PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

according to @103SpooKy there is another difficulty level after Legend...

Edit: haha @vxcmplx nice coincidence
for the first time ever in pes my gk didn't catch the ball that I back pass to him so he fouled attacker and referee blows for penalty! I love how new stuff come all the time, randomness all the time :)
and for problems with wing attacks just try to cover the pitch without pressing x and square button unnecessary, helps a lot to force ai to play varied football
If too hard at superstar try top player, the cpu plays more realistically by the way, more mistakes, less accurate passing, slower, more fouls. Cpu defense is not great at top player but playing with manual passing will let them have the time to press and position themselves

Ok let's try Top Player now.
I think this game is great, I mean yes the AI does have issues which hopefully will be ironed out over time.

But for online purposes this is a football sim and not an Basketball game which sometimes fifa can feel like due to the speed of it. I mean PES has a lot of small intricate skills to learn such as dribbling which isn't just a case of holding down the sprint button, you have to actually concentrate on the stride of the player and tap the sprint button to keep close control of the ball (Unless running with Neymar etc). Another skill i like is the need to control your player before you make a pass or shot, this will then determine the nature and quality of the action.

PES kind of reminds me of a sport version of Darksouls. It may be frustrating but you want to keep playing it and it gets better the more you play.
I'm playing PA1 and Basic( due to manual headers being broken) but having some great games. The AI does need patching but still really good. My first goal was a own goal off the defenders heel , shot was going wide.
Started a international cup as Argentina and my first game was against Suadi. Couldn't fault the game in terms of set up. They sat back and looked to counter. Saw some really poor touches off the AI. Very enjoyable
It's awfull to see that the computer in ML will set their best players in the bench. Why on EARTH is this still not fixed. Absolutely disgusting.
scored this beauty with Fekir on full manual, superstar. I love how real and lifelike this look :)

sorry for bad quality

Looks awesome.. great jink and goal.. the bad quality actually makes the game look even more realistic haha really highlights the great player models the Konami have. That's what im loving so much atm, the animations, player physics..the size of the balls...ooops
Came up against a team with a chemistry of 6 but filled with superstars. Didn't think I stood a chance. Was winning 4 - 0 at half time. Clearly playing a kid who's got access to his parents' credit cards. Playing slowly destroyed him. Derived a lot of satisfaction from the victory.
If your opponent started the match with a team spirit of 6 due to having an inadequate manager, he basically handed the win to you on a silver platter. The scripting makes it impossible to win with a low team spirit like that. You really should not derive satisfaction from that.
Just played my first game of myclub. Thought I'd give it a chance like others on here.

Came up against a team with a chemistry of 6 but filled with superstars. Didn't think I stood a chance. Was winning 4 - 0 at half time. Clearly playing a kid who's got access to his parents' credit cards. Playing slowly destroyed him. Derived a lot of satisfaction from the victory.

My club isn't for me mind. But as I'm enjoying the game and won't start master league until AI is patched and player rosters are complete, I will persevere with the mode. Playing against humans is always enjoyable.
Did the manager by any chance own a bus?:LMAO:
If your opponent started the match with a team spirit of 6 due to having an inadequate manager, he basically handed the win to you on a silver platter. The scripting makes it impossible to win with a low team spirit like that. You really should not derive satisfaction from that.
He should, as he built his team in a wiser way than his opponent did.
A team with a good manager and good players getting on well with each other should always play better than a bunch of superstars thrown on the pitch in a random way.
So it seems like the offline AI thing is driving people towards MyClub, looks like Konami's master plan is working!:COAT:

As much as this game bummed like like a fresh prison inmate last night I think I might have a go with Liverpool in a regular league setting.

Oh Salah, Mané, Firmino, bring back to me the joy of PES :PRAY:
Did you already see this?


Leicester in Master league sold so many players they even had to use two 0 rated players. What are 0 rated players even?

This is absolutely shocking to be honest.

Thanks Konami for validating my decision to not buy the game at all.
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Ok Im after good few games last night.
Its by far the most realistic football game I have ever played. Im talking from animations, first touch and ball physics perspective. Sometimes what's happening on the pitch can be so random, that its awesome but it also makes it more difficult than in previous versions.
I have been tweaking a lot all different settings, and what I found working best for me, was
-1 speed
Full maual
Level - professional
I have decided to drop from top player to get better feeling of all the players and get used to full manual (i only switched in Pes19)
Surprisingly - on Professional AI plays quite cool football. I saw good few AI dribblings, which I havent seen on Top Player at all.

But you were right, guys. On higher difficulties (top player/superstar) there is just a few AI patterns and that needs to be fixed.

Problem, for me personally, is to find a team to start Master League with. Removal of D2's threw me off the plan I had. So yesterday I started new master league 6 times just to pick a different team after match or two..:D
And lets not forget - ML team HAS to have a cool kits!! :D
Im a weirdo, I know..

But overall - I can see AI flaws, you are definetely right. Having said that - it is best representation of football game I have played (minus AI flaws, obviously)
Still - really enjoying it!
Roll on AI gameplay patch!
If your opponent started the match with a team spirit of 6 due to having an inadequate manager, he basically handed the win to you on a silver platter. The scripting makes it impossible to win with a low team spirit like that. You really should not derive satisfaction from that.

I derived pleasure from the fact that the opponent had all the gear but no idea. Never played myclub before for this very reason.
Nah. Just exhibitions and tried myclub. Even myclub offline isn't for me because I can't play in -1 speed. Locked to default. I'd love if they changed ML's layout to something like myclub's, at least a change helps keep things fresh. I'm bored of how ML looks. So dated. We want to feel like at least some effort was put into it.

Also the CPU wing attacks have got really boring now. Feels stale already :(
Gave Myclub a few spins on 18,might do so on 19 if ML feels stale
Update to previous post:
There are good few flaws there. But I can live with some of them.
I can live with Keepers stuck to the line.
I can live with AI flank fetish. I know how to deal with it. Just secure wings, block them, dont abuse X and it will force them to play differently.
But what I cant live with and what really needs to be fixed, is AI reluctancy to score. When they have a space or shot on goal, but decide to slow down or pass. This is just unrealistic. Same with shots from distance. AI needs to be more ruthless!
Yeah, that's what I enjoyed about that game in particular. It was believable, if anything.

The concerns about the AI attack, overall, are valid - and I definitely see the CPU hitting those low balls, especially the higher caliber teams - it sticks out like a sore thumb.

Going to be streaming soon hopefully. Will post when I'm up and running.
Hope a patch or a tweak gets it better.
Yes,post if you'll get a stream up
So this year there is a great news about tactic for ai
It is that you can assign advanced tactics to teams in edit mode and the ai will exactly use those advanced tactics!
I just assign tikitaka,attacking fullback and gegenpress for man city in edit mode and then play exhibition with my edit save
the ai exactly play with those advanced instructions
I think this year we could have a really good game, still the ai attack problem need to be solved first.
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Nah. I'm returning it. I've played enough to know I'm not going to enjoy this. Myclub don't care about. ML untouched. Gameplay nothing new, and this constant down the wing business is too much. The whole gameplay to me feels predetermined, especially keepers. It still doesn't feel like the spontaneous stuff that made me love PES in the first place. I can't do this having the game collect dust. I'd rather have my money back and use it on something else I'll enjoy (DQXI in 3 days :D).

Enjoy your game everyone.
Nah. I'm returning it. I've played enough to know I'm not going to enjoy this. Myclub don't care about. ML untouched. Gameplay nothing new, and this constant down the wing business is too much. The whole gameplay to me feels predetermined, especially keepers. It still doesn't feel like the spontaneous stuff that made me love PES in the first place. I can't do this having the game collect dust. I'd rather have my money back and use it on something else I'll enjoy (DQXI in 3 days :D).

Enjoy your game everyone.

Little OT saying that Dragon Quest XI is the game that i will buy with the money i should have used for Pes. :D
Nah. I'm returning it. I've played enough to know I'm not going to enjoy this. Myclub don't care about. ML untouched. Gameplay nothing new, and this constant down the wing business is too much. The whole gameplay to me feels predetermined, especially keepers. It still doesn't feel like the spontaneous stuff that made me love PES in the first place. I can't do this having the game collect dust. I'd rather have my money back and use it on something else I'll enjoy (DQXI in 3 days :D).

Enjoy your game everyone.
Regarding AI attacking behaviour I find it most strange that good dribblers refuse to dribble at you as they did this quite often in PES 2018, "the first of a 3 year plan". As far as I remember they didn't pass the ball off to teammates in obvious scoring positions either, did they?

It gives me a tiny bit of hope that Konami will be able to patch at least that/those aspect of the AI (but then again, they might break something else in the process).
I am glad I rented this game I would have been mad if I spent I bought this. I can't get over the AI being through on goal only to look to pass I have seen it multiple times a game in exhibition mode on TP.
It gives me a tiny bit of hope that Konami will be able to patch at least that/those aspect of the AI (but then again, they might break something else in the process).

I retain hope too but the thing that chips away at that hope is knowing that in order for them to fix it they first have to acknowledge that something is wrong. They always seem much happier coming back at you with "well, lots of people are very happy with the game how it is", than admitting that there is a problem. I've seen quite a lot of tweets to them and am just hoping that people remain polite otherwise they'll just write everything negative off.
Nah. I'm returning it. I've played enough to know I'm not going to enjoy this. Myclub don't care about. ML untouched. Gameplay nothing new, and this constant down the wing business is too much. The whole gameplay to me feels predetermined, especially keepers. It still doesn't feel like the spontaneous stuff that made me love PES in the first place. I can't do this having the game collect dust. I'd rather have my money back and use it on something else I'll enjoy (DQXI in 3 days :D).

Enjoy your game everyone.

This is just can't understand. This is the first time in YEARS that I feel the game has loads of randomness and they've finally brought back things that made pes what it was. To each his own, though.

Regarding the wing thing, I've been using the wing backs advanced defending tactic and it seems to have helped a lot with CPU AI varying it up as the option to play out there had been limited. Need to test more though
This is just can't understand. This is the first time in YEARS that I feel the game has loads of randomness and they've finally brought back things that made pes what it was. To each his own, though.

Regarding the wing thing, I've been using the wing backs advanced defending tactic and it seems to have helped a lot with CPU AI varying it up as the option to play out there had been limited. Need to test more though
Yeah. I'm not feeling nor seeing any of that. Sadly. Kept playing and playing and felt like I was forcing myself.

I won't sit here and shit on it though. I'll just wait for next year™. I might grab it down the line for much cheaper. Maybe all the issues are gone for me then.
I may be looking like that overly positive guy, but I have no complaints of how the game is going for me right now. Is there a setting change perhaps that I'm using? My defending style? I'm not sure.

Here is another fantastic match, to me. Just played it this morning, so wasn't quite awake yet, but it definitely woke me up with needing to focus defensively. Enjoy :)

(once processed)

Also, here are my settings:

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