PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

Different times of day and hours.
The dynamic lighting we were promised for PES 2019 but we didn't get due to whatever reasons.



So, after reading that article/interview, I think I finally get why the so called Dynamic Lighting wasn't there in PES 2019 like we expected.
Apparently, when playing at certain hours, the sun light and shadows made it very difficult to play in some of the stadiums, for example playing at 16:00hs the contrast was too much. And since they have about 40 stadiums in the game, they had to work on about 200 patterns for the different times of day (morning, noon, evening, night, and the changes betrrween them). So they decided to leave it as a cosmetic event for some stadiums at half time, while they sort it out for next version.

See? If they had explained this back on July, it would have been so different.

Next year is always their answer.

Why did they show that teaser with shadows moving when they knew they couldn't make it in time for Pes 2019?
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It´s interesting how a few settings can have an impact on the feeling of the game.

I never really played on dynamic wide cam. Always wide or modded broadcast.
With the sider mod I played around 10 games on dynamic wide cam, more zoomed out with a higher angle.

Game felt so fast, players seemed to turn faster and it didn´t feel like before anymore.
I don´t doubt here, that full version is different than the demo in that regard, but I never felt it so extreme.

Changed game speed to -1 which felt like 0 before.
And most of the matches left me cold.

After around 10 games I switched to broadcast cam, smaller angle, zoomed out more and deactivated the zoom-in.
What a difference! Game feels more weighty again and I had to turn it up on speed 0 as -1 was too slow.

That´s really strange.

To all you guys playing with -1 game speed: what are your cam settings? Which cam do you use?
It´s interesting how a few settings can have an impact on the feeling of the game.

I never really played on dynamic wide cam. Always wide or modded broadcast.
With the sider mod I played around 10 games on dynamic wide cam, more zoomed out with a higher angle.

Game felt so fast, players seemed to turn faster and it didn´t feel like before anymore.
I don´t doubt here, that full version is different than the demo in that regard, but I never felt it so extreme.

Changed game speed to -1 which felt like 0 before.
And most of the matches left me cold.

After around 10 games I switched to broadcast cam, smaller angle, zoomed out more and deactivated the zoom-in.
What a difference! Game feels more weighty again and I had to turn it up on speed 0 as -1 was too slow.

That´s really strange.

To all you guys playing with -1 game speed: what are your cam settings? Which cam do you use?

To me, the perception of slow and fast is widely down to the amount of scrolling of the pitch. Much left-right panning leads to a complete different perception than static views as the blimp-cam does for example.

Other than that, it is very decisive if you are tired or not.
It´s interesting how a few settings can have an impact on the feeling of the game.

I never really played on dynamic wide cam. Always wide or modded broadcast.
With the sider mod I played around 10 games on dynamic wide cam, more zoomed out with a higher angle.

Game felt so fast, players seemed to turn faster and it didn´t feel like before anymore.
I don´t doubt here, that full version is different than the demo in that regard, but I never felt it so extreme.

Changed game speed to -1 which felt like 0 before.
And most of the matches left me cold.

After around 10 games I switched to broadcast cam, smaller angle, zoomed out more and deactivated the zoom-in.
What a difference! Game feels more weighty again and I had to turn it up on speed 0 as -1 was too slow.

That´s really strange.

To all you guys playing with -1 game speed: what are your cam settings? Which cam do you use?
You're right. I'm not a fan of Dynamic wide either.
Sometime the ball feels really fast. I'm not sure if it's because of the change in the "camera height" depending on the ball's position on the pitch or just the wideness of the camera when the ball is at the upper position on the screen.

I like wide camera just like you because the camera height and angle doesn't change, no matter where the ball is.
Right now, I use fanview cam on Nesa. I modified it so that it will look a lot like wide camera, but more zoomed out and higher angle. Perfect for manual, since you can really see the spaces between players, and I don't need to use much radar.

I tried -1 gamespeed before I settled with normal speed. I really like it but most of my matches are online friendly against a cousin with normal speed. I just play normal speed when I play offline exhibition matches against CPU so that there's not much adjustment when I play online.
So in the end I did get my hands on this and I just knocked a little clip from ML together for you guys to share a very special occassion :SHOCK:

I'm used to AI in MyClub because I like getting white/bronze mongrels together. Yeah you can do this in ML, but it's different development with training.

So in MyClub I reached mid level of Super Star with fairly low cost team. Bronze players and 2-3 silvers depending on positions I can cover decently with bronze guys.

After seeing this talk about looseness on low TS here I thought to start a ML to see how it feels. So I put it on Super Star and picked Chateâuroux from Ligue 2, because I saw Fantamady Diarra in it one of my 2017 mongrels.'s beatable on low TS (MY TS is about 57 now). Not easily, but I'm competitive on FUMA settings.

Before sharing the clip I want to say one thing about 'things changed' after most recent patch. Last time I played in MyClub the AI did seem a bit more interesting and also when giving SIM games a little look when they're running the AI seemed more varied.

But in Ligue 2 so far every single team has low cross addiction :LOL: I also noticed in Monthly report these passes are not just low crosses, they are also laser guided through balls.

Anyway here the clip. I was completely dominating this game, had created 4 chances in about first half an hour. Then their first attack, laser guided low cross 1-0 :RANT: Second attack also pretty much unstoppable, maybe if I would have gotten control of right defender earlier, but it's not always possible. So 2 attempts 2-0 down at HT, but I thought to try persevere in 2nd half anyway.

I dragged one back from a rebound after a corner....then something VERY special happened....and at the end there was nearly an ultimate climax.

So here it is....they exist :SHOCK:

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You're right. I'm not a fan of Dynamic wide either.
Sometime the ball feels really fast. I'm not sure if it's because of the change in the "camera height" depending on the ball's position on the pitch or just the wideness of the camera when the ball is at the upper position on the screen.

I like wide camera just like you because the camera height and angle doesn't change, no matter where the ball is.
Right now, I use fanview cam on Nesa. I modified it so that it will look a lot like wide camera, but more zoomed out and higher angle. Perfect for manual, since you can really see the spaces between players, and I don't need to use much radar.

I tried -1 gamespeed before I settled with normal speed. I really like it but most of my matches are online friendly against a cousin with normal speed. I just play normal speed when I play offline exhibition matches against CPU so that there's not much adjustment when I play online.

Great camera view. Any link to nesa tool? And what's your adjustments? Can i use it with My Club?
LMAO, this game is a joke. Haven't played in a week and I decided to play it. Slow reaction times costing me retarded goals online. Takes defenders 20,000,000 years to clear the ball

LMAO! just happened AGAIN. I had to turn off the fking console. I'm not touching this retarded game...what a waste of my goddamn money. I never learn...
Slightly off topic here, I was at work today doing a job in somebody's house & I noticed an old original PS2 lying around, I asked the customer if they still used it? ......she said no and did I want it for nothing as it just sits there gathering dust:APPLAUD:
Obviously I took her up on the offer and walked out of there a happy man ready for some nostalgic gaming. PES 5 & 6 here I come!!! :GSCARF:
So I had to go back på Manual passing in Divisions last night, I jsut couldn't cope with people obviously having higher PA than 1, such a waste of time.

On the other hand! Manual passing is really fantastic. I usually never pick the big dogs but I went for Man City just to feel the difference with REALLY good players. Although it still could be debated that passing stats don't matter when on manual it sure as hell feels like it does. It might be because the really good players are faster, more technical, more responsive etc but the likes of Silva and De Bruyne just pass the ball better, simple fact. Or if you want to go EXTREMELY placebo one could argue that I become a better passer when I have the ball with De Bruyne since I know he is a great passer IRL.;) Who knows, it's PES...
You're right. I'm not a fan of Dynamic wide either.
Sometime the ball feels really fast. I'm not sure if it's because of the change in the "camera height" depending on the ball's position on the pitch or just the wideness of the camera when the ball is at the upper position on the screen.

I like wide camera just like you because the camera height and angle doesn't change, no matter where the ball is.
Right now, I use fanview cam on Nesa. I modified it so that it will look a lot like wide camera, but more zoomed out and higher angle. Perfect for manual, since you can really see the spaces between players, and I don't need to use much radar.

I tried -1 gamespeed before I settled with normal speed. I really like it but most of my matches are online friendly against a cousin with normal speed. I just play normal speed when I play offline exhibition matches against CPU so that there's not much adjustment when I play online.
That's a great Camera angle, how can I get that on my PS4???
was good to have a look at, but why post it in the PS4 chat if we cant do it...just a thought
I'm sorry about that. I just responded to someone who mentioned he uses a camera mod(sider).
I posted my next response that is related to that in the PC section so as not to pollute this thread with PC stuff.:))
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Do you know guys why some faces are desappeared in Pes 19?

I'm talking about Alen Halilovic or Adam Maher for example...
LMAO, this game is a joke. Haven't played in a week and I decided to play it. Slow reaction times costing me retarded goals online. Takes defenders 20,000,000 years to clear the ball

LMAO! just happened AGAIN. I had to turn off the fking console. I'm not touching this retarded game...what a waste of my goddamn money. I never learn...

What button are you pressing to clear the ball, square or circle?
Do I need to start a Master League again since the update for it 'to work' if that makes sense [when teams like Leicester were selling all of their players]?

I have an old save from release day but not sure if the latest update will effect it or not?

What is latest version of PES 2019 [version number] and where do I find that in-game?

thanks :)
Do I need to start a Master League again since the update for it 'to work' if that makes sense [when teams like Leicester were selling all of their players]?

I have an old save from release day but not sure if the latest update will effect it or not?

What is latest version of PES 2019 [version number] and where do I find that in-game?

thanks :)
I'm pretty sure they said you have to start your save again to get the benefits.
Think I need some time off this game atm for my own sanity. PA1 online is plauged by people using PA2/3 and then there is the broken headers with manual passing. Yeah I say "broken" since the slight lag make it that online and the fact I now have around 3 times where the player have ballooned the ball over the bar from about 50cm and a open net.

Hopefully some things change with the patch.
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Think I need some time off this game atm for my own sanity. PA1 online is plauged by people using PA2/3 and then there is the broken headers with manual passing. Yeah I say "broken" since the slight lag make it that online and the fact I now have around 3 times where the player have ballooned the ball over the bar from about 50cm and a open net.

Hopefully some things change with the patch.
Online is crazy. Always was crazy. Online matches on manual passing and normal/advanced shooting were the only ones i enjoyed and all of them were during the demo. I tried few on full version and every single time i was paired up with south americans where i had lags. Didnt spend much time there as i was always offline player mostly so I just let it go. But i feel sorry for online people. There should be a filter to match you with people on the same settings.
Online is crazy. Always was crazy.
I would love to play a football game online. I would invest my life into it, if it felt like football.

Sadly, it seems incredibly difficult to create something that has that feel to it when you go online. Even if you take away the assists, everyone runs after the ball because everyone wants to score, and formations turn into puddle shapes, like clouds of birds migrating.

It'd be a nice start if we had much slower games, with much more punishment for poor positioning, and much less assistance in every regard. BUT.

I can't blame any dev for not taking that on, because in terms of mass appeal (making a game so difficult and time-consuming to master and/or enjoy)... Yeah. That's not going to sell.
Imho, best way to play online is to get connected to people on forums, like evo web.
According to people´s posts you might get to now what kind of playing style they prefer and there´s necessarily no need to play manual. With the right opponent, you can have decent assisted matches as well.

In my personal experience, full manual matches have been the best I´ve ever played. have to like to play manual and that´s kind of difficult on several modes like myclub.
Haven´t played it lately...maybe there are more manual users on now...can´t say.
I would love to play a football game online. I would invest my life into it, if it felt like football.

Sadly, it seems incredibly difficult to create something that has that feel to it when you go online. Even if you take away the assists, everyone runs after the ball because everyone wants to score, and formations turn into puddle shapes, like clouds of birds migrating.

It'd be a nice start if we had much slower games, with much more punishment for poor positioning, and much less assistance in every regard. BUT.

I can't blame any dev for not taking that on, because in terms of mass appeal (making a game so difficult and time-consuming to master and/or enjoy)... Yeah. That's not going to sell.
Im not a programmer by any means. And i see the point of masses wanting Legendary magic players and 3-1-6 formations to score milion goals.

But i also see the need for realism and challenge. Back in the day games were just games as they simply could not get anywhere near realism. Now its possible to create life-like experience.

So why not to create two modes? Why not to have my club, and on the side create something for people looking for realism? With separate transfer market, settings and leagues? Its surely cant be too difficult, right? They have divisions and myClub, so thats two modes. Why not add third one and appeal to people who just want to play football?
It wouldnt be that costly to create it. Servers are there, you just need another skin, new transfers market and separate rules.
Maybe they wouldnt b able to milk us the way they milk myClub kids, but they would have another big group of people who would buy the game just for this mode.

Edit: i just read it back and the post is all over the place. Forgive me, im after night shifts. But you get the general point i was trying to make there... ;)

Edit2: been playing Fifa recently. And every time after few games im booting Pes off. Even with all the flaws it has fundaments to be the best football game, well, ever. Shots, ball physics, animations, passing, player clash physics - its all there. And its so rewarding when you are lucky enough to have few good games. Its a shame they are wasting such a potential for real-life football experience with shallow ML and fantasy myClub.
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I acctually think online (Divisions) is pretty great when you play manual passing since it generally attract people who want to play some sort of realistic football and usually don't go for the biggest teams all the time. You rarely see the insane tactics that is common for PA1 and above.

I had around 300 matches in Divisions for PES 2018 and it was hands down the best football gaming experience I have had since the days of PES locally with friends.

My problem with Online now is the manual headers, other than that it's fine.

I would love to use Advanced shooting online but people moan about that in the small community of manual passers. I had people angrily writing to me and blocking me over that (!). And, as you know, there isn't that many people using manual passing to begin with so it's just not worth it.
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A different kind of feedback, not about game-breaking issues and bugs, but about making the game more user-friendly, something that KONAMI should care about instead of me, since they are the professionals and i am just a random amateur.Little details that would benefit all users, i hope so at least.

First of all the displayed playable positions this year are all green-pallet colours. Until last year it was Blue for DFs,green for Midfield and Red for FWs, which was far better and you could instantly read the available positions each player can play.

Secondly the players in formation screen (created-edited-fake etc) not having a thumbnail. Ok i know this looks extra avant-garde, for every player to have his respective thumbnail, but firstly it was introduced by them so it looks idiotic to have players with photos and others with an empty gray shade. Do it for everybody or for no one .I was thinking last year ok it is difficult to produce a small face for everyone especially when someone is edited-created but since the game produces a Bigger thumbnail for all players, when they are taking awards/prizes (World Player of the year, best player in ASIA/LATAM etc) they could keep the current system with photos for original players and for fakes/edited the game could produce a mini cyber face based on the face settings in player's edit mode, like it is produced in ML. Just for aesthetic reason.I dont believe it is so hard to implement even now.

The reason i don't give this feedback to KONAMI is that i do not have twitter account and i do not want to bother with e-mails, as i have self-awareness and i know that even for the biggest game breaking issues, they have the strategy to ignore them for a period and when they become a huge wave like this year's "fixAI" movement in social media then they react.Also i know that these issues i posted above are not bothering everybody or big amount of people and i find that KONAMI would never bother with problems like this, that have simple solution but do not touch the majority of playerbase.
A different kind of feedback, not about game-breaking issues and bugs, but about making the game more user-friendly, something that KONAMI should care about instead of me, since they are the professionals and i am just a random amateur.Little details that would benefit all users, i hope so at least.

First of all the displayed playable positions this year are all green-pallet colours. Until last year it was Blue for DFs,green for Midfield and Red for FWs, which was far better and you could instantly read the available positions each player can play.

Secondly the players in formation screen (created-edited-fake etc) not having a thumbnail. Ok i know this looks extra avant-garde, for every player to have his respective thumbnail, but firstly it was introduced by them so it looks idiotic to have players with photos and others with an empty gray shade. Do it for everybody or for no one .I was thinking last year ok it is difficult to produce a small face for everyone especially when someone is edited-created but since the game produces a Bigger thumbnail for all players, when they are taking awards/prizes (World Player of the year, best player in ASIA/LATAM etc) they could keep the current system with photos for original players and for fakes/edited the game could produce a mini cyber face based on the face settings in player's edit mode, like it is produced in ML. Just for aesthetic reason.I dont believe it is so hard to implement even now.

The reason i don't give this feedback to KONAMI is that i do not have twitter account and i do not want to bother with e-mails, as i have self-awareness and i know that even for the biggest game breaking issues, they have the strategy to ignore them for a period and when they become a huge wave like this year's "fixAI" movement in social media then they react.Also i know that these issues i posted above are not bothering everybody or big amount of people and i find that KONAMI would never bother with problems like this, that have simple solution but do not touch the majority of playerbase.
Even if you had twitter it wouldnt change much. There is only a small chunk of txt you can write and it will be lost among all kids posts showing off their starting 11 and players they spinned.
Konami should create feedback option on their official webside, where you click, it opens a window and you can type whatever you want.
Even if 9 out of 10 were useless of abusive messages, they still could gather some really good and simple to implement ideas, which would make the game so much better.
Unfortunately thats not the world we r living in.
I was trying a while ago to find contact details to some higher Konami head to suggest some proper feedback/communication system at some stage, but didnt find anyone, who would seem a good person to write to.
Looks like they are happy enough to leave Bhatti and his gang on a front line to serve as a buffer and imitation of developer/fan communication. In the meantime they will just continue to do what they want.
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