PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

Yeah I can definitely feel when the shielding mechanic activates, but it seems very contextual and I'm trying to understand what triggers it and how to utilise it more.

In simple terms, I think if the incoming body-to-body challenge is coming in from the direction anywhere forward from where your shoulder is pointing, it's considered a collision. Anywhere behind from where your shoulder is pointing, it activates the animation where your player looks like he's trying to find his balance. When it activates, you want to look at the animation manage your balance. Look at which way he's falling, and adjust so that he doesn't fall over.

It's hard to say what command to use, I kinda use everything, the only important thing is to watch for his animation and get him to maintain his balance.

One thing I like to do...If you remember the R-stick commands from 14, there's a way to do sharp turns with it (sharper than L-stick alone). I sometimes shield a few times and then suddenly make a sharp turn, so when he leans(I shield), leans (I shield), and leans (I shield) on me, and when he thinks there's a rhythm/pattern to it, then he leans again and this time I shoulder drop and slip into a sharp turn, he leans into the air and his body falls in that direction, unbalanced. And I can leave him there and walk away.

Because R-stick used to be the upper body weight control, if you need to, you can cut some sharp turns. Let's say, we call the direction you are facing, north...he leans at you from south east. In 14, I'd point my R-stick at south east, everytime the impact comes. It still kinda works now, coz when dribbling, a flick of the R-stick gives your the shoulder drop animation? I use it to kinda shoulder bump the incoming body challenge. Sometimes he'd bounce away. Do this a few times, and then one last time you switch it up, you do your shoulder drop early (too early, before the impact, so it doesn't actually touch his body). Shoulder drop to south east, and then flick L-stick the west. Now you've got a shoulder drop turn. He leans but he leans into the air, you've completed your turn before the contact, you're not there anymore at his intended point of contact.

At the moment simply default LS seems the best option by just making small movements away from the defenders body. With R2 I'm finding the player will face up making the ball available to be won easier.

Also finding super-cancel works well with brutish strikers to jostle in scrappy situations.

Yes R2 is playing face up, it's the opposite of shielding. Still useful, when you find gaps/intervals in his body contact.

Super cancel is a good way to reset your animation/balance. It's hard to talk about what to use, I just think of the animations and how I want my body to move at any given moment.

It's a difficult balance, if it becomes too easy the likes of Mbappi would be horrendous to play against and it would just become a dribble fest. I do quite like that you're forced to wait for supporting runs rather than gun straight for goal.

True, it's weird that it's either one extreme or the other. I can shield and use ball control to get out of situations, but it's weird to be doing it all game long. Also, I get the feeling that it'd be stressful to play online for anyone who doesn't have shielding and ball control as a big part of their game.

I want to see limits in continuous hounding, because it would mean that the other team has to momentarily play positional defense during some intervals of the game, rather than always going aggressive in defense.

Plus, if your opponent is very good in possession, it wouldn't impact them too much anyway by having this 2 tiered stamina system. As they don't lose the ball often, they spend less time running around the field pressing for the ball back. It's mainly to put a limit on teams who lose the ball all the time, but abuses pressure to take it back.

And when it comes to Mbappe etc., tight marking in advance tactics should be the thing to counteract some of it (hopefully not all of it, that would be the opposite extreme, when Mbappe is marked out of the game with a simple setting).

However still feel better retention when moving at a slower pace would encourage build-up play more. Even just bigger touches without sprinting would make a big difference, so you can slip it past an charging defender without losing too much control.

Yeah I want this too. So far it's been better for me since Monday, stronger bodies fighting back at physical contact. Before I was not seeing any of those animations on impact.

...And bring back R-stick from 14! To let us push back at physical pressure!
Honestly, I'm not sure here. Do you want me to say what you want to hear? Or do you want me to complain about the game and not do anything about it? Complaining without action is still complaining.

I've already stated that I'm not content with the game, and the big 3 for me are the focus that I have because, again as I said, I believe that's all KONAMI can handle at a given time. As I said, again, it took that 1 1/2 years to fix the DMF positioning, and even then it's not 100% - so what makes you think bombarding them with multiple requests is going to make a lick of difference for this version? One would say their track record has never matched up with that demand.

I expect any game that I purchase to come with flaws. Sorry, that's reality. I just spent a good month on Madden and modifying the sliders to what I felt is acceptable. I went through 14 versions of sliders to get there. PES, is also with many flaws, but in some areas it is acceptable for me, and there is huge potential. However, I'm not selfish, and multiple areas that have been brought up in this thread alone I have sided with - and 100% agree with. But, for the first time in years, I'm actually allowing myself to enjoy it. That doesn't mean I'm not going to push for fixes, it just means that there is always another way to approach things and make the best out of it. If this were the absolute final product, and I had to suffer with the CPU not shooting from range...yikes, that would ultimately be really unfortunate and I'd end up tearing my hair out thinking what is left to try. Already am.

It's not our responsibility, you're right. However, to think you are going to get a game that is 100% solid from the get go, is plain old naive. Then to complain about it afterwards, and not try to come up with a solution, it's like walking outside in the rain and wondering why you're soaking wet. Grab an umbrella, and try to do something about it. Regardless, we're all trying to get somewhere.

tldr: I agree with everything you say, but it's not going to stop me from playing the game I paid for and trying to figure out what can be done to fix parts of it. If KONAMI get to it first, happy days!

I don't think it's naive at all to expect a game to be solid from the get go. After all, there's a difference between being solid but with some issues versus fundamentally flawed. There's loads of games I play that are not only solid out the box but blow me away. I fully expect to fall in love with Spiderman tomorrow, and several other games this fall. Back in PES's heyday, I was in love with the game and don't remember having massive issues like now (yes, maybe nostalgia is involved). Hell, playing the FIFA beta, even though I had no shortage of criticisms, I did not see any major fundamental footballing flaws (single player at least) and if the release is like the beta, I'll be fine with it out the box.

Obviously being critical of the game - or complaining if that's how you'd like to look at it - doesn't mean that we can't enjoy it too. But I'm not sure what you mean by taking action because I don't see how we have the power or the tools to make the AI more intelligent, or to fix the heading mechanics, or to make it so we can actually tackle the CPU on the higher difficulties.

So while being able to "fix" the game would be great, I don't see how we have the tools to do so and I don't think it's fair nor constructive to paint those with frustrations and criticisms as lazy complainers.

I mean, for goodness sake's if we have the ability to fix some of the stupid AI behavior like this, I'm all ears:

I witnessed the CPU do that stupid backpedal dribble to out of bounds four times in one match. And that's on Superstar. Now that alone isn't a big enough issue to ruin the game for me, especially because attacking against the CPU is so great, but it's indicative of just how stupid the AI can be this year and unless you have access to Konami's code, I don't know how you can expect us to fix this stuff.

And that above is just one example of some of the stupid decisions the CPU is making all across the pitch this year.

Ultimately I don't disagree with you at all that we can't enjoy this game and I'll be first to admit and praise some of the brilliance on display in PES 2019. I scored a goal last night that literally had me off the couch and I've never watched so many goal replays in my life. While the defensive side of the game is really lacking IMO, attacking against the CPU has never been this good.

But it does worry me the message we send Konami when professional reviewers are rating this game a 9 and others are talking about gameplay as only having issues with CPU not shooting or the low crossing when in fact there's some pretty big fundamental flaws with gameplay. Because it's these big underlying issues that are causing what we are criticizing - sorry, complaining about. PES charges the same price as all AAA games, and while I don't expect perfection, I think we should all expect - no, demand - a quality experience that's on par with what the rest of the industry delivers at that price point.

That's not me forgetting an umbrella and wondering why I'm soaking wet. That's me seeing that it's raining outside, realizing I don't own an umbrella, and choosing to stay indoors and play Spiderman instead.
I know I scored a scripted goal when:
1. My player suddenly get into position without my control.
2. Defender ignores the ball
3. I only need to tap "shoot"

What an unsatisfying piece of ...
Because myClub is fantasy ball opening, David Beckham and other silly ‘legends’ childish BS....

.... IMHO of course ;)
Same here. When I play football game I want to play with A football team against another football team. I dont want to play DC Universe Vs. Marvel, where Messi run alongside Maradona.
But each to their own. Whatever makes you happy.
I like 16 year old regenerated Totti's.. haha!
Nah, Im messing with the last bit..
I love playing MyClub but it was up to me, i'd go without the legends. Or at least limit the amount that can be used at one time. Also, I don't spend real money on coins.
Ive seen people online complaining how some people have amazing teams as they have spent real cash. Well, complaining all you like but its good for Konami and its only going to continue.
I'd like to know how much money they make in a year from MyClub.
Why most of you play ML not MyClub?

MyCLub has a good premise but seriously fails to deliver. I know this from my experience.
Same as Master League. I know this from reading others experiences.

MyClub :
Acquire GP playing competitions vs assisters and lose.
Lose makes you feel bad.
PLay some more and feel worse.
Anticipate new agent every week.
Spin agent.
Go to divs with level filter.
Unable to find opponent.
Unable to find opponent.
Unable to find opponent.
Unable to find opponent.
Unable to find opponent.
Found opponent.
McCabe, Vrany 200 games played. Messi, CR7, KDB 0 games played.
New PES comes out.
Server switches off.
Repeat til death.
I know I scored a scripted goal when:
1. My player suddenly get into position without my control.
2. Defender ignores the ball
3. I only need to tap "shoot"

What an unsatisfying piece of ...
Some of their ai is really shocking and completely spoils the moment. Pes used to be so dominant in the game play department, not so much these days, and it makes the lack of content and shoddy production values (hello commentary and crowd sounds etc) stand out even more..
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This game is a whole load of wank.

The locked in animations, THAT ai goal, those fucking lifted inside of the foot passes, shite header mechanics, shite defensive clearance header mechanics, players just doing what they want. Honking attacking ai where you literally have to wait an age on an overlapping run......the list goes on.

Im so dissapointed its no real
MyClub is a joke... Within the first couple of weeks I've already got a 96 rated Neymar, 97 rated Messi (goes up to 100 in AMF) and a bunch of other superstar players.

There's pretty much zero sense of building your team gradually throughout the year with incremental improvements, when all these massive names are thrown at you within the first few days... Especially now with these super cheap "featured" players.

Even if you do want to target specific players, like I wanted to with Sander Berge today, you have to hope that you either get lucky enough to be given the specific scouts you need from matches (you get 1 per match), or hope that the "Auction House" has some available... Most of the ones I needed were not even available for auction, others expired in anywhere up to 48 hours time.

So you end up just cobbling together a team from the mishmash of random high rated players you were given through "Special Agents" etc.

Even then, using your highest rated team will almost certainly operate at a loss in terms of "GP", so whenever you play the CPU you are better off using all your shittiest players (low contract costs) with the top players on the bench (to boost your "team strength bonus") to farm GP...

The whole point of the mode is to grind/farm virtual currency by playing (or even watching) absolutely shite matches. Either with all your lowest rated players vs the CPU, or all your highest rated superstars in PA3 World XI 100mph ping-pong pressure fests online. Awful.

MLO was so much better in PES 2011...
MyClub is a joke... Within the first couple of weeks I've already got a 96 rated Neymar, 97 rated Messi (goes up to 100 in AMF) and a bunch of other superstar players.

There's pretty much zero sense of building your team gradually throughout the year with incremental improvements, when all these massive names are thrown at you within the first few days... Especially now with these super cheap "featured" players.

Even if you do want to target specific players, like I wanted to with Sander Berge today, you have to hope that you either get lucky enough to be given the specific scouts you need from matches (you get 1 per match), or hope that the "Auction House" has some available... Most of the ones I needed were not even available for auction, others expired in anywhere up to 48 hours time.

So you end up just cobbling together a team from the mishmash of random high rated players you were given through "Special Agents" etc.

Even then, using your highest rated team will almost certainly operate at a loss in terms of "GP", so whenever you play the CPU you are better off using all your shittiest players (low contract costs) with the top players on the bench (to boost your "team strength bonus") to farm GP...

The whole point of the mode is to grind/farm virtual currency by playing (or even watching) absolutely shite matches. Either with all your lowest rated players vs the CPU, or all your highest rated superstars in PA3 World XI 100mph ping-pong pressure fests online. Awful.

MLO was so much better in PES 2011...

Actually what you're complaining about is NOT bad :
A few star players with high contracts means you have to be selective/scout wisely/play good/skill up.

the problem is its an UNEVEN playing field from the getgo depending on your finances, choice of assist level PLUS the gameplay and ranking system needs more refinement. Add lag and cheaters. Utterly pointless.

HOWEVER, playing offline against COM at a casual pace without form updates with 200 slots at my disposal seems to enjoyable at the moment.

just watched this video, at 5:15 min into it, one of the biggest problems since moving to FOX Engine imo, Bale enters the box, takes a heavy touch, all the defenders run away from the Ball, because they only care for other Players, never the Ball, the actual danger, 5 years in a row now
Pes2011 MLO was the best thing ever, i couldnt get enough of it.
If only they keeped that system/balance and included all of the modes/competitions existing in the current etition..
But its already a lost battle, it is setup so kids can get Messi Maradona Cruyff and Kahn in all the teams

Boring boring stuff
Actually what you're complaining about is NOT bad :
A few star players with high contracts means you have to be selective/scout wisely/play good/skill up.

the problem is its an UNEVEN playing field from the getgo depending on your finances, choice of assist level PLUS the gameplay and ranking system needs more refinement. Add lag and cheaters. Utterly pointless.

HOWEVER, playing offline against COM at a casual pace without form updates with 200 slots at my disposal seems to enjoyable at the moment.
I don't find that I have to be smart or selective with anything.

The vs COM matches all seem to be played on Regular so far, except for the Challenge Cups (which are 3 or 4 matches each, with maybe 2 or 3 of them per week).

On Regular I can just field all my 50-60 rated starter players and win easily, there's no challenge, so why would I want to field any higher rated/wisely scouted players which would have higher contract costs than the crappy starter players?

Online I don't want to put myself at a disadvantage, so I'll field my strongest team, which overall can just about break even for a few matches with contract renewal tickets + daily bonus GP + first win GP.

Maybe you can still make progress playing your way, but it seems pointless to me. You accelerate any progress by tediously farming the currency vs the CPU or in Coach mode and/or paying real money.
Just out of interest, people on here seem to love Master League but Konami focus there attention on MyClub as it makes the money.
How would people feel if it was possible for them to make money via Master League? Something like buying extra transfer funds with real cash? It would be optional of course. Just wondering how it would go down with people.
I have played around 60 games so far in MyClub and have not witnessed one single bit of scripting yet. Personally think its a superb game all round :BOP:

What connection lvl filter do you use?

And you have never in about 60 games experienced "scripting"?
I guess you don`t consider scripting when your whole team is all out of position with no reason.
Or the last second goals, or immediate equalizer after you scored? Or being incapable to clear the ball no matter what?
Or playing against lower TS team and having a hard time (against not very skilled opponent)? Your 99ts team behaving like bunch of drunks?

Then you are a very calm man, sir. Or, you are the very best, and you manage to win or compete equally no matter what...

I hear complains from very skilled players, (while considering myself just a decent player).
For most of them there are a lot of scripting, handicapping or momentum, no matter against, or in favor.

Anyway, if "scripting" (which is necessary, in a way) could stay just in a level which exist in Online Divisions, myClub could be the best mode ever.
Just out of interest, people on here seem to love Master League but Konami focus there attention on MyClub as it makes the money.
How would people feel if it was possible for them to make money via Master League? Something like buying extra transfer funds with real cash? It would be optional of course. Just wondering how it would go down with people.
Personally - my first thought was - bring it on! I know that I wouldnt spend a penny. I dont like playing with stars, im picking underdogs and buying young or unknown players. But if there were people spending 3K on it, and it would make Konami to properly invest and improve ML - sure, why the hell not!
The only problem is - in ML you cant "show off", coz its offline. And I believe this is the main reason kids are spending money on it.

I suppose they could also bring extra kits for few quid or improvements to the stadiums.. and this is something that even I might have considered...
I don't find that I have to be smart or selective with anything.

The vs COM matches all seem to be played on Regular so far, except for the Challenge Cups (which are 3 or 4 matches each, with maybe 2 or 3 of them per week).

On Regular I can just field all my 50-60 rated starter players and win easily, there's no challenge, so why would I want to field any higher rated/wisely scouted players which would have higher contract costs than the crappy starter players?

Online I don't want to put myself at a disadvantage, so I'll field my strongest team, which overall can just about break even for a few matches with contract renewal tickets + daily bonus GP + first win GP.

Maybe you can still make progress playing your way, but it seems pointless to me. You accelerate any progress by tediously farming the currency vs the CPU or in Coach mode and/or paying real money.

You just unlocked "I saved a year of life life" trophy.
lol what's wrong with these guys? no quality control at all? the AI doesn't even know how to attack... maybe as well delete single player.
Just out of interest, people on here seem to love Master League but Konami focus there attention on MyClub as it makes the money.
How would people feel if it was possible for them to make money via Master League? Something like buying extra transfer funds with real cash? It would be optional of course. Just wondering how it would go down with people.

Personally I wouldn't spend any real cash on it (only time I would be, would be to unlock all legends for offline purposes, and that would have to be a reasonable fee backed up by gameplay.) But to your point on ML, if it makes them put any kind of effort into the game mode then yeah, bring it in. I wouldn't pay for anything on it, but others no doubt would.

Although I'm uneasy with the use of microtransactions in games, especially for things like skins, guns, ammo, player packs and shit. The price of the games are still pretty weighty, and we're getting less value for money 'out of the box' every year that goes by. I know my views are seen as old fashioned by the hip kids of today ("how do you do, fellow kids"), but a game has to warrant the use of extra purchases in my view, something to extend gameplay. Not a quick buzz before you get the urge to pay again.

But before I ramble off topic.. in answer to your point.. yes it could be an idea
You mean someone enjoys this shit?
Come on man, I am not defending Konami at all about some things, they should released the game without this wing ai issue but even with that after playing pes fifa is unplayable. Sure everyone of us see different things in games, I speak about positioning, flow of the game and how game feels when you have the controller in your hands. On thr ball the game is 9/10 for me only ai and manual headers are stopping me to give 10/10 about the gameplay. The more I learn the game I defend better and actually flaws are not that present but they are there and need fix. Give it time and try to learn some things in the game , experiment with tactics and you will be rewarded in the end, trust me ;)
I don't think it's naive at all to expect a game to be solid from the get go. After all, there's a difference between being solid but with some issues versus fundamentally flawed. There's loads of games I play that are not only solid out the box but blow me away. I fully expect to fall in love with Spiderman tomorrow, and several other games this fall. Back in PES's heyday, I was in love with the game and don't remember having massive issues like now (yes, maybe nostalgia is involved). Hell, playing the FIFA beta, even though I had no shortage of criticisms, I did not see any major fundamental footballing flaws (single player at least) and if the release is like the beta, I'll be fine with it out the box.

Obviously being critical of the game - or complaining if that's how you'd like to look at it - doesn't mean that we can't enjoy it too. But I'm not sure what you mean by taking action because I don't see how we have the power or the tools to make the AI more intelligent, or to fix the heading mechanics, or to make it so we can actually tackle the CPU on the higher difficulties.

So while being able to "fix" the game would be great, I don't see how we have the tools to do so and I don't think it's fair nor constructive to paint those with frustrations and criticisms as lazy complainers.

I mean, for goodness sake's if we have the ability to fix some of the stupid AI behavior like this, I'm all ears:

I witnessed the CPU do that stupid backpedal dribble to out of bounds four times in one match. And that's on Superstar. Now that alone isn't a big enough issue to ruin the game for me, especially because attacking against the CPU is so great, but it's indicative of just how stupid the AI can be this year and unless you have access to Konami's code, I don't know how you can expect us to fix this stuff.

And that above is just one example of some of the stupid decisions the CPU is making all across the pitch this year.

Ultimately I don't disagree with you at all that we can't enjoy this game and I'll be first to admit and praise some of the brilliance on display in PES 2019. I scored a goal last night that literally had me off the couch and I've never watched so many goal replays in my life. While the defensive side of the game is really lacking IMO, attacking against the CPU has never been this good.

But it does worry me the message we send Konami when professional reviewers are rating this game a 9 and others are talking about gameplay as only having issues with CPU not shooting or the low crossing when in fact there's some pretty big fundamental flaws with gameplay. Because it's these big underlying issues that are causing what we are criticizing - sorry, complaining about. PES charges the same price as all AAA games, and while I don't expect perfection, I think we should all expect - no, demand - a quality experience that's on par with what the rest of the industry delivers at that price point.

That's not me forgetting an umbrella and wondering why I'm soaking wet. That's me seeing that it's raining outside, realizing I don't own an umbrella, and choosing to stay indoors and play Spiderman instead.
woah!!!:SHOCK::BLINK: that's bad:THINK::CONF:haven't had it happen to me yet but that really looks bad. hopefully its fixed ASAP.
Just out of interest, people on here seem to love Master League but Konami focus there attention on MyClub as it makes the money.
How would people feel if it was possible for them to make money via Master League? Something like buying extra transfer funds with real cash? It would be optional of course. Just wondering how it would go down with people.
I would definitely put some extra money on a legendary mode
Have faith guys, an AI fix will be fortcoming. I feel it in my water.
They got Pes 2018 to play quite well, eventually. I know the shooting mechanic was still quite limited and it had it's issues, but the game play felt quite nice to me. The trouble was, it was at the end of that game's cycle. They need to sort out the offline issues with this game a lot quicker if at all possible. I want to make a purchase - but as an offline player, the issues that I am reading about make me very cautious atm. I am just not prepared to give konami the benefit of the doubt anymore.
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