PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

I have score some headers by using super cancel as soon as you send the cross.
In fact, a scored one yesterday with Icardi and then an air backheel too using the same method.
I accidentally pressed sprint button after shoot and player kick the ball hard and low with the head but that was from corner. During gameplay every header have same trajectory, up over the goal... this need to be fixed definately
First season in ML with Rangers and 30 year old Kyle Lafferty announces he is retiring at the end of the season.....

I mean what do you even say to that, it's broken beyond belief.

completely forgot about this issue. I had 29 year olds retiring in PES 2017... so its been around for 3 straight years. awful.

i'm away with work at the moment so will spend this evening watching those TTB vids. I hope Konami are listening to him, they usually do when he's praising the game.
I have score some headers by using super cancel as soon as you send the cross.
In fact, a scored one yesterday with Icardi and then an air backheel too using the same method.

I dont know if its changed after the patch or its just my skill gets better. I play Wednesday the first time after patch, before same problem with floaty headers, but now some nice headers. Its not broken, but its very very challenging, maybe too much. But all i can say, even in this case stats only matter. Especially in situations with defender in your back, you need good heading player. We are all very spoiled from 2018 where you can win the airbattle with messi against Boateng. That dont mean you cant score a header with lesser heading players but for this you need a good crosser that bring the ball into more free space.
completely forgot about this issue. I had 29 year olds retiring in PES 2017... so its been around for 3 straight years. awful.

i'm away with work at the moment so will spend this evening watching those TTB vids. I hope Konami are listening to him, they usually do when he's praising the game.

I've noticed that he's not sending his tweets with construcive criticism to officialpes though, which is a shame. Would have been nice for an 'influencer' to make a stand because it's all too easy for konami to ignore the peasants!
I've seen the game give +1 of additional time and still play to close to 94 minutes. Lovely little detail that is. It's nice to not know exactly when the whistle will blow, adds some extra tension if it's a tight game.

Unless you're at the middle of the pitch stealing the ball having a 5v2 counter and about to make that long pass which would result in a 1v1 with the GK to give you the win. In that case a more realistic +3 or +4 ET would be better lol. Buuuut derp, the final whistle blows as you're about to press Triangle.

I've had this every game in ML in PES 2018, and in general, so i guess it ain't fixed in 2019 either. I always play 10 minute so maybe it's because of that. I mean it ain't #1 game breaking thing, but it can get annoying sometimes lol.
First season in ML with Rangers and 30 year old Kyle Lafferty announces he is retiring at the end of the season.....

I mean what do you even say to that, it's broken beyond belief.

completely forgot about this issue. I had 29 year olds retiring in PES 2017... so its been around for 3 straight years. awful.
It's the 1st of a 3 year plan, remember?

Year 2 - fix what we broke in year 1.
Year 3 - fix what we broke in year 2, re-break stuff from year 1...
Year 4 - announce new 3 year plan

I remember a time when each PES offered noticable improvements in gameplay and features.
Nowadays its 1 step forward in one aspect and 10 back in another just so in a few years time they can acclaim about new features being in the game.

I remember games like PES 5 had situations where a player would get injured and you could play on or kick it out, stuff like that now would be considered impossible
I like the gameplay but Master League is a major no go area due to transfers issues. The volume of transfers is just ridiculous as are the minimum release clauses (Harry Kane has a £30 million release clause). Instead of making the transfer system better they have actually managed to break it even further which is a massive shame.

Unless they fix I will have to resign myself to not playing Master League. It is so frustrating because I am enjoying the actual gameplay.
What's the deal with getting Legends in MyClub then?
Are they timed releases with special agents as I see no option to acquire them in-game anywhere with GP/coins etc.
Excuse my stupidity but it's my first year playing MC so I'm not sure how everything works just yet :COAT::D

I remember games like PES 5 had situations where a player would get injured and you could play on or kick it out, stuff like that now would be considered impossible
Oh how I miss this feature! When somebody played on I was going ballistic! :D
Thats when football games were getting closer and closer to realism. And now we have this...mutant. great in some aspects, absolute brutal in others...
Even FIFA has a little bit of that, where referee stops the game and then throws the ball and COM is giving you ball back.
Devil is in details and those little things make the general experience so much better!
What's the deal with getting Legends in MyClub then?
Are they timed releases with special agents as I see no option to acquire them in-game anywhere with GP/coins etc.
Excuse my stupidity but it's my first year playing MC so I'm not sure how everything works just yet :COAT::D


I'm wondering that too. Perhaps holding off tournaments to achieve them until people who bought legendary edition get their worth out of the exclusive player they obtained.
Who thinks FALSE 9 is the bomb? So loving FALSE 9, Attacking Full Back And Gegenpress.
Im usually going with Swarm The Box and Wing Back, to minimize these fecking low crosses. I've noticed that when I was using gegenpress and frontline pressure it was a little bit too mad and i was exposing myself for quick counters.
I also like false winger. Nice to have MF's cutting inside and getting shots on.
I love stats.

Are you surprised that PA2 is 2nd highest after PA1?

I would've thought PA0 be the 2nd highest.

No surprises there for PA1.

Wouldn't say accurate polling with the limited amount of sample but gives you that indication on what people are playing with.

Still thoroughly enjoying it, trying to make Man U good again :D

Some Niggles for me:-

-Ball on a string is really obvious when you or the AI go from pace to tight control....the ball suddenly moves back to the player like on an elastic chord...looks awful.

-Similar things on flicks, the ball makes little or no contact on the foot.

-Crowd noise is hollow and I’m really surprised how unenthusiastic it is when scoring.

-Celebrations need an overhaul, this following your player like sheep before breaking in to a celebration is poor, just get rid of it and add kick the ball in the net as a celebration.
Hey guys, any tips for outside the box goals? Gks are insane good from distant shots, dunno if im missing something... should i stop pressing the running button when shooting?
you will need good shooter and good precision. Yes it`s difficult to score, I succeed 3-4 times but with manual shooting. Goals are very satisfying just becouse they are difficult. They should slightly lower keeper capabilities but also I saw some awesome reactions from them...
Pes 2019 with few tweaks can be best football game ever (on the pitch)
Who thinks FALSE 9 is the bomb? So loving FALSE 9, Attacking Full Back And Gegenpress.

The AI the more you press, the more passing errors they do, well i think just like the real world i suppose. That's what I noticed you might think otherwise.
I play false 9 with Man Utd and Bayern. Lukaku and Lewandowski are real beasts with this tactic, you can fully use their strenght and make space for wingers but here are comes broken headers on manual. I love how tactics work and how big impact they made if they are set right along other stuff of the tactics :)
Hey guys, any tips for outside the box goals? Gks are insane good from distant shots, dunno if im missing something... should i stop pressing the running button when shooting?

Yes. This year is very important the speed, the position of the player and the ball when you press the shoot button, if you have an opponent near, the fatigue... When you stop running the player can prepare the shoot better.
Waiting for the patch ,if one comes, I've started a league with Celtic superstar full manual. Some aspects of this game are truly amazing. Weight, body movement ball physics and little rebounds. The low cross AI is really annoying but I set up with w defensive midfielders and that has made them mix it up a bit more. They still do attack the wings but every now and again they'll try something else. Currently have one point from 6 games and juve up next. I have felt that every goal could have been preventable and don't feel cheated.
Some things I've noticed
-Fatigue in the Scottish league is really noticeable especially if you set up poorly asking your players to run up and down the pitch
-loads of fouls
-manual override shot is superb
-manual headers are not right but if you double tap quickly and hold controlled shot you can put them on target just less power

If they sort the AI out it'll be 9.5 / 10 for me. But that's only because it satisfys my need in terms of depth. I don't have an hour a day to play. Maybe a couple of games mix week and then 6 or 7 over the weekend. I suspect if you want to really get into ML it may be a lower score
Still thoroughly enjoying it, trying to make Man U good again :D

Some Niggles for me:-

-Ball on a string is really obvious when you or the AI go from pace to tight control....the ball suddenly moves back to the player like on an elastic chord...looks awful.

-Similar things on flicks, the ball makes little or no contact on the foot.

-Crowd noise is hollow and I’m really surprised how unenthusiastic it is when scoring.

-Celebrations need an overhaul, this following your player like sheep before breaking in to a celebration is poor, just get rid of it and add kick the ball in the net as a celebration.
Ball kicking into the net is in! ;)
I do that from time to time.
But yeah, sometimes the duck family looks stupid. I try to resemble real celebrations as far as it let’s me. Running a few meter and press sig celeb button. Sometimes I go to the crowd.
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