always come ultra hard and ultra low.
But there is still a difference between advanced shooting and all the other possibilities on FuMa and basic shooting.
On advanced they always come ultra hard and ultra low.

Yep, and no one comes here to say "every player shoots the same on advanced shooting they all can hit ultra low and ultra hard!!!" :P

I still need to learn how to do headers on FuMa and I will be good to go.
i disagree! do i need to upload a video or do you trust me!? :)

I tested that 30 mins yesterday.
Believe me. Ultra low and ultra hard from outside the box can be done with advanced only.
:l1: + double tap :circle: and slightly tap :square: from outside the box don´t come as hard as with advanced.
Feel free to prove me wrong with a video. I wish you would, so I can get rid off advanced shooting already :P .
Yep, and no one comes here to say "every player shoots the same on advanced shooting they all can hit ultra low and ultra hard!!!" :P

I still need to learn how to do headers on FuMa and I will be good to go.

That´s the thing. It only works with players with a kicking power above 80.
Really...I tested it.
That´s the thing. It only works with players with a kicking power above 80.
Really...I tested it.

I played 300 hours with Adv. Shooting on 2018 and I could do ultralow ultrahard lowshots with everyone. Of course, a CB needs more time to do them. But that's it. And yeah, a forward will do it better. As it happens on Manual.
Interesting, I have to go in to training mode for PES 2019 and do my Martin Kelly/Ronaldo- test again then. :D

Great post! :)

I hear you and I get what you mean. Sorry if it sounded like I were accusing you or anything, not my intent. :)

Regarding the R2- shooting I do feel it is something wrong in the mechanics anyway (broken is probably just a bad choice of Words from my part). And I'am looking for pointers acctually! I remember you and probably others saying it was possible, therefore the Kelly/Ronaldo- test. But I just couldn't do it no matter what. But if it is more stat- based now. great! Will try.

It's just so weird, for me at least, that things that is normal in football (Heading ffs!) is extremly hard to perform with that setting and that some Fuma- guys just sees past that. They want it to be realistic but as of now it's the exact opposite.
To me, it looks like finishing/curve stat doesn't matter on umarked R2 shooting. Not sure about power. I've done a few test but the test isn't perfect yet so I can't prove it yet. But once I have properly set up the test, will definitely show videos and results.
That's my issue with "manual" headers too.

@Elanimator played a friend last night, fuma 20 min., and had the most beautiful R2 shot in PES2019 ever!! layed off by burgstaller with the head at the penalty box, Harit takes the drop kick R2 shot to the upper right side of the goal. he caught Neuer on the wrong foot and it looked so lovely when it went into the goal! had to replay this beauty over and over again till my friends got piXXed about it... :D
i'll working on them...!
Looking forward to the video.:))

Yesterday, I had a few good manual shots outside the box too.:DD
Questionable defender. Didn't intercept final pass. Nice R2 effort but missed.

For the first time yesterday, I had fought FUMA players online, aside from my cousin.
Both tournament players in Indonesia. One is a Pes youtuber with 100k subs. They use Pass-assist on Pes tournaments so might not be the best Fuma players. I drew 3(should have won 2 if not for my wrong doing), lost 2, Won 1.
I'm from Philippines btw, the least football country in Asia. haha
I've never met any PES player in my country aside from my cousin, my entire life(34yo).haha
I'm looking forward to setting-up a 2v2 match with them when our schedules matched.

Here's a couple of my goals against them:

This looks better real-time. For some reason, shadow play is not working so I'm forced to record the replay.
Using :l2:+:circle: pass to set up.

Costa doing his thing.
@Elanimator sorry mate. i was so pumped last night... i did not save any video at the end of a match.
thing is, i was playing with HDR enabled. so this would look bad to some users anyway.
when the guys come to my place tonight ill disable HDR to capture the matches. i'll try to produce R2 beauty again.

@chiefrocka4real video will come, der herr! :) i'll try to hammer some beasts outside the pen area tonight and get back to you.
To me, it looks like finishing/curve stat doesn't matter on umarked R2 shooting. Not sure about power. I've done a few test but the test isn't perfect yet so I can't prove it yet. But once I have properly set up the test, will definitely show videos and results.
That's my issue with "manual" headers too.

Looking forward to the video.:))

Yesterday, I had a few good manual shots outside the box too.:DD
Questionable defender. Didn't intercept final pass. Nice R2 effort but missed.

For the first time yesterday, I had fought FUMA players online, aside from my cousin.
Both tournament players in Indonesia. One is a Pes youtuber with 100k subs. They use Pass-assist on Pes tournaments so might not be the best Fuma players. I drew 3(should have won 2 if not for my wrong doing), lost 2, Won 1.
I'm from Philippines btw, the least football country in Asia. haha
I've never met any PES player in my country aside from my cousin, my entire life(34yo).haha
I'm looking forward to setting-up a 2v2 match with them when our schedules matched.

Here's a couple of my goals against them:

This looks better real-time. For some reason, shadow play is not working so I'm forced to record the replay.
Using :l2:+:circle: pass to set up.

Costa doing his thing.

Can we consider this last one as a low shot? Okay not as "perfect" as Adv. Shooting but still...

Great goals!
Fuck it!
I´m back to manual shooting :LOL:
To me, it looks like finishing/curve stat doesn't matter on umarked R2 shooting. Not sure about power. I've done a few test but the test isn't perfect yet so I can't prove it yet. But once I have properly set up the test, will definitely show videos and results.
That's my issue with "manual" headers too.

Looking forward to the video.:))

Yesterday, I had a few good manual shots outside the box too.:DD
Questionable defender. Didn't intercept final pass. Nice R2 effort but missed.

There you go! Nice! That's what I'm looking for regarding R2- shooting with manual. The only thing that bothers me is that Koke is right- footed but yeah, can't have it all I guess (and right footed players can use their left foot from time to time with success of course).

Bit dodgy reaction from the keeper btw.
There you go! Nice! That's what I'm looking for regarding R2- shooting with manual. The only thing that bothers me is that Koke is right- footed but yeah, can't have it all I guess (and right footed players can use their left foot from time to time with success of course).

Bit dodgy reaction from the keeper btw.
Exaclty what I noticed with the keeper. But he might be expecting it to not even hit the post but go outside.:DD
Yup, looks like dominant foot precision doesn't matter too.
Exaclty what I noticed with the keeper. But he might be expecting it to not even hit the post but go outside.
Yup, looks like dominant foot precision doesn't matter too.

Mmm, thats one of those things that hardcore fuma- players tend to forget (again, not you ;)). They often talk about realism but all players being able to shoot (or pass) equally good with both their feet doesn't seem to bother them.

In the end it's still Konamis fault all of this...:SMUG:
Another question:
When I set to advanced shooting, L2 should override it and let me shoot manual, isn´t it?

That way - for my offline games - I could use L2 for high shots and advanced for low ones.
I´m really struggling with high shots on advanced.
Did you really believe it was just a mistake?

It's so sad many of you already knew it was going to end like this, they were countless signs pointing to this, yet you still chose to buy the game.

This is Konami right now when you are complaining after buying the game


I wish you had a bit more control on your impulse to buy the game just because the cover says it's the new Pro Evolution Soccer or because of nostalgia, or whatever it is.

Let's make a real change, let's really stop buying half assed games.
Absolutely not. I knew what I was buying but as I touched on, it was a mix of being impulsive and also not feeling educated enough to comment had I not sampled the full game myself.

You're absolutely right in what you say, I just feel that being a paying customer legitimises my complaints about the game. Sounds daft, I know.

Asim blocked me when he announced on twitter he was not going anymore to give Pes infos on his personal account and i told him it was a good decision but he should have done earlier instead of promoting Pes like crazy and dismissing every critics as haters.

That shows he just can't take criticism at all, it's not a matter of harassement that is something i would never accept either.

That was not harassment at all yet he decided to block me.

Honestly i am still giving them examples of issues with the game,retweeting people that complain with video material, but in my opinion the best feedback will always be not buying the game, that's all. Let's remain civil and boycotting Pes is the only way to be civil if we want Konami to listen.
Asim blocked me recently too.
I've said many times that he, Adam, Daniel and all of the PR people at Konami are incredibly mard when it comes to feedback. Any excuse to call something abusive/rude and they jump on it.

I, like you, wasn't even rude. Asim was calling the Eurogamer article about sales being down "not factual" so I asked him what wasn't factual about physical sales being down by 42% in the UK. No response, just a blocking.

They're living in their own happy little bubble.
Ok, I want your opinion guys.

I play Online divisions mostly and with Manual passing but with Adv shooting since Manual headers seems broken (I know people say you need practice but something is really OFF), R2- shooting is impossible (for me at least) and of course the fact that almost every player can release a thunderbolt with manual shooting.

Add that low shooting from outside the box doesn't seem to work and you have a setting that make you crippled (and it seems to be more varied animations for shooting when using Advanced). FUMA- players take such pride in that they do everything themselves and that is fine but when the game itself doesn't ALLOW you to do everything that you can on a football field it isn't really the PERFECT setting right?

Anyway, this guy Online got really angry last night when I beat him. I was this assisted idiot that didn't respect the community (lol), he was gonna tell the whole manual scene about me (LOL) and whatnot. I tried to give him the reason above but it was like talking to a wall. And I was to tired too try to convince him I'm acctually much better with manual shooting than Advanced that I haven't got the grip of at all really but whatever.

In the end this is of course Konamis fault (as usual) in many ways but what is the general opinion about this? Am I the asshat or is he? ;) How do you go about online (not MyClub/friendly lobbies)?

Record your online matches, if anyone attempts any BS like that, encourage them, tell them to come here and then you respond by posting video evidence.

It's very clear when someone is using Manual, PA1 etc.
Asim blocked me when he announced on twitter he was not going anymore to give Pes infos on his personal account and i told him it was a good decision but he should have done earlier instead of promoting Pes like crazy and dismissing every critics as haters.

That shows he just can't take criticism at all, it's not a matter of harassement that is something i would never accept either.

That was not harassment at all yet he decided to block me.

Honestly i am still giving them examples of issues with the game,retweeting people that complain with video material, but in my opinion the best feedback will always be not buying the game, that's all. Let's remain civil and boycotting Pes is the only way to be civil if we want Konami to listen.

asim just blocked me

yesterday i ask him about AI issues and ML

polite ... no abuse at all ... I am a polite person been brought up that way


Had enough!!
Record your online matches, if anyone attempts any BS like that, encourage them, tell them to come here and then you respond by posting video evidence.

It's very clear when someone is using Manual, PA1 etc.

Sorry, I might be stupid but I'm not exactly sure what you mean...

I was the one using advanced shooting and being yelled at. :D And he thought a was a disgrace to the Community for it (I would assume it had NOTHING to do with the fact i gave him only his sencond loss in about 20 games...)
Mmm, thats one of those things that hardcore fuma- players tend to forget (again, not you ;)). They often talk about realism but all players being able to shoot (or pass) equally good with both their feet doesn't seem to bother them.

In the end it's still Konamis fault all of this...:SMUG:

That simply isn’t true. But well, don’t mind. I love adv shooting but I prefer this year to learn Manual, that’s all. Much more rewarding for me.
That simply isn’t true. But well, don’t mind. I love adv shooting but I prefer this year to learn Manual, that’s all. Much more rewarding for me.

I just mean I haven't seen anyone really prove manual is stat- based in some ways that some people claim. My feeling is that they are right, cos I have the same feeling. But then you see videos of Wijnaldum making super- through balls with the outside of his left foot and it feels, you know, wrong.

I agree that you have to find what you like and just enjoy it for what it is. I love manual as well, especially the passing but I just feel Adv shooting ticks all the boxes. I think we all overthink things too often. ;)
I just mean I haven't seen anyone really prove manual is stat- based in some ways that some people claim. My feeling is that they are right, cos I have the same feeling. But then you see videos of Wijnaldum making super- through balls with the outside of his left foot and it feels, you know, wrong.

I agree that you have to find what you like and just enjoy it for what it is. I love manual as well, especially the passing but I just feel Adv shooting ticks all the boxes. I think we all overthink things too often. ;)
I can confirm that manual is stat based but here is the difference, there are two ways to pull manual passes. First is to play PA0 which is manual and the second is to hold L2 and pass, shoot or cross. While holding L2 I see stats dissapearing and I thing this should be completly removed from the game and replaced with how PA0 works. So to be clear, with PA0 stats matter :)
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