Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Anyone remember Henry doing a similar flying tackle/keep the ball in challenge a few years ago? Coincidently it was against everton aswell. Arsenal were 2-1 down and it was pooring down. Henry and an everton player were running after a loose ball towards the cornerflag and henry with his added speed and agility went into a flying kungfu kick to try to keep possesion. He also got a yellow. Although he did actually win the ball, but he also had his leg outstretched.

And I see Alucard, sorry, Beliel is back.

@ Alain, did you forget the fortunate decision that went your way at anfield? As im sure you have already had quite a few others?

This thread is tiring, its a bit like the pes thread.

The difference is the ref had already made up his mind to send obi Mikel off. Clattenburg was going to issue the boy a yellow card, but that wasn’t enough for Gerrard.
He had to remind the ref to send him of. Its no better than players waving imaginary cards.

Really? I assume your a mate of mark then and he told you? You state it as a fact when you have no idea whether that was the case, none of us do. I agree it did look that way from the one replay ive managed to see but its gerrards right to talk to the ref as captain and it was barely a talk at that. He wasnt continually around him in his ear as a lot of players do. He walked over and made a comment and that was it. If he did influence the ref then its the ref's responsiblity.

You can bet your life on it, if a United player had done that it would be headline news repeated on ‘Tonight with Trevour Mcdonald show. The papers would be full of it and you would never have heard the end of it. Particularly if it would have been Ronaldo. You can imagine the headlines "Dirty Cheating Foreigner Gets Honest English Pro Sent Off By Telling Ref Lies". Plus a whole separate debate on whether he dived to win the penalty. But since its Gerrard and Liverpool who are media darlings who get every decision their way, nothing gets said about it. Gerrards antics were nothing short of a disgrace

Its amazing how when an opposition player does something eveybody comes down hard on them and ignores their own teams transgretions. Lets face it, Gerrard and liverpool are one of the better behaved and respectfull teams when it comes to reactions to refereeing decisions. Being a manu supporter you should realise how much more agressive manu is, with chelsea being even worse.

I agree Gerrard is a media darling though, and that he does dive. But thats besides the point of your labored argument, he had a short word and the ref gave a, according to the rules, valid red card. Just because its liverpool and gerrard you are making more of it then needed. And there is a reason why Ronaldo gets so much more stick, he is a consistent diver and has one of the highest ratios of doing it. Same for robben when he was still "playing" over here.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Anyone remember Henry doing a similar flying tackle/keep the ball in challenge a few years ago? Coincidently it was against everton aswell. Arsenal were 2-1 down and it was pooring down. Henry and an everton player were running after a loose ball towards the cornerflag and henry with his added speed and agility went into a flying kungfu kick to try to keep possesion. He also got a yellow. Although he did actually win the ball, but he also had his leg outstretched.

And I see Alucard, sorry, Beliel is back.

@ Alain, did you forget the fortunate decision that went your way at anfield? As im sure you have already had quite a few others?

This thread is tiring, its a bit like the pes thread.

Really? I assume your a mate of mark then and he told you? You state it as a fact when you have no idea whether that was the case, none of us do. I agree it did look that way from the one replay ive managed to see but its gerrards right to talk to the ref as captain and it was barely a talk at that. He wasnt continually around him in his ear as a lot of players do. He walked over and made a comment and that was it. If he did influence the ref then its the ref's responsiblity.

Its amazing how when an opposition player does something eveybody comes down hard on them and ignores their own teams transgretions. Lets face it, Gerrard and liverpool are one of the better behaved and respectfull teams when it comes to reactions to refereeing decisions. Being a manu supporter you should realise how much more agressive manu is, with chelsea being even worse.

I agree Gerrard is a media darling though, and that he does dive. But thats besides the point of your labored argument, he had a short word and the ref gave a, according to the rules, valid red card. Just because its liverpool and gerrard you are making more of it then needed. And there is a reason why Ronaldo gets so much more stick, he is a consistent diver and has one of the highest ratios of doing it. Same for robben when he was still "playing" over here.

Mate you just talk to much sense for these boards.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Hey I want to know the situation about Kewell, a couple of days ago I saw that he's almost back in training, while reading to tomorrow's game, he's a long term absentee. Which one is right?

I've seen pictures of him training before the Everton game.



Thare he is!
Re: Liverpool Thread

Really? I assume your a mate of mark then and he told you? You state it as a fact when you have no idea whether that was the case, none of us do. I agree it did look that way from the one replay ive managed to see but its gerrards right to talk to the ref as captain and it was barely a talk at that. He wasnt continually around him in his ear as a lot of players do. He walked over and made a comment and that was it. If he did influence the ref then its the ref's responsiblity.

No, Mark is not a mate of mine I'm glad to say. It does seem Liverpool already have adopted a close relationship with the gentleman. This is the same Mark Clattenburg that travelled with Liverpool to Hong kong for the asian tour last summer. So it does make it a bit suspicious.

Gerrard does have a right to talk to the ref but it just seemed rather classless and sly to get the opposition player sent off like he did.

When you see the incident, the referee does the following: pulls out his yellow card (from his hip pocket), looks at it, (and seems to be happy he has taken the right one). May I add that I am aware that a number of refs keep the red and yellow card in different pockets. This is done so that the linesmen and 4th official etc know when the ref is going to send someone off as oppossed to cautioning them.

Anyway back to the incident. Clattenberg then makes a come here gesture presumably at Hibbert, takes several steps back, or two back while reaching into his top pocket for his pen, and prepares to write. As he is doing this, Gerrard is going over to him. He appears to respond to something Gerrard is doing or saying in his approach with a sideways head shake, Gerrard looks at him disgustedly and raises his arms slightly in an appealing gesture having already gotten the penalty and aware Hibbert is being booked because he is called over and the referee has taken his card out. It is also likely Gerrard can see it is a yellow but isn’t satatisfied with the ref's decision. The only reason to appeal is to get the ref to give a red. Gerrard walks further past petulantly having already been given a penalty but assuming he didnt get the player sent off by his dive he then gets the ref to put the yellow back in his pocket gestures for Hibbert again and then shows the red. Then Gerrard comes back past the ref reaching his arm out to grasp Veronin in congratulations for his actions like the sly dog that he is.

Now tell me, what kind of message does that send out to little kids watching aspiring to be footballers? It shows that you should do your best to influence the ref to send of a fellow professional like a snitch. The thing is, I could understand Gerrard having a word with the ref if the guy did a very harsh career threatening challenge, but it was two of the players going in 50/50 and both players were tugging eachothers shirts. The ref had already given a penalty and that should have been enough. But Gerrard sees it fit to remind the ref to send him off. Also Gerrard changing clattenburgs decision means he's a ref that can be got at, bullied and it's clear his position should be untenable. He cost Everton the game. Speaking of referes, I getting sick of them giving favourable soft decisions everytime to the ‘big four’clubs every time. I believe the standard of refs is a joke in this country. On evidence of Clattenburgs disgraceful biased display, I think he should seriously pack it in and go work in Macdonald's or KFC or go back to petrol pumping. That's about his level because he knows naff all about the rules of the game or how to officiate a match in a fair manner

Its amazing how when an opposition player does something eveybody comes down hard on them and ignores their own teams transgretions. Lets face it, Gerrard and liverpool are one of the better behaved and respectfull teams when it comes to reactions to refereeing decisions. Being a manu supporter you should realise how much more agressive manu is, with chelsea being even worse.

I agree Gerrard is a media darling though, and that he does dive. But thats besides the point of your labored argument, he had a short word and the ref gave a, according to the rules, valid red card. Just because its liverpool and gerrard you are making more of it then needed. And there is a reason why Ronaldo gets so much more stick, he is a consistent diver and has one of the highest ratios of doing it. Same for robben when he was still "playing" over here.

If your talking about players surrounding referees when decisions do not go their way than that’s a complete different argument. But talking to the ref to get opposition player sent off is just the lowest of the low . I mean Sir Alex shouting at the ref to red card Joe Cole in the Man Utd vs Chelsea is a prime example of justly calling for someone to be sent off. In those instances, managers mainly call for sending off in cases of dangerous tackles not techincal issues or 50/50s where it is a close decision like the nothing incidents with Gerrard and Hibbert. In Gerrard's case, it was pure gamesmanship getting a fellow profesional sent off for his teams advantage not becuase justice was not served as the penalty and yellow card was sufficient enough.

However well done that’s very honest of you to admit Gerrard dives. Many blickered fans would have you believe he is Mr Personality of year. They like to pretend he doesn’t go to ground easily when he blatantly does. Its just the press brush it under the carpet when Gerrard wins debatable penalties as he is englands golden boy. It's the aura of the English national team hero. Alan Shearer was also one who was able to escape public scrutiny. He would get away with kicking someone in the head a few years ago and got away with a lot of elbow challenges late in his career. Now Gerrard gets to be teacher's pet and given rights to overrule referess during games.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Its up to the fucking ref not to change his mind. Why are people blaming Gerrard?

Any player would go to a ref and remind him of the rules of the game FFS.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Its up to the fucking ref not to change his mind. Why are people blaming Gerrard?

Any player would go to a ref and remind him of the rules of the game FFS.

Totally correct mate and I for one do not blame Gerrard at all for going up to the ref, just what the ref did after that which has nothing to do with Gerrard.
Re: Liverpool Thread

and would you have been complaining if it had happened at the other end?

ref had decided it was a penalty, hibbert was the last man and it was a goal scoring chance, a yellow would've been the wrong decision, if it had been one of ours then i'd have had no complaints, even if the ref changed his mind to go from yellow to red

can't understand why hibbert didn't just leave him anyway, he'd sprinted from his own area, he was going at full pelt and the ball was on his left, odds are he'd have blasted it into the park end anyway
Re: Liverpool Thread

94 posts related to the merseyside derby...:applause:


Still the best derby in Britain by far!!!
Re: Liverpool Thread

and would you have been complaining if it had happened at the other end?

ref had decided it was a penalty, hibbert was the last man and it was a goal scoring chance, a yellow would've been the wrong decision, if it had been one of ours then i'd have had no complaints, even if the ref changed his mind to go from yellow to red

can't understand why hibbert didn't just leave him anyway, he'd sprinted from his own area, he was going at full pelt and the ball was on his left, odds are he'd have blasted it into the park end anyway

Not sure who this is to?

I have just said I didn't blame Gerrard, just what the referee then acted on- in changing his mind.

You asked would you have moaned if it was up the other end.

I can say that if it was me, I would be happy to get what I would see as a dodgy piece of refereeing go my way. I would be annoyed if people were slagging my player off were spoke to the ref but....

and this is the crucial difference here;

I would admit that the ref was still a plonker who got it wrong.

Just so happens I'd be glad he did in our favour.....get me?
Re: Liverpool Thread

YEH YEH mate listen cahill vaughan gravesen all injured! yak looks less tham ordinary, think this derby will be very close and a cracker, may the best team win.


That's not Stephen Gerrard mate, it's his cousin. Even my bitter bluenose mate knows that, nice try though :)
Re: Liverpool Thread

If your talking about players surrounding referees when decisions do not go their way than that’s a complete different argument. But talking to the ref to get opposition player sent off is just the lowest of the low . I mean Sir Alex shouting at the ref to red card Joe Cole in the Man Utd vs Chelsea is a prime example of justly calling for someone to be sent off. In those instances, managers mainly call for sending off in cases of dangerous tackles not techincal issues or 50/50s where it is a close decision like the nothing incidents with Gerrard and Hibbert. In Gerrard's case, it was pure gamesmanship getting a fellow profesional sent off for his teams advantage not becuase justice was not served as the penalty and yellow card was sufficient enough.

Hmm, where to start? So: But talking to the ref to get opposition player sent off is just the lowest of the low. Agree

But: I mean Sir Alex shouting at the ref to red card Joe Cole in the Man Utd vs Chelsea is a prime example of justly calling for someone to be sent off.

So it depends on the tackle/offense whether its justified or not? Dont talk bollocks, in both cases its the lowest of the low, together with diving. Its up to the ref to decide what action to take and players and managers should stay out of it and let them do their job.

Players hounding a ref is another matter indeed, however the reaction to gerrard having a word with the ref would make you think he had gone after him with an axe when you look at the relative acceptance of the chelsea/manu hounding that goes on. And it seems even more hypocritical when the people moaning the loudest (besides the bluenoses who have every right imo) are supporters from clubs that have a far longer and worse history of doing it. Thats what my point was, any attempt to manipulate the ref by unfair means is horrible; diving, asking for cards, shouting from the touchline. Its all the same no matter what the offense.

However I agree with the whole gerrard can do no wrong, in the same way Shearer could get away with elbowing in most challenges. Thats one of the reasons I dont read any redtops, visit sites that show some objectivity and try to have the commentary turned off when possible.

I dont know if any of you have the means, but watching a match without some buffoon talking nonsense is such a more pleasent experience. You hear the fans and managers shouting which is nice. And even better you dont hear some commentator talk nonsense when the replays/game show its something else.

Lawro; "Yeah it was the power of riise shot that broke smiths leg. *replay showing the ball hit the other leg and he fell awkwardly on the other leg* "Yeah look, see how his leg bends when the ball hits hit, he gets some power on his shots does riise".

Or something along those lines, another is andy gray, wow he talks shit. The last CL match he was commentating on Liverpool and started the match with, "We wont be commentating on the rotation policies as its been discussed enough". 5min later, and for the rest of the match all they talk about is the rotation. Just shoot them, shoot them all!

I realise I have an above average intellect, and I realise they have to comment for the common denominator but is the average viewer so f$%king thick?! A few years ago I was a member of an High IQ site, I just make the cut :D, and when browsing the forums the amount of people on there that had medication for anti depression, up/downs, and all that stuff was so surprising. However nowedays I realise that if I was more intelligent the world and its inhabitants would be even more frustrating! I can barely cope now!
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Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't think Gerrard can be crucified for talking to the ref, Chelsea swarm the ref constantly and barely anything gets said about them doing that. It was a red card either way, it was a goal-scoring opportunity and Hibbert was the last man.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't think Gerrard can be crucified for talking to the ref, Chelsea swarm the ref constantly and barely anything gets said about them doing that. It was a red card either way, it was a goal-scoring opportunity and Hibbert was the last man.

I second that. Let's move on shall we?

They're not showing it here down under, damn ESPN.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

ok leave it at that agree to disagree 100 posts on the derby...not bad!! good luck tonight red-shite...;)
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Don't worry mate, we'll tell you all about Champions League football :)

(Hopefully Liv won't embarrass me tonight)
Re: Liverpool Thread

I second that. Let's move on shall we?

I third it and I am a Blue!!!

I hope you drown in your own urine tonight Haha.

Nar actually I'm not bothered about you lads, just Everton.

Wont wish you the best, but wont be sticking pins in dolls either.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

What a bloody shame. After all the hype, all the money spent, this is what we get. I am almost ashamed to be a Liverpool fan ATM.
Re: Liverpool Thread

on a lighter note, just watching the team do a warm down and the Besiktas fans are applauding them. Great fans! Just hope they kick out their violent element.
Re: Liverpool Thread

on a lighter note, just watching the team do a warm down and the Besiktas fans are applauding them. Great fans! Just hope they kick out their violent element.

there is no violence mate. sometimes you have trouble but this has nothing to do with the fan group.

i am very happy but you will win the match in liverpool. great goal by gerrard, i love him. wish you guys the best in the premier league.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You should be that harsh on your team... you played in a difficult atmosphere against a top Turkish team. If it was at home it would be completely different.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Poor performance and result. Im afraid we have flattered to decieve again. Benitez's tinkering is now starting to bear suprised these results never came earlier.
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