UFC Undisputed 2010 and EA's MMA

Yesterday, London saw the hands-on preview for the launch of "UFC Undisputed 2010" and I was lucky enough to get an invite. The event itself kicked off with a presentation from THQ producer Neven Dravinski, a brief appearance from UK fighters Ross Pearson, Andre Winner, Nick Osipczak, Paul Kelly and Terry Etim, followed by some time with the game itself.

I managed to grab a quick word with Andre Winner, regarding his team mate Paul Daley's preparations ahead of his highly anticipated bout with Josh Koscheck "I can definitely say he's training hard with us, he's looking really good and he's going in looking for the knockout."

No surprises there.

What was surprising though, was that when asked, three out of the five fighters picked Fedor Emelianenko to win in a hypothetical bout with UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar!

More importantly however, I've come back with a detailed breakdown and review of what is set to be the most advanced mixed martial arts game ever to hit the shelves.

Check it out.

Create a Fighter
This year's version of create-a-fighter, takes the term "in depth" to a new level. To quote the game's producer, Neven Dravinski of THQ, it gives you the opportunity to "create exactly the mixed martial artist you want to". Last years game, strangely enough, had more options for the kind of eyebrows you wanted than it did fighting styles.

This is no longer the case, they have added the styles of Sambo (Thank you Fedor), Karate (Thank you Lyoto) and Greco Roman Wrestling, but it doesn't end there! This year you will have the ability to not only choose from a wider range of base styles, but you will now be able to customize them in such a way that you will effectively create styles all of your own, assigning different buttons and actions to different moves and attacks of your choice.

Once you have decided on all of this you can still tinker further to your hearts content, even to the extent of selecting an "AI" style for your fighter, meaning that you can decide how your fighter will behave when under the control of the console.

You also now have a say in your fighters stance, how they move, how they hold their hands, southpaw/orthodox as well as giving them the ability to switch between the two. Interestingly enough you can also assign a dominant or more damaging punching arm, regardless of stance.

However, if this all sounds a bit too time consuming for you, don't worry, THQ have not forgotten the lazy man (and button masher). They have also supplied us with a set of "technique templates" that you can apply to your fighter, with options like, Brazilian (Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai) American (Wrestling, boxing) traditional Muay Thai etc. and even these are customizable if you wish.

One last thing to look out for is that your fighter now has a voice! Along with a new, almost photo realistic fighter creation system, you can now decide on their accent, and the kind of things they say in post fight interviews. There are options for just about everything thinkable and it's hard to find anything to criticize.

Well done THQ!!!

Career Mode
This section of the game has also been subject to big changes. Your career starts off in the WFA, you have to prove yourself in the smaller promotion before getting your chance in the big leagues. Once you have won a few fights, Dana White will turn up at your gym (where you are coached by Marc Laimon) and offer you your chance in the UFC, whilst filming his video blog. This is just one example of the many "interactive" cut scenes that have been added to the game to give you a more detailed look at the ins and outs of your fighter's career.

The reason I use the word "interactive" is that you get to decide how your fighter behaves. For instance when you face off with your opponent at the weigh ins you can choose between showing them respect or disrespect. But remember, the game is watching you! Things you say and do will affect the way your career goes and the opportunities that are granted to your fighter.

Another significant change includes the ability to add moves to your arsenal as you progress, depending on who you decide to train with and in what areas, pad work with Greg Jackson for example, you can earn points to acquire new moves, with varying levels of competency, dependent on how many points you're willing to part with. One thing we can definitely take from this game is that THQ don't like to make things easy, evident in that this year, your fighter will age, meaning that as he gets older his skills will decline and become harder to maintain.

Even as a young man if your fighter neglects training in a certain area, his skills there will decline regardless of age. One of last years biggest problems with career mode, was that once your fighter reached a certain level, he was stuck fighting the same 3-4 fighters for the rest of his career.

To remedy this, THQ have introduced a system, where if he is successful in his own class your fighter can move up in weight and challenge a larger, different set of fighters. It seems that the game's makers really have listened and acted on the criticisms of the fans.

Tournament mode
This year's game also sees the introduction of tournament mode. In this section of the game you can design your own tournaments of up to 16 fighters, in either "arcade" or "sim" mode.

Arcade mode allows you to have the same fighter appear more than once in the same tournament, where as sim mode gives you a more realistic allocation of fighters, which can be randomly selected or chosen one by one. You also have the option of watching the simulated bouts between two computer controlled fighters take place, allowing you to watch any match up you want!

Want Cain Velasquez vs. Junior Dos Santos or Jon Jones vs. Anderson Silva? Just make the fight and watch it happen! The tournament mode essentially does what it says on the tin. It works smoothly and is well complimented by commentary tailored to the situation. It's a great edition to the game and I look forward to using it further.

Game Play
One of the most notable differences between the 2010 game and it's 09 counterpart comes as a result of the endless combinations of styles and moves available. This means that you really need to familiarize yourself with each fighter and their style before being able to use them to full effect (trust me, it's a good thing).

Clinching against the cage is another new addition to the way that the game is played, when your opponents back is against the cage their strikes are weak and do less damage than yours and vice versa. Also you'll find changes in the clinch, pummeling for position is now dealt with in the same way that ground transitions were in the last game.

This change has lead to clinching becoming a much more effective part of the game. The new sway and counter system is another great way in which game play has been brought forward and made far more dynamic and unpredictable. In terms of look and graphics the game has come a very long way, it looks better than ever and I don't have any complaints in that department, ground transitions and sub attempts look especially smooth.

This game feels very different than the last, it feels a lot better. Movement is quicker and more fluid and less easy to predict. Unfortunately THQ were very tight lipped when it came to downloadable content, so other than the previously published names of Marcus Jones, James McSweeney, Roy Nelson and Brendan Schaub as well as the PS3 exclusive legends series, Royce Gracie, Dan Severn and Jens Pulver, we are none the wiser.

In terms of online play, you will now also be able to spar with other online users and camps to earn points that go towards new move acquisition.

All in all this game definitely gets my seal of approval, every improvement I wanted in place appears to have been made and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of my own.

Taken from MMA Mania
I think the frequency of KO's is fine

Just like real in real fights if you make a mistake you pay for it

The ground game now is excellent, no more holding the left stick to stop a transition then punching and repeating till the guy is Ko'ed. The posturing up thing is brilliant and feels alot more real

I dont get how you would block transitions though if you cant use the left stick, is it now just down to the transition defence stats?
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I think the frequency of KO's is fine

Just like real in real fights if you make a mistake you pay for it

The ground game now is excellent, no more holding the left stick to stop a transition then punching and repeating till the guy is Ko'ed. The posturing up thing is brilliant and feels alot more real

I dont get how you would block transitions though if you cant use the left stick, is it now just down to the transition defence stats?

I agree with what your saying to an extent about the KO's especially if you sway into the shot, but they are still a little too frequent in the demo for me, but I know it's coded that way. The last one was, THQ admitted that.

You still block transistions on the ground be holding left stick away, and on the feet. I did it many times last night. The only thing I couldnt do last night was posture full up from the Mount. I gained semi-posture and landed heavy elbows, but that was it. It was because it's minor transition to posture up now and not major like 2009. I kept transistioning from Mount to Side Control by accident. I just need to adjust, the 2009 controls are still tattooed on my mind. :LOL:

Using the cage is awesome though, as is L1 and Minor Transition from the Mount down to lift and slam towards the cage. I like the new Muay Thai clinch as well, 2009's was too easy. This time with Shogun I got the Plum, then pushed Rashad back to the cage, which then gave me the position to land knees to the head, like Silva v Franklin. Thats awesome. Some of the takedown sprawls and stuffs are amazing, especially when you catch them and can throw knees from the sprawl.
Cheers for this Dags, the bolded part was the only thing I was unsure of, I worked the rest out last night after 5 hours solid play.

Jeez this game is freaking unbelievable. I played UFC 2009 to death, played over 2500 online Ranked matches, and pretty much knew everything there was to know about the game. Last night I felt like a noob. :CONFUSE:

The game is so, so, so deep. The new system is brilliant. This is going to take alot of practice, so many different options. I finally beat Rashad last night on Expert after 5 hours of trying, with Machida. Bearing in mind I could beat the top fighters in any weight class, with the worst fighters on the game, within a round on UFC 2009, this is a massive change. If feels like a whole new game.

Some of the transitions, moves etc I saw last night were jaw-dropping. And Machida feel's just like Machida, damn it's scary how you can mimic his exact style in this game.

I cant wait till this game is released, until that time, plenty of learning to be done.

There are alot of KO's in the demo, mainly coming from wrong sway's, which are a gamble I guess but still too frequent. The 2009 demo was the same, it's coded this way I believe to attract the more casual MMA fan or gamer. The full game will be tweaked in this area, it was last year. I can tell it's the same, because at certain points throughout the fight the KO will happem, especially if you get into the later rounds.

I massively disagree with the posts on the PES/FIFA debate, but agree fully with what you say here.

I also am blown away by Undisputed 10. Despite not being that bad at 09, I'm getting made to look stupid by the computer AI here sometimes. Swaying is tough to get hold of, and I need a tutorial/ time at Jacksons gym to learn the new clinch work.

You genuinely have to work out gameplans as the fighters on the main fight like they normally do, which is impressive.

The arm triangle looks immense.

Some questions for those clearly better than me if you'd be so kind:

Is "probing range" gone?

How to do proper leg kicks. Is it step and low strong kick, or "run" and kick low to get the torque? How to run I've forgotten

Last years game was great in helping you learn the stages of transitions e.g on the ground- full guard d/u to half-guard d/u, side control, mount, north-south etc? Has anyone figured the "sequence" when it comes to clinch work. is it minor, major or special transitions needed to get a better position? Therefore how do you get Shoguns MT clinch now?

Cheers for any help!
I agree with what your saying to an extent about the KO's especially if you sway into the shot, but they are still a little too frequent in the demo for me, but I know it's coded that way. The last one was, THQ admitted that.

You still block transistions on the ground be holding left stick away, and on the feet. I did it many times last night. The only thing I couldnt do last night was posture full up from the Mount. I gained semi-posture and landed heavy elbows, but that was it. It was because it's minor transition to posture up now and not major like 2009. I kept transistioning from Mount to Side Control by accident. I just need to adjust, the 2009 controls are still tattooed on my mind. :LOL:

Using the cage is awesome though, as is L1 and Minor Transition from the Mount down to lift and slam towards the cage. I like the new Muay Thai clinch as well, 2009's was too easy. This time with Shogun I got the Plum, then pushed Rashad back to the cage, which then gave me the position to land knees to the head, like Silva v Franklin. Thats awesome. Some of the takedown sprawls and stuffs are amazing, especially when you catch them and can throw knees from the sprawl.

The easiest way to posture up is to go up and around not down. As soon as you press up you will see both hands on the mat ready to push up

I noticed that guard slam as well, very realistic now with all the stuff they have added and even shoulder shrugs are in when your against the cage

I massively disagree with the posts on the PES/FIFA debate, but agree fully with what you say here.

I also am blown away by Undisputed 10. Despite not being that bad at 09, I'm getting made to look stupid by the computer AI here sometimes. Swaying is tough to get hold of, and I need a tutorial/ time at Jacksons gym to learn the new clinch work.

You genuinely have to work out gameplans as the fighters on the main fight like they normally do, which is impressive.

The arm triangle looks immense.

Some questions for those clearly better than me if you'd be so kind:

Is "probing range" gone?

How to do proper leg kicks. Is it step and low strong kick, or "run" and kick low to get the torque? How to run I've forgotten

Last years game was great in helping you learn the stages of transitions e.g on the ground- full guard d/u to half-guard d/u, side control, mount, north-south etc? Has anyone figured the "sequence" when it comes to clinch work. is it minor, major or special transitions needed to get a better position? Therefore how do you get Shoguns MT clinch now?

Cheers for any help!

You have 3 things, back and kick does a push kick, just kick does a medium kick and forward and kick does a hard kick

same with punches but back is a uppercut

I think clinches and just minor transitions unless you hold LB for a slam or throw.

The best thing to do is for each new position you get in press start and check the action list. Thats how i found out about slamming people when they are holding you on the ground and using the cage to push people off when they are on top

I'm still trying to do a sub switch though. Cant figure out which sub i need to do first as there are so many including toe locks :LOL:
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I massively disagree with the posts on the PES/FIFA debate, but agree fully with what you say here.

I also am blown away by Undisputed 10. Despite not being that bad at 09, I'm getting made to look stupid by the computer AI here sometimes. Swaying is tough to get hold of, and I need a tutorial/ time at Jacksons gym to learn the new clinch work.

You genuinely have to work out gameplans as the fighters on the main fight like they normally do, which is impressive.

The arm triangle looks immense.

Some questions for those clearly better than me if you'd be so kind:

Is "probing range" gone?

How to do proper leg kicks. Is it step and low strong kick, or "run" and kick low to get the torque? How to run I've forgotten

Last years game was great in helping you learn the stages of transitions e.g on the ground- full guard d/u to half-guard d/u, side control, mount, north-south etc? Has anyone figured the "sequence" when it comes to clinch work. is it minor, major or special transitions needed to get a better position? Therefore how do you get Shoguns MT clinch now?

Cheers for any help!

Probing range has gone for the most part. THQ didnt want the long distance strikes to dominate the game like they did in 2009. Distance is still a massive factor, just not in the same way, thank god. All kicks and punches are figher specific, only the step push kick is still in the game. Normal kicks are done the same way, they just vary with fighters. Machida has so many different L1 and kick special kicks, all depending on distance.

Rua has the strongest kicks in the Demo, but thats true to life.

Clinch work is something I need to practice as it's totally different to last years, but it works exactly the way you have said Dave, Major, Minor the L1 and Major/Minor for MT clinch, Single Collar Tie, Whizzer, Single Underhook, Double Underhooks etc, Rua has a sick Hip Toss from Double Unders.

Your L1 and R/Stick forward grabs the MT clinch like before, I havent worked out if you can sway your opponent like last year, but pushing him to the Cage like I mentioned earlier then gives you the posture to throw vicious knees to the head. Also catching a punch with gain the MT or Collar Tie like previous. The only problem is, if the fighter doesnt have a strong Plum grip like Silva, Rua or Wanderlei, then it's easy to be transistioned out of. The reversals are the same as last year, just harder to time and the action with strikes on the ground is much busier.
Ah shit just made another post but for some reason it didn't show up

Anyway i put that i was playing a mate last night and he got me in a sick omaplanta

Just found out all it is with Rua is LB and RAS from his back
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The easiest way to posture up is to go up and around not down. As soon as you press up you will see both hands on the mat ready to push up

I noticed that guard slam as well, very realistic now with all the stuff they have added and even shoulder shrugs are in when your against the cage

You have 3 things, back and kick does a push kick, just kick does a medium kick and forward and kick does a hard kick

same with punches but back is a uppercut

I think clinches and just minor transitions unless you hold LB for a slam or throw.

The best thing to do is for each new position you get in press start and check the action list. Thats how i found out about slamming people when they are holding you on the ground and using the cage to push people off when they are on top

I'm still trying to do a sub switch though. Cant figure out which sub i need to do first as there are so many including toe locks :LOL:

Its only the brazilians who have it. Apaprantly Shogun can kimura and turn to an armbar, and can toe hold to a heelhook. I assume Machida can do similar. I also am sure i read triangle to armbar is also achievable from mount.

From other forums, you can back clinch, by timing the opponants missed takedown, and german suplex them.....insane. i wonder if the hughes-trigg standing rear-naked is therefore in?

oh and thansk for the help guys. with the late release only got maybe 15 games in last night, so not had chance for a "proper" go at it. Career will be very fun this time. Paul Daley, Fedor or Overeem, who to do first??? ;-)
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irrelevant, register at the official undisputed community page. then its a code given to you under rewards section
Knee at 3:28 :SHOCK:
and again at 4:02 :LOL:

Actually, you know what?

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I have been playing on expert and it brings the game to life

It is very very hard and you really have to pick some kind of strategy, because if you stand with say Rampage he has the ability to KO you or take you to the cage and dirty box with him being strong and Machida is even harder because he can take you down or stand and bang so you have to try and mix it up but definitely don't let him take you down because his subs are very dangerous

Cracking game so far, i'm looking forward to starting a career on expert to see how far i can get
If anyone wants to try a submission switch just pull guard with Rua let the oppo posture up, then get the butterflys in, then press RAS for a Triangle choke and finally LB and RAS to switch to a Arm Bar
i'm really enjoying this so far, finding it very hard on expert especially against Rua, but still managing to win a couple, think i'm gonna stick to advanced till i get a bit better.

i really like the transitions using the cage, they look quality. the swaying is good, but could feel a bit more natural. the combos are alot better. overall it's solid improvement from last year.
had a fight last night on advanced against Rua, he ko'd me with a swaying left hook followed by an elbow, looked quality. in general he's awsome on the ground, but did catch a couple of his takedown attempts which left him open.

i really like the way you have to think of a strategy, like coopz said earlier on. the 4 fighters a very different in the way they go about the fight.
Should be interesting when the full game comes out and we have all the moves and styles to play around with

The Rubber guard and Crucifix are gonna be 2 of my players moves as well as being a submission expert :)
anyone who hate the shining for submission,there's another way to do it..i found this from the ufc forum..all you have to do is hold the right stick for like 3,4 seconds and let it go..but this depending on the fighter stamina..try it..
To pull of a submission or get out of it?

People say you need to wait a couple of seconds so the oppo's stamina bar goes a bit lower than yours then start rotating the stick to pull off a sub

I guess that's kinda the same thing you mean
The Rubber guard and Crucifix are gonna be 2 of my players moves

It thought they had ditched the Rubber Guard this year Coopz ? I really hope they havent.

Finally, after over 20 hours of practice I've nailed this UFC Demo. I'm winning consistently on Expert and won many Expert Tournaments, I'm very happy, it was frustrating the hell out of me. I have learned to play this a whole new way, a more methodical way. Instead of trying to bob and weave against punchers like Rampage and Rashad I'm keeping my distance, mixing it up and using Rua's kicks.

I'm also setting up the takedowns and my ground game is pretty sick now, it took time to break the old habit now there are different postures and transistions for different passes. Doing alot of damage from the ground and holding position very well.

I fricking love this game, all the cheap glitches from 2009 have gone and it's a phenomenal piece of programming this baby.

The only real slight glitch I have found is the Omoplata escape from guard, thats a little too easy really.
I really need to put some time into this.

Jimmy, are you getting it on the PS3? I'm looking into joining a fight camp :)
I really need to put some time into this.

Jimmy, are you getting it on the PS3? I'm looking into joining a fight camp :)

Yes I am bud. At first I thought I was going to have to get it for both consoles, mainly because I have played over 2500 UFC 2009 games on the Xbox and much prefer the pad for that game. I have never used the PS3 analogue stick for anything before, and it was very awkward for me. I downloaded both demo's and after alot of practice, I'm just getting the hang of the PS3 analogue stick.

The reason I wanted to try and get comfortable with the PS3 version is because they have the exclusive 'Legends' on the game, and more importantly, the PEEL site that is my new home, is all PS3. We are starting our own Fight Camp over there, and to be honest Dag's, it's an awesome community, with great folks and fantastic PES players.

So it's PS3 only for me this year for UFC 2010.

Come over and join the site Dags, even if you dont fancy the PES leagues, which are awesome, they play BF2, Vegas and UFC. ;)

To pull of a submission or get out of it?

People say you need to wait a couple of seconds so the oppo's stamina bar goes a bit lower than yours then start rotating the stick to pull off a sub

I guess that's kinda the same thing you mean

pull submission..
It thought they had ditched the Rubber Guard this year Coopz ? I really hope they havent.

People say they are all in and its just that these fighters don't have them in the movesets

Makes sense to me and it makes it more realistic with fighters only doing the moves they have done in real life
People say they are all in and its just that these fighters don't have them in the movesets

Makes sense to me and it makes it more realistic with fighters only doing the moves they have done in real life

Very true, I was hoping that would be the case Coopz. The likes of Mia, BJ, Hazelett et all should all have the Rubber Guard, I'd be happy with that. Very happy in fact.
yep its 100% the case. Those who genuinely use Rubber guard have it

I'm still failing massively at submissions. I cna get Shogun to deep red stamina, lock in an arm triangle with Machida, spin fast and smooth, and nothing.

People are saying working the body with knees and punches on the ground are the key

Get the stamina low with body shots, transition, slap on a sub, leave it for a few seconds till they are nearly out then rotate

I haven't tried this myself but its meant to be the way to do it. I like how it is this hard to submit people because it makes it more realistic, kinda like your waiting for a opening to catch it right
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