PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

Morning Guys, Hope you all had a good weekend.
Seems after our discussion last week,m Daniel Henry of WENB fame is lurking in here, either that or he has a tell tale little friend reporting back to him, as I awoke Saturday Morning to find a Private Message in my Twitter inbox from Daniel Henry telling me he has had reports of me bad mouthing him on Evo-Web, and to 'keep his name out of my mouth'.

I obviously had to set him straight by informing him that his name came up in discussion on here, and that I added comments to the fact that he was a liar and just a Konami PR puppet, to which he claimed that he has never lied, only passed on information about the game given to him, which we all know, is a lie, again.
Anyway, enough of the playground stuff but just found it amusing.
since yesterday he is following me on twitter. no private message though. :SNACK:
Found this

Seems like dribbling too is important to determine the speed of a player when running with the ball. As you can see there are minimal differences when players with similar speed and explosive power are compared but there is 1 second difference with players having much lower dribbling stat.
Found this

Seems like dribbling too is important to determine the speed of a player when running with the ball. As you can see there are minimal differences when players with similar speed and explosive power are compared but there is 1 second difference with players having much lower dribbling stat.

Shouldnt be ball control come in instead? I havent checked the stats but would make more sense.
Have had a ridicously bad time of late on MyClub. Has scripting been dished out now on a massive scale? I was definitely beginning to feel it. Couldnt pay for a win! Players stuck in the mud. Werent making runs, all over the place at the back! The frustration was massive!

Last night I went into the gameplan and turned off all the crappy advanced attacking and defending options and low and behold my team came totally back to life! No more sluggish players, players making runs, defence back to how it used to be! Has this change in the advanced setttings made a difference or has Konami decided to give me a few wins to keep me interested?
Found this

Seems like dribbling too is important to determine the speed of a player when running with the ball. As you can see there are minimal differences when players with similar speed and explosive power are compared but there is 1 second difference with players having much lower dribbling stat.

Ridiculous that every single player, regardless of stats can sprint the 110yds of a pitch in 9.1 or 9.2 secs.
If that was the case they'd all be olympic sprint champions seeing as Usain Bolt's WR was 9.58 secs over 100m (100m is 109 yards)

Proof that stats dont mean jack all ?
Ridiculous that every single player, regardless of stats can sprint the 110yds of a pitch in 9.1 or 9.2 secs.
If that was the case they'd all be olympic sprint champions seeing as Usain Bolt's WR was 9.58 secs over 100m (100m is 109 yards)

Proof that stats dont mean jack all ?

If you see the test has started just "outside" the box area...wich means that you have to cut off at least 16,5 m for the 2 boxes are 23 or 33 meters less the original pitch size that should be 100-110 m

Also this means that the test was made in 67-77 meters to be precise...

And to be more precise the test hasn't started from standstill,but the players were already run when the time started
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If you see the test has started just "outside" the box area...wich means that you have to cut off at least 16,5 m for the 2 boxes are 23 or 33 meters less the original pitch size that should be 100-110 m

Also this means that the test was made in 67-77 meters to be precise...

And to be more precise the test hasn't started from standstill,but the players were already run when the time started

Fair points, but if you took a random selection of real football players and got them to sprint 80 yards, with a ball, would you expect every single one of them to record the same time? hardly realistic.
A player like Griezemann with 84 Speed should not be recording the same sprint time as someone like Aubameyang with 92 Speed.

If every player sprints at the same exact speed (down to 1/100th of a second) then whats the point in having speed stats at all?
I think, at least from what I saw/played in the demo, that players are better portrayed in regard of speed stat effectiveness when they just run on a straight line, but the second they change direction/turn even of the smallest degree, the good 'ol catch up bug it's there for even slow defenders to retake very good runners. We can talk about risk reward etc. all day long, but the grade the game does this just feels bad and unnatural.

Regardless of my impressions, anyway, in my experience when you have to question and debate on whatever or not stats work correctly, there already is a problem. It should just be blatant without the need of timers and the such.
[Update4] Issues Under Investigation
This is an update regarding the following issues currently being encountered by some users:

・An issue where the screen turns white and the game subsequently crashes
・An issue where users are unable to connect to the server and the “CODE:VNBP733” error is displayed

Following our updates and investigations, we can see the majority of users are no longer encountering the above issues.

As a thanks for your help and apology for the errors, a goodwill gesture is planned to be distributed by end of this week.

If you are still encountering these issues, they might be caused by your PC environment. Therefore, please try out the methods listed below.
If you do not find any improvement, please send an inquiry via our official website.´
Fair points, but if you took a random selection of real football players and got them to sprint 80 yards, with a ball, would you expect every single one of them to record the same time? hardly realistic.
A player like Griezemann with 84 Speed should not be recording the same sprint time as someone like Aubameyang with 92 Speed.

If every player sprints at the same exact speed (down to 1/100th of a second) then whats the point in having speed stats at all?

I think that happen cause top player get better ball control as someone told before...i'm not sure but i think is that for this reason :)
Is there a cheap place to get this as a digital download for PS4?
Id like to keep my eye on download prices for when it comes down in price.
Morning Guys, Hope you all had a good weekend.
Seems after our discussion last week,m Daniel Henry of WENB fame is lurking in here, either that or he has a tell tale little friend reporting back to him, as I awoke Saturday Morning to find a Private Message in my Twitter inbox from Daniel Henry telling me he has had reports of me bad mouthing him on Evo-Web, and to 'keep his name out of my mouth'.

I obviously had to set him straight by informing him that his name came up in discussion on here, and that I added comments to the fact that he was a liar and just a Konami PR puppet, to which he claimed that he has never lied, only passed on information about the game given to him, which we all know, is a lie, again.
Anyway, enough of the playground stuff but just found it amusing.

Can you not see the posts even if you are not logged in?
Anyway, Im sure he is still having a look in here, one way or another. Its not a rocket science to create a lurking account.

Im not sure how they can deny lying to people..

- fotoshoping screenshots
- saying ML is breath of fresh air both on the pitch and off the pitch
- claiming improved and magic moments with players ID's, when every team and every player plays the same.
- hiding removal of D2's till few days before release, and confirming it only after someone investigated game code.
- dynamic lightning, which is nowhere to be seen.
- claiming improved transfers, when they are more broken than ever.

And these are just a few out of the hat..

And Daniel saying he never lied? He has been asked a lot of questions in here and was dodging answers in most cases. In court, withdrawing informations is equal offense as lying. All he was doing was praising the game, when he knew exactly how limited and broken it was.

Sometimes I wonder, do they actually believe in what they are saying? Coz apparently, if you lie to yourself long enough you start believing in it..

Fact is, PES19 has a potential to be the best PES game since ps2 era.
Another fact is, PES19 has the worst offensive AI i have ever seen in PES series. Ever.
The only question is - will they open their eyes, admit it, and release a patch to allow PES19 to get up to its potential, or will they live in their little pink bubble and wait till it all crumbles.
I have never seen so many negative comments on PES pages. People are on the edge of turning their backs to them and never looking back. So if they are planning to fix it all in PES20 - it might be too late then. A lot of offline players wont even bother to test it.

Time to act, Daniel, tell your friends, tell their bosses. Its not bad mouthing, its reality. Hope you see this and hope you guys have some common sense.
Regarding League mode,which I played a lot on 16&18
It's exactly like ML,but without transfers,you can't do any,and the roster you start with is the same you play year in and year out.
Nope,no live updates will mess with your rosters.

The catch up bug is there and it's not.
If you play on professional difficulty,which is the difficulty that let the CPU play the best,it's also the level that dumbs you down (hum) the most,which will lead to catch up at times.
Professional doesn't just make the CPU less effective,it also lets you be less sharp.
That's how ive experienced it since Pes 11 and every game after that.

One thing I've noticed is regardless on how high your TS is,your players will be really unresponsive and horrible for a nr of games before being "normal" again.
That's how ive experienced it since at least Pes 15, probably some script built in

I have a few saves on each game (15-16-17-18-19)
The saves that have going on for 15-20 in to a ML play very good on all games.
But restart one,same team,same players,pretty much same TS,the game plays different,your players are not as responsive as those half a season in.

My Roma (Pes 19) TS 87 team strength 86 plays like amateurs Vs any team,same team 10 games later,very snappy and responding well
@Emroth I agree with everything you said, but as we are being honest and open...

- dynamic lightning, which is nowhere to be seen.

I experienced this last night, played a night match at the Stadio San Juanario, it started off sunny, then turned dusky, then dark, and the floodlights came on. really nice effect.
@Emroth I agree with everything you said, but as we are being honest and open...

- dynamic lightning, which is nowhere to be seen.

I experienced this last night, played a night match at the Stadio San Juanario, it started off sunny, then turned dusky, then dark, and the floodlights came on. really nice effect.
Ok. Granted. But if you are talking about bringing dynamic lightning as one of the main new features in your game, you dont do this on handful of stadiums..
Thats the way it works, right? Only few selected stadiums?
Im not sure myself. I only know that I already started ML few times in few leagues (italy, holland, spain), played a lot of matches and havent seen it once.
Ok. Granted. But if you are talking about bringing dynamic lightning as one of the main new features in your game, you dont do this on handful of stadiums..
Thats the way it works, right? Only few selected stadiums?
Im not sure myself. I only know that I already started ML few times in few leagues (italy, holland, spain), played a lot of matches and havent seen it once.

Correct mate, must be stadium specific, as that's first time I've seen it too.
When i looked at the stadium after, on the stadium select screen before a match, you know the little weather icons that show up on the side of the stadium pic? to indicate what weather options are available?
Well this had a highlighted blue sun, can only imagine this meant dynamic lighting.

Will check later to see what others have it.

@Chris Davies Didn't think to record it at the time mate, wouldn't have worked in real time really as it gradually changes over the course of the game, so would have been a long vid and have had to have been sped up, ie a time lapse as you said, to really notice it.
[Update4] Issues Under Investigation
I am still having this problem. Well I did on Friday night and I don't think their has been any patches since then?

Constantly loads up, gets to near main menu then white screen and game closes.
I thought it was an issue with sider, but tried opened the game normally and it still does it. Anyone else still have this problem?
On a different note,it's a breath of fresh air playing Pes 18,that last patch has reduced chipped in passes.
And even if that game had the amount it had on release,still great to see a organic CPU offense.
Shooting,dribbling,mixing up attacks.
Glad I had an old save.
Regarding fixing ai on 19,I'm sure they will,and will they admit that it has issues,nope.
But I'm sure they will slip it in on a massive update,probably a stadium dlc without any notes of course.
@Emroth I agree with everything you said, but as we are being honest and open...

- dynamic lightning, which is nowhere to be seen.

I experienced this last night, played a night match at the Stadio San Juanario, it started off sunny, then turned dusky, then dark, and the floodlights came on. really nice effect.

there isnt dynamic lighting in real time. 1st half in dusk and 2nd is in night in certain stadiums. including San Juanario and San Siro
Are there any (PS4) option files that make an effort to remove all duplicates and all fake players?

Not the perfect place to ask, but I can see a load of option files that have great kits and everything else, but none that categorically state all of the duplicates and fakes are "fixed".

100% wouldn't be interested in starting a Master League with the risk of dupes popping up (easy to find them too if it's still like it was when I was patching PES 2017 - once all the real player names are in, you just create a quick ML save and go into the transfer bit, ordering all players by A-Z if I remember rightly - but actually removing those fake players other than mass-transferring them to the fake teams that won't appear in ML and then running out of room for them all was a nightmare).
there isnt dynamic lighting in real time. 1st half in dusk and 2nd is in night in certain stadiums. including San Juanario and San Siro

Dynamic, by definition, is characterized by constant change. If the shadows are not moving in real time and its not getting dusky, then its not really dynamic, isnt it?

I honestly dont care much about dynamic lightning. At this point I just want a playable game, in which Im not firefighting AI low crossing. I want to start the match not knowing what to expect from other team.
At the moment, even if we limit most of the crosses, it takes away all the fun, as we know exactly how AI team will behave.
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