Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Gerd really does surprise me sometimes and is often way too exagerrated with his opinions imo. Zlatan & Van Persie not world class, Gerrard no Liverpool legend and they should sell him, etc.

It's obvious you dislike Stevie G mate just as you do certain other players and so in your eyes, no matter what they do/have done or will accomplish will ever be enough.

Gerrard is the symbol of Liverpool football club and even though no longer the player he was and definitely past his prime, he should and will stay with the club for probably the rest of his career and still has a lot to give. Definitely as a leader and experienced personality even more so than on the pitch and what club would buy Gerrard right now anyway? And how much would they pay for him? Not much. His market value is no longer high due to age, recent injury problems and looking like he's over the hill and he'll be far more valuable to the club he loves and the club that loves him at Liverpool than at any other club. And I don't believe they'd be able to get much for transfer fees from him anyway and who's interested ? Honestly? Does Real and Chelsea want him now like they did a few years ago? I don't think so.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Not sure I've seen as good a substitute performance in a long time as Gerrard is giving here. PERFECT passes to Carroll, creating space and a very well taken goal.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

i knew he would chainge us... i knew with one cross match before that if he playes full time, he will deliver fantastic passes..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

gotta feel for Carroll looked so desperate for a goal. Bellamy`s 2nd goal ,he had a look of a depress state. Yelling at every other player that doesn`t give him the ball in the box was funny even near the end not sure how he got himself in such a awkward position ,but Downing took a chance on open empty net, rightly so! Carroll was fuming at Downing poor fella I think if he was any other player he would of scored a bucket load. It goes to show how much confident play into it . Gerrard gave Carroll so many good balls too .
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I agree with Dags. Brilliant Gerrard! In a cameo appearance and coming off an injury, he was as great as he could've been.

Carroll missed a couple good chances and his touch let him down for what was a GORGEOUS pass from Stevie G but also worked hard and cause some trouble for Coloccini and co with his size. Was unlucky to hit the bar as well, that had a goal written all over it.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

To think we got Bellamy for FREE..

thanks city, he´s like 15 m. player atm...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Skrtl has looked really great of late

Gerrard showed class again. The quality of passing he shown when he came on

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

To think we got Bellamy for FREE..

thanks city, he´s like 15 m. player atm...
We got him for free because City has better players than him and wanted to offload his contract. Anyway, as he is 32, his value wouldnt be more than 5M ....
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

We got him for free because City has better players than him and wanted to offload his contract. Anyway, as he is 32, his value wouldnt be more than 5M ....

He's still better than some of the crop at city, He was there player of the season when he was getting played for them but i agree his value would be lower due to age, still can influence games which is most important
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Gerrard was brilliant, seemed a level above even when returning from injury.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

We got him for free because City has better players than him and wanted to offload his contract. Anyway, as he is 32, his value wouldnt be more than 5M ....

i´m not saying his real value is 15 m. but i consider his value for the club being that of a player who would cost that much...

Bellamy is here only for two reasons. Becouse Cardiff didn´t make it in to PL and becouse Kenny wanted him back..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Gerrard rolled back the years.....
he was such a threat down the right wing....superb delivery...
Carroll will surely start scoring with those kind of crosses..
And a great goal too.

Glad he became fit at the right time....when we needed goals.

Bellamy...well the "wee man" is an intelligent and committed player
whose first goal was a superb finish....but 2nd goal a bit lucky...
but he deserved it..he was one of our best players....his set piece
delivery was better than Adam...

we deserved the win.....Skrtel..hats off for the clearance.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

you can still see gerrard is not firing on all cylinders but still just coming back from a nasty injury he has shown the quality

his sprinting and bursts are obviously not there yet but his class still is.

he will only get better, hope he stays injury free for the rest of his career.

LFC owe him a premiership title
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Bellamy is only 32 years of age....and even if his pace
goes down....he makes up by his footballing intelligence
and team-play.

If Giggs can still play at 38 yrs....then I would guess
that Bellamy who seems very fit and if he can be injury-free
relatively...then he can play at the top level for atleast 2-3 yrs

So he is easily worth 10million.....and he just is so much
more effective than some other players like Downing who don't contribute much.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Good performance...and finally someone who realises how to create for Carroll. Really makes you wonder, are the players that thick....or aren't they being trained? Within 45min. Gerrard created more Carroll chances than most of the other players have this season. It's not that hard, high fast crosses or very high floated crosses. He finally looked like a dangerous striker again when Gerrard came on. Wasn't surprised to see him give Enrique a bollocking at the end for that low near post cross. Just chip it up to the back!

The jury is still out whether he will come good, but atleast play to his strenghts! And a great Sktrl clearance, probably won Liverpool the match with that.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I have nothing against Gerrard. How could i, i don't even know the man.
What i am saying is that people are way too quick to label a player a legend. It takes perspective and hindsight to do this. Being a legend for a club is also not necessarily being a top class player. I watch football for 40 years and sometimes i have the feeling that people tend to exagerate the importance of current players. It is not because right now a player is fantastic, that he will be seen as fantastic in 20 years. But all that is not important.

I don't like the reactions about what is merely an opinion...i have the right to state my opinion even if it is complete bullshit. I don't care if people say that it is complete bullshit (if often is, like most of the things said on an internet forum, otherwise we would all be managers of big clubs, no?). But what i don't like is the fact that people are searching for a hidden agenda or think that because i think Gerrard is overrated that i hate Gerrard. In all fairness, i don't hate anybody, not even persons i actually know in person.
I can understand that Liverpool fans are absolutely fond of Gerrard as he only played for Liverpool and indeed is a very good player. What i was saying was that it would be economically not bad for Liverpool to sell him now...this is absolutely the right moment. I can understand that this shocks some people because as a Liverpool fan they absolutely love football. I stated in another thread that football is all about sentiment and i still think that is the case...but sometimes it's not bad to be a litle bit rational about things like that. After all, when Gerrard's active carreer is over, Liverpool can offer him a place in the staff of the club...
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I have nothing against Gerrard. How could i, i don't even know the man.
What i am saying is that people are way too quick to label a player a legend. It takes perspective and hindsight to do this. Being a legend for a club is also not necessarily being a top class player. I watch football for 40 years and sometimes i have the feeling that people tend to exagerate the importance of current players. It is not because right now a player is fantastic, that he will be seen as fantastic in 20 years. But all that is not important.

I don't like the reactions about what is merely an opinion...i have the right to state my opinion even if it is complete bullshit. I don't care if people say that it is complete bullshit (if often is, like most of the things said on an internet forum, otherwise we would all be managers of big clubs, no?). But what i don't like is the fact that people are searching for a hidden agenda or think that because i think Gerrard is overrated that i hate Gerrard. In all fairness, i don't hate anybody, not even persons i actually know in person.
I can understand that Liverpool fans are absolutely fond of Gerrard as he only played for Liverpool and indeed is a very good player. What i was saying was that it would be economically not bad for Liverpool to sell him now...this is absolutely the right moment. I can understand that this shocks some people because as a Liverpool fan they absolutely love football. I stated in another thread that football is all about sentiment and i still think that is the case...but sometimes it's not bad to be a litle bit rational about things like that. After all, when Gerrard's active carreer is over, Liverpool can offer him a place in the staff of the club...

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

From the FA's independent commission ruling on the Suarez case:

"In the goalmouth, Mr Evra and Mr Suarez spoke to each other in Spanish. Mr Evra asked Mr Suarez why he had kicked him, referring to the foul five minutes previously. Mr Suarez replied "Porque tu eres negro", meaning "Because you are black". Mr Evra then said to Mr Suarez “say it to me again, I’m going to punchyou”. Mr Suarez replied "No hablo con los negros", meaning "I don't speak to blacks". Mr Evra continued by saying that he now thought he was going to punch Mr Suarez. Mr Suarez replied "Dale, negro, negro, negro", which meant "okay, blackie, blackie, blackie". As Mr Suarez said this, he reached out to touch Mr Evra's arm, gesturing at his skin. Mr Kuyt then intervened. When the referee blew his whistle and called the players over to him shortly after the exchanges in the goalmouth, Mr Evra said to the referee "ref, ref, he just called me a fucking black"."

And the flipside:

"Mr Suarez denied the Charge. His case, in short, was as follows. He agreed with Mr Evra
that they spoke to each other in Spanish in the goalmouth. When Mr Evra asked why he
had kicked him, Mr Suarez replied that it was a normal foul and shrugged his shoulders.
Mr Evra then said that he was going to kick Mr Suarez, to which Mr Suarez told him to
shut up. As Mr Kuyt was approaching, Mr Suarez touched Mr Evra's left arm in a
pinching style movement. According to Mr Suarez, at no point in the goalmouth did he
use the word "negro". When the referee blew his whistle to stop play, Mr Evra spoke to Mr Suarez and said (in English) "Don't touch me, South American". Mr Suarez replied "Por
que, negro?". He says that he used the word “negro” in a way with which he was familiar
from his upbringing in Uruguay. In this sense, Mr Suarez claimed, it is used as a noun and as a friendly form of address to people seen as black or brown-skinned (or even just blackhaired). Thus, it meant "Why, black?" Mr Suarez maintained that when he said "Por que, negro?" to Mr Evra, it was intended in a conciliatory and friendly way. Mr Suarez said this 6 was the only time that he used the word “negro” in his exchanges with Mr Evra during the match."
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Wow! Well the Suarez's second story sounds more believable but if the first one is the case, the Suarez went WAY over the border and deserves the very big ban.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

interesting points the FA`s event is damaging , So this was the evidence by one omission or a recording of the incident .You can see how in Spanish you can use it in a negative way in a non-synonym matter (spell the same that could be used differently )just to really make a case or you can see how innocent it was used. ¿Porque negro? is very common ,but... Almost like saying I can`t touch you? Why not love? In that way he was being sarcastic.

I assume Suarez was playing mind games not letting Evra get to him and you can see Evra was really put off by it. I don`t like Evra ,but calling Suarez South-American! where`s the insult in that ?!:LOL:
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Who needs Suarez ...we scored 3 !!
Let him be banned and come back more wiser...not to use these words or kick and cheat...

if he did say that...then he deserves the ban....anyway it's a good break for him...and
maybe the Gerrard-Carroll axis will be more fine-tuned..

After today's year-ending results....HAPPY NEW YEAR !!

United lost...Chelsea lost...Spurs drew...

and we scored 3 !!
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

The important bits from the ruling are here:

Mr Evra was a credible witness. He gave his evidence in a calm, composed and clear way. It was, for the most part, consistent, although both he and Mr Suarez were understandably unable to remember every detail of the exchanges between them.
'Mr Suarez's evidence was unreliable in relation to matters of critical importance. It was, in part, inconsistent with the contemporaneous evidence, especially the video footage.

For example, Mr Suarez said that he pinched Mr Evra's skin in an attempt to defuse the situation. He also said that his use of the word 'negro' to address Mr Evra was conciliatory and friendly. We rejected that evidence.
'To describe his own behaviour in that way was unsustainable and simply incredible given that the players were engaged in an acrimonious argument. That this was put forward by Mr Suarez was surprising and seriously undermined the reliability of his evidence on other matters.
'There were also inconsistencies between his accounts given at different times as to what happened.'

I think what riles me the most after seeing all this is the way that someone (presumably from LFC) was leaking stuff to the press that wasn't true - such as it being 'Negrito' when it was in fact negro, or that Evra said 'sudaca' when both players agree he said South American in English. From the beginning it's looked to me like Liverpool tried to play this really dirty imo, and I'm just fascinated that now the 115 report is out there the majority of hardcore Liverpool fans are still supporting Suarez. He'd of been hung out to dry by United in my opinion.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

The important bits from the ruling are here:

Mr Evra was a credible witness. He gave his evidence in a calm, composed and clear way. It was, for the most part, consistent, although both he and Mr Suarez were understandably unable to remember every detail of the exchanges between them.
'Mr Suarez's evidence was unreliable in relation to matters of critical importance. It was, in part, inconsistent with the contemporaneous evidence, especially the video footage.

For example, Mr Suarez said that he pinched Mr Evra's skin in an attempt to defuse the situation. He also said that his use of the word 'negro' to address Mr Evra was conciliatory and friendly. We rejected that evidence.
'To describe his own behaviour in that way was unsustainable and simply incredible given that the players were engaged in an acrimonious argument. That this was put forward by Mr Suarez was surprising and seriously undermined the reliability of his evidence on other matters.
'There were also inconsistencies between his accounts given at different times as to what happened.'

I think what riles me the most after seeing all this is the way that someone (presumably from LFC) was leaking stuff to the press that wasn't true - such as it being 'Negrito' when it was in fact negro, or that Evra said 'sudaca' when both players agree he said South American in English. From the beginning it's looked to me like Liverpool tried to play this really dirty imo, and I'm just fascinated that now the 115 report is out there the majority of hardcore Liverpool fans are still supporting Suarez. He'd of been hung out to dry by United in my opinion.

I agree....I have been disappointed as a Liverpool fan myself to see
both the manager and the Club and the supporters rabidly support
Suarez...and make false accusations against Evra without seeing the facts....
although to be fair some on this board have supported Suarez because
of the FA's inconsistency..

To be supporting Suarez's position that he used the word "negro"
in a "friendly" way just when you are having an argument
in a tense naive and inconsistent on both LFC and Suarez' part.
..and the FA were correct in punishing him for that.

LFC have incorrectly accused Evra of false accusation in the Chelsea
match few years ago....when in fact it was not Evra who made the
accusation but Mike Phelan.

Suarez needs to learn his lesson...
he may not be a racist....but he is very naughty and
he is too controversial and shows up the dark side of the game
too often with his diving and whining, etc..

Anyone accusing Suarez of being a racist should be sued...
because Suarez was punished for using insulting words pertaining to the color of Evra.
They are not the same thing...
The FA have not accused Suarez of being racist
If Suarez is going around calling names to any player of dark skin...then he's racist.
But he has not done that...

Liverpool should just shut up and make sure Suarez gets the message
that he has to keep his mouth shut and focus on letting his goals
do the talking...

Hope the new year sees LFC and Dalglish doing the latter.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

we have serious chance for 4th place if we manage to score more.. we already have one of best PL defence line imho.. with Stevie back, i have faith for a good year, hopefully our rivals drop more points like today!

about Suarez, do they have any evidence yet?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Well said Mathewsss.

Pool look in decent shape for the league, though coming fourth will still mean finishing above Chelsea, who in theory are a much better outfit tbh. Should very interesting.

I'm just enjoying having so many teams that are all pretty good for once (rather than 2 running away with it as has been the norm for years).
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Well, the ref for Arsenal gave Vermaelen yellow when it was Kosc that did the yellow offense . When the play stop the ref showed Vermaelen the card he was in shocked. Just imagine if both players were dark complexion :P
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