WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Not really i always talk about the game, you are the ones talking poorly about some of us because we talk about the growing flaws of the game which used to be very good.

I also agree snoop, it is crazy all this "look what you have done" among grown ups.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

not having a dig

but the majority on here probably still live with mum and dad and haven't experienced the real world yet i.e mortgage, having kids, working long hours, bills etc

so maybe they get more involved with things that are not really important when you look at the bigger picture, i'm 29, have two kids, mortgage, married but have been a member before all of the above so choose to still stick around but i can't understand people arguing about minor things and digging each other out

Of course i'm not perfect because sometimes people need telling and vice versa but at the end of the day if evo-web closed today it wouldn't be the end of the world. when i surf the web i take a peep at this site to keep my finger on the pro evo pulse like many others, but to be honest getting in to petty arguements with people online i just haven't got the time for
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I reckon all these people crying are actually Seasalts employees sat with there Penguin outfits on.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

A lot of people are really over-reacting. Like people have said, it's a video game. And people are shedding tears because someone leaves? Are your lives that messed up that you get so upset when someone says they're not coming to a forum anymore? Do you rely on this forum so much? Get a grip, people getting all emotional now saying "LOOK WHAT YOU DID NOW! YOU MADE HIM LEAVE! I HATE YOU!", crazy. It really says a lot when people take forums so seriously.

Danhammer is right, there's more important things to think about. Like his brother. Some people ... :roll:
I agree on some points you bring on, but overall it is too easy to say that we should not take this forum so seriously. It's not about the forum itself, it's about the behaviour of people behind it. That behaviour is in some cases unacceptable. Just see some insulting posts towards the WENB-team, that they are so popular that they don't need the forum anymore and leave. That is insulting, it lacks self-critic and it is highly disrespectful. That you cannot take seriously enough!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Just see some insulting posts towards the WENB-team, that they are so popular that they don't need the forum anymore and leave. That is insulting,

You see this is what I am getting at.

You are putting them on a pedestal.

The WENB team do do a very very good job.

But that does not mean they are any different to you and me.

They are being criticised for spitting there dummy out.

Its childish behaviour.

They are not being criticised for there work in bringing the latest news.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I agree on some points you bring on, but overall it is too easy to say that we should not take this forum so seriously. It's not about the forum itself, it's about the behaviour of people behind it. That behaviour is in some cases unacceptable. Just see some insulting posts towards the WENB-team, that they are so popular that they don't need the forum anymore and leave. That is insulting, it lacks self-critic and it is highly disrespectful. That you cannot take seriously enough!

I totally agree...it's about (a lack of) respect for other people...this not about a video game or about evo-web...this is about a lack of respect.

If i would say that Danhammer's brother is a moron because he's in Afghanistan...everybody would agree that i should be banned or at least get a serious warning....lot's of personal attacks in this thread use the same mechanism but are tolerated....once again...it's the bad modding in this thread.
It's not really the people who are or aren't bitching, it's the fact that nobody has the guts to point out that at some point there was a danger that a certain limit could be exceeded.

PS: Danhammer... i wish your brother the best of course.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

You guys are very easy on flinging those insulting words. Nobody here cries about adonis, we're stating the fact that most of the criticism by some ppl wasn't constructive, even insulting Konami and, in some posts, WENB's EARLY work on Kit Patches. Saying bad kits, not editable badges, etc ALL the time. Fine it's enough, no need to say it over and over again. Ppl who read this thread are the ones who wants the actual and possible improvement of this game, I don't believe ppl come here to see ppl b*tch about things that are obvious all the time.

Move to another subject shall we? Don't let the mod lock/close the thread because of the issue.

Oh and yes. IMHO Adonis is a level above us because of his knowledge/work on WENB. At least in these forums/discussion he is. So I take his words more seriously than others. That's what I meant by a level above us.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

You see this is what I am getting at.

You are putting them on a pedestal.

The WENB team do do a very very good job.

But that does not mean they are any different to you and me.

They are being criticised for spitting there dummy out.

Its childish behaviour.

They are not being criticised for there work in bringing the latest news.
The difference between you and me is that I respect them for their hard work and that you see only negative points; lets sum up:
"You are putting them on a pedestal.'
Nooo... I respect them for the huge amount of good work they did.

"They are being criticised for spitting there dummy out."
No, they implicitely said it was a 'first try' and the real work will be done later.

"Its childish behaviour."
WHAT is childish behaviour? You know what childish is? Giving Seabass silly names like Seasalts, just out of frustration ;)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Why are so many Fifa players in this Thread and talk bad about Pro Evo?It seems that some Fifa Fans just wait for a bad Pro Evo pic so they can picking on it(i don't know if this is right english;-))
Go to the Fifa thread and talk about your super next gen Fifa. Fifa is already out, you can play it all the time but instead playing and discuss about Fifa you talk shit about Pro Evo:roll:
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

The difference between you and me is that I respect them for their hard work and that you see only negative points; lets sum up:
"You are putting them on a pedestal.'
Nooo... I respect them for the huge amount of good work they did.

"They are being criticised for spitting there dummy out."
No, they implicitely said it was a 'first try' and the real work will be done later.

"Its childish behaviour."
WHAT is childish behaviour? You know what childish is? Giving Seabass silly names like Seasalts, just out of frustration ;)

The last one is the best haha, because that IS childish, and its the same ones calling others childish oh the irony.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

well this was evo-web!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Shame Adam decided to leave the forum, but then again the thread lost its credibility quite a while ago. I if want my latest WE/PES news ill go to wenb, which i have always done anyway.

I have to say i partly agree with both parties, the "more respect" ones and the "childish spit your dummy out" ones.

Now the agreement with the first one is obvious, there is no need to get insulting towards someone just because they have a different opinion. And it works both ways, pro pes or against pes opinions. I think I was also one of the first ones to comment on hullybul's insulting behaviour. Yet Han told me just to move on and ignore him. It works both ways Han. But generally Im in agreement with you and Gerd.

But Im also in agreement with the childish comments to decide to leave the thread because of negative critisism. I havent seen actual insults directed towards Adam, although chalie's continued questioning their integrity is not needed, but other then that I havent seen any. If there has been he should get in contact with a mod and have something done about it. Its a waste for both him and us to just leave when people get insulting. They should be punished, not him and us.

Also I think its partly a "reap what you sow" reaction. Adam/WENB have continually stated news/"facts" that have been seen to be incorrect or hyped (huge editing suite is the latest). Now most of those comments have been from contacts and sadly they are only messengers ("dont shoot the messenger" springs to mind) but because of that and the dissapointment to the continued "bullshit" news it gets directed at adam/WENB. Sadly I think it comes with the territory of putting your neck on the line to get, hopefully, the latest and most accurate news. Some of us need to realise that and respect what they are doing for us and not blame them when the news that they are "forwarding" isnt correct. I still havent seen the 250 teams yet, the editing is pretty poor in comparison to what they, konami, lead us to believe. Konami, and sadly WENB through very little to no fault of their own, continue to mislead us with hyperbole about elements/functions and because of the positive "hype" the negative reaction is also overblown.

Eventually I think its a modding issue and a certain amount of restraint from us all not to get involved in slanging matches. The continued negativity from people in this thread, including myself, is born out of frustration and a forum's purpose is to share opinions and thats what we, I, am doing. In the same way I discuss different opinions in the fifa thread, or just choose to ignore some. The same can be done in here.

I dont think that I and quite a few others get involved in slanging matches as its just pointless. But there are a considerable amount that do because of different opinions. They should be stronger modded.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

lets draw a line

we are all pes fans and should discuss things in a grown-up manner
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

my brother is in afghanistan with the british army on the front line, that is real life

this is a fucking computer game so get a grip for fucks sake, and engage your brain before spitting your toys out of your pram and giving people "legendary" status for talking about a football game

Wise words :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

You guys are very easy on flinging those insulting words. Nobody here cries about adonis, we're stating the fact that most of the criticism by some ppl wasn't constructive, even insulting Konami and, in some posts, WENB's EARLY work on Kit Patches.
You want to know what insulting is?

Loving a game for years, becoming disheartened at the approach it's taking, voicing your criticism in a constructive and balanced manner, and then reading a post like this:

Why are so many Fifa players in this Thread and talk bad about Pro Evo?It seems that some Fifa Fans just wait for a bad Pro Evo pic so they can picking on it(i don't know if this is right english;-))
Go to the Fifa thread and talk about your super next gen Fifa. Fifa is already out, you can play it all the time but instead playing and discuss about Fifa you talk shit about Pro Evo:roll:

If anyone should be leaving out of disheartenment it's the people with half a brain who can say what they don't like about one game without bringing another into it, the people who care enough about the game and the future of the game to say "they're not going in the right direction", rather than the bunch of sheep who say "itz brilli@nt 4eva, dnt need any reviewz or demoz".

I'm utterly gobsmacked at the people saying the forum is going downhill simply because there's more to complain about than before. Seabass said for years he was waiting for the power of next-gen consoles and everyone who's played the game so far (including the "final version") have said it's nothing special. You may or may not care about the same parts of the game that I do, fair enough, but the fact that you can't make any authentic kits because you can only photo-import onto a small area (and you're given 10% of the generic patterns you had before) is ridiculous, like it or not. If all you care about is the gameplay then great, close your eyes, but it is ridiculous, it is my opinion, and as long as I'm not being personal, why on earth is this disrespectful to anyone?

And yet the people who are genuinely worried (and are being labelled as nothing but "bitchers" as well, thanks) get told, every year, "shut up and go and play FIFA". That's disrespect. But do you know what? We are still here. Doesn't that show how much we care about the game?

Posting every single year "why haven't they fixed this yet" isn't fun. I've been here four and a half years, and the things I care most about haven't even been touched. I've waited years and years for certain things, more teams, improved ML, 360-degree control, and for as long as Konami ignore all of that, I will be here. And I apologise to anyone who is offended by that.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Why are so many Fifa players in this Thread and talk bad about Pro Evo?It seems that some Fifa Fans just wait for a bad Pro Evo pic so they can picking on it(i don't know if this is right english;-))
Go to the Fifa thread and talk about your super next gen Fifa. Fifa is already out, you can play it all the time but instead playing and discuss about Fifa you talk shit about Pro Evo:roll:

I don't think that is true. Noone would be in here if they weren't interested in PES, and I also believe that very few people will spend the time if all they are going to get out of it is being able to complain. Obviously there might be very few people who would do that, but most people would just not have the energy or motivation to criticise for the sake of criticising.

And the main reason FIFA comes up so much is that it is the only real reference point we have as far as Football games. People comparing with FIFA don't make less of a point than others, in fact I'd say that they make more of a point since they have played both games enough to know the differences, and are able to motivate what they feel is wrong by comparing with things they feel is right.

Saying "This is crap in PES but in FIFA this is just right" is worth alot more to me than someone saying "This is crap in PES", simply because you get more information if someone posts a reference point (like how FIFA does "it" for example).

Also, as much as I like what Adam and Suff have done, the comments here that have made me agree the most have been the ones that generally state that there is alot of overreacting and such here. I don't wish to disrespect anyone, that isn't the goal, I'm just saying what I feel. I could have 20 people a day writing in this thread that I'm an asshole, and I'd probably carry on posting, since I know this is the Internet and anything goes (obviously I hope it never comes to that since I then probably have done something really mean and/or illegal). As long as there is also positive comments and such, I feel it would be worth it. Obviously Adam had reached his limit, and I obviously don't know how many criticising comments he gets from other sources.

But I've not seen anyone criticising WENB or what they do, only KONAMI. Though the kits from WENB were criticised, and probably rightly so. BUT, they were criticised mainly in the sense that KONAMI are cheap bastards, and only minorly because WENB stated them (I think) as being very good, when any serious kitmaker or football fan probably throws up at seeing Liverpool with 2 stripes on their arms or such. WENB just took some flack because they seemed to be very enthusiastic about the results, something others disagreed with apparantly.

Well, sad to see Adam leave, but WENB will be there still so there is still room for dialog and communication.

EDIT: Also, FIFA is out, yes, but the PES PC Demo has been played by me, and judging from recent videos from newer versions, it hasn't changed at all basically. Sure, it might feel slightly different, but my main problem wiht PES2008 Demo wasn't the small details, it was the whole game. And that isn't going to change all that much, because the Demo wouldn't have been released if KONAMI didn't feel it to be atleast a somewhat accurate version to what they were aiming for.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I could have 20 people a day writing in this thread that I'm an asshole, and I'd probably carry on posting,

Arsehole! :D

I actually forgot to add that part to my post. After all its only an internet forum.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Well done all you FIFA boys you managed to pretty much kill off this thread with your 'opinion'.

It was not cool the way you lot climbed into the pics and info that people brought.

By the way I dont want another FIFA I want PES.
But I wouldnt expect less from people who probably sit infront of their pc's sniggering.

Anyway I'm off, not that it matters because I apparently am a '13 year old boy
who played evo yesterday for the first time'
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Jack, how come u take all the blame for some guys who just keep posting complete nonsense just for winding people up or starting a flame war? I don't think what gerd or Han said was directed at you, but somehow you think it is. What I said wasn't either, but you can not disagree that many people on this forum and in this thread in particular have gone over certain boundaries where criticism stops and insulting starts.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Yes I do, and I see it in the post directly above yours. But that's fine and dandy, because this is a Pro Evo forum, isn't it?

People have been directly insulting and of course it's wrong, I don't deny that and I never have. If I ever feel like I've stepped over a boundary personally I apologise. But it only seems to work one way on this forum, every other post is about all the FIFA avatars and all the FIFA lovers rather than having the mental capacity to say "I agree with your criticism" or "I disagree with your criticism". It's sad, and I've been bashed on these forums more than most.

I've had people hacking into email accounts of mine, I've had people sending abuse for days on end - FIFASoccerBlog was so full of personal insults (75% directed at me) that we had to ban anonymous comments, and even now that we've done that it's still ongoing. But I don't leave because I want the game to be better, and I live in hope that what the community says on here is read by someone, somewhere, who cares (and I have been told by several people that at least two or three people in the industry do).
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I've only been on this site a few weeks and I've enjoyed the banter
and the nonsence as well I'll miss Adonis.....in my short time I've come to rely on this guy for info!

let's keep this site bubbling guys the count down to the best footy game out there begins...NOW!!!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

My god this forum needs a decent moderator to delete every piece of crap post in here.

Who moderates this forum anyway...

This thread went tits up 500 pages ago...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Well done all you FIFA boys you managed to pretty much kill off this thread with your 'opinion'.

It was not cool the way you lot climbed into the pics and info that people brought.

By the way I dont want another FIFA I want PES.
But I wouldnt expect less from people who probably sit infront of their pc's sniggering.

Anyway I'm off, not that it matters because I apparently am a '13 year old boy
who played evo yesterday for the first time'

This is the Next-Gen discussions thread. Not the "PES Next-Gen praise thread".

All I've done is discuss what I feel about PES2008, judging from videos and the Demo. And discussion without examples and critisicm can't really be called a dicussion in my humble opinion.

No disrespect intended. :)
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Yes I do, and I see it in the post directly above yours. But that's fine and dandy, because this is a Pro Evo forum, isn't it?

People have been directly insulting and of course it's wrong, I don't deny that and I never have. If I ever feel like I've stepped over a boundary personally I apologise. But it only seems to work one way on this forum, every other post is about all the FIFA avatars and all the FIFA lovers rather than "I agree with your criticism" or "I disagree with your criticism". It's sad.

Actually those people don't even deserve mentioning as they are just insulting others just for the reasons I've mentioned before. I do agree it is extremely stupid and disrespectful calling someone an idiot (or that imbecile FIFAGGOT thing) just cos they like FIFA. But the ones who make up names like Seafuck or just keep talking complete shit about the game over and over again without any argumentation are in this category too.
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