PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

If they fix this.

If they fix that. Yada yada yada.

Stop all this moaning.

The solution is in post #3104.

Do you see it?

I'm not going to spell it out for you. Please for the love of sweet (insert deity here) tell me you see it.

The way to go, literally is to keep spouting those type of posts.
Talk about the game, not other people.Your one of the crowd, not above it.

Do you see it?
I'm not going to spell it out for you.

Oh I just did.

don't let yourself get paranoid over one guy!! ;)
The way to go, literally is to keep spouting those type of posts.
Talk about the game, not other people.Your one of the crowd, not above it.

Do you see it?
I'm not going to spell it out for you.

Oh I just did.

You see, superleeds/Tom.

If you read my posts you'll understand my predicament. I am like you - I want a better PES game - I don't want to see players paying money and then having login difficulties. Do I just ignore and move on? Or do I stay and help improve this situation?

I bring my experiences/understanding/interactions with forum users to the table.

Instead of criticising me, I'll wait for someone to read post #3104 and tell me/us if they see a solution.
don't let yourself get paranoid over one guy!! ;)

Dunno. Unless we're in front of the winner of the 2018 Jekyll vs. Hyde trophy, I think he's not that Daniel.

I mean, that Daniel would've never described PES like this. Rather, he would've preferred being tortured.

Just kidding, you guys. I'm still mentally fine!
Have you guys played in the night/rainy.. actually looks very good, wet turfs shows kind of reflection effect from stadium spot lights.. i don't remember this was the case last year ?

It is in its own better than other part of the game. :SNACK:
Played Fifa demo last night and man, am I glad that I bought PES. Despite its faults it plays beautifully. The player moment, the speed, Everything feels natural at least. I just could not even finish one match in that demo before closing it.
Praying and hoping at least there will be a patch to fix few stuffs up now.

Well at least you gave it a chance.
Have you guys played in the night/rainy.. actually looks very good, wet turfs shows kind of reflection effect from stadium spot lights.. i don't remember this was the case last year ?

It is in its own better than other part of the game. :SNACK:

Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes with subtle graphical updates. I can't see past the shit AI.
Haven't seen anything that suggests AI changes post patch, I have had better luck dealing with it but it's simply me becoming better at the game and the ML team spirit rising since the start.
It's because he is closely affiliated with Konami and works for the company that arranges the PES League events.

He wants you to like the game because it directly benefits him personally. If PES dies, so dies PES League. This is why I have never given his words credibility and have always challenged him on forums.

Sorry for :OT:, like. Moving on...

I keep getting urges to put the game on but when I do I tend to just sit there at the menu and don't actually know what I want to do. There's nothing that grabs me within the game. Shows how limited the package is; not to compare to FIFA but playing that demo and seeing some of the clips (the retro match, complete with John Motson on commentary, in The Journey) highlights the massive gulf between the two games.

Yes, gameplay is king but when one game offers decent gameplay but absolutely nothing else and the other offers gameplay that isn't that great but has plenty of options to customise gameplay to your taste, plus absolutely piles of content (not talking licences), then is there any doubt which offers the best experience?

Konami have so much to do and they aren't going to do it.

There are ways and means to go about things, the way he goes on about this stuff is all wrong. He knew what he was doing on WENB, he was sly and antagonistic and some people fell for it and others maybe enjoyed it.

It’s no coincidence those forums were shut down and it’s pleasing to see the guys who run this place see right through it. It’s a narrative thing, “the haters” “they are mean” “aggressive” “too set in their ways”. It’s all designed to deflect but in the end it’s a detriment to the benefit of the thing we care about, the series itself.

The worst thing a company can do is surround itself with sycophants, phoneys, creeps. Nothing ever truly gets better.
Nik and Philla and I had many a bump with Daniel over on WENB, calling him out for all his crap, he would never straight answer anything, then would private message me saying 'i respect you bro, but i promise stuff will be fixed, please tell the others, they listen to you' ...... which made me LMFAO !
Then he formed a little clique with Curdie and PesMunki and thought he was billy big boots. sad really. He's just yet another Konami puppet that will say anything positive about the game to protect his perks.

Moving on ....

There is absolutely no AI change since the last patch, none at all, thats fact.
LCS1 and LCS2 are still massively evident in every match, completely ruining the offline experience and making the game unplayable.

Yet Konami say they are investigating ML transfers only. Great. 99% of people have started a ML by now, the f*cked up transfers have all happened, so they are playing in a ML environment which is hugely unrealistic.
Konami said 'This will be rectified through the next or later update file(s).' - meaning we could be waiting ages!

What do we do then? All start a new ML from scratch and waste months just to get the transfers how they should have been from the start?

We need to all buck our ideas up and learn from many years of mistakes, and stop regarding PES through rose tinted glasses.
Konami do not care about offline, they will do nothing to sort the piss poor AI.
Konami always fail, every single year, the demo one product and release a totally different one.
The game hardly any modes, hardly any licenses, and is a very weak package overall, yet what is there, they always manage to mess up.

broken transfers
broken AI
broken servers
etc etc.

Going against the grain here but I dont care because its my own views and im entitled to them, but I played 5 matches on the FIFA 19 demo last night, and thoroughly enjoyed them.
In those 5 matches i experienced:
- being part of a big game match day atmosphere, both through intelligent commentary and presentation
- fouls
- forced in-game injuries
- A penalty
- decent non-repetitive AI attacks

The FIFA 19 demo felt more finished than the whole of PES 19's retail package.
All this BS about Konami having limited resources etc, they posted operating profits of 30 billion yen for year ending March 2018. That's 204 million pounds sterling.

204 million profit - if they don't have the resources to invest in PES, its purely because they don't want to, and what they do invest is told to go straight into MyClub to re-monetize.

I've spent the last 6 months rebuilding, upgrading and redesigning my website, converting all kits to PES 19 format, hand drawing and creating over 50 bespoke kits for PES 2019, and plenty of retro kits, plus taking requests via the website for custom kits from people, all which I have done for free.
I worked through my lunch break, stayed late, had nights off the gym, sat in bed with the macbook til 1am, just to get kits made for people, all in the excitement and anticipation of playing PES 2019 and Master League.

The demo arrives, looks very promising, then the full game and guess what, we have all been screwed royally once again.
If we dare ask a question or feedback, no matter how polite and constructively, on social media, all we get is one of 3 things:
- ignored
- blocked
- roasted by the MyClub community that all want to protect their perks.

Time to stop lads.
Got to say, hats off, they've not responded so quickly to an issue before - and I wasn't expecting any patch at all this year (I think a drop in sales might have scared them into this).

Just hoping that A) the patch doesn't take as long as last year's "fouls patch" took (which then didn't fix a single thing) - and B) that they do an AI patch after that.

If they do, then I'm in, with bells on. I'll tell everyone it's the best game ever. I'll start a podcast called I Love Konami. Whatever they want. But if they don't, I still can't get anything out of the game.
They're unbelievable. The game is so predictable that it's boring to the point where fixing the transfers won't make a jot of difference. They literally have no concept of prioritising. They haven't even acknowledged it as a fault which is utterly ridiculous.
I am happy that they responded and they are aware of this issues but AI issue should be above all this becouse it`s gameplay issue itself, most of the the time we spend is on field, not on modes. If AI gets fixed I will gladly wait month more and play regular league but will enjoy the game! We all know that AI bugs can easily be fixed, they only need to reduce the wing attacks and will be great game to play!
Got to say, hats off, they've not responded so quickly to an issue before - and I wasn't expecting any patch at all this year (I think a drop in sales might have scared them into this).

Just hoping that A) the patch doesn't take as long as last year's "fouls patch" took (which then didn't fix a single thing) - and B) that they do an AI patch after that.

If they do, then I'm in, with bells on. I'll tell everyone it's the best game ever. I'll start a podcast called I Love Konami. Whatever they want. If they don't, I still can't get anything out of the game.

Chris - I'm hoping this was a half humourous, sarcasm laden comment?
Surely a multi hundred million dollar global games developer should be releasing a soccer simulation product with the very basic core fundamentals of the sport, such as transfers, working correctly?
If anything this should have been a priority patch on day 2, or 3 as soon as it was highlighted, along with PC disconnects.

Instead of putting resource into making a video showing off a peach melba coloured Barca 3rd shirt, numerous featured myclub players tweets, and other garbage.
They should have had Tasanuka Fijiota or whatever the f*ck his name is, Kei Masuda, or something, the cleaner, the janitor and Bhatti's Gran in that office working their tits off so the game actually shipped in a stable, useable state.
The AI feedback is at a volume, that I can't imagine them not fixing it.

Whatever the future is for PES, I don't see them as a company who can survive that form for negativity. But.. If some company should surprise in that area it would be Konami.

I really hope they can fix it. I would actually s
use a lot of time with it. Hasn't really been the case in the PS4-Era. Maybe with 2017.
Chris - I'm hoping this was a half humourous, sarcasm laden comment?
No - they (the devs) have admitted fault, by announcing a patch.

That's huge in my books. Yes they did it last year with the fouls patch, but it took a lot of convincing. (Then it took months to come out and fixed nothing at all, so who knows what will happen.)

But as I say, it still means nothing to me personally if the AI still plays the same football no matter what and hammers low-crosses and tap-in goals. (Nobody tell me it can be fixed through editing, because all you're doing by changing a team's strategy settings is limiting the already-limited playing styles you're going to see from the AI. EDIT: It's just plugging one hole while making another.)

I genuinely can't see them fixing the low-cross stuff - because for that, they'll have to admit that their gameplay is at fault on some level, and I think they'll claim that's a matter of opinion anyway* (whereas West Ham selling half their squad before game one can be proven much more easily).

*There's enough evidence to prove that it isn't just "opinions", but there are enough variables there for Konami to say "it's the way you're playing the game" or whatever.

The AI feedback is at a volume, that I can't imagine them not fixing it.
They didn't fix the fouls issue. They released a patch for it, but they didn't fix it.
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No - they (the devs) have admitted fault, by announcing a patch.

That's huge in my books. Yes they did it last year with the fouls patch, but it took a lot of convincing. (Then it took months to come out and fixed nothing at all, so who knows what will happen.)

But as I say, it still means nothing to me personally if the AI still plays the same football no matter what and hammers low-crosses and tap-in goals. (Nobody tell me it can be fixed through editing, because all you're doing by changing a team's strategy settings is limiting the already-limited playing styles you're going to see from the AI.)

I genuinely can't see them fixing the low-cross stuff - because for that, they'll have to admit that their gameplay is at fault on some level, and I think they'll claim that's a matter of opinion anyway* (whereas West Ham selling half their squad before game one can be proven much more easily).

*There's enough evidence to prove that it isn't just "opinions", but there are enough variables there for Konami to say "it's the way you're playing the game" or whatever.

They didn't fix the fouls issue. They released a patch for it, but they didn't fix it.

You are destroying my weekend mate.
No - they (the devs) have admitted fault, by announcing a patch.

That's huge in my books. Yes they did it last year with the fouls patch, but it took a lot of convincing. (Then it took months to come out and fixed nothing at all, so who knows what will happen.)

But as I say, it still means nothing to me personally if the AI still plays the same football no matter what and hammers low-crosses and tap-in goals. (Nobody tell me it can be fixed through editing, because all you're doing by changing a team's strategy settings is limiting the already-limited playing styles you're going to see from the AI.)

I genuinely can't see them fixing the low-cross stuff - because for that, they'll have to admit that their gameplay is at fault on some level, and I think they'll claim that's a matter of opinion anyway* (whereas West Ham selling half their squad before game one can be proven much more easily).

*There's enough evidence to prove that it isn't just "opinions", but there are enough variables there for Konami to say "it's the way you're playing the game" or whatever.

They didn't fix the fouls issue. They released a patch for it, but they didn't fix it.

Thats the whole point, Fouls were a major issue last year, had been for several years but last year was the worst, if we hadnt made a fuss about it, they would never have taken it onboard themselves and improved the game, all they did was pay lip service, tell us they had released a patch when in actual truth they had done nothing. More lies.

If they had done even one tiny bit of pre-release quality testing they would have seen the ML transfers issue straight away, and could have fixed it for release, but they didnt, they test nothing, offline doesn't matter, as long as MyClub gets tons of PR and makes them money, the rest is dead, and just padding.

AI wont be fixed, and fixing broken ML transfers weeks/months after release when everyone has already started ML is not a massive gesture, its piss poor.
AI wont be fixed, and fixing broken ML transfers weeks/months after release when everyone has already started ML is not a massive gesture, its piss poor.
The alternative is not to fix anything. (Don't get me wrong, they may well not fix anything, like the fouls patch - but surely this acknowledgement from the devs and not just the social media team is better than them disappearing until PES 2020 is released, which wouldn't be the first time.)

Not that I'm buying the game until the AI stuff is acknowledged, because fixed transfers doesn't fix the gameplay experience, obviously. But (a little) credit where credit's due.
Luckily enough fouls seem fixed now in 2019 (can't talk about penalties, I still haven't had one).
I don't know why, though, but I used to have my fair share of fouls in PES 2017 too (both with PC and Xbox One).

it's 2016 and 2018 where referees were almost non-existent for me. I mean, in 2016 you could actually shot your opponents down with a rifle and the ref would say "I saw nothing, play on".
The alternative is not to fix anything. (Don't get me wrong, they may well not fix anything, like the fouls patch - but surely this acknowledgement from the devs and not just the social media team is better than them disappearing until PES 2020 is released, which wouldn't be the first time.)

Not that I'm buying the game until the AI stuff is acknowledged, because fixed transfers doesn't fix the gameplay experience, obviously. But (a little) credit where credit's due.

I see where you are coming from mate, and if it was a one off, I'd be with you, give credit where its due for acknowledging and fixing, but it isnt.

The fact that they did no quality testing at all, then put out official screenshots on Twitter showing it was broken, then photoshopped the pic, rather than fix the issue, then still released the product in a broken state, knowing it was broken, then waited 2 weeks for people to point it out yet again, before even acknowledging it, and it could still be weeks/months before we see a fix ..... deserves absolutely no credit at all as far as I'm concerned.

Lies and cover ups does not earn respect.
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