WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Thats the problem ppl are in too deep now and cant admit or post public that the game is average at best.

"At WENB we're trying to make the best out of a bad situation, everyone should do the same."

This game needs to be criticized and hopefully Konami will do something about it.
Yes it has to be fair and not immature but when you see OPM giving it a 9 out of 10 we have problems.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Conflict of interest: if they start being critical good bye to preview copies and game convention passes.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Damn... this thread suddenly became in a huge pile of crap...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

just dont buy the fucking game ffs, thats the best u can do if u wanna make ur point valid, but im tired of ppl whining all the time about small things that no one cares...like sub socks, or the ppl on the crowd. jesus, get a life.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

point taken but i'm assuming that the sleeves can be changed to white, and this is an oversight by the PCAction team. And also these are the first attempts - PC action have to get somethig out quick to get hits and therefore ad rev. I'm prepared to cut them some slack, and say that in a month the editing fratenity will have sorted out the nike swoosh (not a tick) and badge sizes will be sorted through trial and error, and we'll have some good kits.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

just dont buy the fucking game ffs, thats the best u can do if u wanna make ur point valid, but im tired of ppl whining all the time about small things that no one cares...like sub socks, or the ppl on the crowd. jesus, get a life.

The game playng 100mph is a SMALL THING? Take your Konami tinted glasses off for a minute and be realistic. Also, I HAVE played the PSone, many times. I still have mine actually (probably doesn't work now, you can't see it through the dust.)

I am 28 not 15 so less of the patronising. :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I've got a mate who is a hardcore PES fanboy. I told him FIFA 07 was worth a try, he didn't even entertain the conversation. Told him about UCL and same result. Already I see him constantly on XBL playing the PES 2008 demo and PES 6, he just wont try FIFA because of its history and he can't believe the game has changed so much.

He's also kidding himself into thinking PES is still the game it was years ago and wont ever get worse. It's a shame people feel the need to attach themselves to something and refuse other experiences for the sake of ignorance.

It's clear PES has been going downhill since PES 6, look at the number of people ripping into PES 2008. It's not because they're FIFA fanboys either. It's already been said that everyone came here because we loved PES, some of us may even have been PES fanboys (I never was, not referring to me there). But we're not ignorant and we do try other games, and we tried FIFA. That's all, we tried another game. We gave it a chance.

And it opened our eyes to how stale PES has become, especially the Master League. That guy who left the forum earlier because of the bad attitude being shown towards PES, it's not bad attitude, it's disgruntlement. We're sick of paying for a retail game to be short-changed and given a half-arsed game where Konami clearly aren't showing as much commitment as they're capable of showing. They know people will buy PES just because of the brand name, so why should they spend so much money on development and add new features? Because the same people will buy it anyway, they'll still make their money. So why waste it spending on something they don't need to add?

Konami have gotten lazy, sloppy, inconsiderate and disrespectful. Most PES players have been playing PES for many years and have spent a LOT of money on their games. They've also promoted the game through word of mouth, told their friends and family how good the game was. This has resulted in a larger and larger fanbase. Konami have gotten PES to where it was because of the fans, our money and our support. But they throw trash at us like PES 6 and 2008? Please, we deserve better for the support we've gave them and we don't deserve to be given budget games.

I hope Konami do lose sales this year and people turn to FIFA. Maybe then Konami will realise they've dropped the ball and need to get their act together. And, nobody likes this phrase, maybe next time? Maybe the next PES will be the one we all want? But we wont get it if we put up with rubbish and accept it, no more "making the most of a bad situation" because at the end of the day you're still putting money into Konami's pockets. And things wont change. We need to hit them where it hurts, in their coffers. Show them we wont accept this tripe. And when they release a quality game again (like we all know they most certainly are capable of doing), then they will have our money again.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

just dont buy the fucking game ffs, thats the best u can do if u wanna make ur point valid, but im tired of ppl whining all the time about small things that no one cares...like sub socks, or the ppl on the crowd. jesus, get a life.

Sadly the MasterLeague is a small thing and yes i wont buy the game until they fix it whenever that will be.

But i wont rather read interesting posts to why ppl are disappointed or things they want fixed than read the garbage ppl post about how the game is amazing and the best version to date without any reasoning.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

The game playng 100mph is a SMALL THING? Take your Konami tinted glasses off for a minute and be realistic. Also, I HAVE played the PSone, many times. I still have mine actually (probably doesn't work now, you can't see it through the dust.)

I am 28 not 15 so less of the patronising. :)

saying that pes2008 looks like a psone game is just pathetic, u need glasses.

btw some things are right and deserve criticism, im not saying pes2008 is perfect, but complaining about things, like the socks of the guys on the bench, or the ppl on the crowd its just GAY.

and im not saying it was u who pointed those things out.

have a nice day.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

saying that pes2008 looks like a psone game is just pathetic, u need glasses.

btw some things are right and deserve criticism, im not saying pes2008 is perfect, but complaining about things, like the socks of the guys on the bench, or the ppl on the crowd its just GAY.

and im not saying it was u who pointed those things out.

have a nice day.

Shut up you tard.

We are in Next gen now things like the crownd and sub bench graphics should near enough match the in game stuff.

And when was the last time every player had there shirts tucked in by there mum before kick off in a real match.

Add to that the speed and frame rate issue and we have a broken game which would not look out of place on the DS FFS.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

saying that pes2008 looks like a psone game is just pathetic, u need glasses.

btw some things are right and deserve criticism, im not saying pes2008 is perfect, but complaining about things, like the socks of the guys on the bench, or the ppl on the crowd its just GAY.

and im not saying it was u who pointed those things out.

have a nice day.

It goes back to previous posts, we're in next gen now! There's no excuses for things that weren't acceptable LAST-gen so why should it be acceptable now? Developers have had years with the 360, and MANY years with the PC. Games have graphics like Gears Of War but we get shit like PES 2008 ... and you accept it? Why? Because it's the gameplay that counts? GOW has gameplay AND graphics, why can't Konami do both? It's not like Konami don't have the money and resources. No excuses Konami, it's next-gen. Sort it out.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Sadly the MasterLeague is a small thing and yes i wont buy the game until they fix it whenever that will be.

But i wont rather read interesting posts to why ppl are disappointed or things they want fixed than read the garbage ppl post about how the game is amazing and the best version to date without any reasoning.

yes master league isnt a small thing, im with u on this...

and theres other things that needs to get improved.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Dissapointed? Yes, but u just need to mention it once or twice, not taking over this thread using those same reasons. It has it's limitations, things that we don't have answers for, Seabass must have reasons about these but come on, don't prejudge him being "unbelivable" because you just don't know.

IMHO, OK fine the games aren't perfect, I and hopefully most of the ppl here can live with that, we've been through it many years without it w/o patches. Game Speed? Frame Problems? Get the final version then comment on it.

Stop the constant negativity, it's getting boring :(
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Shut up you tard.

We are in Next gen now things like the crownd and sub bench graphics should near enough match the in game stuff.

And when was the last time every player had there shirts tucked in by there mum before kick off in a real match.

Add to that the speed and frame rate issue and we have a broken game which would not look out of place on the DS FFS.


who are u calling a tard?

ur the one that spend ur life here whining about a game that u wont even buy, get a life dude, i feel sorry for ppl like u.

poor kid:roll:
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)


who are u calling a tard?

ur the one that spend ur life here whining about a game that u wont even buy, get a life dude, i feel sorry for ppl like u.

poor kid:roll:

If only you knew me :lmao:
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

It goes back to previous posts, we're in next gen now! There's no excuses for things that weren't acceptable LAST-gen so why should it be acceptable now? Developers have had years with the 360, and MANY years with the PC. Games have graphics like Gears Of War but we get shit like PES 2008 ... and you accept it? Why? Because it's the gameplay that counts? GOW has gameplay AND graphics, why can't Konami do both? It's not like Konami don't have the money and resources. No excuses Konami, it's next-gen. Sort it out.

how can u complain about the faces of the PES2008 CROWD when in ur game ( FIFA08) the crowd is 2d, they dont even have faces, and the most important, the player faces look shit!!! no one looks like the real one, those fifa faces are ridiculous.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

how can u complain about the faces of the PES2008 CROWD when in ur game ( FIFA08) the crowd is 2d, they dont even have faces, and the most important, the player faces look shit!!! no one looks like the real one, those fifa faces are ridiculous.

Who gives a flying fuck about faces?

I thought it was all about the gameplay?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

how can u complain about the faces of the PES2008 CROWD when in ur game ( FIFA08) the crowd is 2d, they dont even have faces
Because two wrongs don't make a right...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

how can u complain about the faces of the PES2008 CROWD when in ur game ( FIFA08) the crowd is 2d, they dont even have faces, and the most important, the player faces look shit!!! no one looks like the real one, those fifa faces are ridiculous.

Gameplay is first and so far PES2008's looks shit
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

how can u complain about the faces of the PES2008 CROWD when in ur game ( FIFA08) the crowd is 2d, they dont even have faces, and the most important, the player faces look shit!!! no one looks like the real one, those fifa faces are ridiculous.

Who mentioned crowd and faces? Not me, sounds like you have a complex? ;) I'm talking about graphics in general, PES looks like a comic book. Nobody would look at PES as they walk past the TV and think it's a real match on TV. Konami have the power at their fingertips to overhaul the graphics engine but are too lazy to bother. Again, why should they? Because mugs will still buy the game regardless, and "make the most of a bad situation".

And faces ... wow. How often do you see faces? 90% (if not more) is spent playing at a far-out view to see the whole pitch. Sod faces, I want the graphics nice in general, and PES looks shitty and like a Playschool I-Learn-Football game. I'm not a graphics whore, I'm a gameplay whore. And FIFA has that over PES but that IS debatable I suppose. What ISN'T debatable is that FIFA looks far more realistic than PES. Faces shit or not.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Most of people here will have the chance of buying the game in less than 15 days... while rest of the world are fucked waiting months for their version (unless you can pay for it +shipping). thats sad.

So better be happy at least with that small fact. Buy it or not, its the only decision. :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I am looking forward to the game, and can't wait tbh.
If it turns out to be shit, then I'll trade it in, but I've never been disappointed apart from PES4.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I disagree completely.

In PES you prepare yourself by using your stick. You move your player into the best position and angle to make a good touch on the ball. You press the pass button when you want to start the motion to kick the ball. PES has got this spot on. The timing feels just like when I play real football (which I do a couple of times a week).

So what about thight situations where you fight for the ball, or you are surrounded by other players? How can you think ahead for 1 second. You can't! You need full control of your player. You just need to feel you are in that situation yourself, and play by reaction and quick thinking. You can't quick-think 1 second ahead, when you don't know what happens during that second.

It's not difficult for a real player to do a millisecond pass in real life. To time a pass JUST before the opponent reach it. To play with small margins and high risk. This is impossible with FIFA.

Think-ahead-football just makes slow safe-pass tactical football with bad close control and random outcomes of thight duels. Doesn't sound very realistic to me. It wont get your adrenaline pumping. It's like just telling your players what to do instead of doing it yourself.

In PES I feel like I AM the player. In FIFA I feel like I'm trying to tell him what to do.

FIFA might look allright when looking at the full picture, but when going into detail with 1 player, it just stinks.

Hehe, we seem to disagree quite alot. :)

I enjoy the extra planning needed in FIFA. In PES you can just jiggle the stick mindlessly when running to pull off 2-foot feints and such easily and completely effortlessly without any concentration or timing. That to me isn't enjoyable, though it certainly is responsive.

In FIFA, I've noticed it really takes full concentration and "planning" (making sure you approach the opponent correctly timing-wise) to fool him with a Matthews-feint or such.

That said, I've done some really sweet stuff with Ronaldinho and Messi, but it definitely isn't as effortless as in PES to do some things (which I feel makes it even more rewarding once you pull it off). In PES you do an elastico by peppering R2 or L1. In FIFA you need to wait till the player kicks out the ball a bit and is approaching it again, and then time the trickstick quite well. So in PES you can do an elastico almost at any time with Ronaldinho, whilst in FIFA you need to make sure both the trickstick movement is correct, the timing is correct, and making sure that the opponent isn't too far away or too close. :)

Also, I didn't really mean that you need to press the pass-button 1 whole second before for the player to be able to pass it. You can't do it PES-style (pressing the button when the ball is 30cm from the foot) and having the player cock his leg and kick the ball instantly when receiving a pass.

As for tight situations, most players in real life struggle to keep the ball in tight situations. In real life you don't have the kind of response PES has. Usually in tight situations, you will have time for one move, and the accuracy and planning of that move ( usually what direction you move the ball, or such) determines whether you will keep the ball or loose it.

It definitely took me some time to learn how to think correctly in FIFA, and get acquainted with the controls properly. But now I am able to handle myself quite well in duels and close quarters. As in rea life, even if I am controlling Messi, the best bet in a close situation is to turn around and pass to a teammate.

FIFA is slower and less responsive, but in my humble opinion it isn't too slow (atleast I've yet to miss a first-time pass or such because of pressing the pass button too late). And after playing quite alot on the PC these past days, you notice that the AI players have the same handicap, so I don't mind it at all. I just wish my 2nd controller would work so I could play some multiplayer and test the game in that aspect aswell. I can't wait till I pull off an elastico against a friend.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

to be honest at least pc action are trying to do something about a rubbish scenario...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Noone said it's PC Action's fault. It is Seaturd and his team of "football fanatics".
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I read on another forum that Seabass and Co. should be hung in the public square for their negligence.

Rather harsh, but entertaining none the less.
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