PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

But they can't give infos when they have no infos coming from the dev team. That's the point. Lack of communication between the dev team and marketing team is the real issue here.

So instead, they are choosing to completely ignore negative comments and reply to silly ones, annoying people. Great plan.:LOL:

As I said, different environment, but similar situation. I work in huge corporation.
When my team has issues, they will come and ask me to sort them. Im part of that team, Im not any big fish, just a team leader. So Im not really sorting issues, just feed them back, same as Official Pes page. Im going to the manager and feeding it back.
Then im going back to my team and tell them
- those issues have been fed back
(First thing, that official pes should do. Acknowledgement)
It takes time, people are asking me again
(Part of the job, people are impatient)
Im going to the manager again, telling him I need some update on it, coz it takes too long. I need a date, something, anything, to tell people
(Another thing they lack. Pushing for changes, asking for updates. Its part of their job. They are just sitting there upset that the world is against them)
If I dont get anything from the manager for another while, Im going to his manager, that we have issues that require urgent response, as people are close to mutiny.

There are ways to handle difficult situations like this, but you have to have balls to do this. If you are just sitting there like a sheep or a Yes Man, then dont be surprised that you are getting bashing from community.
Ethics man...

I think it's a f**** disgrace that people because of a GAME can be that personal.

Complain, yes! But be fair and try to understand how companies work? If you think a social media guy is even close to have influence, even you know too little.

This is not to defend anybody. I really don't care. But I just have to mention that I think it's rather embarrassing for everyone who does that.

Actually every game company are adjusting to the market as everybody else. Is it gamemakers fault that the market has changed with online company. Wouldn't you adjust yourself?

If there is a fault, then it is about Konamis strategy regarding what you give people hope for. What you tell them when something goes wrong. Give them a realistic approach to what to expect with the games. Both before and also when and after something goes wrong.

But nothing above can never be 1 or 2 persons fault. It's the company.
But nothing above can never be 1 or 2 persons fault. It's the company.

This is the only correct answer. What people do on twitter is like complaining to Sony support employers denying a refund. You just can't blame them if Sony told them to never give a refund unless there are very special cases.

Blame Sony. In this case, blame Konami.

Besides i saw officialpes answering with "we understand your frustration, we will pass this to the team", many times. People just don't care, they want infos and fixes quickly because they paid for the game.

So, yeah, even them putting a statement saying:"Hey, we know you have issues with the AI, Master League transfers, online. We will try and fix them as quickly as possible" won't change one thing.

Just accept that now that you have given them money you are no more as important as pre-release. They will go at their pace, they will or won't fix things based on their priorities and that's it. That is wrong, absolutely wrong attitude by them but understand that and it will be much easier to boycott Pes next year and put aside your passion for the upcoming release of the new Pes.
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Ethics man...

I think it's a f**** disgrace that people because of a GAME can be that personal.

Complain, yes! But be fair and try to understand how companies work? If you think a social media guy is even close to have influence, even you know too little.

This is not to defend anybody. I really don't care. But I just have to mention that I think it's rather embarrassing for everyone who does that.

Actually every game company are adjusting to the market as everybody else. Is it gamemakers fault that the market has changed with online company. Wouldn't you adjust yourself?

If there is a fault, then it is about Konamis strategy regarding what you give people hope for. What you tell them when something goes wrong. Give them a realistic approach to what to expect with the games. Both before and also when and after something goes wrong.

But nothing above can never be 1 or 2 persons fault. It's the company.


A little example:
I´ve been working for a big company here in Germany "Deutsche Telekom" in the 90´s when they had the monopoly being the only one landline telephone provider and they have fucked up so many things with the customers.

I was working in the call centre, taking people´s complaints and the awkward things was...I understood them and I knew that my company fucked up.
I´d love to tell the customer "Dude, you´re right. The company is shit and works sloppy in your regard, I´m sorry for you!". But if I had done that, they had fired me at once.
So I had to defend my employer even it didn´t feel right.

Might not be the same with A. and A. and KONAMI. But decisions been taken from the company and not from them.
But nothing above can never be 1 or 2 persons fault. It's the company.

This is completely true of course, but....something about it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's like he's been told not to answer or acknowledge any complaints and just hype up legends/MyClub, so fair enough, he's "just following orders". But as a long term fan of the series could you live with yourself doing that every day? I for one feel like I would struggle, because it is on some level participating in the deception of the fans who have shelled out for the game. This is not just any job working for any game, he got into it directly as a result of being a fan and member of the community. Maybe the paycheck is more important than maintaining his dignity which I can understand if you need it to put food on the table, and in that sense I just feel sorry for him.
If they really don't care about all the negative feedback, it could mean that the franchise gets a goodbye.

Or, just maybe they don't care because the game is still bringing them profit enough. Maybe the money they spend developing the game is very low.
Don't agree with You that it's KONAMI fault. It's very important who is working for KONAMI. John Murphy worked very well. He explained what they do and how they do. He showed on many videos gameplay Pes 2010/13 and how mechanics and gamaplay working. I saw determination Murphy and Seabass to create good Pes. They listen us. New employees dont listen and ignore us. Menagers of KONAMI only think that new employees are very good and they know Pes as well.
Don't agree with You that it's KONAMI fault. It's very important who is working for KONAMI. John Murphy worked very well. He explained what they do and how they do. He showed on many videos gameplay Pes 2010/13 and how mechanics and gamaplay working. I saw determination Murphy and Seabass to create good Pes. They listen us. New employees dont listen and ignore us.
Just because that happened publicly under him, doesn't mean it isn't happening privately now. The direction of the gameplay etc. isn't something the social media team control, or influence. As much as we'd like to think otherwise.
This is Konami isn't it? We have PR guys hyping up the game before release and then go dead silent after release, it's been like that for a while. I can only assume that they have gone quite because every year after release it's the customers who bought the game that find issues with it and they are trying to fix it. Where is the testing before release? Why do customers have to be the one that pay money to find issues with the game? If it were minor issues, you can forgive, but it's not. Also, the time it takes Konami to fix issues is too long. Why do customers have to wait for a month, or more, for the game to be patched up? Let us know that you are aware of issues and that a fix is coming. If they can shout as much before the game is released, why can't they do the same after?
Don't agree with You that it's KONAMI fault. It's very important who is working for KONAMI. John Murphy worked very well. He explained what they do and how they do. He showed on many videos gameplay Pes 2010/13 and how mechanics and gamaplay working. I saw determination Murphy and Seabass to create good Pes. They listen us. New employees dont listen and ignore us.

But wasn't Murphy doing those videos. It was Konami that was more open to let us know about the new Pes. Probably that was because Konami those days was really trying to have a better game,focusing on new modes,offline improvements and gameplay additions while these last few years they are just tweaking things here and there. What could they show now?

Last time they made a dev video was with Pes 2014 and that had plenty of new systems to show.
But wasn't Murphy doing those videos. It was Konami that was more open to let us know about the new Pes. Probably that was because Konami those days was really trying to have a better game,focusing on new modes,offline improvements and gameplay additions while these last few years they are just tweaking things here and there. What could they show now?

Last time they made a dev video was with Pes 2014 and that had plenty of new systems to show.

Maybe he didn't doing these videos but he wanted this kind of videos and Seabass support him with that. They together made it. Murphy respect fans when he spoke and answered to them. I don't see it in this moment.
Just because that happened publicly under him, doesn't mean it isn't happening privately now. The direction of the gameplay etc. isn't something the social media team control, or influence. As much as we'd like to think otherwise.

I agree. Do you guys remember boot gate? I'm not sure if JM was still there at that time but Adam (before becoming Konami employee) went berserk when he found out. I think that particular situation really tells you where decisions are made and I cannot see decisions like those were made by JM back then. Same with it now, we have Adam, Asim both hardcore fans of the series, I don't believe they have much influence in the direction, input maybe, but direction as a whole, no.
It's been toxic and really bad in here regarding Asim and Bhatti.
Maybe their behaviour triggers stuff ?
No excuse of course.
If the game is shit or not it's hardly their fault,it's down to Konami,anyone with half a brain could do that math.

It's always easy claiming that they're "idiots" etc "they should do it like this instead"
Guess those/we go about and do the same Vs our careers/workplaces?
Blame konami,that's where the complains should be at.

Quick question for the mods,would these digs and personal insults be accepted if it were against a member here?
This place has just gone down the crapper with all these digs and page after page with nasty comments and pure guesses.
We're still looking for PS4 players to play in our full manual team that will be competing in the largest full manual 10v10 League community. ,we already have some great players.
We try to train together whenever we can against other teams from the league between the times of 20:00 and 23:00 British standard time

If interested please contact me on here,twitter @dillinjadale ,
Or psn Dillinjadale.thanks...
If they really don't care about all the negative feedback, it could mean that the franchise gets a goodbye.

Or, just maybe they don't care because the game is still bringing them profit enough. Maybe the money they spend developing the game is very low.
They don’t care cause the problems are in offline mainly.If myClub had similar game breaking issues with ML they would care and it would be fixed in the first 15 days.
This and secondly the after-sale strategy of KONAMi since their early days.Someone mentioned it already.Since you paid the money you are useless for them until next year pre-release period.Sounds cold but it is true,not the latest years only.It happens since their Goldest epoch.
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It's been toxic and really bad in here regarding Asim and Bhatti.
Maybe their behaviour triggers stuff ?
No excuse of course.
If the game is shit or not it's hardly their fault,it's down to Konami,anyone with half a brain could do that math.

It's always easy claiming that they're "idiots" etc "they should do it like this instead"
Guess those/we go about and do the same Vs our careers/workplaces?
Blame konami,that's where the complains should be at.

Quick question for the mods,would these digs and personal insults be accepted if it were against a member here?
This place has just gone down the crapper with all these digs and page after page with nasty comments and pure guesses.

Adam and Asim are judged as what their job suggests - Community/Brand Managers.

Using this position for spreading false information (this includes conscious concealing) just has no other possible outcome than the situation we have now.
Quick question for the mods,would these digs and personal insults be accepted if it were against a member here?
Obviously not. We delete those posts and ban repeat offenders. Have we missed anything? Then hit the report button. The mods have jobs (I'm spending my lunch hour reading this). We're human.

This place has just gone down the crapper
Has it though? Really?

I think that's a flimsy statement that people jump to - especially when A) someone loves the game and can't accept a majority complaint about the gameplay, and B) someone gets banned.

If you like the game and you get banned, "YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO LIKE PES ON EVO-WEB!!"
If you don't like the game and you're banned, "CRITICISM IS NOT ALLOWED ON EVO-WEB, THEY'RE ON KONAMI BACKHANDERS!!"

You should see my Twitter messages when someone gets banned for being a dick (PES fan or PES hater). I'm sick of it, frankly. So comments like yours don't help.
You clearly don’t remember the threads and comments here in Evo-Web and WENB during PES 2011/12/13... lots of people disliking the game and raging all-day.

Taking about PES 2013... Did you forget the magic boots scandal? The lack of League mode? Low score lines (0-0, 1-0) in CPU games in ML/BAL? Same transfer issues as now?

During its release cycle it was a heavy criticized title, how it’s possible that now its considered a masterpiece? Yes I know, 2014 was so terrible it made 2013 way better than it actually was.

Also, pre-release content from Murphy (dev videos, trailers) was as atrocious as nowadays, the guy is capable, so I doubt he had much to do with that.
Obviously not. We delete those posts and ban repeat offenders. Have we missed anything? Then hit the report button. The mods have jobs (I'm spending my lunch hour reading this). We're human.

Has it though? Really?

I think that's a flimsy statement that people jump to, particularly the guys who get banned.

If you like the game and you get banned, "YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO LIKE PES ON EVO-WEB!!"
If you don't like the game and you're banned, "CRITICISM IS NOT ALLOWED ON EVO-WEB, THEY'RE ON KONAMI BACKHANDERS!!"

Getting sick of it, frankly.
That last qoute should have been longer right,not cut in the middle.
"It's gone down the crapper with page after page with nasty complaints and pure guesses"
No suggestion that the whole forum has,right?
My post was about Asim and co and how little they have to say Vs their bosses,right?
And how toxic it's been Vs them in here.
If you want to cut my post in half and make that your point,feel free to do that @Chris Davies
Not cool in my eyes
Feel free to do what you want with that info

Edit,realised that it didn't come out right,no dig at your work here Chris or at the forum,more sad to read page after page of utter complains that started Vs the gameplay and are now quite personal.
I stand by "your cut my quote in half" though
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If you guys really want to find out more about Konami and its cultural issues I recommend you check out Jim Sterling's videos about them. He shares some allegations made by anonymous (alleged) inside sources.

One example:

Their ratings on Glassdoor also give a rather clear picture.
I’m sure Asim does get plenty of abusive messages but the majority of the tweets I see sent to him are respectful and he still blocks them and dances around their questions
We're still looking for PS4 players to play in our full manual team that will be competing in the largest full manual 10v10 League community. ,we already have some great players.
We try to train together whenever we can against other teams from the league between the times of 20:00 and 23:00 British standard time

If interested please contact me on here,twitter @dillinjadale ,
Or psn Dillinjadale.thanks...
I don't think this of an interest to most on this fourm any more. When I have time to spend, i play the game, rather than trying to change a company. But sorry man ..I am completely an off line player
I was first person in 2006 on WENB when Adam said that i'm RUDE. It was 12 years ago and i exactly remember this like today. I said that Pes need new engine because competitor in 2007 has superb engine. He said i'm RUDE and I don't know what i'm talking about engines etc
Hah, I can relate.
I don't think this of an interest to most on this fourm any more. When I have time to spend, i play the game, rather than trying to change a company. But sorry man ..I am completely an off line player

There are plenty of manual online players on this forum.
I was first person in 2006 on WENB when Adam said that i'm RUDE. It was 12 years ago and i exactly remember this like today. I said that Pes need new engine because competitor in 2007 has superb engine. He said i'm RUDE and I don't know what i'm talking about engines etc
You gotta let it go. Time to move on.:LOL:
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