WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Pong? nah.
SWOS? Any day.
I believe the PES gameplay will overcome its graphical shortcomings as usual.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

no changes on the release date? because i saw at pesfan forum that a guy says the game is delayed, thats why the demo hasn't come out for the ps3, i think that it might be a joke, but you guys know more than me about that.

sorry about my english.

It's too late for the game to be delayed. Too many launch events have been planned. Also if it was delayed that would have nothing to do with an unreleased PS3 demo, Sony have had the demo for a while now, so it's their problem. Nothing to do with Konami.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

there are some real PES haters here....think they dont belong here ,and if some of you realy enjoy Fifa08,then go wright a book about it or something but dont come here and bash PES2008,its to soon for that cuz non of yah f*ckers played the retail version yet....and its al about the gameplay.
And so far the kitt editing is not that bad, it could be wors.
But PES wil remain al about the gameplay.Even al the real top football players play PES,simply because it has a good realism of the game.

can u please name those?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

there are some real PES haters here....think they dont belong here ,and if some of you realy enjoy Fifa08,then go wright a book about it or something but dont come here and bash PES2008,its to soon for that cuz non of yah f*ckers played the retail version yet....and its al about the gameplay.
And so far the kitt editing is not that bad, it could be wors.
But PES wil remain al about the gameplay.Even al the real top football players play PES,simply because it has a good realism of the game.

junka you have been a member of evo-web for quite a while now, but lately you seem to be a little blind to the fact konami have done fuck all to make the pro evo series better and keep defending them no matter what

nobody is a pro evo hater, we wouldn't be here if we hated it....just abit miffed as to why konami refuse to listen to the majority on forums who want a better service
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Pleased to hear Adam saying that the kit attempts were rushed efforts. Let's hope that people on here wil be able to create some good stuff to make this game look as good as possible. By the way, I cannot wait to have all the players faces in the game. I didn't think they would implement this feature into PES 2008, kudos to Konami on that one. Should be easy enough to create the mighty Bradford (don't mention tonight's result) City.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

better service? you get something really really "expencive" in a ridiculously low price and your talking about service man? give me a break.Most of the guys here are posting more than what they play
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

say what? since when could you modify the ball trajectory in PES?

Hey mate. :)

I was referring to Freekicks, I hope that was clear.

PES has had for a long time the Up, Down, A (:x:) and Y (:triangle:) as angle modifiers for freekicks. This is because since you cannot use the same strenght on a Freekick from 35 meters as from 20m, when you get closer ot the goal you need to use less power for the ball to even have time to be affected by gravity and dip down behind the wall once it has gone over it. But since you need less power, the result _would_ be that the ball always hits the wall. So KONAMI have a system that basically allows you to modify the initial angle the ball has off the ground. The extra height will make the ball clear the wall even though you are using less power on it (making the shot more of a lob than a shot if you understand).

The modifier buttons also scale the power accordingly so that around 50% on the power bar usually means that the ball will reach a bit over headheight (to clear the wall).

Because I can't be arsed to write it again, quoted from myself on PESgaming:

"There is no button for dip only.

The Free Kick system in PES is only based on how far from goal you are.

Basically, the shot button (power) changes the lenght of the balls path along a trajectory which you set using UP, DOWN, A and Y.

Combining DOWN, UP, A and Y (and also not pressing anything on the cross/stick) means a total of 9 possibilities of trajectory.

The slowest one (or highest trajectory resulting in less power) is first holding DOWN before shooting, then holding A after the shot button has been pushed and before the player shoots.

The second slowest one is only holding DOWN when shooting.

The third slowest one is holding DOWN, then pressing Y.

It goes on the same for not holding the digital cross/stick at all, and holding UP. You combine A and Y the same way.

So basically, the power bar is usually kept pretty constant. This only makes the selected trajectory get longer (same peak height, but longer distance between the freekick spot and the point where it lands), and it scales fairly linearly along with the trajectories so usually there is only one power you are aiming for (one or two clicks above the centre line in the power bar, unless really far out where you need alot more power just to reach goal, or if you are really close and you need to use less power and hope the ball goes between heads in the wall to be able to get it under the bar).

The key is selecting the proper trajectory using UP, DOWN, A and Y so that the ball has enough height to go just over the wall, but still manages to dip below the bar (you want to find the ultimate ratio between power and height, too high and you suffer power since the ball will take longer to get down from the extra height, too low and it will hit the wall unless you give extra power, which will most likely cause it to go over the bar).

According to the Official PES5 Magazine, the dip a player can put on the ball is only resulting from his Curl stat. That said, I have taken freekicks with players with 0 Curl and their kicks still manages to dip very well, only they don't get any side curl so that info seems a bit dubious to me.

Anyways, the point is that the way almost all freekick styles kick the ball, they will always give the ball topspin, which results in the ball dipping down. Results generally vary from kick to kick.

But also, it should be noted that when taking close freekicks (23-ish to 21-ish metres) holding only DOWN (or DOWN, then A for the very weakest (or highest trajectory) freekick), the ball can sometimes get a great deal of side curl, and no topspin at all. This rarely happens when shooting with lower (harder) trajectories from further out. This can sometimes lead to quite spectacular shots that curl like crazy. Of course it helps if you use a player with 99 on all stats for the highest amount of accuracy, consistency and curl."
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

For the love of ....if you don't like the info that people are posting, such as pics of updated kits then piss-off from the thread. Rather spend the time praising FIFA in the FIFA thread or hey, why not go enjoy the game.
Please, there are people looking for info on the game, not every little thing scrutinized to the nth degree and made to look bad.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I`m sick of this Thread and won`t visit it the next two weeks. Good luck bitching eachother lads.


Im with you on this my friend.

The reaction to one of the legends Elite saying that has been so disrespectful, but in all honesty its what I now expect. The forum I grew up with has become a place of rude and pathetic motor-mouths. People like ThomasGoal and Elite are treated like shit on here, when it was these people who seriously made the forum what it is today. I should know, I was one of the four who helped create Evo-web back in 2001.

For me the final straw came when people started taking the piss out of the kits we made with PC Action. Ive said on numerous occasions that there is a two-tone on the colours as PC Action havent really spent time to match it up. But people here still like to have a laugh, or have a go at something else. For me its amazing to see folks on here ridicule the kits as its miles better than the preset kits. We know they're never gonna be perfect in the game, so to get that close for me was astounding. Not for many on here I guess.

Then theres the constant defending I do on here regarding the blog. Anything positive I say is turned into 'PR Spin'. Ive had enough. As you've probably noticed Suff hasnt posted on here for a while as he gave up, but I stayed as there's a lot of decent people on here who appreciate feedback I give. And theres the obvious affection I have for the forum as Ive been here since day 1.

Enoughs enough now. I have a blog which takes up enough of my time so Im gonna concentrate on that. Above all the animosity I get from some folk I know you all appreciate what WENB do, so you know where to find us. In the next 24hours you'll see our dedicated thread deleted, aswell as my account gone.

I want to take the opportunity to thank all the people Ive known on here, and especially Mart for supporting WENB when it started out. We owe a lot to Evo-Web, and we'll never forget it!

Take care guys.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Keep up the good work Adonis.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Im with you on this my friend.

The reaction to one of the legends Elite saying that has been so disrespectful, but in all honesty its what I now expect. The forum I grew up with has become a place of rude and pathetic motor-mouths. People like ThomasGoal and Elite are treated like shit on here, when it was these people who seriously made the forum what it is today. I should know, I was one of the four who helped create Evo-web back in 2001.

For me the final straw came when people started taking the piss out of the kits we made with PC Action. Ive said on numerous occasions that there is a two-tone on the colours as PC Action havent really spent time to match it up. But people here still like to have a laugh, or have a go at something else. For me its amazing to see folks on here ridicule the kits as its miles better than the preset kits. We know they're never gonna be perfect in the game, so to get that close for me was astounding. Not for many on here I guess.

Then theres the constant defending I do on here regarding the blog. Anything positive I say is turned into 'PR Spin'. Ive had enough. As you've probably noticed Suff hasnt posted on here for a while as he gave up, but I stayed as there's a lot of decent people on here who appreciate feedback I give. And theres the obvious affection I have for the forum as Ive been here since day 1.

Enoughs enough now. I have a blog which takes up enough of my time so Im gonna concentrate on that. Above all the animosity I get from some folk I know you all appreciate what WENB do, so you know where to find us. In the next 24hours you'll see our dedicated thread deleted, aswell as my account gone.

I want to take the opportunity to thank all the people Ive known on here, and especially Mart for supporting WENB when it started out. We owe a lot to Evo-Web, and we'll never forget it!

Take care guys.

i actually thought the kits were ok, however how did elite become a legend?? this is a computer game forum...since when did this give people legendary status

i appreciate the work you guys do mate, i enjoy WENB and always take a look on a daily basis...but don't get upset because people are not so keen on pes2008, this is probably down to the sorry looking demo we were presented with
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I've been on evo-web almost every day in the past 5 years but it's just not fun anymore in here. All this bitching and complaining over a game that's not even out yet.

Elite and Adonis have read my mind,
I'm off aswell...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Thanks to all of you who spoiled the athmosphere overhere. See what you guys have done! :-x [-X
That cost us one of, or maybe THE, most valueble member.
Grow up!!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Im with you on this my friend.

The reaction to one of the legends Elite saying that has been so disrespectful, but in all honesty its what I now expect. The forum I grew up with has become a place of rude and pathetic motor-mouths. People like ThomasGoal and Elite are treated like shit on here, when it was these people who seriously made the forum what it is today. I should know, I was one of the four who helped create Evo-web back in 2001.

For me the final straw came when people started taking the piss out of the kits we made with PC Action. Ive said on numerous occasions that there is a two-tone on the colours as PC Action havent really spent time to match it up. But people here still like to have a laugh, or have a go at something else. For me its amazing to see folks on here ridicule the kits as its miles better than the preset kits. We know they're never gonna be perfect in the game, so to get that close for me was astounding. Not for many on here I guess.

Then theres the constant defending I do on here regarding the blog. Anything positive I say is turned into 'PR Spin'. Ive had enough. As you've probably noticed Suff hasnt posted on here for a while as he gave up, but I stayed as there's a lot of decent people on here who appreciate feedback I give. And theres the obvious affection I have for the forum as Ive been here since day 1.

Enoughs enough now. I have a blog which takes up enough of my time so Im gonna concentrate on that. Above all the animosity I get from some folk I know you all appreciate what WENB do, so you know where to find us. In the next 24hours you'll see our dedicated thread deleted, aswell as my account gone.

I want to take the opportunity to thank all the people Ive known on here, and especially Mart for supporting WENB when it started out. We owe a lot to Evo-Web, and we'll never forget it!

Take care guys.

Can't say I blame you, for all the things you try help with and you get kicked in the teeth. I personally can't wait with the Evo-Web option file. Thanx for all the help you do and don't let some bad remarks deter your future work.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Can't we all just get along? :sad:

Can we all ever learn to respect one another and agree to disagree in a civilized and mature manner?

For the love of God, IT'S ONLY A GAME!!!

Let's not create animosity amongst ourselves over a game. I respect and love all of you, whether you like me or not, agree with me or not about the "Nets". Nobody is perfect in this fallen pathetic world. We all have our faults, however we should always be wise and cordial in our disagreements and not take anything personal. Let's not be quick to judge and condemn without looking at ourselves in the mirror first. It's been said that a house divided will not stand. And this wonderful house that is Evo-web is already begining to crumble from underneath because of all the hate and animosity.

Let's not let this house be divided, let's not let it crumble. Let's learn to share this wonderful sanctuary with reverence and love.

Adonis, please think it over my friend. There are others here who really do appreciate your hard and sincere work. You guys may be disrespected by some on this forums, but are very much respected by most for your hard work and dedication.

I pray for peace in this forum.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

My god this forum needs a decent moderator to delete every piece of crap post in here.

Who moderates this forum anyway...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Sorry but there's a lot of constructive criticism, it's not endless piss-taking with no point, it's geniune dissapointment from people who have been here as long as anybody. If you can't cope with that then how can you cope with any kind of forum? WENB gets a lot of shit, their comments section should be deleted because it's always personal insults, but people saying "kits are going to look ridiculous because all you can edit properly is the front of the shirt, everything else has to be generic", that's not disrespectful, it's the painful truth.

But good luck to Adonis and WENB as a whole.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Sad to see you go Adonis so sad :(. On my behalf if I have worsened they atmosphere here im sincerly sorry. Im still loving the blog though and realy apprieciating the stuff you have done for us not forgetting suff and the rest, to be honest every week day I come home and look foward to seeing some nice peacefull posts and news, last year was great this year has gone down hill.

So Adam bye for now and I thank WENB for relaxing my weekends, and pcaction for providing huge quantities of news.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Sorry but there's a lot of constructive criticism, it's not endless piss-taking with no point, it's geniune dissapointment from people who have been here as long as anybody. If you can't cope with that then how can you cope with any kind of forum? WENB gets a lot of shit, their comments section should be deleted because it's always personal insults, but people saying "kits are going to look ridiculous because all you can edit properly is the front of the shirt, everything else has to be generic", that's not disrespectful, it's the painful truth.

But good luck to Adonis and WENB as a whole.

Exactly, the reason why the place has become divided is because so many people have seen our beautiful game for what it was and what its become.

To fear change is to never progress and i am sad to say thats whats happened to PES and alot of folk are afraid to admit it.

Each to thier own and I look forward to the day that PES is a next gen game that we can all be proud of.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Sad to see you go Adonis :(

But i with some of the others here think Seabass has come very complacent with the game.

Will be still getting game hopefully enjoy but it feel like im walking into a shop and PES 2008 should be in bargain bin section with such games as “Donald Trump’s Real Estate Tycoon” and “Whac-a-mole” due to lack of effort and potential of what game could be.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Still can't get over the running animations. At least on PES6 when you hit the R2 knock ahead move you're player looked like he was accelerating and really busting a gut to get onto the end of it but you just don't get that sense anymore.

I just don't feel my players are explosive. You get a hold of Messi and beat one man, you then expect him to glide away with pace but he just hustles along the ground with no endeavor or nothing. Worst part of the game for me so far

They should really be using motion capture or something by now

this is not because of the game engine, but because Messi's speed stat is only 84 whil;e it should be 93-94 to make it like it is in real life. But yeah, I agree running animations look crap and there's no excuse for Konami.

Im with you on this my friend.

The reaction to one of the legends Elite saying that has been so disrespectful, but in all honesty its what I now expect. The forum I grew up with has become a place of rude and pathetic motor-mouths. People like ThomasGoal and Elite are treated like shit on here, when it was these people who seriously made the forum what it is today. I should know, I was one of the four who helped create Evo-web back in 2001.

For me the final straw came when people started taking the piss out of the kits we made with PC Action. Ive said on numerous occasions that there is a two-tone on the colours as PC Action havent really spent time to match it up. But people here still like to have a laugh, or have a go at something else. For me its amazing to see folks on here ridicule the kits as its miles better than the preset kits. We know they're never gonna be perfect in the game, so to get that close for me was astounding. Not for many on here I guess.

Then theres the constant defending I do on here regarding the blog. Anything positive I say is turned into 'PR Spin'. Ive had enough. As you've probably noticed Suff hasnt posted on here for a while as he gave up, but I stayed as there's a lot of decent people on here who appreciate feedback I give. And theres the obvious affection I have for the forum as Ive been here since day 1.

Enoughs enough now. I have a blog which takes up enough of my time so Im gonna concentrate on that. Above all the animosity I get from some folk I know you all appreciate what WENB do, so you know where to find us. In the next 24hours you'll see our dedicated thread deleted, aswell as my account gone.

I want to take the opportunity to thank all the people Ive known on here, and especially Mart for supporting WENB when it started out. We owe a lot to Evo-Web, and we'll never forget it!

Take care guys.

I'm with you on that mate, since I joined evo-web 3 years ago forum has really gone downhill in certain areas. There are lots of smartasses who think that they can say whatever they want and say anyone to fuck off just cos they want to do so, while in real lifethey wouldn't have said that just cos you can get some good old punch in the face for talking piss.

Some people in here should really think of what they do and say on these boards. It's really hard to read this thread through all this countless bitching and arguments. And what really pisses me off is how some of the guys come here every day just to say some crap about PES and Seabass. They sound like in one moment this great game has become stupid arcade, like there are suddenly only bad things about this game and nothing really good. I'm not saying that there's no place for negative and critical comments here, but when some guys come here just for sake of saying something negative about the game is just wrong and disrespectful to people who follow this thread for news and some interesting opinions(not saying about positive only).
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

this is the most melodramatic thread ive ever read.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

See so it has finally resulted in using their constructive criticism to get rid of one of our best members, 2 atleast with elite, I havent even seen TG here for some time, maybe in another thread who knows. BUt to say its constructive criticism is just a way to save yourselfs, how is calling TG a fanboy for PES and PS3 constructive.

Look at all of you lot slating one bad facial picture in PES? What is the deal with that, go on Fifa Saints alone, not one player is spot on, wrong hair stlyles, colours, loads, but does that get picked up on.

The kits I thought were great, albeit the 2 stripes, but would do for me, thecolours I just thought you can edit them so they look closer.

But anyway Adam thank you very much for your contribution and keep up the good work. Hopefully we can play online aswell, im pretty sure I can with you anyway, seeing as I will have 3 PES2008's probably haha. :D
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