FIFA 22 Discussion (Console Versions)

So with the news that PS+ is bringing FIFA 22 to PlayStation for free, what's the general consensus on it here now? (Is it folly to ask for a general consensus? Ha)

I might give it a bash. It's been I think 6 years or more since I last had a FIFA. Would mostly be interested to know how it plays on FUMA controls, and would maybe do a Career Mode.
So with the news that PS+ is bringing FIFA 22 to PlayStation for free, what's the general consensus on it here now? (Is it folly to ask for a general consensus? Ha)

I might give it a bash. It's been I think 6 years or more since I last had a FIFA. Would mostly be interested to know how it plays on FUMA controls, and would maybe do a Career Mode.

At that price, give it a go. I play on full manual and find the art of kicking the ball isn't lost. However, the player movement when executing a kick/dribbling/breathing is mind-bendingly bad. It tries so hard to be ultra responsive, and that comes as the expense of... everything.

And my own personal gripe, the one I can't overlook: flapping goalkeepers.
So with the news that PS+ is bringing FIFA 22 to PlayStation for free, what's the general consensus on it here now? (Is it folly to ask for a general consensus? Ha)

I might give it a bash. It's been I think 6 years or more since I last had a FIFA. Would mostly be interested to know how it plays on FUMA controls, and would maybe do a Career Mode.
If you can look past the ridiculous player movement/animation speed there is some good football to be played.
And managing/understand the defence system too. If you like to goes to Attack from Defense and see the CPU doing the same, in some steps...
Depends if you play with sliders / but i got it even with sliders so... Just get complicated when i'm in front of goal on Semi as i hate manual for shooting.

Pretty different from the last Fifa you brought. I was lost too, my last "active" Fifa was the 18 (1-2 months, i considers it as "playing actively")

Also if you got the PS+ "At that price" well, there's not price except if you consider zero cents as a price :LOL: (sorry, it makes me laugh while i read the post)

Well, whatever, jump on it, the game is free, it's a football game with all modes included and that's all mate.
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Try these sliders/settings after this last update:

(Updated: May 2, 2022)


Sprint Speed 50/50
Acceleration 45/45
Shot Error 50/60
Pass Error 50/60
Shot Speed 55/50
Pass Speed 50/45
Injury Frequency 60/60
Injury Severity 40/40
Goalkeeper Ability 100/100
Marking 50/50
Run Frequency 30/30
Line Height 45/45
Line Length 40/40
Line Width 60/60
Fullback Positioning 50/50
Power Bar 65/-
First Touch Control Error 70/70

Platform: Xbox Series X
Half Length: 10 Minutes
Difficulty: World Class
Competitor Mode: Off
Player Based Difficulty: Off
Attributes: Classic
Game Speed: Slow

Competitive Master Switch: Off
Contextual Agile Dribbling: On
Auto Clearances: Off
Auto Flair Pass: Off
Auto Shots: Off
Assisted Headers: Off
Jockey: Assisted
Defending: Tactical Defending
Through Pass Assistance: Manual
FIFA Trainer: Hide
Timed Finishing: Off
Next Player Switch Indicator: Off
Pass Block Assistance: On
Auto Switching: Automatic
Auto Switching Move Assistance: Low
Clearance Assistance: Directional
Player Lock: Off
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Yeah i kinda wanted to re-start to play that game before the update, the game was +- ok in terms of speed and all even on Vanilla in "Slow".

Then the next was like a game-changer, so you'll need more than anything some sliders to tone down the shit they bring with the last patch.
guys after having enough of pes 21 ai cheating, i want a game that is modern but plays like PES, sorry maybe im in the wrong thread, but is there any fifa that is closest to PES build up play and movement?
guys after having enough of pes 21 ai cheating, i want a game that is modern but plays like PES, sorry maybe im in the wrong thread, but is there any fifa that is closest to PES build up play and movement?
FIFA 14 and FIFA 16 are the closest you'll get. I think the FIFA fans here generally say 16 is the best ever, whereas other forums will say 14. There is an AMAZING classic mod for FIFA 14 that's like an encyclopaedia of football (if you Google it you'll find it fairly quickly), and FIFA 16 has the FIFA Infinity mod that brings it right up to date.

Maybe try and download demos of both of those and see which you prefer? Or if you really want to go back and play a classic, I highly recommend the FIFA World Cup South Africa game. It's not as realistic or as "free" as the games above, but it's a lot of fun, particularly if you play the AI (last time I played, as England, I beat Poland 2-0 and got absolutely hammered 6-0 by Germany, without having to change the difficulty setting).
Konami punishing people for wanting basic features in a game. Yes I get they want everyone playing Dream Team but people are either going to play it or not.

If they let the people who want offline access only have it then they might actually give Dream Team a try at some point. Denying everyone access to basic offline features like a 10 minute match or league is just a big "fuck you" to a large portion of decades long fans.

It really isn't going to affect any revenue having the offline portion opened up fully. It would only please fans & encourage more people to try the game.

Just play FIFA 22 with sliders adjusted to your taste. It’s better than any PES just about every way.
yeah fifa 22 run speed around 40 and pass speed around 36 and then game slows right down. I still really enjoy it on slow full manual
I'm pretty sure Fifa 22 pops up on EA play/game pass next week.
It's been may 7th for 21 and may 6 for Fifa 20 in the past.
Still pissed off it only goes back to Fifa 20 on EA play/game pass though
I'm pretty sure Fifa 22 pops up on EA play/game pass next week.
It's been may 7th for 21 and may 6 for Fifa 20 in the past.
Still pissed off it only goes back to Fifa 20 on EA play/game pass though
If you've got a PlayStation, it's on PS+ very soon as well.
If you've got a PlayStation, it's on PS+ very soon as well.
On Xbox ,last year EA and EA play removed FIFA 14-15-16-17-18-19 from their vault ,which is a shame ,the one's up to 19 were good ,the early ones really good ,and that's from me who think Fifa 21-22 are absolutely crap Vs them.
But like others said ,if you can endure very weird movement it's still fun playing
On Xbox ,last year EA and EA play removed FIFA 14-15-16-17-18-19 from their vault ,which is a shame ,the one's up to 19 were good ,the early ones really good ,and that's from me who think Fifa 21-22 are absolutely crap Vs them.
But like others said ,if you can endure very weird movement it's still fun playing
With these slider settings available, do you think it's possible to have good realistic midfield battles in FIFA 22 games, with the sort of congestion you see in real top-flight matches? It's the biggest bug bear for me on PES (and now eFootlol).
With these slider settings available, do you think it's possible to have good realistic midfield battles in FIFA 22 games, with the sort of congestion you see in real top-flight matches? It's the biggest bug bear for me on PES (and now eFootlol).
Not an expert on Fifa 22 ,I've played it way too little.
But midfield is often good on Fifa ,not easy to play through it.
Problem has been DM not tracking correctly or defenders just leaving their position and creating space for you.
Fifa 22 on release day Vs today isn't the same game once the online crowd had it's saying.

I'm still preferring 20 over 22 ,think it's a much better game (and not being updated anymore)
Still think you'll find enjoyment though.
Set it up with sliders (you'll get tons of tips here) then adjust it to your own liking from there.
I usually set pass speed way lower than recommended to have a slower game.
Hope you'll enjoy it buddy
@janguv i also think that Fifa does a few things really well , presentation etc is well known.
But the way to customise your settings is really good and can be applied as a difficulty setting.
Example ,let's say world class is too easy for you ,then you can set passing to assisted/semi/manual but also through ball to assisted/manual which makes a big difference , especially the through ball being manual makes it harder in case you play assisted passing otherwise.
And crossing/lobbed through ball can be set to assisted/manual.
Really like those option in FIFA Vs Pes
With these slider settings available, do you think it's possible to have good realistic midfield battles in FIFA 22 games, with the sort of congestion you see in real top-flight matches? It's the biggest bug bear for me on PES (and now eFootlol).
Just my two cents, but I don't think there's any fixing it.

In FIFA's gone by, sliders were a good sticking plaster. Now, so much is deeply embedded in the code and can't really be impacted by sliders (such as the 1v1 AI focus, but also core stuff like the first touch error) that it's unsalvageable. If realism is important to you.

At release, I was pleasantly surprised (after playing the beta, which was really poor). Physics were pretty decent, footplanting was reduced, and although it wasn't realistic, it was a fun interpretation with attributes and play-styles meaning something.

There is no going back to that game now. It's gone.

Turns out there's a "design team" and a "live team". The former make the game right up to v1.0, and as soon as they get there, they're done, gone, on holiday until they start working on the next title. Meanwhile, the latter team picks up the baton, and changes the game based on player feedback.

In other words, they factually make it faster, make it ultra-responsive (at the cost of all the animations), make everything more accurate, make goals easier to score. All of that is done at a level that sliders have no hope of "resetting".

If you buy a disc and cancel the updates downloading etc. it's decent. But honestly, I don't think it's worth it, for all the fighting your own console to stop them downloading.
Yep, same video Mathgamer posted above. It seemed like TU8 reduced this stuff slightly, but TU9 was worse, and with TU10 it's ridiculous. I'm going to try the latest FIFER mod in-case he's found a way of fixing this (other than just lowering acceleration, which doesn't fix it, but merely masks it from the gameplay camera IMO).
Yep, same video Mathgamer posted above. It seemed like TU8 reduced this stuff slightly, but TU9 was worse, and with TU10 it's ridiculous. I'm going to try the latest FIFER mod in-case he's found a way of fixing this (other than just lowering acceleration, which doesn't fix it, but merely masks it from the gameplay camera IMO).
Oh it is. I didn't scroll that high! Yeah lower acceleration doesn't fix those issues. There are separate files for that type of movement, and honestly, even those aren't enough to properly fix it in my opinion.
With these slider settings available, do you think it's possible to have good realistic midfield battles in FIFA 22 games, with the sort of congestion you see in real top-flight matches? It's the biggest bug bear for me on PES (and now eFootlol).
Are you going to be playing the Ps5 or Ps4 version?
So I take it PES is totaled? And that new game turned out to be a «free to play»/mobile/myclub type bust and nothing else?

But now EA is giving their stuff away for free. Idk what to make of it, but it’s the only fresh option…. IS IT ANY GOOD?!
Just my two cents but from people who got on PC (no hypermotion) and on Series X/PS5 (Hypermotion), the game gives better feeling when you turn and it looks more natural. Something like this, don't remember the words but the "no HM version is better" from opinions that's all.
It was took from the second patch if i remember. And one of them got a good pace (if only i could came back to that patch version...)

Well, you would think it's a placebo or just someting visuel / but from a video comparison with and without : the ball seems to deflect differently. More rigidity and less touch without hypermotion when dribbling was pretty visible. Smoother but pretty fast while you turn with the ball on every sense. Some weird animation too, not on old-gen version.

I also think that the very weird animations we see here and there, like the vid posted above is due to Hypermotion.
Every time a FIFA cames with a new feature or game-changer, it looks like it's still on beta, causing bugs. Well, even without that you will get bugs due to the core engine, football without any bug at all sometimes is hard to reproduce (but when it's too much... Not enjoyable)

And it's kinda rectified for the next or the next-next version.

To me no, sliders or not since a long time, Fifa as become more goal to goal than ever since some years. Even the 20 (don't understand the praise as to me that game is awfully easy on every difficulty, but it's just pehraps because it's Fifa's thread and people "interests" in a FG seems very different to mine)
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Will be PS5 version. I remember all the hype at release about nextgen "hypermotion" or something. Did it amount to anything good in practice?
I know it's subjective, but for me the best and most tangible thing 'hypermotion' brought to the NG version is the 11v11 capture. It has really helped reduce the problems of the awful '1v1' feature, as teams now move in a much better shape across the field. Space is condensed and passing lanes are blocked much better, so it helps the midfield game. I do find it a little bit rigid at times and teams can sit off and into their shape a little too much for my liking, but this is something I'm hoping improves over the course of the next few titles.

The midfield game on NG FIFA to me is pretty decent. There's far less space to operate it vs CG or PES 2021. I've made a few adjustments to try and improve it as well, which you can find here -

It's not perfect, especially as the updates have negatively impacted the game, but for me I can still enjoy a good game of football and despite it's faults I think 22 NG is a step in the right direction compared to the direction from FIFA 20 and the introduction of '1v1'. I'm not sure about default anymore as I haven't tried it for some time, but I do find the AI variety to be very, very good. You have to be able to look past the ridiculous animation/movement speed to get any enjoyment out of it though!

The other thing which is a mixed bag is the ball physics. I like elements of the ball physics a lot and feel like EA have really improved in this area. It can feel very smooth and weighty at times, which is a big improvement on how it used to be. On the other hand, I don't find them consistent enough across different types of passing/shooting so it can be frustrating. The other thing which bugs me is that the deflections are very 'dead'. The ball becomes extremely heavy in deflections and the ball doesn't travel very far at all. This is by design I think and it's annoying! A few things to keep in mind anyway!
Will be PS5 version. I remember all the hype at release about nextgen "hypermotion" or something. Did it amount to anything good in practice?

I have strong opinions about HyperMotion at large: it's a sham. It could easily be called StuffWhatWeDoneToMakeTheGame™.

Although, often, when people talk about it they conflate it with the 11 vs 11 capture which is, in fact, just one of its features. I can't say I notice a difference in that respect but then I'm nowhere near as analytical as some.

I would argue that most of its features were never evident on day one, let alone now.
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