Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Overwhelming? Not in any way, it's still "he said, she said". Nobody else heard these comments, no video evidence, they went with Evra for no reason other than it being "possible"'. The whole report is filled with "possible", "probably" and "probable" but wheres the hard evidence? None of this possible rubbish, where's actual evidence where it's proven without doubt?

really man? so its normal for you to pinch someone in a heated argument to "calm" them down, even suarez admited this, he obviously is full of shit...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Liverpool had a chance to diffuse the entire situation after the match, but instead decided to go on the offensive, Dalglish himself wanted Evra punished before hearing any evidence, Claiming he had done this sort of thing before, which legally is libellous. Press leaks,Claiming he used Negrito which now looks absolutely ridiculous, the Statement and T-shirts, laughable.
He will never walk alone.........
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Classy. Starring out a letter makes it nicer too.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

This thread is getting way overboard lol ..

Great week for LFC, not in the Suarez front but I believe now after all the evidence is shown is that LFC would accept the penalty and move on.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Overboard are some emotions, becouse of this "did he? or did he not? thing".. let the court deciede, becouse i doubt the club will leave this be as it is now...

What lineup do you predict against City? I think Bellamy definetly starts..but something tells me we will rest some players for league.. i would try out Maxi - Suarez - Bellamy up front..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

The only thing I can compare it to is when I see parents of kids back home in Bermuda speaking after their children have been convicted by a court of a crime. They always say 'My angel would never have done the things he was accused of.' Always.

Doesn't matter if a judge ruled that way given the evidence.

I genuinely had waaayyyy more respect for LFC before this incident. I also cannot fathom how John Henry - who has been a really big figure in racism in baseball - has let all this happen the way it has.

But hey, some Pool fans seem to believe:

Evra makes up racist stuff all the time, and has done it 3 times before
The word used was Negrito, which is commonplace and used all the time in Uruguay
Suarez was just trying to be nice and diffuse the situation by pinching Evra and calling him black
It wouldn't matter anyway because the FA were out to get LFC
And that is because Sir Alex Ferguson runs the whole thing
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It is true that Evra is no angel, he is as big an arsehole as Suarez (which is huge).
But about the "inconsistency" between nigger and negro...come you really want to use this as an argument?

Liverpool fans and Man Utd fans are throwing the blame around. Instead of doing that, just think about football as a whole. Man Utd would do the same as Liverpool if Evra was Suarez and Liverpool would do the same if Suarez was Evra. If things were the opposite Man Utd fans would behave like Liverpool fans and vice versa...

The worst thing about this that all this discussion is not about principles but about short term advantages for this club or another and most fans just go along with it... blindly without thinking twice. I remember Liverpool fans agreeing that Suarez should be punished if he said racist things...right at the moment nothing is proven, but Suarez looks pretty indefendable to me now...just imagine that this was about John Terry with the same amount of facts. Would you defend him? No you wouldn't you would exactly like the Man Utd fans...

I' m afraid this says a lot about football...i love football, but the way it is run by the clubs now...just disgusting.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

to be honest i don´t care if Suarez get´s ban or did say this...i also think the club statement was over the top giving the fact we didn´t knew a lot..but on the other side, this statement could have been sorted in private rather than for Evra to make it public and destroy Suarez football there are hundrets of such things on dayly basis, it´s sport of big emotions who make people say things they don´t even mean in calm state... I don´t make the situation easyer but common, this things could be sorted in quiet way, LFC just made what they needed to prevent Suarez being the public enemy n.1 and as almost a KKK leader.... that most papers made him be... all this becouse Evra said he said something.. ok, it´s his right, but he also did things without class not looking on consequence... if Suarez was other mentality in reality, more could destroy his life..

what matter for me is we are winning even if we are apparently one man team..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It is true that Evra is no angel, he is as big an arsehole as Suarez (which is huge).

I' m afraid this says a lot about football...i love football, but the way it is run by the clubs now...just disgusting.

Yep, combine that with the people that RUN football and it's even more depressing. Wish so much I could give it up, but despite all the flaws and nastiness, it's still the best spectacle to watch imo.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yep, combine that with the people that RUN football and it's even more depressing. Wish so much I could give it up, but despite all the flaws and nastiness, it's still the best spectacle to watch imo.

Completely agree with you.

Pipa: Suarez don't needs Evra to make him look bad, he is doing a splendid job all by himself for a couple of years now.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

so Suarez can also play vs City ?

if yes I think we should start with






and FA ban Suarez for 8 matchs so WTF persons are still talking about this ? stop talking and lets go on untill ban finish or thing change (if will change)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yes, believe he can play against City - and then his first game back will be versus United...hrm...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I believe that Pool v United is in 8 matches time (including other Englsih comps) and that's why it works out that his first match back will be at OT.

I'm sure he'll get a lovely reception ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

RIP Gary Ablett.....a great leftback for LFC in the late 80s...

I have lost respect for Dalglish and Liverpool the club I support
with this Suarez incident and the way we constantly moan about
the referees not favoring us....

I will still support LFC the club and hope they win....
but part of me is hoping we go back to the Liverpool way
and with Dalglish of all people I hoped he would have done that...
but all I have is a sour taste...

The signing of Suarez was the beginning of the end....
we signed a player who was just banned for 7 games for biting
an opponent...

Now when I look back...the way Rafa was let go....the way Hodgson
was attacked by the fans......we have lost our class a while ago...
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

we signed a player who was just banned for 7 games for biting
an opponent...

lol forgot about that...

biting a player, racially abusing a player and not wanting to leave the fans out, flipped the finger at the fulham fans...

that suarez kid ey, hell of a guy!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Don't forget what he did to Ghana (And at that point all of Africa really as they were supporting them with other teams out) in the first World Cup EVER being held in Africa! :D :LMAO:
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It's just fact fans are defending him to death when he's in the wrong from what reports go by, When rooney swore and got fined/banned, did i defend him? nope, there only football players who we admire, but there not my cousins/family. suarez is really good footballer but he's done alot of bad thing in his life, end of day, how can any liverpool fan defend him or how can anyone attack him, only people who know what went down is suarez and evra, it's sad that this is still getting dragged out, i'm bored to death about it.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It's just fact fans are defending him to death when he's in the wrong from what reports go by, When rooney swore and got fined/banned, did i defend him? nope, there only football players who we admire, but there not my cousins/family. suarez is really good footballer but he's done alot of bad thing in his life, end of day, how can any liverpool fan defend him or how can anyone attack him, only people who know what went down is suarez and evra, it's sad that this is still getting dragged out, i'm bored to death about it.

That's our point. Utd fans are coming in here and calling him all kinds yet it's only "reports" with no actual evidence. If there was video footage, like there is of Terry, then ban Suarez for a year. But there isn't, and since when are people found guilty without actual evidence and just based on one persons word against another?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It's just fact fans are defending him to death when he's in the wrong from what reports go by, When rooney swore and got fined/banned, did i defend him? nope, there only football players who we admire, but there not my cousins/family. suarez is really good footballer but he's done alot of bad thing in his life, end of day, how can any liverpool fan defend him or how can anyone attack him, only people who know what went down is suarez and evra, it's sad that this is still getting dragged out, i'm bored to death about it.

I agree with that, it's dragging on and on, and it's become very partizan now, with a lot of Liverpool fans defending Suarez to the hilt and a lot of Man Utd fans baying for his blood, yet even in the FA Report it seems to be a case of one man's word against another's. As you say noone except Suarez and Evra knows what was said, and to be honest I wouldnt trust either of them since they've both behaved badly on more than one occasion in the past.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It's a litle bit too easy to put the blame on Man Utd fans dags...there are also neutrals who think Liverpool should stand above this vendetta between two litle shits.
Maybe you should read mathewss last in the continent Liverpool was perceived as a class club, that is why Liverpool is still more popular here than Utd.

I'm also very disappointed in Dalglish. I'm pretty sure in the future this will be seen as some sort of turning point...the energy he is loosing in this case will proof to be the beginning of the end. I was a very big fan of Dalglish (and at the time i was a Man Utd fan) and i must say i'm very disapplointed in the way he handles this.

Like i already said it's all about litle advantages (short term advantages) and not about principles.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

One man's word against the other?
Evra said he was called Negro.
Suarez said he called Evra Negro.
Comolli said Suarez called Evra Negro.
Kuyt said Surez called Evra Negro.
Dalglish and LFC claimed Evra has a history of making false accusations.
That's Five Men, and only one Lie
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Sigh. I'm not even bothering anymore. The one last thing I'll say is that if you think it was a racist comment just because of the word used then I'd class you as racist. The word used isn't always used as a negative slur and when they were talking in Spanish, he said "black". If he wanted to be racist, he'd just use the n word.

But why should be bother accepting other cultures and accepting how they speak? The BNP must be loving this. How dare Suarez speak in Spanish and use Spanish phrases which don't translate to an offensive word. In England? You MUST speak English from now on or run the risk of being called offensive or using racist language when in fact you're only speaking your natural tongue.

Next thing is the FA will charge peope just for uttering a foreign word.

Oh, and read the above posts by a Uruguayan professor who explains that the claims Evra made are basically full of shit seeing as he's making words that don't exist in the Spanish language and claiming that Suarez used a phrase that he'd not have ever used. You'd think the FA would've looked into this a bit more, but I suppose these "language experts" were from the University Of Manchester.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

The points you make may well be true dags, but they are not the point.
The point is that Suarez (regardless of the fact that he's a racist) is trouble with a big T. Just like Evra is full of shit.
The point is that Liverpool should not defend his attitude (in general).
The point is that with all his previous (in the Epl) he dserves a ban. Yes, things are said, yes most football players dive now and then. Yes some football players show the finger to opposite fans. But Suarez does it all in a matter of weeks. A couple of months on the side line will serve him well.

But even that is not the problem.

The problem is taht Liverpool even bother to defend this major arse hole, just like Man Utd thinks it's decent to defend that other litle shit.

Yesterday Lampard had the gravce to say he could have been sent off...that is class...and the fact that Chelsea prohibited it's players to wear Terry t-shirt, that is class from a nouveaux riche team...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Chelsea got the easier stick cause LFC just did the same thing first and able to learn from them, so no it's not class to Chelsea they got a free hindsight on what will happen to them if they do the same thing.
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