PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

I think they do, as passing stats. They are not that important as in assisted, but yeah I think they do. It’s not the same trying a pass game with Leeds United in ML with 60 Team Spirit vs passing game with Spain on training ground.

Interesting, I have to go in to training mode for PES 2019 and do my Martin Kelly/Ronaldo- test again then. :D

Not being happy doesn't mean I'm sad/angry, it just meant that I wish my opponent have the same control settings as me.:))
In my previous post, I was just trying to be in the shoes of your opponent.
I'm trying to figure out why he is mad. So maybe he's mad because you have an "advantage" in shooting.
Although the advantage can work both ways, maybe he is just expecting an opponent to be a Fuma player just like him. Maybe, he thought you're in fuma settings too since you chose a PA0 filter. Maybe, it's an unwritten rule or something haha.
Maybe, a shooting filter might solve the issue but might make match-making harder.

I played PA0 and basic shooting on Pes2018. My regular human opponent have same settings too. It's nice because we use the same settings. So, I'm not about being Fuma or not, in my previous post. I'm just about having the fair/same settings.

In Pes2019, I started using "manual" shooting. Was happy with it compared to "basic or advanced" but I'm fully aware of the limitations.
Was really disappointed with the manual headers. Don't know how to be consistent at that.
R2 shooting is fine with me(but limited). I know you think R2 shooting is broken. I think I've responded once and told you that I think it's not broken, it just works differently than normal shooting. After that, you've posted again a few times that R2 is broken. I didn't respond anymore and push what I think about it because I also respect your opinion that it might actually be broken.
On low shooting(with power), not sure if it's even possible on manual.
I know you're not really looking for pointers but I just want to say what I think anyway.:DD

Lastly, I really don't play other game modes aside from training, exhibition and online friendly against my cousin.
When I play offline, I don't aim to win. I just play to execute some fun team plays and score fun goals.
When I play against a cousin, I try to balance winning and having fun. Because I also think it's not fun to play with someone who's not even trying to win.

I know it's just a game and it's about having fun.
To me, having a fair match is fun. Unfortunately, because of the limitations in the game, having a fully fair match(in terms of control settings) is not always possible.

Great post! :)

I hear you and I get what you mean. Sorry if it sounded like I were accusing you or anything, not my intent. :)

Regarding the R2- shooting I do feel it is something wrong in the mechanics anyway (broken is probably just a bad choice of Words from my part). And I'am looking for pointers acctually! I remember you and probably others saying it was possible, therefore the Kelly/Ronaldo- test. But I just couldn't do it no matter what. But if it is more stat- based now. great! Will try.

It's just so weird, for me at least, that things that is normal in football (Heading ffs!) is extremly hard to perform with that setting and that some Fuma- guys just sees past that. They want it to be realistic but as of now it's the exact opposite.
It's often the same when you want a first time pass or shot. The dawdling, dithering unresponsivness started in PES 14 and we're now into the 6th Fox game. It will never change while this engine is in use.
Its a decision by konami to ensure goals are scored and everyone gets a win imo, not the engines fault. Its a business decision
Yep. As soon as they released the new screenshot it was obvious. They really are a shameless bunch.

On a side note, I think I've come to terms with the fact that I'm done with the game this year. I put it in last night and had no desire whatsoever to play any mode, so ended up on training for a while. I just cannot enjoy it anymore.
If you want to sell it for £20 let me know
I mentioned that photoshop cover up a few times how it seems to have been mostly brushed under the carpet they blatantly lied to everyone lol surely this is false advertisement? (don't worry im not seriously thinking about calling my lawyer)

the real fun starts when they announce in the next year or 2 there will no longer be an offline mode and the twitter PR lot will blame you for complaining "we decided to remove it because we can't focus with so many complaints the team are so let down blah blah"

absolute shysters in charge of the whole thing shame really because you can see somewhere under the hood they have some talent among the idiots trying to make a football game
Yep. As soon as they released the new screenshot it was obvious. They really are a shameless bunch.

On a side note, I think I've come to terms with the fact that I'm done with the game this year. I put it in last night and had no desire whatsoever to play any mode, so ended up on training for a while. I just cannot enjoy it anymore.

Did you really believe it was just a mistake?

It's so sad many of you already knew it was going to end like this, they were countless signs pointing to this, yet you still chose to buy the game.

This is Konami right now when you are complaining after buying the game


I wish you had a bit more control on your impulse to buy the game just because the cover says it's the new Pro Evolution Soccer or because of nostalgia, or whatever it is.

Let's make a real change, let's really stop buying half assed games.
I'm sorry for the people who bought the game but the flaws were already apparent with demo. Quite a few people, including myself, pointed them out. Unfortunately a lot of people were unwilling to see them. Because of past heights a lot of still want to believe in Konami being capable of pulling of a great game. It's a subconscious or willful process that is one of the reasons they can always rely upon the oldtimers buying the game.
I read about a lot of people being done with the game already and so forth...Well, that's bad for you. Konami don't care, they already got your money. Next year most regulars will buy it again anyway and say 'oh once they fix issues X and Y next year, it'll be a great game!!!'. It's rinse and repeat on a yearly basis.

It's a shame, with a decent AI this game would have been pretty great on the pitch. As usual, it's a woulda, coulda, shoulda - wonderland. You have to wonder whether there's any type of Quality Assurance on Konami's behalf. Last year's AI was terrible (high throughball spamming, no fouls at all) and instead of improving it in PES 2019 the AI is a complete catastrophe. Kudos!

Glad I didn't buy it after the demo's tremendous AI issues and their announcements concerning Italian Serie B (italian ML was one of the few things Konami had going for themselves). I'd rather spend my limited gaming time with Madden, Spiderman and Red Dead Redemption once that hits the shelf. FIFA will probably be good out of the box but be patched to death - as always - to appease the idiotic FUT crowd. FIFA 18 was pretty good early on but at the end it was an utter, utter mess.

It wasn't a waste of money, as the re-sale value was to me a £13 profit
Did you really believe it was just a mistake?

It's so sad many of you already knew it was going to end like this, they were countless signs pointing to this, yet you still chose to buy the game.

This is Konami right now when you are complaining after buying the game


I wish you had a bit more control on your impulse to buy the game just because the cover says it's the new Pro Evolution Soccer or because of nostalgia, or whatever it is.

Let's make a real change, let's really stop buying half assed games.


It's sad but true. A big chunk of us are buying this game based on what it used to be more than 10 years ago. It's a nostalgic purchase to a brand we grew up playing and loving. It's not Pro Evolution Soccer anymore, it's kept the name but everything else is different. Like when Championship Manager changed it's developer (which moved to Football Manager).

I'm the worst for buying it based on the above, every year since 1998 I have bought PES in it's various formats and been disappointed since PES 6. This year I convinced myself not to buy until they announced Rangers as a partner club but they have even messed that up as we are still waiting for scans which took place a month before launch and stadiums. They don't even have trophy celebrations for Scottish domestic cups.

It leaves most with no choice but to buy FIFA because PES's longevity is woeful
Never going to buy Fifa (or not until they really change the gameplay) because even with all its content i can guarantee i will be bored in few weeks. Already experienced that with Fifa 16 that many consider the best Fifa on actual consoles and i was bored beyond imagination.

So for me it's Pes or nothing. This year, it's nothing.
Did you really believe it was just a mistake?

It's so sad many of you already knew it was going to end like this, they were countless signs pointing to this, yet you still chose to buy the game.

This is Konami right now when you are complaining after buying the game


I wish you had a bit more control on your impulse to buy the game just because the cover says it's the new Pro Evolution Soccer or because of nostalgia, or whatever it is.
Let's make a real change, let's really stop buying half assed games.

Don't worry I give KONAMI maximum 4 years and this game will be end in Europe. They will stop sell this game in the Europen market. They will produce this game only for Japanish market for 2 year cycle without investing money. They finally lost battle in Europe. They thougt that 3 world countries help them sell game but it's not possible.
He is a customer who has spent his hard earned money on a broken product.

His tone could be MUCH MUCH worse.

Not that it matters because Adam and the team ignore you no matter the tone un less you are drowning them with praise which they don't deserve.

Yes of course.
But we don´t know anything about the communication between Adam and the dev team. Maybe he adressed all those issues already but the dev team or any kind of management refuses it because of whatever reasons.
We just don´t know what´s happening behind the curtains.
Also, his job is to promote the product, that´s what he´s paid for.

And if I was in his place when checking tons and thousands of twitter posts connected with my name with agressive rants and inappropriate choice of words, I´d be blocking them either.

I´m not his attourney and don´t say that he does everything the right way, but we need to understand this matter a little bit more.
Don't worry I give KONAMI maximum 4 years and this game will be end in Europe. They will stop sell this game in the Europen market. They will produce this game only for Japanish market for 2 year cycle without investing money. They finally lost battle in Europe. They thougt that 3 world countries help them sell game but it's not possible.
i bet my copy of PES2023 against it! :D
Yes of course.
But we don´t know anything about the communication between Adam and the dev team. Maybe he adressed all those issues already but the dev team or any kind of management refuses it because of whatever reasons.
We just don´t know what´s happening behind the curtains.
Also, his job is to promote the product, that´s what he´s paid for.

And if I was in his place when checking tons and thousands of twitter posts connected with my name with agressive rants and inappropriate choice of words, I´d be blocking them either.

I´m not his attourney and don´t say that he does everything the right way, but we need to understand this matter a little bit more.

You only have to look at Adams actions pre release and history of lying saying things have improved when they have not.

He ignores social media when people ask him about the various glaring bugs and even blocks people who are not being abusive but merely asking valid questions yet he replies and re tweets positive comments.

He isn't an idiot and knows about the flaws because he himself years back championed change from Konami and was one of the biggest vocal points for improvement but ever since he got the job at Konami he has ignored the exact things he once wanted to happen.

When someone sits playing the game in front of an audience and blatantly lies about ML content, updates, A.I playing styles then they lose my respect and shwos they really haven't got the games best interests at heart. Just ££££

It's no wonder UK sales have took a hammering.
100x times i said that Pes develop team looks like two teams in one.First team who create faces, use engine graphics,collision system in engine,animations know what they do. Second team who make AI, all presentation stuff like menu,chants,commentary etc looks like amateurs who nothing know about standards in these times.This game is mix two teams. In normal company the main people responsible for product should release people from develop game who are amateurs. Who in this team are responisbile for EDIT MODE? They shouldn't work on it! Peace.
Trust me guys, I tried the whole nicer tone thing over and over but they didn’t respond so I got fed up (even though I know they wouldn’t respond) main reason I tweeted that was that hashtag #PES2019 so that many more could see it eventually.
I feel for you all who play offline. I havent tried it yet but if the AI is as bad as you say it is then thats not good enough. Photoshopping the image above you have highlighted is in my eyes a disgrace.

Due to family life I really only get a few games a night on MyClub when the kids are off to bed but I have to say I am absolutely loving the game this year. I think its amazing.

My team is currently 4 star rated and 99% of the time I am getting paired with the same rated teams. Everyone I come against wants to play football and this year the game really rewards this. No more spamming, no more cheap goals from kick off kicking the ball over the top of my defenders. It doesnt work! The defending is superb this year. It all feels really well balanced. I play on PA1 and the passing and shooting to me is just great.

I dont know. Maybe its the human v human element and the unpredicatability of it but I just love it.

Konami are idiots if they have as you say botched the offline part of the game. Master League used to be brilliant. They need to get a patch out and fast!
You only have to look at Adams actions pre release and history of lying saying things have improved when they have not.

He ignores social media when people ask him about the various glaring bugs and even blocks people who are not being abusive but merely asking valid questions yet he replies and re tweets positive comments.

He isn't an idiot and knows about the flaws because he himself years back championed change from Konami and was one of the biggest vocal points for improvement but ever since he got the job at Konami he has ignored the exact things he once wanted to happen.

When someone sits playing the game in front of an audience and blatantly lies about ML content, updates, A.I playing styles then they lose my respect and shwos they really haven't got the games best interests at heart. Just ££££

It's no wonder UK sales have took a hammering.

As I said, he surely has done some things wrong.
About the "lying" issue:
Maybe he was told to say something different. Maybe the dev team told him they worked on stuff and then it turned out that they didn´t, after he announced it. Maybe there´s a lack of communication between him and the dev team.
Maybe he struggles with their asian mentality...I friggin don´t know.
And maybe he really was lying, just like that....but tbh I don´t believe that.
I rather believe that it´s not easy approaching them to fix this and that and cope with several political issues of the company he´s bound to.

But I guess we all agree that he and the whole KONAMI team need to work on their damn PR.
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I don't understand why a "nice tone" is appropriate in the given situation. If it were up to me I would turn their private and official timelines into a dumpster fire, they should dread logging in every day after releasing a product in such a state. The fact they get off so lightly because they have conditioned people into being scared of voicing harsh criticisms is quite ridiculous.
That ML photoshopped image wasn't the only attempt at deception with 2019 when you look at it, there's quite a list...

Enlighten, real time lighting in stadiums - trailer shows sun moving - game footage shows static lighting... "umm ah yeah no maybe"... Eventually..."actually it's not in the game we Couldn't get it working"

D2 Leagues - usual carry-on of staying quiet, ignoring questions till last possible moment

That Lygaard character trolling/hype building hinting at licences like Real Madrid

5 minute offline demo - now pretty clearly an attempt to hide the problems

And they wonder why nobody (with any sense) believes a word they say. :LMAO:
The problem with Adam,officialpes,Asim and more people from KONAMI PR is that they like speak with people who don't have knowlage about Pes. They want listen only superlatives and that's all. If you ask a qestion with proof and knowlage they ignore, block whatever. It's simple. They should be praud of as becuse we want help this series(don't know why :P) but they ignore us. It's childish and amateurs what i said before.
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What annoys me the most is the fact they are not reposnding to these tweets about ai issues. They are deaf about this. No one of us get respond from them on tweeter neither Adam or Asim or that Lygaard guy said a single word about patch coming :RANT:

From the point Konami start to open to the world with PES and start to implement what fans want the game has went down, that is a fact! Pes 5 and 6 were not perfect but they are tight product in terms of how game plays and what you can do in the games. Maybe we feel that way becouse fifa was not near pes at all in gameplay terms but that`s it... We need 2-3 years pause from new versions of pes, only official game updates and dlc with kits. Bring some guys from community who know how to mod the game becouse they know already game structure. Bring fresh ideas, keep the good stuff, get rid of other. Let other department to work on ML and BAL strictly. And for the and of this post, bring Seabass back no matter the cost!
Low shots IN the box on FuMa (and basic) are done by just slightly tapping :square:.
Hard low shots OUTSIDE of the box can be performed with advanced shooting only.

If you tap the shoot button on FuMa outside the box, the shot doesn´t come hard enough.

Nah, if you use a little bit of power, you will get a low shot (not ultra-low, the ball will get a little bit of height), but it will be good enough. I scored one but couldn't save it.

Anyhow, someone explained how to do them using low cross button.
I don't understand why a "nice tone" is appropriate in the given situation. If it were up to me I would turn their private and official timelines into a dumpster fire, they should dread logging in every day after releasing a product in such a state. The fact they get off so lightly because they have conditioned people into being scared of voicing harsh criticisms is quite ridiculous.

Asim blocked me when he announced on twitter he was not going anymore to give Pes infos on his personal account and i told him it was a good decision but he should have done earlier instead of promoting Pes like crazy and dismissing every critics as haters.

That shows he just can't take criticism at all, it's not a matter of harassement that is something i would never accept either.

That was not harassment at all yet he decided to block me.

Honestly i am still giving them examples of issues with the game,retweeting people that complain with video material, but in my opinion the best feedback will always be not buying the game, that's all. Let's remain civil and boycotting Pes is the only way to be civil if we want Konami to listen.
I feel for you all who play offline. I havent tried it yet but if the AI is as bad as you say it is then thats not good enough. Photoshopping the image above you have highlighted is in my eyes a disgrace.

Due to family life I really only get a few games a night on MyClub when the kids are off to bed but I have to say I am absolutely loving the game this year. I think its amazing.

My team is currently 4 star rated and 99% of the time I am getting paired with the same rated teams. Everyone I come against wants to play football and this year the game really rewards this. No more spamming, no more cheap goals from kick off kicking the ball over the top of my defenders. It doesnt work! The defending is superb this year. It all feels really well balanced. I play on PA1 and the passing and shooting to me is just great.

I dont know. Maybe its the human v human element and the unpredicatability of it but I just love it.

Konami are idiots if they have as you say botched the offline part of the game. Master League used to be brilliant. They need to get a patch out and fast!

thats where i have the most fun right now! human vs. human + fuma 20 min = unpredictability at its best! im with you! :)
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