PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

Dynamic, by definition, is characterized by constant change. If the shadows are not moving in real time and its not getting dusky, then its not really dynamic, isnt it?

I honestly dont care much about dynamic lightning. At this point I just want a playable game, in which Im not firefighting AI low crossing. I want to start the match not knowing what to expect from other team.
At the moment, even if we limit most of the crosses, it takes away all the fun, as we know exactly how AI team will behave.
My first 2-3 games when returning to Pes 18,I defended like I did on 19,big mistake when the CPU just dribbled past me outside the box and went for goal

It's horrible on 19,everthing else is very good,but it's a game breaker right now.
Hope they'll sort it pal
Fix your damn game Konami. If they at all cared about offline they would realize that they made an amazing game of football on the pitch but the crappy attacking AI just ruins all their good work. Oh well, I keep repeating myself every week.

Anyone know when we'll get new faces for Keita and others?
On a different note,it's a breath of fresh air playing Pes 18,that last patch has reduced chipped in passes.
And even if that game had the amount it had on release,still great to see a organic CPU offense.
Shooting,dribbling,mixing up attacks.
Glad I had an old save.
Regarding fixing ai on 19,I'm sure they will,and will they admit that it has issues,nope.
But I'm sure they will slip it in on a massive update,probably a stadium dlc without any notes of course.
ur playing pes 18?
Dynamic, by definition, is characterized by constant change. If the shadows are not moving in real time and its not getting dusky, then its not really dynamic, isnt it?

I honestly dont care much about dynamic lightning. At this point I just want a playable game, in which Im not firefighting AI low crossing. I want to start the match not knowing what to expect from other team.
At the moment, even if we limit most of the crosses, it takes away all the fun, as we know exactly how AI team will behave.

Its about as dynamic as its gonna get with Konami, lets be real.
But yeah, small fry compared to the AI attacking issues.

In some weird turn of fate, I completely wiped my PS4, of all PES 2019 files, deleted all OF images, save data, edit data, system data etc and 'started afresh.

Used PESWorld kit and team packs, and played a handful of friendlies, and a Libertadores Cup mode offline, so played about 15 matches in total, and the LCS (Low Cross Spamming) is vastly reduced.
I didn't tinker with formations, tactics or anything, and i've seen the AI run to the wing outside the box and put a low cross in about 5 or 6 times, across all 15 matches, before the 'wipe clean' it was about 10-12 times per match!!

I'm not suggesting wiping the PS4 clean of PES19 and starting over is a fix, I'm just saying doing this has vastly reduced the LCS.
I know others that also see the AI LCS a hell of alot, and others that are using the same option files etc, that hardly ever see it at all, its a very strange one.

I'm due to start a brand new ML tonight, so will see if ML Mode itself causes the AI LCS to bump up, i seriously hope not.
I'd love to know who at Konami thought revealing your advanced instructions to your opponent was a good idea.

I'd love to know how this stupid feature made it through development and into the final game.

I'd love to know why if you can't find an opponent for an online game, there's no shortcut to change your personal settings. Instead you have to go all the way back to the top menu, change one setting and then repeat the process.

Don't get me started on the three saved slots restriction or the replay camera that still isn't as good as the PS2 games.

On a positive note, I did score a header last night, it's a shame the creator comfortably crossed the ball with his weaker foot despite me creating an angle for him to cross with his right foot.

I really should stop but this silly game has so much potential.
Fix your damn game Konami. If they at all cared about offline they would realize that they made an amazing game of football on the pitch but the crappy attacking AI just ruins all their good work. Oh well, I keep repeating myself every week.

Anyone know when we'll get new faces for Keita and others?

also the Roma kit is wrong, it's last' years.
Found this

Seems like dribbling too is important to determine the speed of a player when running with the ball. As you can see there are minimal differences when players with similar speed and explosive power are compared but there is 1 second difference with players having much lower dribbling stat.

obviously this stat is broken, they are basically all the same speed give or take a few tenth of a second in most cases. This is very evident in, in game situations where players like Pique can run side by side with Ronaldo in an open field area chasing a ball and basically be the same speed. Where as Ronaldo would blow by him in real life.
Can't they use some of their code from the PES 2018 AI and use it for 2019? 2018's attacking AI was satisfactory at best.
I've found pace differences between players to be very evident during gameplay, but when on the ball you need to double tap the sprint button and run straight to really pull away from slower defenders.

Look at the first goal here, see how much faster Carrillo (88 speed) runs onto the through ball than Busquets (66 speed). Second goal again Carrillo uses his pace to drive down the wing (Alba wasn't even catching up) and then infield before making the pass... I don't feel like I can do these sorts of things with Calhanoglu for instance when I use AC Milan.
though the problem here is i can t play manual
You'll probably enjoy it on PA1-2
Problem is CPU gets very pingy when you play PA1-3 Vs Manual.
That's why I started playing it on Pes 13
Hope you have some fun mate.
If you want some pointers on tactics,that works for me at least,just DM me
If anyone's interested in playing full manual for a team that's competing in a 10v10 league this is your last chance to get involved, registration closes in 24 hours. Come on lads give it a go you'll love it..thanks
Can anyone help me, I’m playing My Club and my team strength is like 1700. I have other players in my team that I can’t use. I think the bit underneath says total cost and it’s something out of 250 and if I bring my better players in it goes over the limit. Why is this? Is it because my manager is not good enough or am i missing something. I want to be able to use all the players I have accumulated but it isn’t allowing me too
You'll probably enjoy it on PA1-2
Problem is CPU gets very pingy when you play PA1-3 Vs Manual.
That's why I started playing it on Pes 13
Hope you have some fun mate.
If you want some pointers on tactics,that works for me at least,just DM me
i m enjoying it on pa1, pitch side camera, superstar, basic shooting, i can see variety which i didn t see before when the game came, but cpu still does that lofted ball into the striker, gets annoying sometimes as the cpu always wants to rush things , so he plays lofted through ball to side or to striker
Can anyone help me, I’m playing My Club and my team strength is like 1700. I have other players in my team that I can’t use. I think the bit underneath says total cost and it’s something out of 250 and if I bring my better players in it goes over the limit. Why is this? Is it because my manager is not good enough or am i missing something. I want to be able to use all the players I have accumulated but it isn’t allowing me too

Yes, as you mentioned, your manager is not good enough
Yo can buy better managers
i m enjoying it on pa1, pitch side camera, superstar, basic shooting, i can see variety which i didn t see before when the game came, but cpu still does that lofted ball into the striker, gets annoying sometimes as the cpu always wants to rush things , so he plays lofted through ball to side or to striker
Get it man,I find that the CPU is a bit calmer on manual,unfortunately for you
I press a lot on midfeild,but back down and cover runs around the box which forces cpu to play differently,not fool proof,but stops a lot of chipped balls.
Marking is quite effective both on the wings and in the box.
Plus,like I told you,first 10-15 games,it's like that,give some time bro
Just wanted to share this video of highlights from the gameplay of a 5 year old game, which has an AI that is so varied, a variation that i fail to see and is missing from the modern day pes....
Watch and enjoy this classico friendly on superstar with basic shooting and 2 bar normal assistance passing...that reaction save from valdes says it all...

Depth in ML in PES 13 also make it a joy to play...
You called the low cross issue "absolute bollocks" or something to that effect. It's hard for any neutral observer to take that seriously when so many people report it as an issue.

I've played so many games on Top Player and I haven't found the low cross a problem at all. The problem on forums like these is that you'll get a sheep mentality mob or people who like the other game and try to hate on PES.

I don't really care either way because I enjoy PES 2019. Is it perfect? Not at all, but it plays a decent game of football for me.
I've played so many games on Top Player and I haven't found the low cross a problem at all. The problem on forums like these is that you'll get a sheep mentality mob or people who like the other game and try to hate on PES.

I don't really care either way because I enjoy PES 2019. Is it perfect? Not at all, but it plays a decent game of football for me.
It's there and it's almost in every game I've played, you can look at live streaming of ML too by various PES diehards who are complaining about it too. It's a real issue that many of us call game breaking. It's great you are enjoying it but the AI issues are very real and it's not sheep mentality when we are all seeing it......
I've played so many games on Top Player and I haven't found the low cross a problem at all. The problem on forums like these is that you'll get a sheep mentality mob or people who like the other game and try to hate on PES.

I don't really care either way because I enjoy PES 2019. Is it perfect? Not at all, but it plays a decent game of football for me.
We who have played Pes a long time,and prefer it to FIFA despite its quirky and sometimes odd/bad issues,we don't really like being called haters for calling out an issue that every one here feels is a big issue.
And a sheep mentality mob on forums "like this"?
Tone down your shit.
If you don't have an issue,good for you pal.
But you know what,until you prove us and the rest of us sheep's in here wrong we will complain about this bug as much as we want,it exists!

Care to load up a video of the CPU dribbling outside the box,and takes shots.
Or break their constant pattern of just passing back and forth on the wing and then cross.
Feel free to put up a livestream for instance?
I'd suggest you do that instead,if it's just in our "sheep" brains,that would be fantastic.
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