PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

if they could solve the problem of ai not willing to shoot but choose to pass even when 1V1 ,not dribble and not shoot outside the box, the attack from wing is actually not a problem
they can still attack from wing but should dribble past defender, cut inside to shoot etc
god damn, I remember there was a time the ai will just cut inside and use the r2 shot to curve into the bottom corner to score and people complained about it being too op and a bit too much at that time
but now I miss it.
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Same for me, I accepted the game as it is, even with these flaws I enjoy the game but it can be much better! Now I think Konami release demo with 5 min matches just becouse of this so we cannot see the flaws of the ai which is not fair. In the past 3-4 years they release demo with 10 minute option for matches. I am afraid that they either are awared of the issues and they have in mind to release a patch after that (should be very stupid to do this), or they haven`t tested the game enough vs ai and now they scratch their heads how to fix it. I am afraid that if they fix this wing obsession some other part of the game will struggle, we will see less variety during build up in the back and middle. I hope I am wrong but time will tell.
It`s preventable to play defensive better to block the wings and not hold X and square while defendng in midfield but against 4 or 5 star teams it`s really difficult to do that if you play with weaker team. At least they should play the game and not ask for videos on twitter, many guys actually give this feedback, I hope they work on fixing this...
Im the same. I know I come across as a moaning bloke sometimes, but I do that in good faith, hoping issues will be noticed and improved upon.
Having said that I play and enjoy PES19, even with all the flaws. My latest weapon against low crosses is that I switch manually to my CB and manually mark their attacker(s), while applying secondary pressure with square onto their wing man. In most cases loosing a goal is preventable. Plus Im trying not to let them go onto the wings at all. I have to say - I like challenge in defense. This was one of the biggest strenghts of FIFA18. Tactical Defending was tough, but so damn rewarding when you got your head around it. In PES18 it was basically hold the X and you'll be grand!
PEE19 is good and difficult game. And it feels more ballanced than 18.
Top Player in 18 was too easy, Superstar was too hard. In PES19 Superstar is very difficult, but "human". It makes the matches challenging, yet exiting. I dont get the feeling that I dont stand a chance and that Im up against Laser Guided Terminators.
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If you are gonna bother to make a game make it inclusive not exclusive. My life and habits have changed from having mates around constantly and loads of free time to being a full working parent.

Therefore offline mode is very crucial to the likes of myself and others where we can simply pick up and play, pause if need be and have a quick session.

Its all very well the game working for one vs one but theres a bigger customer base than that.
F***ing Konami!!

Since the update my master league matches have this weird stutter/lag when I pass the ball

Tried logging out of their crap server ... played exhibition game with different teams at different stadium ... same

It’s like it’s running at 10 FPS or something?!?!
Off topic a little here, but was just scanning through the live update (picking out all the out of date transfers still not corrected)

Is Gabigol no longer a PES ambassador? I saw him promoting the game on twitter in the Summer... it's just that.. well.. they appear to have forgot to put him on the game.

Not a massive issue for many people (for me it is because he's one of my choice players), but it kind of highlights the mess of the Brazilian league squads on here. He plays every game for Santos.. a licensed team.. promotes the game.. has been a celebrated ambassador.. but is somehow missing.

But again, not a massive issue I know.. it's just.. so.. well.. "that'll do" again

Yeah the brazilian League is a mess, although it isn't really Konamis fault it's like you say weird that he for example is missing. Was looking forward myself to use Santos since they have a quite interesting team but instead they are among the lowest rated teams in the Brazilian League in PES du to the fact that players like Gabigol, D. González, C. Sanchez, Cittadini, Vanderlei and Bryan Ruiz is missing. All good players.
I do not know why there is not much uproar about this from community? its so bad and reason i have not got pes this year

I've not really experienced it much myself. If i'm leading by a single goal, i find my team under more pressure from the ai, especially the closer i get to full time, but this is nothing unusual and certainly more realistic compared to previous games. Many people did complain about the lack of urgency from the ai teams when behind, so it has been fixed.

Although there is more pressure, i'm not seeing them score lots of late goals. They have scored some, but nothing out the ordinary. The times it has happened is because we're level and I go more attacking because i want the win too! Certainly don't see anything broken with that part of the game. At least on Professional difficulty anyway!

It's my own fault for conceding in those situations anyway. I start to panic towards the end of a game and start misplacing passes because i rush. When I slow down and pick simple passes i can run the clock down.
I've been following this thread since release and have yet to purchase the game. The AI issues, keeper not coming off lines and quick dribblers not taking on your defence are the sticking points for me not buying it. I could just about cope with the lack of changes in offline modes etc if the above issues were fixed.

I know a number of people feel it is better than PES 18 (talking pure gameplay), and that there is noticeable differences this year in players and also more of an emphasis on stats etc in comparison to the samey feel in PES 18.

Would this be a fair assumption?
If you are gonna bother to make a game make it inclusive not exclusive. My life and habits have changed from having mates around constantly and loads of free time to being a full working parent.

Therefore offline mode is very crucial to the likes of myself and others where we can simply pick up and play, pause if need be and have a quick session.

Its all very well the game working for one vs one but theres a bigger customer base than that.

PES 2019 should come with a disclaimer.

It only works if you :
have friends to come round to play
are fortunate to have a working copy
have free time
have patience
have money
have good internet
are Thai
can wait 12 months for a fix (PES 2020)

I was considering but I'm not Thai.
I've been following this thread since release and have yet to purchase the game. The AI issues, keeper not coming off lines and quick dribblers not taking on your defence are the sticking points for me not buying it. I could just about cope with the lack of changes in offline modes etc if the above issues were fixed.

I know a number of people feel it is better than PES 18 (talking pure gameplay), and that there is noticeable differences this year in players and also more of an emphasis on stats etc in comparison to the samey feel in PES 18.

Would this be a fair assumption?

One of my issues with MyClub is after a year of spins, I hardly play. Now I'm playing, I'm enjoying it more because I play on my terms rather than this "mist spin special agent" terms.

Stats-wise I cannot tell yet..but the game is holding my attention so far. (i'm talking about 2018 here. Haven't touched 2019 bar the demo)
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Same for me, I accepted the game as it is, even with these flaws I enjoy the game but it can be much better!

This sentence sums it up for me!
My posts are mostly positive and someone could think of me of a fanboy or something.
But that´s not it.
Even I enjoy it, I´m aware of the flaws and also criticise KONAMI for so many things.

Also, I adapted myself a bit to this game.
If I hadn´t started to play full manual since PES 2017, I had never bought any PES since then, unless they gave me back my beloved PES 2011 passing.
PA1 doesn´t play right for me. PA0 comes quite close to PES 2011´s passing.

If professional along with full manual wasn´t my sweet spot and if that difficulty would provide that superstar-like CPU tiki taka, I wouldn´t have bought the recent releases either.

So those factors are like kinda my personal sliders.

There are still many things I´d love to be fixed, but the way I set up that game, I can enjoy it most of the time.

Darkoj spoke the right words: Even with the flaws I enjoy it, BUT IT COULD BE SO MUCH BETTER!

And I believe that the second part of this sentence is not the consequence of less manpower.
I believe that most of the things which ain´t right, are due to sloppy programming.
This sentence sums it up for me!
My posts are mostly positive and someone could think of me of a fanboy or something.
But that´s not it.
Even I enjoy it, I´m aware of the flaws and also criticise KONAMI for so many things.

Also, I adapted myself a bit to this game.
If I hadn´t started to play full manual since PES 2017, I had never bought any PES since then, unless they gave me back my beloved PES 2011 passing.
PA1 doesn´t play right for me. PA0 comes quite close to PES 2011´s passing.

If professional along with full manual wasn´t my sweet spot and if that difficulty would provide that superstar-like CPU tiki taka, I wouldn´t have bought the recent releases either.

So those factors are like kinda my personal sliders.

There are still many things I´d love to be fixed, but the way I set up that game, I can enjoy it most of the time.

Darkoj spoke the right words: Even with the flaws I enjoy it, BUT IT COULD BE SO MUCH BETTER!

And I believe that the second part of this sentence is not the consequence of less manpower.
I believe that most of the things which ain´t right, are due to sloppy programming.

Once concern though- do you remember the addictiveness of championship manager.

Now the thing about champ was you paid £30 for the game and the game was yours to play. No micros/DLC.

IF konami was to knock this game into Champ level accuracy/stats/addiction COMBINED with microtransactions - I swear you would have people bankrupt before the year was through at the same time having a leaderboard of tru skilled players who could say - Guys look - I am the best in the world - and every PES player would want to challenge you to be the best.

You'd never want to get away from the game.
I've been following this thread since release and have yet to purchase the game. The AI issues, keeper not coming off lines and quick dribblers not taking on your defence are the sticking points for me not buying it. I could just about cope with the lack of changes in offline modes etc if the above issues were fixed.

I know a number of people feel it is better than PES 18 (talking pure gameplay), and that there is noticeable differences this year in players and also more of an emphasis on stats etc in comparison to the samey feel in PES 18.

Would this be a fair assumption?

That's a very fair assumption! You do have to work harder for your wins on this version too and the ebb and flow of the game is better as the ai will change the way they play depending on how the match is going. Ai players not dribbling past players and not shooting from range are my biggest issues, along with them scoring most of their shots on target (so not seeing so many goalkeeper saves against the ai). Goalkeepers are spot on against human players though, it's just the ai mainly only shoot when in a great position in the box and largely sees them powering shots into the top corner.

There's a lot that is better in 2019, but there are also times i've considered going back to my 2018 ML. I don't regret buying 2019 though and already almost halfway through my second season in ML. Offline 1v1 is as good as it's ever been, so another reason i'm happy to own it, although i don't get to play 1v1 offline often!
I've not really experienced it much myself. If i'm leading by a single goal, i find my team under more pressure from the ai, especially the closer i get to full time, but this is nothing unusual and certainly more realistic compared to previous games. Many people did complain about the lack of urgency from the ai teams when behind, so it has been fixed.

Although there is more pressure, i'm not seeing them score lots of late goals. They have scored some, but nothing out the ordinary. The times it has happened is because we're level and I go more attacking because i want the win too! Certainly don't see anything broken with that part of the game. At least on Professional difficulty anyway!

It's my own fault for conceding in those situations anyway. I start to panic towards the end of a game and start misplacing passes because i rush. When I slow down and pick simple passes i can run the clock down.

It is fake realism. The computer doesnt change tactics to put pressure on last 10 mins, the game just creates that scenario

But forget AI as you expect computers to do such things, but in Human vs Human where the game changes out of nowhere to leave you unable to even make one successfull pass, that shit is unforgivable.

The sooner people wake up rather than blame themselves the better
It is fake realism. The computer doesnt change tactics to put pressure on last 10 mins, the game just creates that scenario

But forget AI as you expect computers to do such things, but in Human vs Human where the game changes out of nowhere to leave you unable to even make one successfull pass, that shit is unforgivable.

The sooner people wake up rather than blame themselves the better

But they do change the way they play. They spend less time passing the ball backwards, they get the ball forward quicker, they commit more men forward and they look to close the player down quicker. That is a change in tactics and that is what teams do in real life when searching for a late goal.

In some games i've played, i've used that pressure to my advantage. I can do a quick counter attack because they don't have so many defenders back. I'm then able to extend my lead or snatch a winner myself.

As i've said, it's not a problem i've experienced on Professional. It's just typical of football matches in general.

Regarding human v human. You'd be surprised how much you can panic when trying to defend a lead and it does affect the way you play. It happens, so don't believe it's the game making players worse.
The freekicks are given very uneven.
Some games you get plenty,some none
Just played Motherwell in the "EL" and none,the game before that Vs Udinese 8,and three YC for the CPU.
Hello people,, for PS4 players,,,,
We're looking for full manual players to play for a team we're trying to build to play in a 10v10 league,we're looking for players that don't take it too seriously but seriously enough to compete in a league,if we get enough people for the team hopefully 8 to ten players a night,then we should be able to organise and train against other teams from the same league..if u would like to give it a go and have a practice with us please let me know on here or on PS4 my psn I'd is Dillinjadale.
This game comes alive playing full manual against other full manual players. come and try it,we would like to train most nights at a round 21:00. we need at least 8 people to be able to take part when it's time to play official league games.these are the league rules.

This is a great manual organisation to play in.
We have 4 maybe 5 who is interested in playing soon as we have 6 to 8 players we can organise some training matches......
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