Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Arsenal and Liverpool winnes of this day.
Having seen the 3 last matches of Chelsea: i don't agree that they have a better team than Liverpool. Right at the moment Chelsea are very poor. They need to buy some players and above all drop some older players...

If what Beachryan writes here is true, i've been wrong all along about Suarez. In that case he should be banned for the rest of the season. And Liverpool as a club have behaved entirely classless...that is not their usual style.

Of course if that is true (and not that i doubt beachryan, he's a fair guy).
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Arsenal and Liverpool winnes of this day.
Having seen the 3 last matches of Chelsea: i don't agree that they have a better team than Liverpool. Right at the moment Chelsea are very poor. They need to buy some players and above all drop some older players...

If what Beachryan writes here is true, i've been wrong all along about Suarez. In that case he should be banned for the rest of the season. And Liverpool as a club have behaved entirely classless...that is not their usual style.

Of course if that is true (and not that i doubt beachryan, he's a fair guy).

Thanks Gerd - I don't know if it's true - I was quoting the 115 page FA report directly. That's pretty much the best I can do. That was the report's finding, with no evil pro-United spin on my behalf.

As for Chelsea, I think this team:


Has a ridiculous amount of talent in it. AVB hasn't quite settled it yet, but aside from RB that should be a brilliant team. I'd say that easily rivals Pool's best team (imo)

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

that´s not our best team atm.

i would say our best is:

---------------- Reina

Johnson -- Skrtel -- Agger -- Enrique

---------------- Lucas -----------

---------- Adam ------- Gerrard -----

----- Downing --------------- Bellamy

---------------- Suarez -------------
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Well yes - obviously would have had Lucas in there, but he's not playing again this year right?

Interesting on Bellamy. Have always rated him as a player but he never seems to do well for a long period of time anywhere. Must have motivation issues or something.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

not this season he won´t, but for year, i think he will be ok in few months..he´s already after his operation wich ended succesfully.. but Spearing is OK at DM, perhaps not worse than Romeu.. who has good physique for DM, more than Spearing.. Spearing is good back up for Lucas.. i don´t think we buy someone on that position in January..

Bellamy has the attitude that every oposite fan and player hates..and that all the home fans love :D

currently he is our most valuable player in attack..he playes very few minutes, yet he scores.. i would love to see him more.. and i think he starts against City..

Our defence is way better in terms of age difference...we have a defence that could stay this way for next 5 years if nobody will get injured etc.. Johnson over Ferreira any day, Skrtel - Agger are top class together, Enrique over Cole for me as well...

besides we have Kelly who can play as CB, but also Coates..two imho top prospect in the league..

if you look at our stats you can see we don´t concede a lot..but we have problems to score..we have 7 draws..very frustrating to think if we won 3-4 matches we dominated, we would be in top 4 atm...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Here's my best Liverpool lineup without Suarez



The reason I put Adam and Downing is because they can
also provide ammunition to Carroll...
but Gerrard will be the main provider.

With Suarez...


Here I put Maxi ahead...since he teams up with Bellamy and Suarez
much better than Downing...
And Downing who mainly puts in crosses is not suited for a
quick passing game.
For the same reason Adam is dropped in place of Henderson
who does better to keep the ball moving.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Adam can easy play as AM and with Gerrard as well on wing..

it would look like this:

----- Henderson ------ Spearing

Gerrard ------- Adam ------- Bellamy

--------------- Carroll ------------
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Henderson and Bellamy IMO should always be in Liverpool's first team, but i'm prejudiced because i like them a lot.

About that Chelsea team beachryan: on paper they are good. But Cech, Terry, Lampard and maybe also Cole and Malouda are getting old and above all: they've seen it all. Players like Lampard, Cole and Terry have survived a few managers and think that they are untouchable. We all know that Torres is struggling, Ivanovic is not fast enough and although Meireles and Romeu are good players, the creativity will not come from them. As a matter of fact, i always thought that Chelsea (even in their best years) lacked creativity and flair. Maybe Mata can provide this, but now the rest of the team is just not good enough. Liverpool has players who can add creativity and flair. IMO the Liverpool teams mentioned here are better than that Chelsea team.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Chelsea is still a great team despite the form.. the oposite teams are very strong each year.. but, i have to agree with you 100% on the older players.. Torres is not that bad playing, he was very unlucky not scoring last match.. Liverpool definetly have better defence and imho Reina is best keeper in the league...or maybe second after Hart.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Ferreira as Chelsea's best RB? No way! This guy is lucky to be at Chelsea still. He's 3rd choice RB really behind Bosingwa and Ivanovic and rightly so.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Chelsea need to play Bosingwa as RB, Ivanovic is waste there, besides Luiz is in shocking form atm imho... they know why they need Cahill...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

If what Beachryan writes here is true, i've been wrong all along about Suarez. In that case he should be banned for the rest of the season. And Liverpool as a club have behaved entirely classless...that is not their usual style.

Of course if that is true (and not that i doubt beachryan, he's a fair guy).

the report is out in the open Gerd...

dont know what lfc have been thinking backing this guy...

fair ennough Suarez doesnt seem too bright, but I have been suprised at the lfc stance on this.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Becouse he´s not a racist..

the FA didnt charge him with "being a racist"..

but for racially abusing a black player...

for which he was found overwhelmingy guilty, even being called unreliable in regards to giving evidence..

if you want to defend someone who uses racist language as "not being racist" then fair enough...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Overwhelming? Not in any way, it's still "he said, she said". Nobody else heard these comments, no video evidence, they went with Evra for no reason other than it being "possible"'. The whole report is filled with "possible", "probably" and "probable" but wheres the hard evidence? None of this possible rubbish, where's actual evidence where it's proven without doubt?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Just read that Gary Ablett has died age 46 lads.
RIP Gary.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Very sad news :(( Such young man!


the FA didnt charge him with "being a racist"..

but for racially abusing a black player...

for which he was found overwhelmingy guilty, even being called unreliable in regards to giving evidence..

if you want to defend someone who uses racist language as "not being racist" then fair enough...

The fact there is 1. no evidence, 2. totally different explanation of the matter from Suarez, 3. previous Evra incidents...Suarez has all my backing as well... Untill he is proven 100% he said what Evra say´s, he is simply not guilty.

Not even a murderer is guilty untill they won´t prove he wasn´t crazy by the time he killed, even if they find him with a knife in his hand...

Suarez might have said some words, but certainly not in the same perspective as Evra thinks he heard...i don´t belive a sinlge word of Evra.. and obviously FA now has to punish everyone as Suarez after someone will think he heard something without having evidence to back it up.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Very sad news :(( Such young man!


The fact there is 1. no evidence, 2. totally different explanation of the matter from Suarez, 3. previous Evra incidents...Suarez has all my backing as well... Untill he is proven 100% he said what Evra say´s, he is simply not guilty.

previous evra incidents..

yeah okay can see that igonorance prevails...

good luck...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

"Mr Suarez's evidence was unreliable in relation to matters of critical importance. It was, in part, inconsistent with the evidence, especially the video footage.

"For example, Mr Suarez said that he pinched Mr Evra's skin in an attempt to defuse the situation. He also said that his use of the word 'negro' to address Mr Evra was conciliatory and friendly. We rejected that evidence.

"To describe his own behaviour in that way was unsustainable and simply incredible given that the players were engaged in an acrimonious argument.

"That this was put forward by Mr Suarez was surprising and seriously undermined the reliability of his evidence on other matters.

"There were also inconsistencies between his accounts given at different times as to what happened."
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Evra said to Ferguson after that match "Boss, I've just been called a nigger" and stated this as evidence but during the match, he didn't tell the panel that the word was used at all, but "negro" was used. So which is it? He's telling Ferguson one thing, telling the panel another?

In a previous case, wasn't Evra regarded as being "highly unreliable"?

And despite the FA saying that calmness and composure shouldn't come into it because different people handle different situations in different ways, they sided with Evra because he was more composed and calm. Good double standards there.

Evra ran through the video with the FA and described what was happening at the times on the video, Suarez wasn't given that option.

Kuyt said he heard Evra complaining about only being booked because he's black, that was given as evidence. What was the point? The FA weren't bothered about Kuyt's testimony at all, despite him being the only other person to hear something actually said.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Evra is no angel and you know it...

wtf are you prattling on about,

you can defend someone using racist language,

like i said the suarez kid isnt bright he admitted to using racist language "but didnt mean in that way"

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

"There were also inconsistencies between his accounts given at different times as to what happened."

Again, saying to Ferguson after the match that he was called a "nigger" but then telling the panel that the word used was "negro". Inconsistent.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

wtf are you prattling on about,

you can defend someone using racist language,

like i said the suarez kid isnt bright he admitted to using racist language "but didnt mean in that way"


At the last i dont have to believe a cunt like him so i dont really care what suare said i still support suarez
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

wtf are you prattling on about,

you can defend someone using racist language,

like i said the suarez kid isnt bright he admitted to using racist language "but didnt mean in that way"


i´m not defending a person, i defend the person´s right´s atm.. i don´t think Suarez is guilty as much as Evra in case Evra´s words are not 100% proved. Were they 100% proved?

by who or what?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Van, don't waste you're breath mate. This lot are as blinkered as their fucking manager.
R.I.P. Gary Ablett by the way.

first of all, no need to look at us in one way as if everyone was as you write.. i don´t meant to be offensive or to attack you or Evra.. I just defend right of the person and i want Suarez to be banned if he was proven 100%, but in case his words of this situation differ and i personally think FA was not fair to both parties, i say untill they can´t prove such thing, they should´t ban him for 8 matches, especially if in past there was much more clear cases of racism, that were left unpunished...

of course and i'd expect nothing less from a cunt like you....

he got infraction for excessive swearing, no need to return it this way...
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