V / Paulv2k4 FIFA 23 Mods | Gameplay | Career

Yeah, early v3 alphas had best physicality/fouls/injuries. But EA in one of the updates (TU6 if I remember correctly) took away ability to mod tackles and Paul restarted mod from scratch. I really miss that elements.

Try game with only Gameplay v4a6 and if it works normally, start adding other mods to pinpoint, what is causing crashes. Question, "why my game is crashing with mod combination" without at least telling, what exact mods(with versions) in which order you are trying to use, is not productive.

v3 had other problems for me. The lack of long shots and crosses along with CPU having precise shooting and dribbling stat is not that impactful. All of which are fixed on v4. But yeah, EA have no idea what they are doing by making CPU tackling so awkward.
v3 had other problems for me. The lack of long shots and crosses along with CPU having precise shooting and dribbling stat is not that impactful. All of which are fixed on v4. But yeah, EA have no idea what they are doing by making CPU tackling so awkward.
Oh yes. Current shooting is way better than in v3. And team movement in attack and defence I like more. Right now main culprit for typical CPU attack(get ball to flag and try to driible into center) is Player Based Difficulty. Players with up triangle cross and longshot way less than others. Only thing that degraded for me(other than tackles/injuries) is runs. Teams with ball control tactic don't utilise open zones like they should. I had Haaland that clearly was outrunning my defenders just stop and pass.
Oh yes. Current shooting is way better than in v3. And team movement in attack and defence I like more. Right now main culprit for typical CPU attack(get ball to flag and try to driible into center) is Player Based Difficulty. Players with up triangle cross and longshot way less than others. Only thing that degraded for me(other than tackles/injuries) is runs. Teams with ball control tactic don't utilise open zones like they should. I had Haaland that clearly was outrunning my defenders just stop and pass.
I have disabled player based difficulty and the game plays more better for me. The problem with player based ability is that it made top players in crappy teams play like Prime Maldini or Prime Messi and just boost their stats for no reason.
I'm torn between aggressive (and slightly unrealistic) AI fouling and essentially no fouls AT ALL. EA TU8/TU9 destroyed defending, again! So it is making it hard to get back to a somewhat nice balance.
I'm torn between aggressive (and slightly unrealistic) AI fouling and essentially no fouls AT ALL. EA TU8/TU9 destroyed defending, again! So it is making it hard to get back to a somewhat nice balance.
There is a new update out on steam for 2-3 days. Is that been considered?
Not sure what I want more. It’s both sh…. 😂🤷‍♂️
I'm torn between aggressive (and slightly unrealistic) AI fouling and essentially no fouls AT ALL. EA TU8/TU9 destroyed defending, again! So it is making it hard to get back to a somewhat nice balance.
I prefer agressive too
I'm torn between aggressive (and slightly unrealistic) AI fouling and essentially no fouls AT ALL. EA TU8/TU9 destroyed defending, again! So it is making it hard to get back to a somewhat nice balance.
agressive, alot of fouls happen irl, depends from league to league, no fouls would be so lame ahaha
I'm torn between aggressive (and slightly unrealistic) AI fouling and essentially no fouls AT ALL. EA TU8/TU9 destroyed defending, again! So it is making it hard to get back to a somewhat nice balance.

Honestly aggressive AI is a lot more fun to play against. One might think they are too aggressive(sliding too much and being reckless) but if you play like 5 mins halves, that's a normal highlight based on real life matches and the rate of these tackles are fine and realistic. However the problem I have is with the ref. They are too biased against me for some reason. Is there any code that measure biasness or something?
Had more matches and it’s mostly 2 situations I would need to overlook now. Edit: but it’s hard, when you are 1 up Southampton against ManUnited in career and they are „gifted“ a penalty!! First, Sliding tackles from behind by the AI, most of them not awarded a yellow. That looks off to me as reckless sliding should result in a yellow.
second thing are the light after touches. You win the ball and slightly touch the opponent and the AI gets awarded a free kick. Super dumb! Especially in the box.

these are my main flaws regarding the ref and foul situation right now. But yeah, I have to admit now, I’d take it this way rather than having no fouls at all.

and yes, to what @Topaz said. The decisions are a bit biased against me.
has anyone tried longer match length then? I’m playing 8 min halves.

btw. Super light tackles get a lot of yellows. Even the commentator mentioned a beserk action when it was a tiny collision. Yellow. Sliding murder attacks from behind, one last chance. 🤪
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Great mod superb realism but the only thing I'm experiencing is too many fouls and yellow cards.. the smallest touches or pushes from players are deemed a foul.

I've also put the referee strictness to "very lenient" and still the same result.

Anyone know how to fix this or is this something that can be adjusted?
@PRO_TOO this is what I highlighted in earlier iterations and before Paul did a whole redo of the mod. Seems like the foul bug is back again and even just jockeying with a really good defender without even pressing the tackle button results in a foul and the possibility of a yellow card.

I think this is the only thing that is making the experience frustrating, playing on 10-15 minutes results in most players in my team getting yellow cards and multiple suspensions for the next games.

If this can be fixed or reset to default to how vanilla handles tackles then the whole experience would be perfect.
@PRO_TOO this is what I highlighted in earlier iterations and before Paul did a whole redo of the mod. Seems like the foul bug is back again and even just jockeying with a really good defender without even pressing the tackle button results in a foul and the possibility of a yellow card.

I think this is the only thing that is making the experience frustrating, playing on 10-15 minutes results in most players in my team getting yellow cards and multiple suspensions for the next games.

If this can be fixed or reset to default to how vanilla handles tackles then the whole experience would be perfect.
I think fouls issue will still be there no matter what Paul does in the attribulator section. There’s something else which is telling referees to book after a certain amount of fouls.
I think fouls issue will still be there no matter what Paul does in the attribulator section. There’s something else which is telling referees to book after a certain amount of fouls.
Yeah definitely. I looked through the ebx and haven't found what controls this.

Edit: I hope it's not hardcoded and scripted within the match engine.
Yeah definitely. I looked through the ebx and haven't found what controls this.

Edit: I hope it's not hardcoded and scripted within the match engine.
I think collision values, database and some lua scripts in the legacy part play a role. The whole thing combined result in a broken fouls system.

Just saying this because i spent months looking at fouls values and the result was pretty much the same all the time. I can increase fouls frequency but at the same time referee card strictness will be increased as well. This year, for the first time, we got an in game setting for referee, which is fucking up all this system i'd say.

Through the database (referee table) we can also assing the highest foul strictness level (2) and the lowest card strictness level (0). That may be changing something.
I think collision values, database and some lua scripts in the legacy part play a role. The whole thing combined result in a broken fouls system.

Just saying this because i spent months looking at fouls values and the result was pretty much the same all the time. I can increase fouls frequency but at the same time referee card strictness will be increased as well. This year, for the first time, we got an in game setting for referee, which is fucking up all this system i'd say.

Through the database (referee table) we can also assing the highest foul strictness level (2) and the lowest card strictness level (0). That may be changing something.

What I don't understand is why do they differentiate between user tackles and cpu tackles when determining the strictness of the foul?
What I don't understand is why do they differentiate between user tackles and cpu tackles when determining the strictness of the foul?
Possibly to give advantage to the user and reward him ? It's strange, some matches i can get a red after performing one single tackle after 2 minutes, some other not even a yellow for a player with 5 fouls.
Is there any code that measure biasness or something?
That we have access to? Not that I am aware of.

What I don't understand is why do they differentiate between user tackles and cpu tackles when determining the strictness of the foul?
I suspect it is more to do with what AI do versus what a User does in terms of a tackle. The AI (as of TU8/9) either Auto Tackles OR Slide Tackles (with the fouling turned on).

If this can be fixed or reset to default to how vanilla handles tackles then the whole experience would be perfect.
Default values will be instant red cards (or double yellow) for the AI
I'm torn between aggressive (and slightly unrealistic) AI fouling and essentially no fouls AT ALL. EA TU8/TU9 destroyed defending, again! So it is making it hard to get back to a somewhat nice balance.
I would put a vote in for less aggressive. But I would be willing to side with MORE aggressive if we could then counter it by doing a global update to the DB and reduce all aggressiveness of players to 0 and move up by ten until we get a balance that feels reasonable. Is that even possible that aggressiveness would affect that?
Good morning all.

A new version of the gameplay mod is now available.

Version 4 Alpha 8.

Changes in comparison to Alpha 6

- Removed forced fouling in favour of a different AI Objective to force tackling
- Improved referee decision making
- Improved and more realistic ball physics in all situations
- Slowed/smoothed animations
- Slightly increased shooting accuracy for lower skilled players

Known possible issues:
- Sometimes the AI ball carrier may hold on to the ball too long
- AI wont celebrate a goal properly
- AI goalkeeper may take some time with a goal kick (4 seconds)


Good morning all.

A new version of the gameplay mod is now available.

Version 4 Alpha 8.

Changes in comparison to Alpha 6
- Removed forced fouling in favour of a different AI Objective to force tackling
- Improved referee decision making
- Improved and more realistic ball physics in all situations
- Slowed/smoothed animations
- Slightly increased shooting accuracy for lower skilled players

Known possible issues:
- Sometimes the AI ball carrier may hold on to the ball too long
- AI wont celebrate a goal properly
- AI goalkeeper may take some time with a goal kick (4 seconds)


Thanks A LOT, Paul! 💪

that’s a super nice easter surprise!! 🐣
Good morning all.

A new version of the gameplay mod is now available.

Version 4 Alpha 8.

Changes in comparison to Alpha 6
- Removed forced fouling in favour of a different AI Objective to force tackling
- Improved referee decision making
- Improved and more realistic ball physics in all situations
- Slowed/smoothed animations
- Slightly increased shooting accuracy for lower skilled players

Known possible issues:
- Sometimes the AI ball carrier may hold on to the ball too long
- AI wont celebrate a goal properly
- AI goalkeeper may take some time with a goal kick (4 seconds)



I am on lenient but the ref is constantly giving me yellow for the most littlest foul ever. And they gave a foul on the box when I cleanly won the ball. Other than that I am enjoying the new update. Ball physics in certain ground passes and driven passes seems more improved as well as the animation transition is less jittery now.
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I am on lenient but the ref is constantly giving me yellow for the most littlest foul ever. And they gave a foul on the box when I cleanly won the ball. Other than that I am enjoying the new update. Ball physics in certain ground passes and driven passes seems more improved as well as the animation transition is still jittery now.
Yeah… i think the ref situation is a better now, but still not as good as we had it before. I know you do what’s in your hands Paul!
The weight of the ball and the passes really are the best! Love that aspect.
AI holding on to the ball is not a good thing but overall AI pace is good. A bit slower as before. They tend to run in circles then when not letting go of the ball and you chase them.
I had 1:0 wins with brentford for Bayern and City, wich usually never happens. It seems like harder teams are easier to beat. Will try legendary today. Never did.
Keeper holding the ball for ages when kicking from ground is really a drag… but hey, minor for now. …gives me time to zip on the beer. 😊

I need more time with the mod.
Have a good weekend y’all and play and test and play and enjoy and feed back and have cake and pizza… 😂 🐣
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Regular shooting is a bit weak, but R2 is really flying like a rocket. Other than that, excellent work.
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