Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Fantastic post tik, thanks for that.

As for the match today. Liverpool were not that bad (and it is a joke to blame the new signings when the experienced captain makes a big mistake), but they barely were able to create chances. You can never win a match if you can't create chances. I'm still watching the match at the moment (85th minute) and the ref did nothing wrong.

Skrtel is not good enough (for those who doubt: compare him to real good CB's like Piqué, Vidic or Kompany...) for a team like Liverpool.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Downing is so frustrating, along with Henderson and Enrique. He can defend but he can't attack. I thought he could because he can bomb forward, but he doesn't do anything with it.

Adam will never be good enough for LFC
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

soft pen slightess touch and looked outside the box. I saw gervinho much more goal threaten not get it. So, it wasn`t a game changer anyways.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Am I the only one who thinks Enrique is wasteful when he goes forward, he's got some much energy but at the end he does nothing ..
I hate watching Liverpool when Suarez is not playing, he makes our game so much more attractive and he'll be missed BIG TIME ...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I totally agree with not being able to punish Suarez without proof. When this whole thing came out I expected nothing to be done because it was just going to be Evra saying one thing and Suarez denying it. If that had been the case, then I would be perfectly happy to see it thrown out, and we move on.

But, as with all the pro-Suarez posts on here, you're ignoring the FACT, admitted by Suarez HIMSELF that while 'pinching' Evra he referred to him as 'Negro'. I just cannot accept that a player can pinch another player, make reference to his race and still have not apologised. Anyway, what's done is done, clearly Suarez and LFC don't think that an apology is necessary.

City have been pretty jammy this half eh?

I don't want to go on, and it's not a Suarez/Evra point I'm making, however I've seen latin american (grand)parents (can't remember from what mind, might be from some friends' family) giving delicate pinches as a sign of affection, kind of like how we would softly stroke a childs cheek with the back of our index finger. I'm not saying that is the case, I haven't seen the footage so it could be nasty, but even something that to a lot of us would seem like a nasty move could actually be meant friendly in other cultures. Same with the different opinions of the word "Negro", which I think the experts contradict themselves in the report somewhere.

Anyway, back to football...the 3rd goal was utterly pathetic! You have a dangerous freekick and manage to screw up a simple pass and the next thing you know it's a penalty. And as for Downing........just f@#king cross! and when you finally do, actually try to get it past the 1st defender! Same for Johnson, but Downing is really pissing me off, he is so static, especially on the right. He just stops and plays a sinpke pass back, or it's a poor cross after stopping whatever momentum there is. No wonder Carroll is looking p!sspoor when he gets about 2 decent crosses in a whole match.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

we just dont have goosteam thats all, and I dont care we lose vs City a top quality team , we have to win others swansea, QPR , Wigan , Fulham etc. this are teams that we have to beat but seems nothing this year too

I dont believe much for top 4 we arent good enought to be there at the last not with this team , lets hope for some good sings now in january
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Downing needs to step up his game, so far bigest dissapointment...

We need two top class attacking players for wide areas, one SILVA type player + CF if Andy continues not scoring.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Downing is so frustrating, along with Henderson and Enrique. He can defend but he can't attack. I thought he could because he can bomb forward, but he doesn't do anything with it.

Adam will never be good enough for LFC

Reina is to be blamed too....he made one blunder
and should have saved the 2nd goal maybe...

Downing has just NOT done it for Liverpool....he is the biggest
disappointment for me....since he is not a young inexperienced
player......and he has cost a lot of money.

Adam was bought not too much we can complain there..
and he had no previous experience with a big club...

Enrique has been great so far...but again a cheap buy....and
he has exceeded a little blip here and there is ok.
He looks far more threatening than Downing !!

Henderson....he is too expensive...but young and can improve....
I think FSG's policy of splashing out on young players has to
be blamed here......not Henderson...who could still improve.

Carroll...same above....but seriously what were LFC thinking
when they signed him.....we could have waited till the summer....
there was no hurry to replace Torres since Suarez and Ngog were still there.

We fixed the ownership issue with FSG....but there is still work
to be done....with the manager and signings.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Skrtel not good enough? He had a blinder of a few games and a blip doesn't mean he's not good enough. He was great most of the time during the game.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

News or rumors??
I hope we don't get him, there are other foreign players we should look at. Seems like KD can't look at players outside England.
Bent is supposed to cost around £20m, why not add about £15m to that sum of money and get a real quality player such as Cavani, Lavezzi or Higuain.
Kenny Dalglish isn't stingy when it comes to British donkeys, why not spending those money wisely and buy another Suarez like player, and goals will come in no time.

It was actually a joke, if you clicked the "liverpool sign bent" link you will see it ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Downing needs to step up his game, so far bigest dissapointment...

We need two top class attacking players for wide areas, one SILVA type player + CF if Andy continues not scoring.
Sorry, correct me if Im wrong but didnt you define Downing as a "superb signing" and didnt you just say like a month ago that "there wasnt one striker in the world that you would prefer to have instead of Carroll".
It is not a question of just buying players. We need the same amount of quality players we needed a year ago despite having bought players around 120M. So first of all the guy behind all these transfers has to go.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I still like Downing, I honestly think some of it may come from a lack of trust in Carroll, who seems to do nothing at all. No hustle, no nothing, just waits for balls to land directly on him. I know he's not fast, in fact he's slow as molasses in January, but still, effort.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Downing is a good player with mediocre performances right now. He'll prove his worth soon.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Skrtel had a blinder? He caused two penalties...he was lucky that the first wasn't given.
Once again compare him with top class CB's like Piqué, Vidic, Ferdinand, Kompany...
I think a player like Hageland is a much better player than Skrtel. I can give you plenty of CB's that are better than Skrtel.

I agree with PLF on Downing. Sometimes it's worth to have a litle patience with a new player...take for example Silva. I know in his first season he was better than Downing, but look how good he is this season...

I don't understand why Liverpool fans have patience with donkeys like Caroll and Skrtel and not with Adam, Downing and Henderson. Yesterday i saw good things from both Adam and Henderson. IMO Luis Enriqué is very good.

It's all so subjective: hero Reina can't do nothing wrong...but he was clearly to blame for yesterday's defeat.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

what are you talking about Gerd? What patience should LFC fans have with Skrtel? he´s been part of first team for 3 years now, playing almost every season all matches.. now with Agger he is part of one of best CB partnership in PL this season.. He is without doubt one of candidates for player of the year for LFC with always consistant performances.. not sure why you rant about Skrtel tbh..

Ferdinand is for me not world class player, i follow his performances for United and England less than when he was younger and..i don´t see that world class in him, he is good, but often depends on his partner..Vidic is world class..Ferdinand is great, not more..

I don´t care if Skrtel is considered world class or not, i just hope his partnership with Agger continues as so far..nevermind yesterday match..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I was talking about patience with Downing, Adam and Henderson...
As for Skrtel: maybe you're right, after all before yesterday's match Liverpool had the best defence of the premier league...for my taste Skrtel is a primitive player, not enough technical abilities...but that is entirely subjective of's just not my type of player.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

what are you talking about Gerd? What patience should LFC fans have with Skrtel? he´s been part of first team for 3 years now, playing almost every season all matches.. now with Agger he is part of one of best CB partnership in PL this season.. He is without doubt one of candidates for player of the year for LFC with always consistant performances.. not sure why you rant about Skrtel tbh..

Ferdinand is for me not world class player, i follow his performances for United and England less than when he was younger and..i don´t see that world class in him, he is good, but often depends on his partner..Vidic is world class..Ferdinand is great, not more..

I don´t care if Skrtel is considered world class or not, i just hope his partnership with Agger continues as so far..nevermind yesterday match..
Im sure Skrtel is better than Ferdinand
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

what are you talking about Gerd? What patience should LFC fans have with Skrtel? he´s been part of first team for 3 years now, playing almost every season all matches.. now with Agger he is part of one of best CB partnership in PL this season.. He is without doubt one of candidates for player of the year for LFC with always consistant performances.. not sure why you rant about Skrtel tbh..

Ferdinand is for me not world class player, i follow his performances for United and England less than when he was younger and..i don´t see that world class in him, he is good, but often depends on his partner..Vidic is world class..Ferdinand is great, not more..

I don´t care if Skrtel is considered world class or not, i just hope his partnership with Agger continues as so far..nevermind yesterday match..

Unless you're referring to his brother Anton, you sir, are simply incorrect.
At the height of his game Rio Ferdinand was easily the best defender in England, and one of the top 2 or 3 in Europe. He has won every club cup he has entered along the way. He also went 2 years as a mainstay in one of the stingiest defences in the league without getting booked once.

He was a bit brain dead at Leeeds and then with United for a year or two, but from 2006 - 2009 he was the second best player at United (Ronaldo) and far and away the better defender of his pairing with Vidic.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I was talking about patience with Downing, Adam and Henderson...
As for Skrtel: maybe you're right, after all before yesterday's match Liverpool had the best defence of the premier league...for my taste Skrtel is a primitive player, not enough technical abilities...but that is entirely subjective of's just not my type of player.

Skrtl is a rough diamond, ...or just rough really. He has nowhere near the technical ability of top class defenders. However neither does Terry, who has been a great defender (and at times starfish goalie) for Chelsea. Terry can do it because he had Carvalho next to him, Skrtl can do it because he now has Agger next to him. Skrtl looks a lot worse next to Carra. Terry is looking a bit of a mess atm.

As for Ferdinand, I think there is a stat somewhere when both he and Vidic are toghether on the pitch, it's ridiculously good. His injuries have caught up with him lately, but they were exceptional a couple of years ago. And wasn't Utd's improvement and eventual league win down to them managing a decent amount of games (clean sheets) together?
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Like him or not, but Ferdinand has been a massive player. I agree with tik that his injuries have caught up with him lately...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yeah, Rio is done - which is really sad as a United fan. He used to have this bizarre ability to look slow but still catchup to and overtake the fastest strikers in the world. But no more. He's lost about 3 yards of pace, and while he still has the brain, his body doesn't let him do it.

Fergie gambled alot on Vida being the mainstay in our defence this year, and alas that's not going to be happening. Wouldn't be too surprised if United pick up a relatively mediocre CB as backup this Jan.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Skrtel is a great defender, so ok he had one bad game...
Reina too had a bad game.

Downing is surprising because he is an England international
and he is not just able to cope with the pressure at Liverpool..
Maybe all he needs is a goal or boost his confidence...
But at the moment he seems a failure...

It is not easy to graduate from a mid-table team to the pressure
of LFC....

Hopefully next up is Oldham......if Liverpool don't comfortably win
...then serious questions need to be asked about
the manager and his selections.

At the moment it is the 30+ players who are performing
- Bellamy, Maxi and Gerrard.

And the problem is that they can't be played the full 90 mins
in every game.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I see Suarez has published a full apology - though not to Patrice Evra of course.

It'll be remarkable now - according to LFC fans, Suarez's version is the truth, and shall now be quoted as gospel in all future discussions. Suarez will have been banned for using Negro (at least they'll have to concede it wasn't the made up Negrito) once in a friendly way towards the lying Evra.

I've always enjoyed the rivalry and respected Liverpool - never really wished them ill. But I do now. I hope Suarez f*cks off to a big club and leaves the pathetic management with Andy Carroll as their only damn striker - and I look forward to hearing about how Suarez was never that good anyway.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I see Suarez has published a full apology - though not to Patrice Evra of course.

It'll be remarkable now - according to LFC fans, Suarez's version is the truth, and shall now be quoted as gospel in all future discussions. Suarez will have been banned for using Negro (at least they'll have to concede it wasn't the made up Negrito) once in a friendly way towards the lying Evra.

I've always enjoyed the rivalry and respected Liverpool - never really wished them ill. But I do now. I hope Suarez f*cks off to a big club and leaves the pathetic management with Andy Carroll as their only damn striker - and I look forward to hearing about how Suarez was never that good anyway.

I can understand your frustrations.....
Liverpool and Kenny Dalglish have become a laughing stock
around the world with their justification of Suarez
and their ridiculous stance.

Suarez's apology was just a formality...better he said nothing...
than this fake apology....

I hope Suarez leaves Liverpool...and takes Dalglish with him...

It was much better having Rafa and his least
we never had to deal with this stuff.

I am amazed FSG is allowing all this to happen to their club.
Not sure what Adidas and Standard Chartered think about this fiasco.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I see Suarez has published a full apology - though not to Patrice Evra of course.

It'll be remarkable now - according to LFC fans, Suarez's version is the truth, and shall now be quoted as gospel in all future discussions. Suarez will have been banned for using Negro (at least they'll have to concede it wasn't the made up Negrito) once in a friendly way towards the lying Evra.

I've always enjoyed the rivalry and respected Liverpool - never really wished them ill. But I do now. I hope Suarez f*cks off to a big club and leaves the pathetic management with Andy Carroll as their only damn striker - and I look forward to hearing about how Suarez was never that good anyway.

I can understand the frustration, and I don't agree with the way the club has handled it in the media. However the generalisation is really bugging me, just because there are some nutters on RAWK the rest of us get tarnished/ and treated with the same brush.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)


Nikica Jelavic from Rangers appears as another possible target for the Reds..

LFC willing to let Carroll go. No interest in Torres at all.

We're apparently close to agreeing a £14m fee (rising to £22m with add ons) for Tiote from Newcastle, we want it wrapped up before he heads off to the African Cup of nations.

Also spoke to scott about it, he says he hasn't heard anything but he does know that we're looking at Tiote so not sure how much truth there is in what I've been told as the lad I get it off has been wrong in the past, however he also knew about us thinking about putting Carroll up for sale back in September and also knew about our interest in Henderson but take it with a huge pinch of salt.

The People reporting we are going to offer £24m for Darren Bent.

Luuk de Jong from Twente is another CF we are following...

scottslater_ Scott Slater
Andy Carroll up for sale then it seems, interesting that. #lfc

At the present time, we're not in for Bent.

Could change, but at the moment any news linking us to hiim is 100pct bullshit.

Been told today, for the first time, that there's truth in the rumors linking us to him. We've talked to his agent, dont know if we've talked to Villa.

He'd love to come as well.

Not a fan of his at all, but makes alot more sense in our set up than Andy Carroll.

Darren Bent's told everyone that if we make any bid for him, he's going to see the owner to tell him he's leaving. No movement since we spoke to his agent.

About Bent..
Bid going in today I got told before. It's quite low to be honest and won't get accepted
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Tioté is a very good player, but not the kind of player Liverpool need.
Beachryan, you know that i find you a very reasonably person and i often agree with you, but it's not because the club Liverpool mishandled all this Suarez- case, that Liverpool is a wro,ng club. 99% of the other football clubs would have handled did in exactly the same way.

It's sas to say but professional football reflects the way things are going in our society. It disgusts me, but it would be very naïve to expect a different behaviour. "Corporate thinking" can produce very strange things, i see that everyday in my job and i absolutely hate it...but it is the way things go usually. No need to demonize Liverpool.

PS: Spurs have had a good Christmas period...shame they could not win in Swansea, but Swansea are very good at thome...
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