V / Paulv2k4 FIFA 23 Mods | Gameplay | Career

Have you tried the mod, no sliders but slow gamespeed?!
I did all sorts of testing. Pure mod. Mod with sliders. Mod with gamespeed. Mod with gamespeed and sliders. šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚
I guess slow speed would most likely prevent defenders from properly track back and make the AI play dumber.
Have you tried the mod, no sliders but slow gamespeed?!
I did all sorts of testing. Pure mod. Mod with sliders. Mod with gamespeed. Mod with gamespeed and sliders. šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚
I would play on slow but yeah the cb not tracking back problem :CENSOR:
Slow is like putting the game on ultra easy mode.

If you are finding gameplay oddities, please remember that Live Tuning completely fucks with my changes, so you must do the firewall block.
Problem is not with CPU aggresion, I find it quite refreshing. Main problem is with ref decision making. Sometimes warcrimes don't result in card, other times light shoulder barge gets player booked. But main problem is sliding tackles. Any touch of opponent, even way after ball contact, can get you foul. I even got penalty for slide face-to-face with clear ball contact.
Completely agree. I will likely restart this again, especially IF I am going back to forced fouling.

So, as always, thanks for your work. Now it is only way for me to enjoy football game.
Glad you and your bro are enjoying :)

So, just wanted to say I've basically stayed on only running the locale since it's the only thing I could get to work. The game is still super fun, challenging, and with realistic results.
But I guess in that case it really doesn't matter if I feel like updating because the locale will run no matter what, right @Paul-v ? Or is it better if I don't update because locale v5 only works well with previous TUs?
All you need to do is reapply the mod once and you are good to go.

Sorry, didn't know that wasn't allowed šŸ‘šŸ»
Well considering this is the thread for my mods, seems a bit odd to talk about other ones here haha
@Paul-v Don't you think something is wrong with fouls ? Most of the time i can get a proper AI fouling (small and heavy contacts) but suddenly, at some points during the match, referee starts going crazy with yellow cards no matter what i do. Thought it would be nice to 0 the persistent intensity but that didn't do the trick. Also, don't know if this could be affected by match intensity (i guess it does) and/or a too much edited collision system.
@Paul-v Don't you think something is wrong with fouls ? Most of the time i can get a proper AI fouling (small and heavy contacts) but suddenly, at some points during the match, referee starts going crazy with yellow cards no matter what i do. Thought it would be nice to 0 the persistent intensity but that didn't do the trick. Also, don't know if this could be affected by match intensity (i guess it does) and/or a too much edited collision system.

So this is exactly like Premier League referees. I would say that it is quite realistic.
So this is exactly like Premier League referees. I would say that it is quite realistic.
Yeah mate but I wasnā€™t talking particularly about Paulā€™s mod. Itā€™s a general behaviour happening even on the smallest contact only in the second period of the match. I like it a lot to have fouls and cards, but sometimes itā€™s just too much. That made me stop editing fouls in my mod since I didnā€™t know what to tweak more to improve this.
Was anything changed regarding the splash screen in the latest gameplay mod? I have previously gotten the root sign FIFA 23 logo when launching on all releases up until now, but with the latest update it seems it is now a black screen instead? I have not seen any mention of it on the thread, so thaught I might be doing something wrong.
All you need to do is reapply the mod once and you are good to go.
Ok, thanks.
I keep trying to firewall the game but it keeps being connected unless I actually tell the EA App to go offline.
Are we thinking that EA actively applies algorithmic modifications to gameplay WHILST you're playing an offline game by simple virtue of being connected? And do you have any sense of what those modifications involve?
Ok, thanks.
I keep trying to firewall the game but it keeps being connected unless I actually tell the EA App to go offline.
Are we thinking that EA actively applies algorithmic modifications to gameplay WHILST you're playing an offline game by simple virtue of being connected? And do you have any sense of what those modifications involve?

You can block outgoing connection through firewall on Windows 10 and it will never try to connect to any servers.
You can block outgoing connection through firewall on Windows 10 and it will never try to connect to any servers.
Ah, ok so incoming AND outgoing. And for the FIFA exe only, no need to do the EA App?
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Is there people on here who have made the switch from OS sliders to this mod? Currently trying to decide whether to switch to PC or not. Also is it okay to play FUMA with this mod?
Ah, ok so incoming AND outgoing. And for the FIFA exe only, no need to do the EA App?
Just the FIFA23.exe works fine.
Ok, thanks.
I keep trying to firewall the game but it keeps being connected unless I actually tell the EA App to go offline.
Are we thinking that EA actively applies algorithmic modifications to gameplay WHILST you're playing an offline game by simple virtue of being connected? And do you have any sense of what those modifications involve?
No. I've always had the thought that EA did some small updates when you start the game or click into a mode. They confirmed it after they added "Live Tuning Updates" and you can see the file appearing in AppData.

Was anything changed regarding the splash screen in the latest gameplay mod? I have previously gotten the root sign FIFA 23 logo when launching on all releases up until now, but with the latest update it seems it is now a black screen instead? I have not seen any mention of it on the thread, so thaught I might be doing something wrong.
100% a bug in the latest V4A5 mod. It has been caused by my project file. I'll fix it in the next one.
Is there people on here who have made the switch from OS sliders to this mod? Currently trying to decide whether to switch to PC or not. Also is it okay to play FUMA with this mod?
Sure, I did. šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘‹

played 23 on PS5 with OS sliders for some time. then sold this version and got me the PC title to try the mod!
i donā€™t loose anythingā€¦ i gain a lot!!
besides what awesome changes Paulā€™s mod brings to the tableā€¦ you could always play the stock version with sliders.
and call me crazy but I think there are more animations or animation variations on PC. ā€¦and yeah, graphics take a
leap forward as well! šŸ’Ŗ

as I now have my sim racing computer, standing in the other room, connected via hdmi to my living room tv, the relaxing gaming experience is the same as before, comfort wise! Only the game is better now. šŸ„³
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Hi guys.

Small gameplay mod update.
I've seen, using the locale only, some pretty awful attacks on the pitch bordering on criminal assault that the refs don't call at all. I just explain it by thinking they're Premier League refs and so the game is just trying to be realistic.
Hi guys.

Small gameplay mod update.

Version 4 Alpha 6
Changes from Alpha 5.
- Improvements to Referee foul logic so yellow cards are given to fouls that deserve them
- AI uses stand tackle more often
- AI uses slide tackle less
- Fix Splashscreen

Link for FMT (fbmod):

Link for FMM (fifamod):
All I ever wanted. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ thanks so much Paul!


canā€™t wait to try it tomorrow after work! šŸ’Ŗ
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Hi guys.

Small gameplay mod update.

Version 4 Alpha 6
Changes from Alpha 5.
- Improvements to Referee foul logic so yellow cards are given to fouls that deserve them
- AI uses stand tackle more often
- AI uses slide tackle less
- Fix Splashscreen

Link for FMT (fbmod):

Link for FMM (fifamod):

Thx for update. Ref yellow card logic feels better. But CPU still goes for slide tackles too much. Especially from directly behind ballcarier, when player have no chance to get ball without foul. And ref still calls foul for any slide, that touched opponent, even if ball contact was first.
Hey @Paul-v ! šŸ‘‹

I tried the latest version of your mod last night (couple of matches; different teams) and still I get totally weird ref decisions. The sliding from behind is noticeable less now. thatā€™s a good thing, imo. šŸ‘
Light contacts or contacts after the initial move (like taking the ball cleanly from the AI) can still result in free kicks. Yellows are awarded a tiny bit better, imo.

In general, the latest TU seemed to have changed something. All your efforts I really appreciate, still I think older versions (like the 3.x alphas) played fair better in that regard. Not moaning here, you know me, just trying to express what I see I hope we can fix it (together; we providing findings and you work your magic). šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘‹

edit: that ā€œreplacement fileā€ you linked for me (thx) gave me an error in FMT. something was wrongā€¦ name of the file or similar. 4 values were listed afair. I could recreate and take a screenshotā€¦. Because Iā€™d like to have the situation kinda sorted. As much as possible. šŸ˜ŠšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
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Hey @Paul-v ! šŸ‘‹

I tried the latest version of your mod last night (couple of matches; different teams) and still I get totally weird ref decisions. The sliding from behind is noticeable less now. thatā€™s a good thing, imo. šŸ‘
Light contacts or contacts after the initial move (like taking the ball cleanly from the AI) can still result in free kicks. Yellows are awarded a tiny bit better, imo.

In general, the latest TU seemed to have changed something. All your efforts I really appreciate, still I think older versions (like the 3.x alphas) played fair better in that regard. Not moaning here, you know me, just trying to express what I see I hope we can fix it (together; we providing findings and you work your magic). šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘‹

edit: that ā€œreplacement fileā€ you linked for me (thx) gave me an error in FMT. something was wrongā€¦ name of the file or similar. 4 values were listed afair. I could recreate and take a screenshotā€¦. Because Iā€™d like to have the situation kinda sorted. As much as possible. šŸ˜ŠšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
What version would be the best then, in your opinion?
What version would be the best then, in your opinion?
Nor sureā€¦ refs and AI agression/sliding were working better in some 3.x alpha. I was super satisfied with the refs and fouls. That was awesome. The latest v3 alphas and v3 final arent working for me, when fifa is updated to the latest (TU9).
id like to go backā€¦ well, Iā€™d like to have it working like it was, donā€™t mind the version. šŸ˜Š

but weā€™ll get there againā€¦ Iā€™m positive. āœŒļø
Nor sureā€¦ refs and AI agression/sliding were working better in some 3.x alpha. I was super satisfied with the refs and fouls. That was awesome. The latest v3 alphas and v3 final arent working for me, when fifa is updated to the latest (TU9).
id like to go backā€¦ well, Iā€™d like to have it working like it was, donā€™t mind the version. šŸ˜Š

but weā€™ll get there againā€¦ Iā€™m positive. āœŒļø
Yeah I noticed that the ref is very biased against me. The CPU could break my leg and they wouldn't get any card but if I just touch them, it's a direct yellow.

@Paul-v, since TU9 came out I have been struggling with crashes to desktop. I have tried different combinations of mods, to try and rule out which one it could be. At the moment I have the latest gameplay, career and licence mods from this thread, using FMT-v23.20.Pre-Release.5. Have you seen this at all, or is it something on my side. The crashes do seem to happen when a player receives the ball, but I have not seen any particular controller input pattern to be cause.
Nor sureā€¦ refs and AI agression/sliding were working better in some 3.x alpha. I was super satisfied with the refs and fouls. That was awesome. The latest v3 alphas and v3 final arent working for me, when fifa is updated to the latest (TU9).
id like to go backā€¦ well, Iā€™d like to have it working like it was, donā€™t mind the version. šŸ˜Š

but weā€™ll get there againā€¦ Iā€™m positive. āœŒļø
Yeah, early v3 alphas had best physicality/fouls/injuries. But EA in one of the updates (TU6 if I remember correctly) took away ability to mod tackles and Paul restarted mod from scratch. I really miss that elements.

@Paul-v, since TU9 came out I have been struggling with crashes to desktop. I have tried different combinations of mods, to try and rule out which one it could be. At the moment I have the latest gameplay, career and licence mods from this thread, using FMT-v23.20.Pre-Release.5. Have you seen this at all, or is it something on my side. The crashes do seem to happen when a player receives the ball, but I have not seen any particular controller input pattern to be cause.

Try game with only Gameplay v4a6 and if it works normally, start adding other mods to pinpoint, what is causing crashes. Question, "why my game is crashing with mod combination" without at least telling, what exact mods(with versions) in which order you are trying to use, is not productive.
Yeah, early v3 alphas had best physicality/fouls/injuries. But EA in one of the updates (TU6 if I remember correctly) took away ability to mod tackles and Paul restarted mod from scratch. I really miss that elements.

Try game with only Gameplay v4a6 and if it works normally, start adding other mods to pinpoint, what is causing crashes. Question, "why my game is crashing with mod combination" without at least telling, what exact mods(with versions) in which order you are trying to use, is not productive.
Yes. I remember that, when he had to restart.
Do you know if the ability to edit them was reinserted?! ā€¦or if there is a chance they will do?!

I second the latter. Was talking to a user who had problems starting the game and when he removed mods it worked.
Start with one, add more later Iā€™d say.
Yeah, early v3 alphas had best physicality/fouls/injuries. But EA in one of the updates (TU6 if I remember correctly) took away ability to mod tackles and Paul restarted mod from scratch. I really miss that elements.

Try game with only Gameplay v4a6 and if it works normally, start adding other mods to pinpoint, what is causing crashes. Question, "why my game is crashing with mod combination" without at least telling, what exact mods(with versions) in which order you are trying to use, is not productive.
I think I have tried only v4a6 it at some point before, but just to make sure I will try it again. I did specify my mod combination in my post, though I agree I should have also added the versions (instead of saying "the latest") and which order I put them in FMT. Will try to be more precise in the future.
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