WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

if they added xbox live marketplace i would sign. pretty stupid only asking for PS3 demo!
No because the PS3 is the lead SKU, and believe me Konami work hard for the slowdown on the full 360 version ;)
like the Xbox demo before on Marketplace because the 360 is the lead SKU.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Thanks for the PES vs FIFA review article. Great find.

So FIFA looks like you're watching a game on TV, but the physics suck and the gameplay is frustrating.

PES looks really good (but hardly as good), with amazing ball physics and rewarding, realistic gameplay.

Should we really point out the winner? The thing about PES is that its shortcoming were all easy to fix. That's the main cause of frustration... But since FIFA failed to fix its frustrating gameplay, the crown -again- goes to PES this year.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Haha, The_Knight, you just took a great article and rewrote it into a crap one. :freak:

He doesn't say FIFA sucks. He says that PES and FIFA are very close. He thinks PES is better, but not by a million miles. It's a very good article, completely unbiased and a good read.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

The penalty camera angle is HORRENDOUS!!! Its zoomed way to close to the back of the pk taker and same shit penalty taking animations.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Haha, The_Knight, you just took a great article and rewrote it into a crap one. :freak:

He doesn't say FIFA sucks. He says that PES and FIFA are very close. He thinks PES is better, but not by a million miles. It's a very good article, completely unbiased and a good read.

He says the ball physics have the "floating" nature to them, and bringing the ball up the field could be frustrating.

To tell you the truth, as amazed I was with FIFA, I did notice it takes a lot of frustrating passes to bring the ball up the field. And video after video I found myself losing interest.

Whereas the way players in PES gang around the player with the ball is brilliant.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

My take on it is this:

Fifa looks real, but doesn't feel real when you play it.
Pes doens't look real, but feels real.

Fifa will probably be a better single and online game.
PES will always be a better multiplayer game.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Can't you change the colour in system settings and try to make it realistic(colourwise) from there?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

He says the ball physics have the "floating" nature to them, and bringing the ball up the field could be frustrating.

To tell you the truth, as amazed I was with FIFA, I did notice it takes a lot of frustrating passes to bring the ball up the field. And video after video I found myself losing interest.

Whereas the way players in PES gang around the player with the ball is brilliant.
Well it's all about opinions, mate. You're not a fanboy (getting sick of that word now), you make good points, and even the people who are should just play what they enjoy and stop trying to change people's minds (or defend their game like it's their mother). At the end of the day I don't mind the odd floaty ball at the expense of being given the gift of full control over everything in FIFA. But I understand those who don't mind the odd CPU cheat at the expense of solid gameplay in PES.

My take on it is this:

Fifa looks real, but doesn't feel real when you play it.
Pes doens't look real, but feels real.

Fifa will probably be a better single and online game.
PES will always be a better multiplayer game.
Honestly, I think PES will be the same every single year, but in a few years' time (like, I dunno, 2010) FIFA will completely blow PES out of the water. But then, the next year, Seabass will finally pull his finger out of his arse and make a game we are all happy with, which will amaze us and inspire us and keep us playing the same game for another eight years.

Roll on 2011...
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

well adam said it hasnt as the game is based on the ps2 version, go to the blog, adam mentiones it. Sorry to dissapoint you.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

ah woe are we :( but still im sure twill all turn out alright in the end, ive yet to be and believe i will still yet to be dissapointed in a pro evo game, i have not lost faith
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

i think this way:

pes 2 (ps2) = pes 2008 (ps3) = pes 2014 (ps4) ...
pes 3 (ps2) = pes 2009 (ps3) = pes 2015 (ps4) ...
pes 4 (ps2) = pes 2010 (ps3) = pes 2016 (ps4) ...

smile, it's the pes formula.

and fifa looks great, removing the HUD, isnt that difficult, to mistake it with a real match. but also some passes are from super humans, and all the players look the same.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I find watching the fifa videos that the ball is far to bouncey, its looking like pinball. The passing is a litlle to crisp and perfect for me.

I do like the presentation and the subtle animation work will to help the game flow realisticly... it's going to be a difficult one to call this year.

For me the succes of PES is dependant on the edit mode this year. As besides gameplay it is the only thing that gives the game its longevity.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I understand and tbh Virtua Tennis 3 theres only been three, maybe Pro Evo, should give us a game every 2-3 years, now how annoying would that be for us, but atleast we would see a vast improvement, maybe we would be happy with just a little change in gameplay haha!

ISS98 didnt know it had like manual control and passing etc, I cant remember I will have to play it again sometime soon, in ISS2000 for PS1 or PS2, I have both, the way you powered your pass, was how hard you pressed the button, so hard you press square the harder faster it would go, maybe we could take this and make it useful, harder for height, hold longer for power, that would solve the issues in assigning height and power to a pass or shot etc :D Trance im with you, we need a better passing system, as this will truly in the future, put the amazing players apart from the good players, and take a lot more skill on our part, which in turn is for realism making it a better game for us :D But Konami wont listen, we have to play what we got, enjoy it, or not, and then have the same thing for next year :D

But heres hoping that some changes will happen in the 25% and that it isnt just teams and players that will take that up!

Unfortunately I think the "25%" is probably just an estimate for how much data left to incorporate into the game. So if they still haven't added almost any teams since they are waiting for the last transfers, then that data might constitute 25% of the game. I doubt there is 25% gameplay left to add etc.

As for the height and power suggestion, you are thinking in a good way.

I suppose you mean that you use the analog buttons on the PS3 and X360 to decide power and height. It is a good thing, but most PC pads doesn't have analog buttons like the more costly concole buttons, so in my humble opinion I don't think that is the way to go.

To be honest the "height and power" control issue is a big one. The best one so far is to simply tilt the analog stick in varying degrees for different heights (tilting it 50% is the "lowest" setting, tilting/leaning it all the way gives more height.

Or just pressing it towards your own goal makes the player try low shots.

With the tilt feature you need a pad with a good range on the analog stick though, so that you have good control over it. If thestick has too little movement the "tilt" sense it would get hard to control since you have so little room for the movements.

One thing that could be very useful though, is to use R1 to determine the height you want.

R1 is currently used for making Chip shots. But you could change it so that while you are powering up for a shot, you can also use R1 to quickly "power up" a height bar. That way, you can still use R1 to make chip shots (little shot power, and lots of height on the R1 height bar) but you can also try to make hard low shots (lots of shot power, little R1 shot bar). This system would not be mechanical, and often giving lots of power will make it very difficult to keep the shot down.

With this system, you could also for the first time try to slot it into the far top corner, if you give moderate power and moderate height. Would work great if L2+R2 combinations etc could be used to determine what foot to use and what side of the foot to use (instep or outside for example).

This heightbar would be great also for :circle: longpasses. And it wouldn't be necessary for normal :x: passing, since you could simply use the :circle: longpass with very low height to do low-longpasses that would look like slightly higher :x: passes.

Add a touch of Aftertouch curling (as transparent as you can get it) and you have total control. ;)

Man ,Konami would do well to hire you because your ideas are brilliant.The system you just explained could work for shooting/crosses/through passes/ground passes.
I had an idea that 360° left stick direction makes the D-pad useless.Most of sports games use the D-pad for choosing which tactics to apply.In PES it's done by :l2:+:triangle: or :l2:+:square: ....
We would have a free :l2: button which could be used for new dribbles or outside of the foot shot.

In fact with 360° and power for passing we wouldn't need to use :triangle: anymore which would free this button for others gameplay stuff .
In total ,with good thinking Konami could save :l2: and :triangle: thus allowing more gameplay possibilities .
Too bad Konami will unlikely take those changes into consideration because it could be really interesting.

ps:Most of PES2008 animations are unrealistic ,what a shame.

Yeah, the L2 button freeing up is definately something KONAMI should do the minute they implement the analog stick (which hopefully is about one year from now. The way you could then combine R2+L2 for lots of tricks, or choosing inside-outside of boot, or just having 2 modifiers for passing, doing tricks with the right analog, etc is great.

You are right about the Throughpass button aswell. We could use the normal pass button to strike the ball into space.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

From WENB:

And finally I got brought back down to earth with some news about the game. From a source I cant name due to NDA's etc, I found out that the base of the game is exact to the PS2 version. That means no improvements to master league :( There was also news about the tracks in the game. Although you can chose 59 tracks, they are all from the game and preset Rock-type tunes.

So that rounds up todays news. I'll finish on saying CW & Kenny M from Evo-web both preferred the PS3 version of PES 2008 due to control issues with the X360, Kenny hated Fifa 08 while CW is thoroughly impressed, and I actually enjoyed a spot of Fifa 08 after getting used to the finesse shots.

More reactions on the game soon,

Just proves what i have been saying for over two years game was ported from the PS2.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

From WENB:

And finally I got brought back down to earth with some news about the game. From a source I cant name due to NDA's etc, I found out that the base of the game is exact to the PS2 version. That means no improvements to master league :( There was also news about the tracks in the game. Although you can chose 59 tracks, they are all from the game and preset Rock-type tunes.

So that rounds up todays news. I'll finish on saying CW & Kenny M from Evo-web both preferred the PS3 version of PES 2008 due to control issues with the X360, Kenny hated Fifa 08 while CW is thoroughly impressed, and I actually enjoyed a spot of Fifa 08 after getting used to the finesse shots.

More reactions on the game soon,

Just proves what i have been saying for over two years game was ported from the PS2.

goddam you! haha you were right you sob
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

From WENB: "He did tell me though that the Japanese version was delayed because 'Seabass wants to take his time on it and get it done'."

I wonder, is he talking about the language translation only, or some gameplay stuff as well... I hope the Japanese version doesn't turn out to be better than PES2008...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Yeah it fucking sucks but thats how konami have done it during the last 2 generations of consoles.

I just hope like the PS2 (PES3) we dont have to wait for the third version of the Game on the PS3 before they get to grips with the Next Gen hardward and software.

Thats still no excuss for the Masterleague if it could be done on floppys with SWOS and on a DVD with Fifa PS2 it should already be getting a facelift despite the rest of the game.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I wish i could read Japanese i would love to visit a Japanese WE forum.

While we all bicker about the Masterleague and what should be present in the game.

I bet they all argue which is the better Animal head to use in the game to replace Ronaldos.
And How the Barrel ball now looks amazing with the PS3's graphics engine ;).
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

The american name of the game is... PES2008, no more Winning Eleven (thanks KAiWAi)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

From WENB: "He did tell me though that the Japanese version was delayed because 'Seabass wants to take his time on it and get it done'."

I wonder, is he talking about the language translation only, or some gameplay stuff as well... I hope the Japanese version doesn't turn out to be better than PES2008...
We heared before that Seabass can't be in Leipzig because he works hard at finishing PES 2008, but from what you write, he is finishing Winning Eleven for december! :shock:

BTW, I wasn't here this afternoon and it looks like the opinion about FIFA/PES has suddenly shifted in favor of PES 2008...
Things go fast in just some hours :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

It sounds like the main reason W.E.N.B. liked the PS3 version better was because of the controls.

I love the 360 controller and have always used the analog sticks, the only problem is it will be a lot easier to use other people's option files on PS3.

I've even read about Microsoft corrupting saves that are not made with your profile.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

FFS, now i am tempted to wait for the Japanese version.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

lol great second strike from fabregas

and, as always, the numpty playing still doesn't want to let the replay actually play. I haven't seen one video clip from FIFA or Pro where the user has actually let a replay last longer than 1 second.
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