PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

Im finding superstar far more balanced now ..TP is really high press though ..i struggled against superstar but getting a couple of results.. AI still willing to use wings but nowhere near as much..ive only conceded one goal from a low cross in 8 games now but 6 from other areas. Same for the low cross , backheel that I was seeing at least one per game (point Is turn off..thats also been 1 in about 8
"Good save by Peter Parker!"

Man, I hate those saves. Its looks like ISS Deluxe.
Embarrassing how bad some animations look. I was discussing the who Beckham thing the other day and how daft it is that old versions of PES capture his free kick style better than this mo-cap version. The freekick execution for him is fucking appalling when you're marketing him as your cover star.


2019 Beckham:
PES 5 Beckham:
Im finding superstar far more balanced now ..TP is really high press though ..i struggled against superstar but getting a couple of results.. AI still willing to use wings but nowhere near as much..ive only conceded one goal from a low cross in 8 games now but 6 from other areas. Same for the low cross , backheel that I was seeing at least one per game (point Is turn off..thats also been 1 in about 8
Did you play Pes 11?
I remember that game being cheat central on 3rd and 2nd highest difficulty,then it played great on toughest.
Felt the same with Pes 12/13 to
Ha ha,sorry I thought you were starting something.
Sorry man :PP
Sweden,but I've always been a fan of Serie A,which is the league I follow except my own.
Supporting Roma.
Ive always thought that playing Serie A/B is great on Pes,well except this year with no Serie B.
You as Italian do you play Serie A?

Yes i support Juventus since 1995...The Serie A has lost a lot of great player in the past years...i'm playing for now in exibition mode and i tried a lot of teams...Fiorentina and Sassuolo could be a great choice if you don't want play with a big team...Roma is a good team but they lost players as Allison,Nainggolan and Strootman...they still keeping nice team...i'm courious to see Coric and Kluivert play few games to judge them...but i like them since the played for Dinamo Zagreb and Ajax...
Yes i support Juventus since 1995...The Serie A has lost a lot of great player in the past years...i'm playing for now in exibition mode and i tried a lot of teams...Fiorentina and Sassuolo could be a great choice if you don't want play with a big team...Roma is a good team but they lost players as Allison,Nainggolan and Strootman...they still keeping nice team...i'm courious to see Coric and Kluivert play few games to judge them...but i like them since the played for Dinamo Zagreb and Ajax...
Sassuolo has a very good team,it's always a nightmare playing Vs them.
I usually play as Milan,since they have,or use to have a lot of young players that became very good in a few seasons.

Serie A early/mid 90s were an amazing league.
Still love watching it,and I usually fly down once a year to see a game or two.
Kluivert is going to be so good,just like the other "kids" from great players like Simeone and Chiesa
Knowing that the upcoming PES 2019 mobile will use Unreal Engine 4...

I fully expect PES 2020 to switch to UE4 too. There were rumors about an engine change next year right?

I suppose Konami doesn’t want to spend resources and time on an in-house engine again.

Hopefully they don't repeat the mistakes they did when they implemented the Fox Engine.

On the other hand, this probably means that PC modding is going to die.
Struggling to find enjoyment atm.

Can't play online because the connections/servers are simply appalling.
3v3 mode full of 1 player Brazilians. No way to filter them out. It's 3v3! sort it the f' out Konami.
Offline, defending the incessant 1-2 play it thru's on the wing it utterly, mind meltingly boring.
PA1 is far too assisted for me to get any reward from. Some of the passes it decides to make are pure frustration.
Manual is plagued with the cpu choosing players no where near the pass.
Cpu teammates responsiveness, acknowledgement of the ball in general, and overall intelligent is very lacking. Highlighted on FUMA
If headers (manual) in the box are down to timing/positioning, why do those things mean sweet fuck all in midfield and defence?
Are AI shots always top corner, roof of the net rockets?
How many times over the years have I seen 1 shot - 1 goal from AI. Same this year.

Knowing Konami's track record with patching gameplay issues I'd be very surprised if anything changes for the better this year.
I found myself being midly annoyed at the start of this post, but seething with rage at the end of it lol. Pes used to be fun ffs.
Struggling to find enjoyment atm.

Can't play online because the connections/servers are simply appalling.
3v3 mode full of 1 player Brazilians. No way to filter them out. It's 3v3! sort it the f' out Konami.
Offline, defending the incessant 1-2 play it thru's on the wing it utterly, mind meltingly boring.
PA1 is far too assisted for me to get any reward from. Some of the passes it decides to make are pure frustration.
Manual is plagued with the cpu choosing players no where near the pass.
Cpu teammates responsiveness, acknowledgement of the ball in general, and overall intelligent is very lacking. Highlighted on FUMA
If headers (manual) in the box are down to timing/positioning, why do those things mean sweet fuck all in midfield and defence?
Are AI shots always top corner, roof of the net rockets?
How many times over the years have I seen 1 shot - 1 goal from AI. Same this year.

Knowing Konami's track record with patching gameplay issues I'd be very surprised if anything changes for the better this year.
I found myself being midly annoyed at the start of this post, but seething with rage at the end of it lol. Pes used to be fun ffs.
I’m so annoyed with myself for buying this so so annoyed
Struggling to find enjoyment atm.

Can't play online because the connections/servers are simply appalling.
3v3 mode full of 1 player Brazilians. No way to filter them out. It's 3v3! sort it the f' out Konami.
Offline, defending the incessant 1-2 play it thru's on the wing it utterly, mind meltingly boring.
PA1 is far too assisted for me to get any reward from. Some of the passes it decides to make are pure frustration.
Manual is plagued with the cpu choosing players no where near the pass.
Cpu teammates responsiveness, acknowledgement of the ball in general, and overall intelligent is very lacking. Highlighted on FUMA
If headers (manual) in the box are down to timing/positioning, why do those things mean sweet fuck all in midfield and defence?
Are AI shots always top corner, roof of the net rockets?
How many times over the years have I seen 1 shot - 1 goal from AI. Same this year.

Knowing Konami's track record with patching gameplay issues I'd be very surprised if anything changes for the better this year.
I found myself being midly annoyed at the start of this post, but seething with rage at the end of it lol. Pes used to be fun ffs.

Gaming has becoming frustrating in general.

I felt like an online game of PES tonight (last night I matched up after 20mins so hoped for the same)
after 40 mins of trying i gave up.
decided to play some destiny and there's an update for it that takes me 20-30mins to download. by now, i'm looking at the time and i just can't be arsed to play cos I know a mission on destiny will take about 30mins or so.

If I'd have bought PES 19 I would've probs had a breakdown by now.
But have there been a patch!? Don't understand why that many people is speaking of changes ?

There hasn't been a patch on the ps4. I honestly feel that I have seen varied play by the AI - long-ish shots, play through the middle, high crosses, keepers coming out BUT it happens far too infrequently and the norm is - wide play, low crosses, static goalies, reluctant strikers etc... and it is a big problem. PES itself is erratic and this is why, in my opinion, it can sometimes feel like something has changed. I feel like there are so many variables, some through design, some others that make you think that Konami have created a Frankenstein's monster that they themselves don't understand, with parts/elements/mechanics from all their old games and occasionally some new bits, all blindly thrown together. It's no wonder the community loses its collective mind, the last decade of PES' history is a litany of bizarre decisions, be it additions or omissions, with scant explanation from Konami, we don't know if we're coming or going. It's almost worse now with Adam and Asim as I think we were all expecting communication to be better but they don't seem to be any more in touch with the devs than anyone else. Got a bit sidetracked there!
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regarding the so-called 'scripting' discussion:

yes, i do believe scripting exists in PES. but certainly not to such an extent that you are completely chanceless throughout the whole game. i rather think there are phases during a match which try to reflect some sort of 'powerplay' or whatever.

but sometimes there are indeed games where i am just not able to do ANYTHING properly, i'm sure everyone who played pes online knows exactly what i mean. you lose every 1on1 situation, every second ball goes to the opponent, you can't score the clearest chances etc... so i tried figuring out what could cause this.

i noticed that such strange behaviour happens mostly against people with rather poor internet connections and therefore during laggy games. it is known konami uses some sort of 'lag compensation' in order to adjust/align both connections. so let's say player1 has a ping of 30ms and player2 90ms:

player2 would have a huge disadvantage because of the delay gap, and that's quite unfair of course.

you might remember the pes5 online era without any lag compensation where the game's host switched during halftime. during the half hosted by the opponent you pretty much had no chance to score a goal because of the delay. (the host didn't have any artificial delay back then)

so lag compensation in general is a good idea, unfortunately it is implemented very poorly. bottom of line: the player with worse connection has a huge advantage. yes, that is actually the case.

why do i think that? because recently i had a few matches like that and then did the following after halftime:

i went to and uploaded some large file with full upload bandwith so my ping went up to like 200-300ms. (usually i have 8-10ms)

i turned the tables so that now i had the inferior connection. in halftime two lag compensation was restricting not mine but the opponent's connection in order to balance the latency gap between us.

et voila: i suddenly dominated the rest of the game easily and the opponent couldn't do anything about it. it was exactly the other way round now. i won pretty much every 50/50 situation, my AI players were super apparent, always ahead of their opponents and i scored one goal after another.

verdict: lag compensation is a great idea but implemented very poorly so the one with better internet gets a massive disadvantage. sounds crazy, but we all know konami...

for now this is just my theory but i'm pretty sure this will be confirmed by others, too.

feel free to try it and let me know what happens.

Interesting read, because I'm at my wits end with Pes online. Year after year, my games online are just horrible. Most are heavy, running in mud, unresponsive & delayed. It's the only online game I have problems with, yet the one I want to play online the most. It's drove me to fifa each year simply because that thing works online.

I remember before they made online divisions 5 home & 5 away games, I was the home team in 99/100 matchups. I always assumed that was because I had a better connection out of the 2 players. Most of them were laggy messes. I've always had a decent ping, most I've ever seen it was 43 to far of places in Europe (I'm UK). I don't know what else to try connection wise. Surely everybody I play on pes isn't using shitty dial up, or throttling their connection? I can't even play youtube 'music' vids when I played in the past, 'cause it made the lag even worse.

I've come to the conclusion that all my routers I've owned, my line over the years just isn't compatible with Konami servers.
Every other game I play online plays great. Very frustrating.

Still hold out hope that there's a magic fix out there for me lol. And that's my big problem with pes... the 'hope'. :LOL:
Have you noticed how FAST the game become?

Demo was great, and then they speed it up. More and more. Now it is cra.p.
In myClub players are literally flying.

(I did not even try the lower game speed for offline, not really interested in bland, dull AI games)...
For every good game I have, I seem to have about eight or nine matches that are controller-breakingly frustrating.

Getting a bit sick of hitting the 65/70 minute mark and my players turn to shit, struggle to trap a bag of cement, whack passes carelessly out of touch, look like they're running through quicksand and just generally being useless, simultaneously combined with the AI suddenly getting souped-up, playing pinpoint passes everywhere, being impossible to knock off the ball and scoring the most robotic, telegraphed goals that you can see from a mile off, yet can't do anything about. Cheers Konami for this fine mess.
I played one to test it, and there do seem to be some differences. I don't remember the AI doing this before (Legend difficulty);

Low cross spam was still there, but they seemed to be more willing to shoot...
The CPU has been shooting a lot of shots outside the box against me since day 1.
I only play exhibition matches(Top player) offline. I mostly play Big teams vs Big teams with great finishers, so it might have something to do with that.

Here's some of the goals they've scored against me. All recorded first week of September. I didn't record more of these because it has became more common.
I can't remember seeing an R2-shot outside the box from the CPU, most of their shots OTB are like these.
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yeah gameplay has been tweaked 100% sure. More variation from cpu, more likely to play thru the middle, and decent amount of long shots is what I've been seeing. Also more difficult across the board (I've played regular, professional, and top player so far) A previous poster made a good point that I agree with that Konami doesn't wanna admit how terrible the AI was and that they shit the bed with it so they are making slight tweaks with the patches to try to solve it. So far so good imo and its definitely a good start.
was there a patch released this week, is that why your noticing keepers moving forward?
Ask the people who were involved in hyping up the game prior to release:TUMBLE:
I almost feel sympathy for them. Embarrassing, unfinished mess of an offline experience from konami.
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So, anyway... :LOL:
I switched it on to play one game, since we have such a weird experiences today.
Top player, 20mins, manual passes, adv.shots, the usual.

Picked Man.Utd against Barcelona.
Didnt change formations, just played around with attack/defense tactics.

They had few low crosses, nothing major.
They also had good few tiki-taka back heels, but I suppose its Barcelona after all.

Game finished 2-2.

I can say one thing - I will not consider this game patched or fixed as long as I dont see any dribbling or long shots from AI. Especially, when I play against Barcelona. They should be dancing around me and fire at me from each and every angle.
I think we just got better in defending and I think we, subconciously, are securing wings at the back, so AI dont have space to pass the ball.

On a positive note, here's another nice Advanced Shot from distance. Again - done by me, obviously.

Peace to all. No point getting angry over Konami.

Great goal!
It´s interesting, when you see video material recorded off screen, often it looks like taken from a real game.
Does that mean, with the right contrast/brightness/saturaton settings you can make it look more photorealistic?
Does anyone know a good sweetfx setting for this?

I'm 99% sure you're right, however the gameplay mod by incas36 edits the dt18_x64.cpk file which is just 13.1MB. It doesn't seem too far-fetched that they could slip something in with a Live Update, or at the same time it downloads the information for the "online information" when you boot the game rather than through an official patch with a changelog... Of all companies to do something like that, Konami would surprise me the least.

The more likely situation is that it's placebo effect, I accept that. I just hadn't seen the CPU do that kind of shot in my gif for a long time (if ever) and it happened in the first game after seeing the discussion going on here.

Lol, this place starts to feel like a conspiracy theory coming up :P .
I like that^^.

Gaming has becoming frustrating in general.

I felt like an online game of PES tonight (last night I matched up after 20mins so hoped for the same)
after 40 mins of trying i gave up.

decided to play some destiny and there's an update for it that takes me 20-30mins to download. by now, i'm looking at the time and i just can't be arsed to play cos I know a mission on destiny will take about 30mins or so.

If I'd have bought PES 19 I would've probs had a breakdown by now.

Sorry, I don´t really get it.
You were trying to play online, but you haven´t bought it?
So, on what PES release were you trying to have an online match?
Oh okay.
Doesn´t really surprise me that it takes long to get paired on 2018 when 2019 is out.

makes sense. but then again if PES19 sales have been less than last years PES 18 sales, i'm optimistic that there's still a lot of folks out there on 18 (although all the guys on my friends list are on 19). ill defo keep trying though and friending fellow PES 18 players as I come across them.

even just one online PES 18 MyClub Divs game a day (on-demand, no waiting) would be pure bliss and satisfy my football itch [and i wouldn't crave either PES 19 nor Fifa 19].
Put 9 in defence to try keep a clean sheet online. Game put lag into my clearences so that striker can nip in and score

Officially done with online. tomorrows local test is pes 19 last chance.
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