V / Paulv2k4 FC24 Mods | Gameplay | Career | Tools

You are not alone in having this issue. Seems to happen more with some than others and I haven't quite figured out why. It happened to me quite a lot during the FIFA 23 cycle but not at all with FC 24. But its not consistent, I can't hit a breakpoint in code to decide where its coming from. As all the cache check does is check against version numbers. It could be something to do with compression, don't really know. Sorry about that. I know its a fucking pain in the arse lol
It's not a big hassle just thought it might be something I'm doing
I dunno if it helps at all... I tried to mod the GTN data reveal, the YA scout, and the joboffer ini. I may have done something wrong, but that seemed to crash it.
Another mod--modding player contracts to generate slightly more free agents via playercontract.ini also seemed to create a problem

I tried Paul's newest career mod (this does work) and then my mods below it. my mods seem to be responsible for the crash on my end :(
Good morning sports fans.

I have finally got around to updating the Career mod. It looks like EA did something to finances in the latest Title Update which was causing crashes with my mod.

The following changes have been made:

- Fixed cause of crashes by reverting; Transfer return amount, Finances carry over amount
- Reimported textures for team crests
- Increased starting number of youth academy players
- Removed the Potential range for youth academy players (EA's number "Fog of War" just doesn't work as good as Football Manager)
- Reduced the amount of potential star players each level of team can get
- Morale is much more difficult to manage. Top players will always be difficult to keep happy
- Unlocked more Avatar Customization options in Edit Mode (I plan to expand on this in the future)


mmmm I try to edit a player in my career save and it crash. Last FMT version and Gameplay Mod working ok.
Good morning sports fans.

I have finally got around to updating the Career mod. It looks like EA did something to finances in the latest Title Update which was causing crashes with my mod.

The following changes have been made:

- Fixed cause of crashes by reverting; Transfer return amount, Finances carry over amount
- Reimported textures for team crests
- Increased starting number of youth academy players
- Removed the Potential range for youth academy players (EA's number "Fog of War" just doesn't work as good as Football Manager)
- Reduced the amount of potential star players each level of team can get
- Morale is much more difficult to manage. Top players will always be difficult to keep happy
- Unlocked more Avatar Customization options in Edit Mode (I plan to expand on this in the future)

Yes! APPRECIATE the update bro! youre the man
Hey @Paul-v any idea maybe…?
What did i forgot?
block eafc inbound in firewall. Path to mod folder in ea app.
using latest FMT.
Anth‘ GP mod is not loading.yours neither.
im using the trail version from the ea app.
Hey @Paul-v any idea maybe…?
What did i forgot?
block eafc inbound in firewall. Path to mod folder in ea app.
using latest FMT.
Anth‘ GP mod is not loading.yours neither.
im using the trail version from the ea app.
As far as I know the trial has protections and doesn't allow the dataPath arguments
Thanks again Paul and all the mods the game is much better than shitty EA's version

The only complaint I have about the game as it stands is the refereeing, even with the vanila ref mods I still get at least 10 fouls against me for winning the ball in a standing tackle, end up conceding at least 1 penalty per game, you try not pressing any buttons when the AI is in your box but there comes a point you need to make the tackle

Is anyone else having this problem with the refs? Maybe it didn't install right for me I don't know but it's getting annoying getting fouls against you for winning the ball clean with standing tackles
Thanks again Paul and all the mods the game is much better than shitty EA's version

The only complaint I have about the game as it stands is the refereeing, even with the vanila ref mods I still get at least 10 fouls against me for winning the ball in a standing tackle, end up conceding at least 1 penalty per game, you try not pressing any buttons when the AI is in your box but there comes a point you need to make the tackle

Is anyone else having this problem with the refs? Maybe it didn't install right for me I don't know but it's getting annoying getting fouls against you for winning the ball clean with standing tackles
Vanilla refs work fine in my case. Where did you put it in the list of mods (FMT)? Mine has it at the bottom, to get priority above the gameplay mod itself.
For me, however, it crashes when starting the game, immediately after the white initial screen (v EA FC) the game crashes. I use the standard version and by EA app. Anyone have suggestions?
For me, however, it crashes when starting the game, immediately after the white initial screen (v EA FC) the game crashes. I use the standard version and by EA app. Anyone have suggestions?
Repair game on ea app and delete cache folder on FMT folder, then try all again, make sure the mod priority makes sense and isn't mixing equal mods
I'm using Paulv's mods on gameplay and career, then i use minipatch for italian team and languages. if i use only minipatch, the game starts. What order do you recommend using? Which mods do you use and in what order?
I'm using Paulv's mods on gameplay and career, then i use minipatch for italian team and languages. if i use only minipatch, the game starts. What order do you recommend using? Which mods do you use and in what order?
Follow my steps on repairing the game and clearing cache, mod order should be:

Italian minipatch
Italian minipatch Language
Repair game on ea app and delete cache folder on FMT folder, then try all again, make sure the mod priority makes sense and isn't mixing equal mods
Hey, I saw this-- I'm using Paul's career mod, then a small mod of my own to widen the job application, and further tweak player contracts and YA scouting. My personal mod seems to be the one crashing things.
That mod is mostly to some .ini files and some of the GTN .csvs
Would repairing, deleting cache (and maybe deleting moddata) make sense?
I do Paul's mod on top, then my mod, then gameplay
Hey, I saw this-- I'm using Paul's career mod, then a small mod of my own to widen the job application, and further tweak player contracts and YA scouting. My personal mod seems to be the one crashing things.
That mod is mostly to some .ini files and some of the GTN .csvs
Would repairing, deleting cache (and maybe deleting moddata) make sense?
I do Paul's mod on top, then my mod, then gameplay
You should have that with higher priority than pauls career mod, maybe not even have them together.. you can try my steps, but it can be that FMT just doesn't support those files yet, FMT will progress and FET will be out, so check out both, and see what works best with you, if my steps don't work! :D
You should have that with higher priority than pauls career mod, maybe not even have them together.. you can try my steps, but it can be that FMT just doesn't support those files yet, FMT will progress and FET will be out, so check out both, and see what works best with you, if my steps don't work! :D
FMT Definitely supported it-- I was running them together before the FIFA title update. Gonna troubleshoot now...
New Gameplay Mod Version 2 Final. Now Available.

I am finally starting to enjoy the game. My team is bad and losing games. The goals are fairly diverse but probably needs more work. I wanted to draw a line under Version 2 before making big changes for Version 3. Enjoy.


Download link:


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- AI make many mistakes and foul a lot but still can score if you don't pay attention
- Passing is based on attributes and difficulty of the situation, you can no longer play Tika-Taka with the worst players
- Shooting is based on attributes and difficulty of the situation, you can no longer play Van Dijk up front and score 10 goals a game
- Movement Speed is reduced. You can feel the difference in weight and attributes of each player
- Passing Speed is reduced
- Fouls are much more likely to be given
- Players take up much better positions when defending, with the gap between midfield and defense fixed
- AI will aggressively defend at any cost
- Attacking players move a lot more to let you find attacking opportunities
- Physical side of the game is very evident. Weight, Height and Attributes make differences to your style of play
- First touch has been dramatically changed. You must take care of the ball when its coming to feet. This is heavily based on attributes and situation (like being pressed)

Recommended Settings:
- Sliders: Default
- Difficulty: World Class
- Competitive Mode: Off
- Player Based Difficulty: On
Nuova finale della versione 2 del Gameplay Mod. Adesso disponibile.

Sto finalmente iniziando a godermi il gioco. La mia squadra è cattiva e perde partite. Gli obiettivi sono abbastanza diversi ma probabilmente hanno bisogno di più lavoro. Volevo tracciare una linea sotto la versione 2 prima di apportare grandi modifiche alla versione 3. Godere.

[ MEDIA = youtube ] miN4onWcaZ8 [ / MEDIA ]

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- L'intelligenza artificiale commette molti errori e fallo molto, ma può comunque segnare se non presti attenzione
- Il passaggio si basa su attributi e difficoltà della situazione, non puoi più giocare a Tika-Taka con i peggiori giocatori
- Le riprese si basano su attributi e difficoltà della situazione, non puoi più giocare a Van Dijk in anticipo e segnare 10 goal a partita
- La velocità di movimento è ridotta. Puoi sentire la differenza di peso e attributi di ogni giocatore
- La velocità di passaggio è ridotta
- I falli hanno molte più probabilità di essere dati
- I giocatori assumono posizioni molto migliori durante la difesa, con il divario tra centrocampo e difesa risolto
- L'IA difenderà in modo aggressivo ad ogni costo
- I giocatori attaccanti si muovono molto di più per farti trovare opportunità di attacco
- Il lato fisico del gioco è molto evidente. Peso, altezza e attributi fanno differenze nel tuo stile di gioco
- Il primo tocco è stato radicalmente cambiato. Devi prenderti cura della palla quando si mette in piedi. Questo è fortemente basato su attributi e situazione ( come essere premuto )

Impostazioni consigliate:
- Cursori: impostazione predefinita
- Difficoltà: classe mondiale
- Modalità competitiva: disattivata
- Difficoltà basata sul giocatore: attiva
does the V1 have to be removed?
Just giving it a try now mate, enjoyed first game despite getting smashed 4 nil at anfield, just want to say though how come you can't so analogue dribble anymore by just holding down? Same with Anths gameplay ,is it something you disable when you mod it?
Hey Everyone.
Has there ever been a mod that stops the fields from progressively wearing over the season in career mode? It's kind of unrealistic as most of the top leagues all have very good lawn maintenance haha
Was just wondering if that's possible to do?

New Gameplay Mod Version 2 Final. Now Available.

I am finally starting to enjoy the game. My team is bad and losing games. The goals are fairly diverse but probably needs more work. I wanted to draw a line under Version 2 before making big changes for Version 3. Enjoy.


Download link:


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- AI make many mistakes and foul a lot but still can score if you don't pay attention
- Passing is based on attributes and difficulty of the situation, you can no longer play Tika-Taka with the worst players
- Shooting is based on attributes and difficulty of the situation, you can no longer play Van Dijk up front and score 10 goals a game
- Movement Speed is reduced. You can feel the difference in weight and attributes of each player
- Passing Speed is reduced
- Fouls are much more likely to be given
- Players take up much better positions when defending, with the gap between midfield and defense fixed
- AI will aggressively defend at any cost
- Attacking players move a lot more to let you find attacking opportunities
- Physical side of the game is very evident. Weight, Height and Attributes make differences to your style of play
- First touch has been dramatically changed. You must take care of the ball when its coming to feet. This is heavily based on attributes and situation (like being pressed)

Recommended Settings:
- Sliders: Default
- Difficulty: World Class
- Competitive Mode: Off
- Player Based Difficulty: On
Hey Paul, great gameplay patch overall. Love the randomness and the first touch error(reminds me of FIFA 14). The only problem I faced so far is that CPU AI doesn't seem to know how to tackle the ball away from me when I am just jogging with the ball. This is in Legendary against Man City(I am Luton Town).

Follow my steps on repairing the game and clearing cache, mod order should be:

Italian minipatch
Italian minipatch Language
it worked. Thank you.
in my opinion it depended on the sequence of mods.
but can you give me a method for future mods that I want to apply?
it worked. Thank you.
in my opinion it depended on the sequence of mods.
but can you give me a method for future mods that I want to apply?
Im glad it worked Sanchez!

Yes the sequence of mods affects if the game will work or break, my recommendation is to always have gameplay mod's at first so other mods don't affect those gameplay files, then if you are using a career mod use that before others, and the rest if there is instructions on where to place them you should follow it, if not you just have to think "what should come first so it can't be overwritten?" And learn from there!
New Gameplay Mod Version 2 Final. Now Available.

I am finally starting to enjoy the game. My team is bad and losing games. The goals are fairly diverse but probably needs more work. I wanted to draw a line under Version 2 before making big changes for Version 3. Enjoy.


Download link:


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- AI make many mistakes and foul a lot but still can score if you don't pay attention
- Passing is based on attributes and difficulty of the situation, you can no longer play Tika-Taka with the worst players
- Shooting is based on attributes and difficulty of the situation, you can no longer play Van Dijk up front and score 10 goals a game
- Movement Speed is reduced. You can feel the difference in weight and attributes of each player
- Passing Speed is reduced
- Fouls are much more likely to be given
- Players take up much better positions when defending, with the gap between midfield and defense fixed
- AI will aggressively defend at any cost
- Attacking players move a lot more to let you find attacking opportunities
- Physical side of the game is very evident. Weight, Height and Attributes make differences to your style of play
- First touch has been dramatically changed. You must take care of the ball when its coming to feet. This is heavily based on attributes and situation (like being pressed)

Recommended Settings:
- Sliders: Default
- Difficulty: World Class
- Competitive Mode: Off
- Player Based Difficulty: On

First thanks!!!!! and here my little review, I like the behaviour of the AI, and how the game became more alive and natural. And how the AI tries to defend in an urgent way. I don't like the control and movement of my players with the ball (pad in my hands), when turning and moving. I feel it's too far away from the base of the game, I think the first version of your mod smoothly polished the original animations and I personally liked it much better.

I actually have a separate folder with TU2 and your first mod applied. :))
Your mod is excellent, I love the hyper realistic movement of the players, a lot of mods try to slow down the players, the annimations to counter the 1v1 but it makes the game soft and not realistic. Overall, you found it a good balance because you make the game more aggressive and tighter. What I would like is to see the AI strikes completely off target. THERE are still too many shots on target.
New Gameplay Mod Version 2 Final. Now Available.

I am finally starting to enjoy the game. My team is bad and losing games. The goals are fairly diverse but probably needs more work. I wanted to draw a line under Version 2 before making big changes for Version 3. Enjoy.


Download link:


Support me on Ko-Fi!

- AI make many mistakes and foul a lot but still can score if you don't pay attention
- Passing is based on attributes and difficulty of the situation, you can no longer play Tika-Taka with the worst players
- Shooting is based on attributes and difficulty of the situation, you can no longer play Van Dijk up front and score 10 goals a game
- Movement Speed is reduced. You can feel the difference in weight and attributes of each player
- Passing Speed is reduced
- Fouls are much more likely to be given
- Players take up much better positions when defending, with the gap between midfield and defense fixed
- AI will aggressively defend at any cost
- Attacking players move a lot more to let you find attacking opportunities
- Physical side of the game is very evident. Weight, Height and Attributes make differences to your style of play
- First touch has been dramatically changed. You must take care of the ball when its coming to feet. This is heavily based on attributes and situation (like being pressed)

Recommended Settings:
- Sliders: Default
- Difficulty: World Class
- Competitive Mode: Off
- Player Based Difficulty: On
I have a doubt about this gameplay mod, my players with 5 bad legs can't shoot at all with their bad leg, it's always a weak kick
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