WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)


Layers from Award a prize to League in PES 2008 It has assure nots utannonserats than , but that Konamis fotbollsserie am arriving release in autumn to a good deal various size is givet. Precise whom size is yet nots clearly than.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Another one.

The teams from premiums League in PES 2008

The does not have certainly utannonserats than, but that Konamis football series comes to be released this autumn to a lot of different formats is obvious. Which exact formats are not however clear than.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Europe, not rest of the world. The game is released only in Europe, not in US or other places.

And don't doubt it about WE11 will be better. It has been like that in the past, so the logic says it will be the same now.

But what surprises me is that in the cover of that mag says "new ML" but you can see those guys in one of the celebrating pics of PES2008.... that is pretty funny :lmao" or at least pretty weird... :-S
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

How can it be the lead version for PES 2008 if it comes out after it?

Or is the point being that they've been working on WE11 at the same times as PES08, and they will release a game 2 months later which is actually updated and enhanced for Japanese gamers rather than the outdated (I'm talking ML here which is 90% of the game for me) version they release to the ROTW?

I guess so? I just meant that Winning Eleven was always the lead version for all past versions. Maybe its nothing different this time around. Maybe pes 2008 is just the 'complete' version of pes6 and Winning Eleven 11 is the beginning of next-gen? I'm just speculating here :lol:
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Level7.nu said:
Lagen från Premier League i PES 2008

Det har förvisso inte utannonserats än, men att Konamis fotbollsserie kommer släppas i höst till en hel del olika format är givet. Exakt vilka format är dock inte klart än.

"Although it hasn't been announced yet, it seems a given that KONAMI's soccer series will be released this fall to a number of platforms. Exactly which those formats are is however not yet finalized/settled."

Vi har fått bekräftat från Konami-personal i Leipzig att det är Tottenham och Newcastle som kommer vara licensierade i år. Inga andra lag från Premier League har rätt lagnamn och dräkter.

Vi kan också berätta att det är betydligt lättare att hinna med att få en repris i årets version. Alltid något.

"We have gotten confirmation from KONAMI-personel in Leipzig that Tottenham and Newcastle will be licenced this year. No other Premiership teams will have the proper teamnames and kits.

We can also announce that it is significantly easier to find the time to view a replay in this years version. Always something".

Info om onlineläget i PES 2008

Seabass är inte på Leipzig-mässan och de ger inga intervjuer här, men vi lyckades ändå prata med "Ippi", som är "koordinator mellan PES-teamet och Europa" (enligt Kenneth Klingborg på Konami). Han avslöjade bland annat att det bara blir en mot en online och att spelet inte stödjer onlineligor.

"Info regarding the online mode in PES2008

Seabass is not attending the Leipzig GC and they do not give interviews here, but we still managed to speak to "Ippi", who is the "coordinator between the WE-team and Europe". He revealed that there will only be 1 vs. 1 online, and the game will not support online leagues."
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

God Bless Konami!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

That magazine is always out of date its just taken the new Masterleague info and like the british mags did saying the masterleague has been pimped.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

"We have gotten confirmation from KONAMI-personel in Leipzig that Tottenham and Newcastle will be licenced this year. No other Premiership teams will have the proper teamnames and kits.

...we still managed to speak to "Ippi", who is the "coordinator between the WE-team and Europe". He revealed that there will only be 1 vs. 1 online, and the game will not support online leagues."

Sounds amazing! A big breakthrough and big progress from PES6.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

- Manual passing - How?
- Block tackles now included in the game - What does this mean?
- 30 Boots - That'd mean every boot available to top flight players apart from Umbro right?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Additional text info from Level7.nu:

Level7.nu said:
Seabass är inte på Leipzig-mässan och de ger inga intervjuer här, men jag lyckades ändå få prata med "Ippi", som är "koordinator mellan PES-teamet och Europa" (enligt Kenneth Klingborg på Konami). Han kunde nog inte låta bli att prata lite om spelet med mig så han avslöjade en hel del intressant om PES 2008, men bered er på besvikelser:
• Enbart en mot en online på alla konsoler. De har inte kunnat få till en tillräckligt stabil tjänst med fler än så.
• Inga "major improvements" till master league. De intervjuer och liknande vi fått se på screenshots påverkar inte spelet.
• Inga onlineligor.
• De har snott laglicenser från Fifa 08 med de svenska lagen.

Tråkiga nyheter förvisso, men jag har kört 7-8 matcher med PS3-versionen nu och kanske 2-3 av 360-ditot och nu är det inga slowdowns alls och spelet på plan är verkligen helt suveränt. Motståndar-AI:n är jobbigt bra. Känner vi igen den slutsatsen...

Intressant kontrast till Fifa 08 som jag spanade in tidigare idag. Jäklar så bra det spelet är i allt utanför plan. Så genomtänkt och smart. Be a Pro är genialiskt och att kunna spela fem i varje lag online kan ju bara bli kul. Tyvärr känns spelet på plan fortfarande ett par snäpp under PES-nivå, men det var ju väntat.

"Seabass is not attending the Leipzig GC and they do not give interviews here, but I still managed to speak to "Ippi", who is the "coordinator between the WE-team and Europe". He couldn't resist speaking a bit about the game with me, so he revealed some interesting information regarding PES2008, but prepare for dissapointments:

- Only 1 vs. 1 online for all consoles. They haven't been able to achieve a stable enough service with more participants.

- No "Major Improvements" for the Master League. The interviews and similar we have seen screenshots of does not influence the game.

- No online leagues.

- They have "stolen" team licences from FIFA with the swedish teams (there are more swedish teams in PES2008 than ever before).

While these are sad news, I have played 7-8 matches on the PS3 version now, and perhaps 2-3 on the 360 version, and now there are no slowdowns at all, and the gameplay on the field is really something else. The opponent AI is remarkably good.
Do we recognize that conclusion...

Interesting contrast to FIFA08 which I checked out earlier today. Damn that game is good in everything off the pitch. SO thought-through and smart. "Be a Pro" is ingenious and being able to play 5 humans in each team online can only be a treat. Unfortunately the play on the pitch still feels a couple of notches below PES-level, but that was expected after all."
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

- Manual passing - How?
- Block tackles now included in the game - What does this mean?
- 30 Boots - That'd mean every boot available to top flight players apart from Umbro right?

Where is the "Manual Passing" reference from, a page back? I jump at any sentences that include "manual" so I want the source if you know. :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Level7.nu said:
Det ser hårdare ut än någonsin mellan dessa två fotbollsjättar. Jag måste erkänna, för första gången på 10 år är jag lite smått sugen på att köpa båda titlarna.


FIFA 08 Gameplay

PES 2008 Gameplay

FIFA lockar med alla sina licenser (som vanligt), nu med det stora plusset att spelet på plan ser otroligt lovande ut. Mer verklighetstroget än PES, måste sägas. Spelalternativet "Be a Pro" verkar kul, och möjlighet att spela 5 vs 5 online är inte fy skam det heller. Ser fram emot ett kommande demo på detta spektakel.

PES ser också bra ut, men varför går det så otroligt fort? Spelarna vrålkutar non-stop och täcker upp ytor felfritt hela tiden, ser väldigt mekaniskt ut. Det ligger en stor arkad-känsla över det hela, inte kul för oss som gillar simulationer. Sedan hade jag stora förhoppningar på att åtminstone kunna spela 2 vs 2 online, men verkar som det blir endast 1 vs 1. Dåligt, Konami.

Trots detta så har jag en stark känsla av att PES kommer vara det bättre spelet i slutändan. Som Konami själva påpekar så är spelet 75% klart, så de har 2 månader på sig att skruva i dobbarna ordentligt..

"The battle looks tougher than ever between these two football giants. I have to admit, for the first time in 10 years I am interested in buying both titles.

FIFA is obviously tempting with all its licences (as usual), but now with the big advantage that the gameplay on the pitch looks amazingly promising aswell. More "realistic looking" than PES, has to be said. The "Be a Pro" mode seems fun. And the possibility to play 5v5 online is not too bad either. I am looking forward to a demo for this spectacle.

PES also looks good, but why does it play so damn fast? The players are dashing around non-stop and covering large areas flawlessly the entire time, looks very mechanical. There is a big arcade-feeling over it, not fun for those of us that prefer simulations. I also had big hopes to maybe atleast play 2v2 online, but it appears that only 1v1 will be available. Poor, KONAMI.

Despite this I have a strong feeling that PES will be the better game in the end. As KONAMI themselves point out, the game is 75% completed, so they have 2 months to properly "tighten the studs".
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

because of the widescreen TVs.

Fifa2007 is online unplayable. There are so many bugs....

Yeah, I believe that aswell. The format and size of the TV will matter alot when judging speed etc. But I have also heard people say that the game appears to change speed in alot of videos from Leipzig, as opposed to being there and playng it. Not sure, I would guess most video cameras would have a completely neutral time ratio so to speak. But there must be some technical pseudo-thing somewhere... :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

But there must be some technical pseudo-thing somewhere... :)

Theres a big difference in camera framerate and the game framerate.

The PS2 probably still isnt proper widescreen, as it would be drawing alot more, therefor unless they could optimse it (dont think there much left in the tank), the game would slow down.

The PS3 vids did look proper 16:9 tho.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Theres a big difference in camera framerate and the game framerate.

Well, yeah, obviously. ;)

But as long as the camera "record framerate" is the same as the "playback framerate" of the recorded material, the ratio is still 1:1. Meaning, if it took the camera 1 second to record 40 frames (witht he camera pointed towards the TV to pickup the images of the game), and it takes the resulting video 1 second to play back those 40 frames aswell, then the time ratio between recording and playback are completely intact, and things will appear as fast as they did at the time of recording.

Unless they recorded with 40FPS, and then converted to a video file at 50FPS, in which case the video will be sped up to a ratio of 5:4.

But something like that would also lead to the audio pitching up to stay synched, so people would be sounding abit like chipmunks in the videos. :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

- No "Major Improvements" for the Master League. The interviews and similar we have seen screenshots of does not influence the game.
Bit off topic but, is it just me or is that quite devious? They release the screenshots knowing full-well what they appear to represent (i.e. moving cut-scenes, possibly showing new levels of interaction), and then - confirmed twice now - they turn out to be still graphics, background images, of no importance. And so what looks like the (only?) change to the Master League turns out not to be a change at all. So disappointing for the guys who play the ML (and there's a lot of them, PES isn't just a multiplayer game - check out the ML threads on this forum, they go on for pages and pages).
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

not even two vs two from two different consoles? that was in pes5. that's not cool
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Bit off topic but, is it just me or is that quite devious? They release the screenshots knowing what they look like, and then (confirmed twice now) they turn out to be still graphics, background images, of no importance - and so what looks like the (only?) change to the Master League turns out not to be a change at all. So disappointing for the guys who play the ML (and there's a lot of them, PES isn't just a multiplayer game - check out the ML threads on this forum, they go on for pages and pages).

Yeah that's what I thought when I heard they weren't movie caps. Way to give the wrong idea. Actually, then what did they want to show off with it? Really? Its like selling an empty honey jar to a bear.

Well. I don't care. I am not a ML player, been there done that a few years ago, but the moment I could play an online master league with some friends I'm back in the game. So that should be fun in a year or ten.

But indeed, its mighty bitter for those who where hoping for a revamped ML.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

But as long as the camera "record framerate" is the same as the "playback framerate" of the recorded material, the ratio is still 1:1. Meaning, if it took the camera 1 second to record 40 frames (witht he camera pointed towards the TV to pickup the images of the game), and it takes the resulting video 1 second to play back those 40 frames aswell, then the time ratio between recording and playback are completely intact, and things will appear as fast as they did at the time of recording.

The time ratio is still 1:1 yes, but the frame ratio will be out. SO the example of recording and playing back 40 frames is incorrect. If the tv display was 40FPS and the camera recorded 1 sec, the camera would only play back 29 frames (pal), but still take 1 second to do so.

The conversion of these videos to the web may also have an effect, if they are record in pal and converted to ntsc (framerate wise, not resolution) this will also effect some videos.

We need Raw HD output.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Bit off topic but, is it just me or is that quite devious? They release the screenshots knowing full-well what they appear to represent (i.e. moving cut-scenes, possibly showing new levels of interaction), and then - confirmed twice now - they turn out to be still graphics, background images, of no importance. And so what looks like the (only?) change to the Master League turns out not to be a change at all. So disappointing for the guys who play the ML (and there's a lot of them, PES isn't just a multiplayer game - check out the ML threads on this forum, they go on for pages and pages).

You speak the troof.

I agree, what did they want to say. Look at my skills in creating a picture that has nothing to do with moving graphics or animations. It's a pretty bad-looking picture for not being animated (although I suppose the pictures are "partly" interactive since I believe small details will change, like the players featured, and the colours and such on their clothes to match your teams colors).

Still, a bit of a bummer.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)


All the news about PES2008 is pretty much available now.

And it is quite clear that PES2008 is


But hey, at least they have aimed high and "captured" the licenses for a 3 or 4 of the all important Swedish clubs.


Rumour has it Konami might also beat EA to the license for the champions of Outer Mongolia, FC Whogivesashit.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

To those of you who think the net physics is amazing, would you explain to me how with such a net the ball manages to bounce off the goals??? Is that a special magnetic net????


And one more thing: why do they run like some "kick off" games from early 90es????
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